Stopping in to update!

Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello everyone! Wow, when I signed on and saw 408 new post...I realized I have been gone way to long!!! OMG...what have I been doing? Well.....
First off...hello to all newbies! You are in the best emotional hands on these boards and although we wish to reach out and touch you (we are great with hugs!), we can only offer our kind words through cyberspace....welcome to our world!
I can't believe I have spent the past eight months having 3 surgeries, 36 radiation treatments, and now they expect me to remember to pop a pill EVERYDAY!! What were they thinking? Why can't they invent a patch or something? Geesh...I don't trust my own memory and THEY want to trust it?? Ha, ha!! Now that I got you laughing.....
I am getting very, very nervous!! I see Doc tomorrow (yep, on a Sunday!) and we will decide where to go with my thyroid lump...sigh (like everything will get fixed!).
The biggest news...(drumroll please...ta da!!) I am heading back to work this week!!
Just two days for a couple hours, then maybe 1/2 day, everyday, the following week, then hopefully I'll be up to allday everyday!
OOOH...OOOH....and the bestest news!!!
I have been asking for a secretary (for the secretary) for two years now and they have decided to keep the temp for me as my secretary!! How cool is that?
But I am sooooooo nervous (I know alot has slipped my mind on how to do things) but I made the decision to get out there amongst the living and try to make a difference in the world. (I hear my new girl is the first challange as she has attitude!! I can fix her in the first week!! She just needs someone to show her how far kindness can go!) OK, wish me luck! I have never worked with a mean person before!
So, that about catches me up through the quick version!
I miss all of you!! Bare with me as I make some new transitions and please, please know that I am not ignoring nor have I forgotten about all my dear friends! I am just going with the flow, learning to comprimise the changes and frankly....shaking in my boots!! LOL
Hugs and smiles and I will be back from time to time. Just need to get that routine down to a nice even flow....that means (shhhhhh....) I will checking in while I am working...giggle!!
Hugs and smiles to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    So good to hear from you! We've missed you. Please keep us posted on what you found out concerning your thyroid. Praying for some good news! You've had such a hard time this past year. Here's to strength, healing, good news and favor for 2010!

    It's good news that you're going to back to work. No worries about the mean girl. Kill her with kindness! And a little ice cream never hurt either! :) Praying for peace there.

    Hang in there. Sooooo good to hear from you.

    Take care,
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member

    So good to hear from you! We've missed you. Please keep us posted on what you found out concerning your thyroid. Praying for some good news! You've had such a hard time this past year. Here's to strength, healing, good news and favor for 2010!

    It's good news that you're going to back to work. No worries about the mean girl. Kill her with kindness! And a little ice cream never hurt either! :) Praying for peace there.

    Hang in there. Sooooo good to hear from you.

    Take care,

    I have missed you so

    I have missed you so much. I do my best to push the eating of ice cream but it's not the same without you. Glad that you are going to be going back to work and that you are going at it a little at a time. You will have that new secretary in line in no time and you will do it with tact and kindness. And if she is a real problem then tell them you need a secretary, not Girilla the Hun. I will keep fingers crossed regarding the thyroid lump. It is so nice to have you back and yes, take your time at work, take breaks, computer breaks. HA HA Again, happy to hear from you. I also missed your darling avatars. I am going to celebrate this but having a big bowl of, you guessed it, ice cream.
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    good to see you on here again,my friend. I will be thinking of you tomorrow and hope that it is nothing to worry about!And congrats on getting back into the swing of things again!
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188

    So good to hear from you! We've missed you. Please keep us posted on what you found out concerning your thyroid. Praying for some good news! You've had such a hard time this past year. Here's to strength, healing, good news and favor for 2010!

    It's good news that you're going to back to work. No worries about the mean girl. Kill her with kindness! And a little ice cream never hurt either! :) Praying for peace there.

    Hang in there. Sooooo good to hear from you.

    Take care,

    Thanks Dawne....
    Missed you too! Thank you for the kind wishes! Funny you brought up ice-cream b/c hubby and I were just talking about how she is going to react when she sees the boss bringing me back a DQ on HIS lunch hour!! Something they have always done since I stayed in the office on mine. Pammy
  • jk1952
    jk1952 Member Posts: 613

    good to see you on here again,my friend. I will be thinking of you tomorrow and hope that it is nothing to worry about!And congrats on getting back into the swing of things again!

