Can we do a ROLL CALL with everyone posting their name, cancer diagnosis, & where they are in treatm
oopsnewbornbunny said:insufficient information
Why do all of the people on this site know so much about your conditions--and all I know is Stage 1, "iffy," and "internal sunburn?" I definitely was not given sufficient information about my condition by any of my three doctors. I had to go to all of my appointments alone--no family, friends all work--and I was too stunned (and ignorant) to know what questions to ask. This problem concerns me a great deal. Basically, I know almost nothing about my condition.
oops0 -
TO NEWBORNBUNNYnewbornbunny said:insufficient information
Why do all of the people on this site know so much about your conditions--and all I know is Stage 1, "iffy," and "internal sunburn?" I definitely was not given sufficient information about my condition by any of my three doctors. I had to go to all of my appointments alone--no family, friends all work--and I was too stunned (and ignorant) to know what questions to ask. This problem concerns me a great deal. Basically, I know almost nothing about my condition.
I don't know if you had surgery, but if you did you need to go to the office and get a copy of your pathology report. You can also have a copy of all your medical records if you sign a release. They belong to you. Tell your Doctor that you don't understand and you want to know exactly what your stage is. Write all of the things down you want to know before you go in. It helps to have someone with you but if you can't get someone then really work with writing things down. Sometimes you have to assert yourself. When you are a patient you walk a fine line in being assertive and too agressive. But you have to be an advocate for yourself. I am out six months now from chemo and I still take a list of questions to every appt., any medication I have. I also ask for copies of my reports; lab work, scans etc. It is your right as a patient to have these and they cannot deny you this. Perhaps you need to make an extra appointment just to "have things explained." That's perfectly acceptable. It sounds like you don't even know what type of uterine cancer you have.
You can do this! I have faith in you!
Diane0 -
Hi SuzeSuziDezi said:Updating
This is my second post although I have been a frequent visitor to the site. Up to now I have had nothing to add to the wealth of information you ladies have posted and even now my contributions will be mostly redundant. In fact, I have read my own story many times on this site - healthy, unsuspecting, shocked, etc. The medical community does not have this cancer on its radar screen and seems surprised whenever it surfaces - strange!? In the hopes that this group can help change that I am becoming a more active member of your group. Here is my profile:
Stage I-C UPSC, radical hysterectomy 02/11/09; midway through first round of carboplatin/paciltaxol (January 6); 5 more infusions coming up and 5 weeks of radiation after the chemo. I am 67 years old and live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Glad to hear you are
Hi Suze
Glad to hear you are only Stage 1 -- just wanted to introduce myself as I went to hi-school and college in Ottawa although I now live in San Diego CA. I was Stage IV at diagnosis / surgery in 1/08 and am about to start new chemo for recurrence. Wishing you an excellent result from your treatment!
Annette0 -
It looks like I haven't
It looks like I haven't responded to the roll call so here goes! My real name is Lori. I live in Minnesota. I am 53 yrs old. Diagnosed May 2009 with Stage 2B endometrial cancer. Cancer was in my uterus and cervix. Tested 22 nodes-all negative. Radical hysterectomy June 2009- open procedure, chemo started July 2009. "Sandwich" protocol- Taxol and Carboplaten every 21 days x 3 then 28 radiation tx with 3 being internal brachytherapy. Resumed chemo in Nov. 2009 and last chemo Dec. 30th. Happy new year!
Barium CT scan scheduled for Jan. 29th.
Now working on healing my body-nutritionally, spiritually and physically. Its hard not knowing if the cancer is really gone or not. My mother died of uterine cancer at age 72 yrs. Stage 2B in 2005, one year after diagnosis. She wasn't treated with Taxol/Carboplaten-just Megace and radiation due to immediate post op complication- she split her incision open on the inside while vomiting the first day post op. She told the nurses and doctors that she felt a popping noise on the inside while vomiting. Nurses and doctors told her she was fine. She went home on post op day 4 and within a couple hours her abdomen split open and she had to heal from the inside out which delayed her starting chemo.0 -
Welcome LoriNorthwoodsgirl said:It looks like I haven't
It looks like I haven't responded to the roll call so here goes! My real name is Lori. I live in Minnesota. I am 53 yrs old. Diagnosed May 2009 with Stage 2B endometrial cancer. Cancer was in my uterus and cervix. Tested 22 nodes-all negative. Radical hysterectomy June 2009- open procedure, chemo started July 2009. "Sandwich" protocol- Taxol and Carboplaten every 21 days x 3 then 28 radiation tx with 3 being internal brachytherapy. Resumed chemo in Nov. 2009 and last chemo Dec. 30th. Happy new year!
