More Stupid Things People Say…“pull myself together”



  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    I'm pretty bad but I sang in
    I'm pretty bad but I sang in my sleep once and that is the only time my husband has ever heard me sing.

    I am here too
    Tracy, I am close enough so I probably can walk-in and deal with this person. By the way it took me 12 months to get back my energy and strengths. I am ready.
    New Flower
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    I'm pretty bad but I sang in
    I'm pretty bad but I sang in my sleep once and that is the only time my husband has ever heard me sing.

    I support nonviolent means, too!
    My girlfriend has a banjo that she only sortofkindof knows how to play (it was her father's)....When she gets mad at me, she threatens to come stand below my window and "serenade" me with it.

    So Marcia and Stef -- any chance that "She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain" is part of your "vocal repertoire"? :-)

  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    TraciInLA said:

    I support nonviolent means, too!
    My girlfriend has a banjo that she only sortofkindof knows how to play (it was her father's)....When she gets mad at me, she threatens to come stand below my window and "serenade" me with it.

    So Marcia and Stef -- any chance that "She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain" is part of your "vocal repertoire"? :-)


    OK...I was raising my hand to volunteer for the 'slapping' party, but now it is busy holding my side (thanks to Steff and others!) and I'm sorry to say I will be useless (Wink,, wink,,)....I say we wear ninja outfits when we perform this act!!
    Hugs and smiles...Pammy
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    TraciInLA said:

    I support nonviolent means, too!
    My girlfriend has a banjo that she only sortofkindof knows how to play (it was her father's)....When she gets mad at me, she threatens to come stand below my window and "serenade" me with it.

    So Marcia and Stef -- any chance that "She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain" is part of your "vocal repertoire"? :-)


    Good idea Traci
    I can't play any instruments so Stef and I could get one and 'play' it along with singing. Wow, what a sound that would make! When my sister was taking accordion lessons she taught me Bill Grogan's Goat and that's all I knew. Now I've even forgotten that. What instrument would be most irritating?
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Hi Traci
    Straighten up and pull yourself together! Drink a pot of coffee and go to the party! I got a laugh out of this post. It's harder to rebound after my 6th chemo last Monday. I know it will pass. All I want to do is lay and watch TV. And I have to go to work in the morning 6 am. It's a challenge. Get your rest.
  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    I Will Never Forget
    I will never forget when my boss called me into his office and scolded me for taking too long to complete my assignments and missing work. He told me I needed to "step up". I was so incrediably mad it took everything not to punch his lights out. I sat back and told him, I will give you $1000 dollars if you can perform the work quicker than me....after having 5 rounds of chemo. He continued to say a bunch of other hurtful things that day and several days that followed. You know what I did...I got a lawyer. Should he open his big mouth again, he will be dealing with my lawyer. I guess my point is that there are several ways to deal with stupid people. You have to select a way that makes more sense to you.

  • e_hope
    e_hope Member Posts: 370
    As sad as it is no one gets it. And people really don't get it once your done with treatment! People think you finish treatment and thats it your back to normal. Hahaha, We all know it takes about as long as you were in treatment to start feeling some what normal again.

    The things people say is just amazing.. We all have so many examples we should compile them in and write a book about it from our point of view...

    Just smile it's not worth your energy to stress over it...
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    Good idea Traci
    I can't play any instruments so Stef and I could get one and 'play' it along with singing. Wow, what a sound that would make! When my sister was taking accordion lessons she taught me Bill Grogan's Goat and that's all I knew. Now I've even forgotten that. What instrument would be most irritating?

    The one that comes to mind
    The one that comes to mind is bagpipes. I love them when they are played well but only for a little bit and when they aren't played well, torture. Trust me, the high school where I was a band secretary had bagpipers. Most of them were very good because they were already experienced on other instruments, but the few that couldn't master them. Practice was after school right outside my little non sound proofed office. Saxophone is another if not played well. Violin is good for bad sounds. Drums are great for volume. Clarinet and a beginner, that's always lovely. I know there are other's as well. Any instrument that is out of tune works well. We can get together a whole bad band. Volume, tuneless, nerve jangling, and with bad, bad singers and let's all play or sing something different at the same time. Oh yeah, it's a good plan. LOL
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    Thank you
    Thank you all, for your support and your willingness to commit violent acts for me! Claudia, I would pay money to see the look on this woman's face when your 40-ft. legs landed in her backyard, but I think I'm leaning more toward Stef's dismemberment idea...."pull yourself together," LOL!!

    Pitt, your energy really will get better -- just in the most frustrating, slow, tiny baby steps. When I was at the point you are now, I was pretty much toast by 5 or 6 every day, and couldn't walk more than 15 minutes at a time. I just last week worked up to 30-minute walks, and, while I'm in bed by 7 or 8 most nights, I was so proud when I stayed up until 9:00 one night last week -- ooh, 9:00 -- par-TAY! :-)

    Patti, the husband of Miss Pull Yourself Together actually said those very same words, "Well, you have to eat sometime," to me when trying to invite me over for dinner while I was doing chemo. I think Stef is right that some folks think that getting out and socializing will help us feel better, and don't understand that sometimes it's all we can do just to get through the required parts of our day before we fall over.

    Cindy, whereabouts in LA are you? If Stef's and/or Claudia's ideas fall through, I may have to ask you to "pull yourself together" and get over here. :-) I'm in the Valley, and I get all my treatment in and around West Hills Hospital.


    I'm in Downey, so not too far to come by and take care of business! I'm going to the City of Hope in Duarte for my treatments.

    I'm actually non-violent myself, but I do suck at singing so I could join Marcia's choir and REALLY make her pay!
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    If I was there, I would....BIG time!!!!
    No excuse for being an idiot!!!!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    We get it!
    Traci, I have taken the approach of when I am asked to do something or invited to go somewhere or join in the "festivities", of just simply saying "NO!" I have decided I don't owe ANYONE an explination of why I can't or don't want to......It seems to throw people off the track......I simply say "NO" and then put the ball in their court......usually there is a sort of stunned silence.......People who haven't taken the hike in our shoes don't get it and I am simply tired of explaining my lack of energy and fatigue......I figure it's their some have stated the circle of friends do get smaller......I am 2 months out of all people think oh okay she's finished and FINE......WRONG! The friends who have been there all along, I am eternally grateful to them......those who dropped by the wayside, weren't friends to begin with and I say "glad to see them go!"

    OH and I sent a big cyber slap to the "pull yourself together" chick....speaking of pulling...she needs to pull her head out of her arse!

    Wishing you energy and sunshine!
  • pgrace35
    pgrace35 Member Posts: 122
    OMG...until they walk in our shoes they will never understand! Send her to this site, we will knock some sense into her!
    Hang in there!!
  • TLynn0102
    TLynn0102 Member Posts: 86
    I will gladly come help you out but only if you return the favor and do the same for me with a few of my friends and select family members! :-) It is unfortunate that they do not understand just how much your body goes through with treatment. Heck some 'normal' people take weeks to recover from the flu! I'm learning to laugh at their ignorance and move forward. Each day gets a little better but until then if you don't feel like doing something don't, your health is much more important than some party. Take care!
  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    I am their with you traci
    Hi,I am going through the same thing.Everyone thinks your just fine when we are done with treatments.Just like you said and they do not get it.They really don,t have a clue what our bodys have been through.Its been 2wks. since I finished Rads. and their is no way I could do a full time job.I think your doing great with that.We can not heal stupid thats for sure.I am also a terrible singer.I could also join,that would hurt her more then a slap.ha.