Joint and bone pain

I had cancer a few years ago. I have intense joint pain more than muscle pain....but the muscle pain is there. I would seek a doctor's opinion. I was diagnosed with Avascular Necrosis about a year ago. They diagnosed this through an x-ray. I don't know if this information helps, but I hope it does!0
I'm 9 weeks away from my last chemo treatment. I have been surprised to have bone and joint pain now, this far away from chemo -- since it's not something I experienced during the chemo treatments. It has been a real surpise to me. I'm still trying to find something to battle the muscle pain and weakness.luannt said:I'm surprised that you need to have proof in order for your doctor to believe you. I went through chemo 4 years ago and I still have achy joints and weak muscles, infact I think it's a normal side effect of chemo. Luann
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I finished chemo 7 months ago (Taxol and Carboplatin). Right after each infusion I felt as if I had been beaten with a baseball bat. The pain would suside to a dull ache after a day or two. Yes it was mostly joint and muscle. Now 7 months out I have developed arthritis in some joints. Celebrex has helped but I still have trouble with sciatica and tingling in my feet. I am functional but I'm a secretary and sitting for long periods does bother my legs and feet. My doctor was hesitant to attribute the sudden onset of arthritis to the chemo but he did take me seriously. As far as written proof or documentation for your doctor, I don't think you'll find it. All I've found is ancidotal (sorry 'bout the spelling!)info, but there are too many post-chemo incidences for it to be coincidence. Hope this helps.0
I so much understand your problem. I am suffering a lot of joint and muscle pain. Hands, elbows,hips and knees mostly but not only. My doctor says it is not from chemo (5FU/leukovorin) but it has to be. It started right after chemo and it is a year later and I still hurt. It is getting me down, I can tell you. Has anyone else had this following the 5FU and leuko? I know it is more usual after other chemicals?0
Not being negative, but YES, YES, YES! 6 yrs. out after 5FU, Red Devil, blood transusions and platelets, etc. I do better when I exercise, but sometimes, my hip just goes out anyway! Hang in there.whesha said:I so much understand your problem. I am suffering a lot of joint and muscle pain. Hands, elbows,hips and knees mostly but not only. My doctor says it is not from chemo (5FU/leukovorin) but it has to be. It started right after chemo and it is a year later and I still hurt. It is getting me down, I can tell you. Has anyone else had this following the 5FU and leuko? I know it is more usual after other chemicals?
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I finishes chemo fours years ago. My knee pain began during my chem treatment. My oncologist gave me suggestions to help this. If your doctor wants you to find sources before he will treat you, you need to find another doctor. Your doctor has access to databases that you cannot access. It is his job to research your problems or refer you to a doctor who will.0
same for me
I also have the same pains, my surgeon said It takes a year for the pain to start going away.
I sometimes take pain meds, but I try to ignore it so I can keep working. your not alone !!!
Brenda Hoelscher
bkhoelscher@yahoo.com0 -
Britches, The proof that I have are Chiropractor's x-rays of my back and neck 1 year before cancer (2 years ago), and also very recently. The chiropractor showed me the difference and also said it could only be from chemo and radiation. -Craig.0 -
Joint and muscle pain
Hello, I am sorry to hear that you are having issues with joint and muscle pain - I have that as well and am a 20 year cancer survivor of NHL. I don't know what kind of cancer you had or what type of treatments but you aren't alone if in fact these issues are in fact due to treatment. However, as you probably realize the aches and pains could also be due to a great number of other medical issues so the best thing you can do is start testing with specialists. If you can get to a specialist who deals in after effects of treatments that would be the best but even before that your own family doctor might be able to help you rule out fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue just to name a few - did the treatments you had bring this on with your aches and pains - hard to know. What I can tell you is that yes many cancer patients experience these aches and pains in a major way and many feel it is due to cancer treatment side effects. In fact I have noticed in the last few years doctors have started to acknowledge these issues and other side effects from cancer treatments in days gone by. I have heart damage from a certain chemo drug and not long ago I heard my cardiologist acknowledge that. As well I have had contact with neurology specialists who have said they have seen cognitive and memory issues as a result of treatment too. Of course everyone is different in their treatments and affects, depends on what kind of treatment you had etc. You should be able to find many instances of that on this board.
There is a number in the states for information from cancer specialists through the American Cancer Society National Cancer Information Centre. It is 1-800-227-2345. Also there is a late effects clinic - The Lance Armstrong Clinic at Dana Farber where you might be able to get more information as well. I think your best bet though is to find the name of a good late effects specialist in the U.S. in my opinion. All the best. Blessings, Blueroses0 -
Hips, back, knees...