Barium CT scan scheduled for Jan. 29th.
Now working on healing my body-nutritionally, spiritually and physically. Its hard not knowing if the cancer is really gone or not. My mother died of uterine cancer at age 72 yrs. Stage 2B in 2005, one year after diagnosis. She wasn't treated with Taxol/Carboplaten-just Megace and radiation due to immediate post op complication- she split her incision open on the inside while vomiting the first day post op. She told the nurses and doctors that she felt a popping noise on the inside while vomiting. Nurses and doctors told her she was fine. She went home on post op day 4 and within a couple hours her abdomen split open and she had to heal from the inside out which delayed her starting chemo.
Sorry you have had to join our site. Glad you were only stage 2B. Glad you made it through your chemo and radiation. It does take many months after your treatment ends to get your body back to pre-treatments. So don't get too discouraged when you don't recover as quickly as you think you should.
Sorry to hear about your Mother's difficulties. Sorry she was not able to get treatments due to slow healing. It must have been very difficult for you to see your Mother go through everything.
I am curious as to why you are having the Barium CT? Are you allergic to the IV dye? Wishing you good results with the CT scan. In peace and caring.0 -
i am also diagnosed with endometrial cancer, stage 1yerba said:Thank you, Linda - sending you good wishes
Thanks for welcoming newbies here.
I go by "yerba" (I love plants.)
Diagnosed with endometrioid endometrial cancer, on biopsy, 1/23/09.
I'm taking 80 mg Megace/day and in the process of looking for any alternatives to hysterectomy (if anyone knows of any cases of good outcomes w/o hysterectomy.)
I live in Northern California and am going to see a gynecological oncologist near Stanford University April 10.
Linda, I see you offer a lot of support and information on here for others, and hope that all your generosity comes back to you a thousand fold in support, and healing through your treatments. Best wishes.
Yerba, i hope that you are well after your megace treatments. I had a d&c on 1/15/10 and started megace also... i was hopeful about this treatment but i am having some strange side effects and wonder if you experienced any of this when you started this drug.
my throat feels like there is something deep down in it, although my breathing does not seem to be effected. last nite after taking the 40mg (iam also taking 80mg per day) and my tongue and top of my mouth began to be hot and tingly! Obviously i am concerned about my throat closing up... did you expereince any of these side effects? I spoke with my dr today and he stated this is very unusual and does not sound like an allergic reaction but cant explain it either. He gave me permission to not take the drug and see if my symptoms disappear and then start again on less mgs per day.
hope this gets to you and finds you well after this treatment. itoo do not want to have to undergo a hysterectomy at this stage of cancer if there is a more conservative and effective treatment. thanks for your help0 -
uterine cancer and megace treatmentsrmcosu said:Regan.... 32... Cleveland, Ohio... Grade 1A endometrial cancer.... Megace hormone treatment.... repeat biopsy on August 21, 2009.
hello, i hope that you are well and the megace proved to be beneficial. i was just diagnosed with uterine stage 1 cancer and have decided to try the megace treatment. i will undergo another d&c in 3 months to see how my body has responded.
i am currently expereincing some side effects from the megace and wonder if you did too? my throat feels like there is something stuck in it although i dont find myself having difficulty with breathing... also my tongue and roof of my mouth have a hot tingly sensation... i am going to stop taking the megace for atleast 24 hours and see if the symptoms subside then start again and probably take a smaller dose everyday. i am currently taking 80mg per day.... maybe that is just to much for me. my oncologist cant explain these symptoms that i have but thinks this is good place to begin.
i would appreciate hearing from you and hope you are cancer free from these treatments0 -
uterine cancer and megace treatmentsrmcosu said:Regan.... 32... Cleveland, Ohio... Grade 1A endometrial cancer.... Megace hormone treatment.... repeat biopsy on August 21, 2009.
hello, i hope you are well and cancer free from the megace treatments. i started the megace on 1/15/100 but am having some side effects that are disturbing and may stop my treatment, which i dont want to happen. i am wondering if it took your body some time to adjust to this treatment.
i am experiencing throat sensations that feel like a have something stuck in the very back of my throat... and last nite after a dosse of the megace my tongue and roof of mouth began to feel hot and tingly...i of course am afraid that my throat is going to swell shut!