    Pammy, glad to hear that

    Pammy, glad to hear that things are getting back to normal for you. I'll be thinking of you as you return to work, and hoping that things go well with the new staff. Let us know how things go today with the doctor: I pray that it isn't anything serious.

  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    fauxma said:

    I have missed you so

    I have missed you so much. I do my best to push the eating of ice cream but it's not the same without you. Glad that you are going to be going back to work and that you are going at it a little at a time. You will have that new secretary in line in no time and you will do it with tact and kindness. And if she is a real problem then tell them you need a secretary, not Girilla the Hun. I will keep fingers crossed regarding the thyroid lump. It is so nice to have you back and yes, take your time at work, take breaks, computer breaks. HA HA Again, happy to hear from you. I also missed your darling avatars. I am going to celebrate this but having a big bowl of, you guessed it, ice cream.

    My cohort in promoting healthy bones! Yes, eating ice-cream is good for you! Lots and lots of calcium!! (How did I do? LOL)
    I'm nervous about starting back b/c there is the possibility I could be out again depending on what they do with my thyroid, but at least I will feel like I was amongst the living for a while!!
    The best part is that they have missed me so much (yep, that is making me feel good!) that I have full range over when and how much I want to work. I am so blessed to work for such a company that not only kept my job for 8 months, but is bending over backwards to get me back! I did warn that I would be taking freguent breaks to do my therapy during the day and they told me noooooo problem! Giggle....didn't tell them what my current therapy was!
    Yep, I'll be checking in. So, go enjoy your ice cream and while your at's OK to sneak a second scoop!
    Hugs and smiles, Pammy
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188

    good to see you on here again,my friend. I will be thinking of you tomorrow and hope that it is nothing to worry about!And congrats on getting back into the swing of things again!

    Thanks Patty!
    I am going today to find out about our next step on the thyroid issue. Hopefully, my Doc will encourage me to continue with my plans to go back to work and not tell me to forget it due to this needing attention. I feel like I have gone through so much and really do not want to deal with anymore surgeries! Lets cross our fingers this is nothing big except to drain the cyst! It feels too good to get back out there and back to work. Did I just say I WANTED to work? Geesh...a year ago, I wanted to retire!! Funny how things change! Hugs and smiles, Pammy
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    jk1952 said:

    Pammy, glad to hear that

    Pammy, glad to hear that things are getting back to normal for you. I'll be thinking of you as you return to work, and hoping that things go well with the new staff. Let us know how things go today with the doctor: I pray that it isn't anything serious.


    Hi Joyce....
    Thanks for the well wishes. Funny, I use to work with all men and since I have taken my leave of abcense, they have hired 2 women. LOL, I must have had them spoiled b/c they keep telling me to hurry back! As soon as I made the call this past week to give them the good news....word spread around town like wild fire! I'm sorta feeling like I have celebrity status here....giggle. Hubby says I'm just extremely good at what I do and with a smile, which you don't get too much these days. Keeping fingers, toes, eyes, and heart crossed that all is still a go after todays Dr appt. I'll post later to update and hopefully with a game plan on this *&^%#$ thyroid issue (Teehee). Pammy
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Akiss4me said:

    Thanks Patty!
    I am going today to find out about our next step on the thyroid issue. Hopefully, my Doc will encourage me to continue with my plans to go back to work and not tell me to forget it due to this needing attention. I feel like I have gone through so much and really do not want to deal with anymore surgeries! Lets cross our fingers this is nothing big except to drain the cyst! It feels too good to get back out there and back to work. Did I just say I WANTED to work? Geesh...a year ago, I wanted to retire!! Funny how things change! Hugs and smiles, Pammy

    Pammy I sure did miss you.
    Pammy I sure did miss you. so happy to hear from you. Wishing you the best with the thyroid and that girl at the office with "attitude". You also have attitude, the right kind, and that should melt her. Welcome back sweet lady.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    Hey friends, don't believe
    Hey friends, don't believe half of this~ Pammy has indeed found Life After Cancer~ on Facebook! LOL LOL LOL :-)

    Sweet Pammy, thanks so much for the updates! The physical stuff aside (GRRRRRRR) which of course will be dealt with successfully, CONGRATS on going back to work! And ooh-la-la; with a secretary!

    It was indeed wonderful to see your name and that you posted...we have indeed missed you!

    Happy New Year to you!

