Spent last night on the bathroom floor...

taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I guess it's time for me to evaluate just how long I want to subject myself to the se's of this treatment plan... I'm two months in, and just had my second injection Tuesday... spent most of last night sitting on the floor in my bathroom. I was so sick... to the point that there was nothing left to come up, but my stomach kept contracting... my head felt like it was in a vice grip... my poor husband spent his time helping me back and forth from the bed, brought me a bowl.. (bless his heart he even washed it out several times)... brought me hot compresses then cool rags.. he didn't get any sleep at all.

So... looks like I get what are known as the severe se's from this plan...why??? Why can't I just get the most common se's instead of the severe, less common ones... the doctor told me that as time goes on it will eventually subside... then followed it up with after 12 to 15 injections... I've only had two at this point... so that means by Christmas next year it shouldn't be so bad... The only reason I'm going through all of this is to "reduce" my chance of reoccurance... not to treat anything... because I can't take the Tomaxifin... so I guess I'm asking... is trying to reduce the chance of reoccurance realy worth all this???

Then I tell myself to quit being such a complainer... here I am posting about how awful I feel when so many of you have gone through and are going through regular chemo... My hat is off to you... I don't know if I could do it...



  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member
    I'm so sorry you're sick. What are you on that's causing this? There should be some anti-nausea meds you can take before, during and after treatment to help. Recheck with you doctor about it.
  • jennytwist
    jennytwist Member Posts: 896
    Dear, sweet T -
    so sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. I know we spoke a little about the dreaded tamoxifen and I did find out I do metabolize it so the plan you're on won't be the same as mine. I'm so sorry you have to go through this - I'm sure as time goes on, you'll feel better. Just remember why you are doing it! And, I really think if they would let me I'd choose your route instead of the tam.
    Do take care and know we are all here for you -
    much love,
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    Oh dearest ~T~ When I see
    Oh dearest ~T~ When I see your picture next to your name, I just can't imagine you any other way but smiling, healthy and happy! I am so very sorry that you are going through this! And, of course I wouldn't DREAM of suggesting what you should or shouldn't do as regards continuing the treatment. This may indeed be something you need to re-visit with
    your Dr. He doesn't want you to be having such an adverse reaction either!

    If wishes could make it so, the wishes from all of us here on the boards would magically make the se's you are experiencing vanish into thin air .

    Bless your husbands heart as well; he is a man of great integrity who obviously loves you very much.

    Love and hugs to you, sweet sister.

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    chenheart said:

    Oh dearest ~T~ When I see
    Oh dearest ~T~ When I see your picture next to your name, I just can't imagine you any other way but smiling, healthy and happy! I am so very sorry that you are going through this! And, of course I wouldn't DREAM of suggesting what you should or shouldn't do as regards continuing the treatment. This may indeed be something you need to re-visit with
    your Dr. He doesn't want you to be having such an adverse reaction either!

    If wishes could make it so, the wishes from all of us here on the boards would magically make the se's you are experiencing vanish into thin air .

    Bless your husbands heart as well; he is a man of great integrity who obviously loves you very much.

    Love and hugs to you, sweet sister.


    Ask the to reduce your dose.
    May be they can build up your dose gradually and your body will adapt slowly.
    I wish get better by Holiday time.
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member

    Ask the to reduce your dose.
    May be they can build up your dose gradually and your body will adapt slowly.
    I wish get better by Holiday time.

    So very sorry T that this is
    So very sorry T that this is happening to you. Why can't you take the meds for nausea. They work very well. Hope you feel better soon and talk to your doctor to see if there is something to help you along. Hugs
  • mizcaldwell
    mizcaldwell Member Posts: 143
    I'm doing regular chemo - and I haven't had anything like that. I'd definitely ask about something to ease the se - would Emend work? Ask the doctor - it couldn't hurt!

    My thoughts and prayers are with you!

  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    Being sick.
    Hi Teleena,I am sorry your having such hard time of it.I two am like you,during chemo I think I had every side effect I ever heard could happen from Chemo and then some.They stopped my chemo after being rushed in the emergency room with severe allergic reation.I have always been this way.They now stopped my radiation for awhile for burns.Which I guess is pretty common.I don,t know whether to take the Cancer pill for a year or not.I pray you feel better soon.I am glad you have a understanding husband.Love and prayers.(Pat).
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    chenheart said:

    Oh dearest ~T~ When I see
    Oh dearest ~T~ When I see your picture next to your name, I just can't imagine you any other way but smiling, healthy and happy! I am so very sorry that you are going through this! And, of course I wouldn't DREAM of suggesting what you should or shouldn't do as regards continuing the treatment. This may indeed be something you need to re-visit with
    your Dr. He doesn't want you to be having such an adverse reaction either!

    If wishes could make it so, the wishes from all of us here on the boards would magically make the se's you are experiencing vanish into thin air .

    Bless your husbands heart as well; he is a man of great integrity who obviously loves you very much.

    Love and hugs to you, sweet sister.


    You come here anytime you


    You come here anytime you want and complain. I would complain if I was having these issues. Your side effects are not diminished because it isn't "chemo" and no one here thinks that yours is easier (or harder) than chemo. A side effect is a side effect. How sweet that your husband was there helping you through this. And dry heaves are the worst thing. There were some suggestions here and I cannot think of anything to add except that my prayers are that these side effects diminish soon. I admire how well you have dealt with all the stumbling blocks that have shown up during your journey. My best cyberhug is coming to you.
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    ppurdin said:

    Being sick.
    Hi Teleena,I am sorry your having such hard time of it.I two am like you,during chemo I think I had every side effect I ever heard could happen from Chemo and then some.They stopped my chemo after being rushed in the emergency room with severe allergic reation.I have always been this way.They now stopped my radiation for awhile for burns.Which I guess is pretty common.I don,t know whether to take the Cancer pill for a year or not.I pray you feel better soon.I am glad you have a understanding husband.Love and prayers.(Pat).