my oncolgist states to me that this is all very unusual and doesnt know how to explain it, but that i can stop taking the drug until the symptoms become more bearable and then start again on the megace, maybe in smaller doses. see how i react to that. i have another d&c set up for april 10 to see how my uterus has responded.
i want this treatment to work and i am hoping that megace is just getting used to my body! and i can pick up this treatment once again very quickly.
would really love to hear how you are doing and what happened to you
thank you0 -
I just assumed that the CTRo10 said:Welcome Lori
Sorry you have had to join our site. Glad you were only stage 2B. Glad you made it through your chemo and radiation. It does take many months after your treatment ends to get your body back to pre-treatments. So don't get too discouraged when you don't recover as quickly as you think you should.
Sorry to hear about your Mother's difficulties. Sorry she was not able to get treatments due to slow healing. It must have been very difficult for you to see your Mother go through everything.
I am curious as to why you are having the Barium CT? Are you allergic to the IV dye? Wishing you good results with the CT scan. In peace and caring.
I just assumed that the CT is to look for any changes or tumors. I did have a reaction to the contrast media that I drank prior to a CT prior to my hysterectomy. On my pre op chest xray they noted a shadow on one of the lobes of my lungs. Thus the CT was ordered. My creatinine must have been off because they ordered a drug called Mucomist to protect my kidneys and I had a violent reaction--sooo sick and vomiting, headache the next morning.
This was in the morning of the day I was to have surgery ---so spent about 6 hours in the ER prior to my surgery which was done late in the day- 6PM.
So I think they know I am sensitive to the contrast dye.
I know I should have asked about why the barium but that day I was not doing well emotionally. I had strained my back and actually fainted in the lobby of the doctor's office due to the pain. I was told to see my internist when I called the nurse at oncologist to see if I could get a muscle relaxer for my excruciating back pain. Ended up taking a 1 block ambulance ride to ER where I was prescribed the Soma muscle relaxer (LOL)
None of that would have happened if they had just precribed the Soma-allowed me to take it and then come into the doctors office.0 -
Hi I'm Mana, newly diagnosed
Hi I'm Allison and newly diagnosed with leiomyosarcoma. Has anyone else here been diagnosed with that? I haven't had my surgery yet, I should be getting it in the next two weeks. I had what was diagnosed by pathology as a fibroid 4 years ago, but kept having growths in my uterus. I had a second myomectomy 1.5 years ago. Something grew back again, and they reviewed my original slides and said that I was misdiagnosed and I've had leiomyosarcoma all this time. I'm really angry and scared. I'm afraid that the surgeries have spread the cancer cells all over.
If anyone else has been diagnosed with this could you contact me? I've done some research but there isn't mush on leiomyosarcoma.
Thanks...Mana0 -
HI Sharonwoofgang said:April Newbie overcome by Chemo Fatigue Finally signing in
Hi,I'm Sharon, and you can see more details about my situation on my profile. I've been lurking, but just didn't have the energy to get with it and sign in, not to mention I've not blogged much and was afraid I would do it wrong and drive everyone nuts.... But I'm a stage IIIc, with papillary serous and clear cell features. My situation sounds alot lot Deanna's. I had surgery 12/31/2008 and just finished my 6th chemo May 20. Next is the radiation, and I can't tell you how much you've all helped sharing your radiation experiences. There are alot of angels on this blog and you've all really inspired me.
I hope all is well with you! wanted to see how you are doing. My mom is going to have the same full surgery you had and will likely be diagnosed with stage 3 (aortic lymph nodes are enlarged). I'm scared to death for her and am looking for ways to try and cope with the bad news
Kind Regards,
Amanda0 -
Hi! Norma checking in!Mana said:Hi I'm Mana, newly diagnosed
Hi I'm Allison and newly diagnosed with leiomyosarcoma. Has anyone else here been diagnosed with that? I haven't had my surgery yet, I should be getting it in the next two weeks. I had what was diagnosed by pathology as a fibroid 4 years ago, but kept having growths in my uterus. I had a second myomectomy 1.5 years ago. Something grew back again, and they reviewed my original slides and said that I was misdiagnosed and I've had leiomyosarcoma all this time. I'm really angry and scared. I'm afraid that the surgeries have spread the cancer cells all over.
If anyone else has been diagnosed with this could you contact me? I've done some research but there isn't mush on leiomyosarcoma.
