Being bald

Tina Brown
Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
As you will notice from my new photograph that all of my hair has now gone due to the Taxol part of my chemo regine.This picture was taken at Christmas & I am "glammed up" for dinner at a hotel. I have gotton used to my lovely wig whichnis black and long & looks just like my real hair :) but I find when I am out (and I NEVER leave the house without it) it is like wearing a hat & it makes my head hot.

I like some of the bandanas & buffs that some ladies wear but what I am building up to having the "guts" "balls" to go somewhere like shopping, a walk or even to the pub totally "commando" so to speak. I have entered a "5K Race For Life" in July this year and have promised myself I will do it munus the hair. BUT my question is? Have any of you gone out of the house bald and if so how did you feel? Any tips and advice would be much appreciated.

Many thanks Tina xxxx


  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    You really ARE 'beautifully' bald! REALLY!
    Not many women look as beautiful bald as you do, Tina! Sincerely, girl, you look GREAT bald! I am bald for the 2nd time, with a nice remission in between that allowed me to enjoy some hair for a brief time before I started taxol again. In winter it is easier to wear hats and wigs, but in summer I just couldn't take having my head covered. On hot days I'd head out with a baseball cap on, but in no time the hat would be off and the breeze cooling my bald head. I had a number of children come up to me at my granddaughter's soccer games or at the amusement park, and stare a hole through me or ask me what happened to my hair, and I'd always tell them that it was because of the medicine I took to try and cure my cancer. You could make it a fashion statement, because you have such a young beautiful face, and I couldn't really pull that off (especially since I lost my brows and lashes too!). But a big smile, bright lipstick, and dangly earrings went a long way to pulling off the 'bald' look, even though I am not gorgeous like you truly are!
  • msfanciful
    msfanciful Member Posts: 559
    I've really got to post my
    I've really got to post my picture when I was bald.

    You are truly working that look. You should thank god that we are now in an era where ones
    individuality is celebrated.

    Also look at your baldness this way when you venture out with it. Think about YOUR personal, journey that you've overcome that only you could walk and no one else. After the battles that you have overcome, you deserve every right to be proud to be in the skin you're in and I think you will be pleasantly surprised when you step out and hear the tons of positive comments you'll receive.

    When I went out (bald). I heard such things like; "Oh my god you are so bold to wear your head that way." or "Wow you must be a very confident woman." even this one many times, " you are so exotic looking." LOL! Sometimes I just let people think it was a look I chose and if I felt like it; sometimes I would explain my cancer story.

    Either way, with makeup and mastering the art of penciling in a natural eyebrow, plus heavy on the eyeliner(no lashes, you've got to make up for that) and girly jewelry, you will breeze through this challenge with very pleasant results.

    Good luck and you do look gorgeous (not many of us can pull that off).

  • Tina Brown
    Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member

    I've really got to post my
    I've really got to post my picture when I was bald.

    You are truly working that look. You should thank god that we are now in an era where ones
    individuality is celebrated.

    Also look at your baldness this way when you venture out with it. Think about YOUR personal, journey that you've overcome that only you could walk and no one else. After the battles that you have overcome, you deserve every right to be proud to be in the skin you're in and I think you will be pleasantly surprised when you step out and hear the tons of positive comments you'll receive.

    When I went out (bald). I heard such things like; "Oh my god you are so bold to wear your head that way." or "Wow you must be a very confident woman." even this one many times, " you are so exotic looking." LOL! Sometimes I just let people think it was a look I chose and if I felt like it; sometimes I would explain my cancer story.

    Either way, with makeup and mastering the art of penciling in a natural eyebrow, plus heavy on the eyeliner(no lashes, you've got to make up for that) and girly jewelry, you will breeze through this challenge with very pleasant results.

    Good luck and you do look gorgeous (not many of us can pull that off).


    You give me such inspiration
    Hi Msfanciful

    Thank-you so much for your comments. They are really inspiring - really. It is so true when you talk about the "journey" and the fact that we have been through so much before the hair comes off. My baldness is part of me and I know I should celebrate it & I will. It will just take some doing to do it for the first time. Yes we do live in a society where anything goes, but I am a person that likes to blend into the background so I will find it really hard to be "conspicious" so to speak. But I suppose I only need to do it once and then it should get easier. I have now got the eye make up down to a fine art, just need to sort out some funky earrings. Much love & I look forward to seeing your photo

    Much love Tina xx
  • Tina Brown
    Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member

    You really ARE 'beautifully' bald! REALLY!
    Not many women look as beautiful bald as you do, Tina! Sincerely, girl, you look GREAT bald! I am bald for the 2nd time, with a nice remission in between that allowed me to enjoy some hair for a brief time before I started taxol again. In winter it is easier to wear hats and wigs, but in summer I just couldn't take having my head covered. On hot days I'd head out with a baseball cap on, but in no time the hat would be off and the breeze cooling my bald head. I had a number of children come up to me at my granddaughter's soccer games or at the amusement park, and stare a hole through me or ask me what happened to my hair, and I'd always tell them that it was because of the medicine I took to try and cure my cancer. You could make it a fashion statement, because you have such a young beautiful face, and I couldn't really pull that off (especially since I lost my brows and lashes too!). But a big smile, bright lipstick, and dangly earrings went a long way to pulling off the 'bald' look, even though I am not gorgeous like you truly are!