  • Eil4186
    Eil4186 Member Posts: 949
    Pammy, so good to hear from
    Pammy, so good to hear from you! Congrats on returning to work. that is a big milestone and goes a long way towards helping to feel like life is normal again. I did not know about your thyroid as I only check-in once in a while lately. I will say a prayer that it will work out well for you. Are you taking tamoxifen? I can relate to the memory thing. I forget my pill sometimes and it makes me worry, but perhaps a missed dose once in a while is not too awful.
    Well, I missed you, and am glad you are doing good. Good luck at work and w/ your new assistant! She better not be mean to you!! Tc, Eileen
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    You're back!
    We sure missed you! If that helper doesn't shape up then get another. It's easy with temps. Hope the thyroid problem is nothing and glad you are getting back to living. Hugs.
  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    Hello Pammy
    I am so glad to hear from you.Good luck in going back to work.I pray you get good news from the Dr.I just finished radiation and I have hard work ahead of me also.I had put everything eles on the back burner to fight this beast of Cancer.Take care.Love and Prayers.(Pat).
  • Wolfi
    Wolfi Member Posts: 425
    Glad you're back!

    I'm glad to see you back and I wish you luck going back to work.

    I've missed your postings about eating ice cream (they always made me smile).

    Take care and keep posting and let us know how you're doing with the transitions of being back at work.

  • GreeneyedGirl
    GreeneyedGirl Member Posts: 1,077
    Wolfi said:

    Glad you're back!

    I'm glad to see you back and I wish you luck going back to work.

    I've missed your postings about eating ice cream (they always made me smile).

    Take care and keep posting and let us know how you're doing with the transitions of being back at work.


    Yes, ditto to all above~
    ~happy to see a post from you Pammy! And easing back into work life~will help you feel a little more like your old self, even if it stretches your memory, your physical "self" and all that goes with it. All part of the "new normal". I eased back in myself and over the last 6 mo have increased even more.
    Celebrate~ eat ice~cream!
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    So glad to hear from you! We have indeed missed you! Love your idea of a patch!
    So sorry to hear about your Thyroid. Gosh, it has been one thing after another....
    That's awesome about work!! And to have your own secretary-Wow! Love your attitude, you give her that "adjustment"! :-) It'll all come back to you in no time. Please let us know what the doc says.
    Hang in there!
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Akiss4me said:

    My cohort in promoting healthy bones! Yes, eating ice-cream is good for you! Lots and lots of calcium!! (How did I do? LOL)
    I'm nervous about starting back b/c there is the possibility I could be out again depending on what they do with my thyroid, but at least I will feel like I was amongst the living for a while!!
    The best part is that they have missed me so much (yep, that is making me feel good!) that I have full range over when and how much I want to work. I am so blessed to work for such a company that not only kept my job for 8 months, but is bending over backwards to get me back! I did warn that I would be taking freguent breaks to do my therapy during the day and they told me noooooo problem! Giggle....didn't tell them what my current therapy was!
    Yep, I'll be checking in. So, go enjoy your ice cream and while your at's OK to sneak a second scoop!
    Hugs and smiles, Pammy

    Healthy bones, calcium, see
    Healthy bones, calcium, see that is why I need you at my back. Glad your job is so good to you. They should be cause they have the employee of the decade working for them. I pray that all goes well with the thryoid and that you don't need to take more time from work. But I know that you are strong and will rise to the challenge if you must. Waiting to hear from you during therapy hour. Tee Hee
  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    We've missed you Pammy! I
    We've missed you Pammy! I seem to come and go in phases now too...but it's nice to see familiar posts.
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    Cat64 said:

    So glad to hear from you! We have indeed missed you! Love your idea of a patch!
    So sorry to hear about your Thyroid. Gosh, it has been one thing after another....
    That's awesome about work!! And to have your own secretary-Wow! Love your attitude, you give her that "adjustment"! :-) It'll all come back to you in no time. Please let us know what the doc says.
    Hang in there!

    'Bout bloody time an' all!........... Thanks for the really risque emails....I LOVED THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!! We do miss you in here though.....Love and Kicks Jxxxxxxx LOLOL
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hello, Pammy!
    OK - it's early Sunday evening. Like everyone else, I'm anxious to hear the good news you got today from your doctor. Hoping, hoping, hoping...

    And best wishes to you for your return to work this week. Especially with all the flexibility you're being afforded by your employer - you'll do just fine adjusting.

    Hugs and smiles backatcha, friend.

    Kindest regards, Susan