First, hello to everyone and a big hug to you all for sharing yourself here. Reading the posts makes me feel a lot less alone. Thank you all for being here.
I am 59 yrs old for one more day. Tomorrow is my birthday! Thought I would post my story while I am young. HA! HA!
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas is where I was diagnosed and am receiving treatment. Diagnosis is stage IIIC advanced endometrial cancer. One lymph node involved out of 30 removed, radical hysterectomy (Oct 2, 2009), removed the cervix, fallopian tubes, and both ovaries (they even found one that I thought had been removed in 1974 for an ectopic pregnancy). Had 25 external radiation treatments, 3 internal brachy treatments, and Cistoplatin chemo during that time in Nov/Dec 2009. Docs let me rest up for 4 weeks, although I felt fine, and then started Taxol/Carbol Jan 11, 2009. Getting another treatment Feb 1, this coming Monday. Some side effects but, overall I feel great. Go to work everyday. I get a little tired sometimes and rest when that happens.
Things look pretty good for me. I tolerated the surgery pretty well. I am doing fine on the chemo. CA 125 was 471 in Sept. Is now 13 as of Jan 11. Steadily declined since
surgery...leveled off at 23 for 6 weeks and then went to 13. I feel healthier than I have in years. Looking forward to doing a lot of fishing this summer with hubby.
Started losing my hair yesterday. Yep, I still have a full head of hair. Can't explain it. I think it will fall out soon. I have been preparing myself for it for months. Decided I am going to buy some big ear rings and wear dark lipstick. Maybe get a lollypop like Telly Savalas(some of you might not remeber Kojack an old TV show).
My philosophy through all of this is that I have a choice on my attitude about having cancer. I decided to make the best of it whatever happens and to face it as a challenge rather than a setback.
Looking forward to getting to know you all. Norma0 -
Hi Norma!norma2 said:Hi! Norma checking in!
First, hello to everyone and a big hug to you all for sharing yourself here. Reading the posts makes me feel a lot less alone. Thank you all for being here.
I am 59 yrs old for one more day. Tomorrow is my birthday! Thought I would post my story while I am young. HA! HA!
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas is where I was diagnosed and am receiving treatment. Diagnosis is stage IIIC advanced endometrial cancer. One lymph node involved out of 30 removed, radical hysterectomy (Oct 2, 2009), removed the cervix, fallopian tubes, and both ovaries (they even found one that I thought had been removed in 1974 for an ectopic pregnancy). Had 25 external radiation treatments, 3 internal brachy treatments, and Cistoplatin chemo during that time in Nov/Dec 2009. Docs let me rest up for 4 weeks, although I felt fine, and then started Taxol/Carbol Jan 11, 2009. Getting another treatment Feb 1, this coming Monday. Some side effects but, overall I feel great. Go to work everyday. I get a little tired sometimes and rest when that happens.
Things look pretty good for me. I tolerated the surgery pretty well. I am doing fine on the chemo. CA 125 was 471 in Sept. Is now 13 as of Jan 11. Steadily declined since
surgery...leveled off at 23 for 6 weeks and then went to 13. I feel healthier than I have in years. Looking forward to doing a lot of fishing this summer with hubby.
Started losing my hair yesterday. Yep, I still have a full head of hair. Can't explain it. I think it will fall out soon. I have been preparing myself for it for months. Decided I am going to buy some big ear rings and wear dark lipstick. Maybe get a lollypop like Telly Savalas(some of you might not remeber Kojack an old TV show).
My philosophy through all of this is that I have a choice on my attitude about having cancer. I decided to make the best of it whatever happens and to face it as a challenge rather than a setback.
Looking forward to getting to know you all. Norma
Nice to 'meet' you! I was drawn to your story since my mom is about the same age as you- turning 59 this year. She goes into surgery this Monday for what they believe to be a stage 3. We've all been really worried but I must say, your positive attitude made me feel a little betterI look forward to hearing more from you.
Kind Regards,
Amanda0 -
You are annorma2 said:Hi! Norma checking in!
First, hello to everyone and a big hug to you all for sharing yourself here. Reading the posts makes me feel a lot less alone. Thank you all for being here.
I am 59 yrs old for one more day. Tomorrow is my birthday! Thought I would post my story while I am young. HA! HA!