    Hi lindaprocopio

    Hi lindaprocopio
    Your comments brought tears to my eyes - I never see myself the way you describe, thank-you. I think you look amazing and I refuse to believe you have a grandchild (do you mind me asking you how old you are because you look like you are in your mid 30's?). My wig, even though it is winter makes me so hot plus the fact I am going through the menopause and am having "hot flushes" which originate and stay on my neck, face and head. The other night I was in the pub with a girlfriend and I was using a serviette to "mop my brow underneath the wig" It was amusing but not very dignified.

    I think you look beautiful bald and you have such a lovely smile. Much love Tina xxx
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    You are stunning
    You are beautiful bald!! I think as more and more women step out with their bare heads the world gets a chance to see bravery and beauty in one breath. Hugs Bonnie
  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
    I first saw your pic on another post I opened and I was stunned. You look great! I, personally, never went out bald. The first time I went out without any headgear was about two months after completing chemo. I thought I had a lot of hair. I look back now and I was practically bald.
  • leesag
    leesag Member Posts: 621 Member

    You give me such inspiration
    Hi Msfanciful

    Thank-you so much for your comments. They are really inspiring - really. It is so true when you talk about the "journey" and the fact that we have been through so much before the hair comes off. My baldness is part of me and I know I should celebrate it & I will. It will just take some doing to do it for the first time. Yes we do live in a society where anything goes, but I am a person that likes to blend into the background so I will find it really hard to be "conspicious" so to speak. But I suppose I only need to do it once and then it should get easier. I have now got the eye make up down to a fine art, just need to sort out some funky earrings. Much love & I look forward to seeing your photo

    Much love Tina xx

    Tina and Linda, you are both beautiful! I am only beginning this journey, but my hair has been so much a part of who I am that I am trying to make plans to make bald a bigger part of who I am! One of the more interesting ideas I've found, since I'm pretty sure I'll be hopeless at artful scarf wrapping, is the henna tattoo. I found some examples at and it seems like it might be me. I know, it's way early and there's a chance that i won't lose my hair, but I want to be prepared to be in control if/when it happens.

    Oddly, I'm most concerned about my eyelashes, mascara is the one make up I never leave the house without. Do False Eyelashes work?


  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member

    You give me such inspiration
    Hi Msfanciful

    Thank-you so much for your comments. They are really inspiring - really. It is so true when you talk about the "journey" and the fact that we have been through so much before the hair comes off. My baldness is part of me and I know I should celebrate it & I will. It will just take some doing to do it for the first time. Yes we do live in a society where anything goes, but I am a person that likes to blend into the background so I will find it really hard to be "conspicious" so to speak. But I suppose I only need to do it once and then it should get easier. I have now got the eye make up down to a fine art, just need to sort out some funky earrings. Much love & I look forward to seeing your photo

    Much love Tina xx

    You look great, Tina! You wear it well!

    I used a wig cap under the wig (it fits snugly on the head) and it actually kept me from getting too warm and from getting that 'scratchy' feeling from the wig. It's just a light cotton/muslin and really helps.

  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    leesag said:

    Tina and Linda, you are both beautiful! I am only beginning this journey, but my hair has been so much a part of who I am that I am trying to make plans to make bald a bigger part of who I am! One of the more interesting ideas I've found, since I'm pretty sure I'll be hopeless at artful scarf wrapping, is the henna tattoo. I found some examples at and it seems like it might be me. I know, it's way early and there's a chance that i won't lose my hair, but I want to be prepared to be in control if/when it happens.

    Oddly, I'm most concerned about my eyelashes, mascara is the one make up I never leave the house without. Do False Eyelashes work?



    False Eyelashes......
    Talk to your doctor. Mine discourages the use of false eyelashes, due to potential infections and problems with the glue. The chemo compromises our immune systems, so we have to be very careful about anything that might invite even the smallest of infections.

    I use powdered eye shadow, upper and lower and call it good. I have not completely lost my eyelashes, but they are sparse - very sparse.