Hi there! I had the same exact problem from the moment i first started treatment. It got progressively worse until after my colon resection, i could barely walk anymore without severe pain. My primary doc had x-rays done of my back and came back with an osteopenia/degenerative disc disease/mild arthritis diagnosis. I didn't buy it. The pain was too severe. I finally got her to refer me to an osteopath, who upon looking at the same x-rays, thought the situation could be metastasis, OR hairline fractures. I got an MRI, and sure enough, i had osteoporosis off the charts low with such soft bones, bending over forward to pick something up could snap my spine. I had a large fracture in my sacrum that was causing the awful pain. I didn't understand why none of the other doctors saw what he saw until i realized he had special computer software that actual measured the bone density itself. Anyway, i still have severe pain in my back from constant hairline fractures, and my hips come out of joint very easily. There is stabbing pain everywhere below the waist. I also had the 5fu, and leukovorin along with oxaliplatin, and 30 radiation treatments to the pelvis. Most of my docs think the radiation did the bone damage, yet other ones think it was the chemo.
I guess if i were you, i would insist on seeing as many specialists as it takes to get your diagnosis. Find one that is willing to investigate your ailments to find a diagnosis. That's their job, after all!
Many hugs, and good luck!
Crikey! I didn't notice the date on this post!! I guess it's still a relevant issue, so what the hay!0 -
Check out this article from!
"Arthralgias may be due to side effects of certain cancer chemo treatments and medications such as paclitaxel, bleomycin, cladribine, L-asparaginase as well as biologic response modifiers (e.g. filgrastim, pegfilgrastim, sargramostim). Other causes of joint pain include:
* Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) - an inflammatory disease involving many joints in the body. This is known as an autoimmune disease, which means, your immune system is contributing to your pain.
* Osteoarthritis (OA) - an inflammatory disease with pain and stiffness in many joints in the body. This is fairly common, lasting less than 30 minutes in the day after awaking from sleep. Many people with OA complain of morning stiffness.
* Medications - certain medications, as a side effect, can cause joint pain. The joint pain is usually relieved when the medications are stopped.
* Infections in the joint
* Other inflammatory conditions, such as gout (a collection of uric acid crystal deposits in the joint), or lupus
What Are Some Symptoms To Look For In Diagnosing Arthralgias?
* You may have swelling and redness of the painful joints or experience pain in one specific region, such as back pain. This pain may be mild, or severe. The pain may last a few minutes, or it may be constant.
* You may have fever, chills, if you have an infection.
* You may have pain in your muscles, as well as your joints.
* You may be overly tired, or very weak (fatigued). It may be hard for you to do any kind of your normal activities.
* You may feel depressed if you have constant pain..."
Bleomycin was one of my three "poisons".
Love and Courage!
Rick0 -
Joint Pain
Some of the pain could be because you went into menopause state in your body.I have never been treated with Chemo, but after I started menopause my arthritis onset. It is just a sign of getting old. You may want to try hormone replacement. I use Mobic and take Move Free. These both keep me going every day.0 -
Easing joint pain
This is one of the most uncomfortable side effects of cancer treatments, and is linked to a number of chemotherapy drugs. It’s hard to find much information on this topic, and I know, as a survivor myself, that we need more resources on living our daily lives while undergoing treatments. I just did a recent post on my blog, Cinco Vidas, on some remedies that can help ease this joint pain (—try-these-natural-remedies-to-ease-movement). Some of you may want to check out a new juice called Joint Juice ( for a nutritional boost to help ease your joints. Love, strength and survival, Britta0 -
Joint Painschinaberry25 said:Joint Pain
Some of the pain could be because you went into menopause state in your body.I have never been treated with Chemo, but after I started menopause my arthritis onset. It is just a sign of getting old. You may want to try hormone replacement. I use Mobic and take Move Free. These both keep me going every day.
One thing to keep in mind, is that if you are experiencing pains, during treatments, you must tell your oncs right away. Any side effect, no matter how small you think it may be, is important to be discussed.
If the pains you are experiencing are following the completion of your treatments, then perhaps there are follow-up tests to see if radiation, or chemo drugs could have been the culprits.
In either case, it is so important to follow up with your doc, so that you don't do further harm to yourself. Alternative stuff is good, but it is not scientifically proven, and depending what you are currently going through, could cause more harm than good. And alternative stuff should definitely not be done without letting yoru doc know.
Paul E., (Hodgkoid2003)0 -
joint painwhesha said:I so much understand your problem. I am suffering a lot of joint and muscle pain. Hands, elbows,hips and knees mostly but not only. My doctor says it is not from chemo (5FU/leukovorin) but it has to be. It started right after chemo and it is a year later and I still hurt. It is getting me down, I can tell you. Has anyone else had this following the 5FU and leuko? I know it is more usual after other chemicals?