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas is where I was diagnosed and am receiving treatment. Diagnosis is stage IIIC advanced endometrial cancer. One lymph node involved out of 30 removed, radical hysterectomy (Oct 2, 2009), removed the cervix, fallopian tubes, and both ovaries (they even found one that I thought had been removed in 1974 for an ectopic pregnancy). Had 25 external radiation treatments, 3 internal brachy treatments, and Cistoplatin chemo during that time in Nov/Dec 2009. Docs let me rest up for 4 weeks, although I felt fine, and then started Taxol/Carbol Jan 11, 2009. Getting another treatment Feb 1, this coming Monday. Some side effects but, overall I feel great. Go to work everyday. I get a little tired sometimes and rest when that happens.
Things look pretty good for me. I tolerated the surgery pretty well. I am doing fine on the chemo. CA 125 was 471 in Sept. Is now 13 as of Jan 11. Steadily declined since
surgery...leveled off at 23 for 6 weeks and then went to 13. I feel healthier than I have in years. Looking forward to doing a lot of fishing this summer with hubby.
Started losing my hair yesterday. Yep, I still have a full head of hair. Can't explain it. I think it will fall out soon. I have been preparing myself for it for months. Decided I am going to buy some big ear rings and wear dark lipstick. Maybe get a lollypop like Telly Savalas(some of you might not remeber Kojack an old TV show).
My philosophy through all of this is that I have a choice on my attitude about having cancer. I decided to make the best of it whatever happens and to face it as a challenge rather than a setback.
Looking forward to getting to know you all. Norma
You are an inspiration.
Thanks for posting your thoughts.
I wish you the BEST
Chrysoula0 -
Hi Norma!norma2 said:Hi! Norma checking in!
First, hello to everyone and a big hug to you all for sharing yourself here. Reading the posts makes me feel a lot less alone. Thank you all for being here.
I am 59 yrs old for one more day. Tomorrow is my birthday! Thought I would post my story while I am young. HA! HA!
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas is where I was diagnosed and am receiving treatment. Diagnosis is stage IIIC advanced endometrial cancer. One lymph node involved out of 30 removed, radical hysterectomy (Oct 2, 2009), removed the cervix, fallopian tubes, and both ovaries (they even found one that I thought had been removed in 1974 for an ectopic pregnancy). Had 25 external radiation treatments, 3 internal brachy treatments, and Cistoplatin chemo during that time in Nov/Dec 2009. Docs let me rest up for 4 weeks, although I felt fine, and then started Taxol/Carbol Jan 11, 2009. Getting another treatment Feb 1, this coming Monday. Some side effects but, overall I feel great. Go to work everyday. I get a little tired sometimes and rest when that happens.
Things look pretty good for me. I tolerated the surgery pretty well. I am doing fine on the chemo. CA 125 was 471 in Sept. Is now 13 as of Jan 11. Steadily declined since
surgery...leveled off at 23 for 6 weeks and then went to 13. I feel healthier than I have in years. Looking forward to doing a lot of fishing this summer with hubby.
Started losing my hair yesterday. Yep, I still have a full head of hair. Can't explain it. I think it will fall out soon. I have been preparing myself for it for months. Decided I am going to buy some big ear rings and wear dark lipstick. Maybe get a lollypop like Telly Savalas(some of you might not remeber Kojack an old TV show).
My philosophy through all of this is that I have a choice on my attitude about having cancer. I decided to make the best of it whatever happens and to face it as a challenge rather than a setback.
Looking forward to getting to know you all. Norma
Welcome! You have found a great site to find answers, get support and share with others. Its amazing that you have kept your hair. I lost mine within 2 weeks of my first dose of chemo. I finished my chemo on Dec. 30th. You are getting care at an excellent center.
I remember Kojak and got a chuckle out of your reference and idea. Keep the joy in your life!
Lori0 -
Welcome Normanorma2 said:Hi! Norma checking in!
First, hello to everyone and a big hug to you all for sharing yourself here. Reading the posts makes me feel a lot less alone. Thank you all for being here.
I am 59 yrs old for one more day. Tomorrow is my birthday! Thought I would post my story while I am young. HA! HA!
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas is where I was diagnosed and am receiving treatment. Diagnosis is stage IIIC advanced endometrial cancer. One lymph node involved out of 30 removed, radical hysterectomy (Oct 2, 2009), removed the cervix, fallopian tubes, and both ovaries (they even found one that I thought had been removed in 1974 for an ectopic pregnancy). Had 25 external radiation treatments, 3 internal brachy treatments, and Cistoplatin chemo during that time in Nov/Dec 2009. Docs let me rest up for 4 weeks, although I felt fine, and then started Taxol/Carbol Jan 11, 2009. Getting another treatment Feb 1, this coming Monday. Some side effects but, overall I feel great. Go to work everyday. I get a little tired sometimes and rest when that happens.