    I have lost my nose hairs, which I never paid much attention to, but evidently they serve a function and without them, your nose runs. Yuk!

  • Mawty
    Mawty Member Posts: 133
    leesag said:

    Tina and Linda, you are both beautiful! I am only beginning this journey, but my hair has been so much a part of who I am that I am trying to make plans to make bald a bigger part of who I am! One of the more interesting ideas I've found, since I'm pretty sure I'll be hopeless at artful scarf wrapping, is the henna tattoo. I found some examples at and it seems like it might be me. I know, it's way early and there's a chance that i won't lose my hair, but I want to be prepared to be in control if/when it happens.

    Oddly, I'm most concerned about my eyelashes, mascara is the one make up I never leave the house without. Do False Eyelashes work?



    False Eyelashes
    I found you need some eyelashes to adhere the false eyelashes too unless you are a professional make-up artist. Otherwise, they zig-zag up and down. I could never do it once my eyelashes were gone.

    I went out with my wig most of the time, but like others have said, it got hot, and I'd just pull it off (inconspicuously) and let the wonderful breeze hit my bald head. I have to say, if I looked half as pretty as the two of you, I wouldn't think twice about it. I've seen some very beautiful bald-headed women at the hospital -- they look regal, really -- and they seemed to be very comfortable. I have a small head on my body, and I think it would look like a little pool ball on top of a Weeble! :-)

    Truly, you are beautiful women. I wouldn't feel bad about going bald at all! I'm proud of you.


  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Me too!!
    I'm with Linda. Once I pulled my wig off at a party of close friends because all of the men were asking all these questions. I just yanked it off and the all wanted to touch. Everyone was comfortable with it.
    My head is really hot in the summer too. And cold in the winter! I think I miss the eyelashes the most.
    You are beautiful in your new picture. Go for it!!!! Saundra
  • MK_4Dani
    MK_4Dani Member Posts: 314
    You look great! I have not gone out of my house without a hat or wig ONLY because it is winter and too cold. I go out with the TLC cotton turbans...and people take a glancing look, curious, but it doesn't bother me. I would not have a problem going bald if it were warm. However, I always wear a wig to work...I don't want sympathy and it makes the other people feel more at ease, (I think). Everyone at works knows of my cancer and I am open in discussing.
    Go bald with a friend the first couple of times to increase your courage.

  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338
    Hi Tina
    Well my hair started to fall out last night. I've been through this once before and remember that my eyebrows/eyelashes were the worst part for me. I also think that you look beautiful, strong and brave. I wear hats or a wig when I go out mostly because I want to blend in and not feel like "cancer girl". I'll look forward to hearing if you have gone to the pub cammando!
    ((((HUGS)))) Maria
  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    Mwee said:

    Hi Tina
    Well my hair started to fall out last night. I've been through this once before and remember that my eyebrows/eyelashes were the worst part for me. I also think that you look beautiful, strong and brave. I wear hats or a wig when I go out mostly because I want to blend in and not feel like "cancer girl". I'll look forward to hearing if you have gone to the pub cammando!
    ((((HUGS)))) Maria

    I vote with Tina
    Too much sympathy creeps me out. I do not want to be the poster child for ovarian cancer. I am afraid that if I let it define me, it might become stronger than me. Not happening.
  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member

    I vote with Tina
    Too much sympathy creeps me out. I do not want to be the poster child for ovarian cancer. I am afraid that if I let it define me, it might become stronger than me. Not happening.

    I understand the privacy a wig gives you.
    I don't really like drawing attention and pity to myself either, and wear my wig when I go out to eat and for business meetings. But come summer and outdoor events, I just can't do it; I get TOO hot.

    I tried to update my profile photo so you all could see the new wig I just got TODAY! I bought it online on a $39 clearance at the American Cancer Society website and immediately had 'buyers remorse' for ordering such a cheap wig that I assumed I would return as soon as it arrived. But I love it! It actually fits better than the $250 wig I got initially at a hair replacement salon, and the color and style is more fun. Of course, it's a cloudy day and this wig may look VERY fake in the bright sunlight, but right now I feel pretty in it and plan to wear it for my Neupogen shot at 3. It came with those long sexy whispy bangs that hang way over your eyes ("Meridith" is the style name if anyone else wants to take advantage of the clearance), and although I liked the vamp-y look, I know I couldn't stand hair in my eyes, so I cut the bangs in whisps above my eyes.

    And now I know what size to order for online purchases, and may treat myself next to a BETTER wig in this same style (microfilament I think the better ones are called that can be parted anywhere) in a slightly darker red, maybe frosted. You gotta make baldness FUN!
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    Bald is beautiful!
    Hi Tina, you are blessed with a great shaped head and you could be a model for the Bald is Beautiful theme! Have you seen that website? THe gal who created the website is a model and has modeled bald to raise money for cancer.