I had 5FU and leuko starting in 06 through may of o7. Then the stiffness started on sept of 07. It seemed to subside until I had more 5fu. Now I'm on Xeloda (pill form of Xeloda) and my joints really hurt. I can barley turn my head. I've had xrays of my shoulder because both sides hurt so much. I know it's from the chemo. Any suggestion as to what to take for the joint stiffness??? They should forewarn you about how stiff you will become. I still work out and go to Yin Yoga and that helps. I walk a lot too. Always 3.5 miles a day and sometimes I double that if I have the time. Good luck.0 -
muscle and bone pain
yes, also have been going threw the pain, now for almost 5 years, and also from the chemo it has left me with a perminate brain fog. my employer has expcted me to be normal when i came back to work and i havn't been, physically and mentally i have been it seems permantly effected and i can't get any kind of proof. and i am the breadwinner of the family, i could lose my job. my employer is always giving bad reviews now, and i am always making mistakes,i used to love my job, now i hate it because of the stress my boss imposses on me everyday, i never do anything right, even if i wasn/t the -person that made the error, he still acusses me and thats what he sticks to. i hurt all the time, i had breast cancer but scence chemo i have been left with aching bones and muscles, it is so painful to be on my feet for 9 hours a day, i work and walk in pain everyday, and not appriciated at my job,i just want to cry, its a horrable way to live. that is not a quality life. I have to been to therapist...and other profesionsls to get help but no one can help,they all blame it on somthing else, iknow what it is. i thought when the treatments were over i could get on with my life, not with my life, my old life is gone my body is gone, i have someone elses and i get so tired of the pain, and thinking i am going to have to fight everyday till i retire, fight making myself get up early work allday and be in pain constantly, and facing an employer that downgrades me everyday watching me constantly to catch me in any mastakes so he can document me, get rid of me, gee why would anyone have a depresion from that? drepression would be from the devestating news of having cancer not the side effectes of chemo, right? thats what i'v been told by my family doctor, arthrist specialist, and my onacologists realy isn't conserned, if its not cacerous he just dismisses the whole thing
]0 -
hormone replacement therapychinaberry25 said:Joint Pain
Some of the pain could be because you went into menopause state in your body.I have never been treated with Chemo, but after I started menopause my arthritis onset. It is just a sign of getting old. You may want to try hormone replacement. I use Mobic and take Move Free. These both keep me going every day.
that is not an option for me, my cancer grows on estragine so i take drugs to prevent my body from producing estragen.0 -
joint painjackie1020 said:muscle and bone pain
yes, also have been going threw the pain, now for almost 5 years, and also from the chemo it has left me with a perminate brain fog. my employer has expcted me to be normal when i came back to work and i havn't been, physically and mentally i have been it seems permantly effected and i can't get any kind of proof. and i am the breadwinner of the family, i could lose my job. my employer is always giving bad reviews now, and i am always making mistakes,i used to love my job, now i hate it because of the stress my boss imposses on me everyday, i never do anything right, even if i wasn/t the -person that made the error, he still acusses me and thats what he sticks to. i hurt all the time, i had breast cancer but scence chemo i have been left with aching bones and muscles, it is so painful to be on my feet for 9 hours a day, i work and walk in pain everyday, and not appriciated at my job,i just want to cry, its a horrable way to live. that is not a quality life. I have to been to therapist...and other profesionsls to get help but no one can help,they all blame it on somthing else, iknow what it is. i thought when the treatments were over i could get on with my life, not with my life, my old life is gone my body is gone, i have someone elses and i get so tired of the pain, and thinking i am going to have to fight everyday till i retire, fight making myself get up early work allday and be in pain constantly, and facing an employer that downgrades me everyday watching me constantly to catch me in any mastakes so he can document me, get rid of me, gee why would anyone have a depresion from that? drepression would be from the devestating news of having cancer not the side effectes of chemo, right? thats what i'v been told by my family doctor, arthrist specialist, and my onacologists realy isn't conserned, if its not cacerous he just dismisses the whole thing
I finished Taxal+ chemo and radiation last Sept. (2008) and the pain seems to be getting worse??? The pain is all enclusive, hands, elbows and upper arms, neck, hips, knees and feet (toes move back and forth between tingly and numb). My Dr.'s blame it on my diabeties, nerve damage from surgery, and osteoarthritis, anything but the chemo and radiation? I am slowly remembering things, I had majour memory loss after a lobectomy in the summer of 2007, which my Dr.'s can't seem to explain either???.
It's just all so frustrating ............ I too am exhausted from the pain but refuse to live on pain meds which seem to be the Dr.'s answer to everything ..... I am medically battered and have been thru to much to live the rest of my hard earned life in a med induced semi-coma.0 -
I finished chemo Aug. 5 2009. My bones hurt then but now they hurt worse. My CT scan was clear 4 months ago, but having another one in March. I have toothache type pain in my hips back, feet, hands! Ive been so worried about bone cancer but hopefully its chemo related. My doctor said it was typical to have bone and joint pain related to chemo. Im so stiff I can hardly walk in the mornings. Anyway, you definietly shouldnt have to convince your doctor of anything but I believe it happens.0
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