Things look pretty good for me. I tolerated the surgery pretty well. I am doing fine on the chemo. CA 125 was 471 in Sept. Is now 13 as of Jan 11. Steadily declined since
surgery...leveled off at 23 for 6 weeks and then went to 13. I feel healthier than I have in years. Looking forward to doing a lot of fishing this summer with hubby.
Started losing my hair yesterday. Yep, I still have a full head of hair. Can't explain it. I think it will fall out soon. I have been preparing myself for it for months. Decided I am going to buy some big ear rings and wear dark lipstick. Maybe get a lollypop like Telly Savalas(some of you might not remeber Kojack an old TV show).
My philosophy through all of this is that I have a choice on my attitude about having cancer. I decided to make the best of it whatever happens and to face it as a challenge rather than a setback.
Looking forward to getting to know you all. Norma
Thanks for posting your story. I love your positive attitude. It will take you a long way on this journey you are on. Glad to hear your surgery went well. Sounds like radiation went well, too if you have been able to continue to work through all of it. I hope you continue to do well with your chemo, too. Your treatment has been a little different than most of ours has been. Good news on the CA 125, too. Hope you catch a lot of fish. In peace and caring.0 -
NormaRo10 said:Welcome Norma
Thanks for posting your story. I love your positive attitude. It will take you a long way on this journey you are on. Glad to hear your surgery went well. Sounds like radiation went well, too if you have been able to continue to work through all of it. I hope you continue to do well with your chemo, too. Your treatment has been a little different than most of ours has been. Good news on the CA 125, too. Hope you catch a lot of fish. In peace and caring.
I like your attitude. I think this goes a LONG way in fighting cancer - making a conscious decision. AWESOME.
Many blessings, Mary Ann0 -
Thank you for the warm welcome!!daisy366 said:Norma
I like your attitude. I think this goes a LONG way in fighting cancer - making a conscious decision. AWESOME.
Many blessings, Mary Ann
Thanks Mary Ann, Amanda, Chrysoula, Lori and Ro10!!
Appreciate your kind comments about the attitude. It really is the only thing that I have control over, my attitude.
Today is my 60th birthday and my hair is falling out in big chunks. Everytime it happens instead of being upset I think, well if this stuff is killing my hair I hope it is killing any cancer cells left in this old body. Go get 'em chemo!!! Kill the little buggers.
You guys have a great day!!! Again thanks for the response. I am going to buy some cool hats today. Talk again soon.
Norma0 -
Enjoy your birthday!!norma2 said:Thank you for the warm welcome!!
Thanks Mary Ann, Amanda, Chrysoula, Lori and Ro10!!
Appreciate your kind comments about the attitude. It really is the only thing that I have control over, my attitude.
Today is my 60th birthday and my hair is falling out in big chunks. Everytime it happens instead of being upset I think, well if this stuff is killing my hair I hope it is killing any cancer cells left in this old body. Go get 'em chemo!!! Kill the little buggers.
You guys have a great day!!! Again thanks for the response. I am going to buy some cool hats today. Talk again soon.
Enjoy your new hairdo!! Once I made peace with my bald head, it was so easy to care for. People got used to it and I got treated well. Most everything has a silver lining. I'm glad you see the glass half or completely full. Keep it up.
Blessings to you and yours. Mary Ann0 -
Hellodaisy366 said:Enjoy your birthday!!
Enjoy your new hairdo!! Once I made peace with my bald head, it was so easy to care for. People got used to it and I got treated well. Most everything has a silver lining. I'm glad you see the glass half or completely full. Keep it up.
Blessings to you and yours. Mary Ann
Hi. I posted a few times before doing this roll call. My name is Amy. I was diagnosed with serous papillary adenocarcinoma endometrial cancer (I don't even know that that is, to be honest) the day after my birthday. I got the phone call to come in during my birthday party on June 4th, 2009. That is why I will never forget it. I recently received a treatment follow-up biopsy and have been labeled cancer-free. I have another biopsy in April, and if I make the six month mark then I will be going to my oncologist to be cleared for stimulation to have babies! That is what I'm excited about. I tried for many years to have children only to lose. I am hoping I will be able to conceive during my honeymoon in June. So, I don't know where I am in treatment, but it's a good story, right?0
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