    I have hair now as I am on doxil, but lost it twice for 8 months or so at at time. It took me awhile to get used to looking at myself in the mirror. I usually wore a hat or my wig, but at the beach or pool, I took it off sometimes. I'm sure if I lived in the US, I would have gone out in public bald, but here in Japan, no one does, and I get enough stares as it is. I always went around the house bald if I was hot. My family got used to it eventually, but it is was a shock initially.

    I used false eyelashes only a couple times when I had to go to a wedding. Without your real lashes, it is very hard to put them on, and takes way too long. I found that a smokey eyeliner and some shadow gave me a little more color. I always told myself it was temporary and never dwelt on my baldness.

    I did treat myself to permanent eyebrows and have not regretted that. I found a lady who knows what she is doing, and I still have them. It has been very handy.

    Take care,
  • groundeffect
    groundeffect Member Posts: 639 Member
    Go commando

    You look just fine bald, and I envy you! The fact that you've had ancer, and are having hot flashes certainly qualifies you to go commando.

    I'm currently bald again from chemo, and it's the same time of year as my first chemo - winter. We have a lot of snow and cold here in northwestern Pennyslvania, and I wear a beret around the house and outside sometimes, and other times I wear my wig. The wig is comfortable enough, but my nice beret keeps me happy, too. I've always been a hat-wearing type of gal, so I'm comfortable wearing something on my head.

    I had a chemo treatment yesterday, and my husband dropped in towards the end of it to visit with me. We watched some Star Trek The Next Generation, and were able to compare my bald head with Jean-Luc Picard's - my head is "squarer" than his!
  • Tina Brown
    Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member

    False Eyelashes......
    Talk to your doctor. Mine discourages the use of false eyelashes, due to potential infections and problems with the glue. The chemo compromises our immune systems, so we have to be very careful about anything that might invite even the smallest of infections.

    I use powdered eye shadow, upper and lower and call it good. I have not completely lost my eyelashes, but they are sparse - very sparse.

    I have lost my nose hairs, which I never paid much attention to, but evidently they serve a function and without them, your nose runs. Yuk!


    Nose hairs
    OMG Carlene I never realised about that. My nose has been running constantly and I automatically assumed I was heading for a cold.

    Well we learn something new everyday :)

    Tina x
  • Tina Brown
    Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member

    Go commando

    You look just fine bald, and I envy you! The fact that you've had ancer, and are having hot flashes certainly qualifies you to go commando.

    I'm currently bald again from chemo, and it's the same time of year as my first chemo - winter. We have a lot of snow and cold here in northwestern Pennyslvania, and I wear a beret around the house and outside sometimes, and other times I wear my wig. The wig is comfortable enough, but my nice beret keeps me happy, too. I've always been a hat-wearing type of gal, so I'm comfortable wearing something on my head.

    I had a chemo treatment yesterday, and my husband dropped in towards the end of it to visit with me. We watched some Star Trek The Next Generation, and were able to compare my bald head with Jean-Luc Picard's - my head is "squarer" than his!

    Thank you thank you
    Everyone who has replied to my post is amazing. I have gained so much from reading all of your comments where some of you have been through such alot it humbles me. Some other ladies are just beginning their journey and I hope I can be there (on the other end of the Internet) for you with any help and advice at my disposal.

    It is a journey that only you can take and it is certainly making me into a stronger person who appreciates things that I never did before. Like friendship from people I have only just met and to the caring side of human nature from friends who I never appreciated before.

    In the grand scheme of things HAIR is hair and it will grow back, but for me and I know for a lot of ladies it is/was my crowning glory and it is the thing that EVERYONE seems to notice about you. All of your encouraging comments are giving me the confidence to venture outdoors (with a girlfriend) and go for a coffee. I do feel it is something I HAVE to do as I feel I need to make a kind of statement about "not being ashamed of my cancer". Do any of you understand what I mean because I'm not sure if I explained it properly?

    Oh yes - eyelashes & eyebrows look quite strange as they begin to thin out but THANK GOODNESS for eye make up.

    Much love to you all Tina xxxx
  • LMT
    LMT Member Posts: 8
    Going out without your wig
    Hi Tina,

    You are so beautiful. I have just about lost most of my hair but I am waiting for my son to come visit and I just may go out without my wig. His hair really thinned out so he shaved it. We should get many looks and questions. I am sure we will have many stories to tell. I did find some cotton caps at a wig store and my wig does not bother me. I can change them as needed.

    Keeping you in my prayers.