    I am so sorry you were not feeling well last night--glad your husband was there to help.

    There should be some medication they can give you so you aren't so sick.

    Take care my friend,

    P.S. Happy Holidays to your family.
    Tell Liz that Jake says Hi.
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003

    I am so sorry you were not feeling well last night--glad your husband was there to help.

    There should be some medication they can give you so you aren't so sick.

    Take care my friend,

    P.S. Happy Holidays to your family.
    Tell Liz that Jake says Hi.

    i hope that you will feel
    i hope that you will feel better tomorrow, sometimes you may just have a rough day. You look so healthy in your picture.
  • Jadie
    Jadie Member Posts: 723
    I hope that you are feeling better. I am so sorry that you were so sick. We need to do everything we can to keep the beast away the second time. We don't need any "what ifs".

  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    T, please don't call
    T, please don't call yourself a complainer. You had the night from Hell. That's not even considering the first injection. I don't know how much the shots lower your risk, so I can't give any answer to that. Only you can decide, because you are the one suffering the wretched side effects.

    Feel better soon, that is my prayer for you.
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    Moopy23 said:

    T, please don't call
    T, please don't call yourself a complainer. You had the night from Hell. That's not even considering the first injection. I don't know how much the shots lower your risk, so I can't give any answer to that. Only you can decide, because you are the one suffering the wretched side effects.

    Feel better soon, that is my prayer for you.

    Dear Lord
    Please give this girl some relief!! I'm so sorry you're going through this. I am asking the same question everyone else is, why not take the antinausea drugs? They have so many.
    Please let us know how you're doing. We care....
  • shortscake
    shortscake Member Posts: 228
    Sorry you had such a bad night i have had a few of them myself.One good thing is that this to will pass.
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    awww T....
    I'm reaching out giving you a great big hug!!!! I hope you are feeling better! Pammy
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    Thank you all of my dear
    Thank you all of my dear sweet sisters... I am feeling better... still a little shakey but not spending any more time with my face in a bowl... I will be speaking with my onco about anti nausia meds... I don't think I can take many more nights like that one... ugh....

    I was supposed to go out shopping with my daughter yesterday but needless to say that didn't happen... although at 3:30 I did pull some clothes on and manage to go with my daughter to the bridal shop by my house... there I sat in a comfy chair as my daughter tried on various wedding gowns... all of which were quite lovely... (I have a favorite in mind... but she has to get the votes of the maid of honor and brides maids...)... So, we narrowed it down to one of four... so she will go back with her friends and pick the final one....

    Wedding plans on a budget... but it will be beautifull.... She wants classic black and white kind of the Katherine Hepburn style... and I am not the "event planner" in the least... any suggestions would be welcome....

    Hugs and thank you all for your positive thoughts... You are all in my heart!

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    taleena said:

    Thank you all of my dear
    Thank you all of my dear sweet sisters... I am feeling better... still a little shakey but not spending any more time with my face in a bowl... I will be speaking with my onco about anti nausia meds... I don't think I can take many more nights like that one... ugh....

    I was supposed to go out shopping with my daughter yesterday but needless to say that didn't happen... although at 3:30 I did pull some clothes on and manage to go with my daughter to the bridal shop by my house... there I sat in a comfy chair as my daughter tried on various wedding gowns... all of which were quite lovely... (I have a favorite in mind... but she has to get the votes of the maid of honor and brides maids...)... So, we narrowed it down to one of four... so she will go back with her friends and pick the final one....

    Wedding plans on a budget... but it will be beautifull.... She wants classic black and white kind of the Katherine Hepburn style... and I am not the "event planner" in the least... any suggestions would be welcome....

    Hugs and thank you all for your positive thoughts... You are all in my heart!


    Dear T...
    So, so sorry you're experiencing such awful SEs... If you don't have them, please do ask your doctor about anti-nausea meds.

    Regarding the "value" of your current treatment - do you know your own risk of recurrence with versus without it? For me, this was always the major factor in my own decisions.

    Doesn't surprise me one bit that Dennis was so supportive during your nasty night. :-)

    With heartfelt hopes you'll continue to feel better each day, and that you'll get some sort of relief for the SEs prior to your next treatment.

    Kindest regards,
  • tjhay
    tjhay Member Posts: 655
    taleena said:

    Thank you all of my dear
    Thank you all of my dear sweet sisters... I am feeling better... still a little shakey but not spending any more time with my face in a bowl... I will be speaking with my onco about anti nausia meds... I don't think I can take many more nights like that one... ugh....

    I was supposed to go out shopping with my daughter yesterday but needless to say that didn't happen... although at 3:30 I did pull some clothes on and manage to go with my daughter to the bridal shop by my house... there I sat in a comfy chair as my daughter tried on various wedding gowns... all of which were quite lovely... (I have a favorite in mind... but she has to get the votes of the maid of honor and brides maids...)... So, we narrowed it down to one of four... so she will go back with her friends and pick the final one....

    Wedding plans on a budget... but it will be beautifull.... She wants classic black and white kind of the Katherine Hepburn style... and I am not the "event planner" in the least... any suggestions would be welcome....

    Hugs and thank you all for your positive thoughts... You are all in my heart!


    My Dear Sister/Friend, I am
    My Dear Sister/Friend, I am sorry that I am late on chimeing in on the well wishes, but that is me. In the maean time this chemo like shot you are doing sounds as bad as sitting for chemo, so no you are not a complainer. The se's you are going throug are harsh to say the least. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayer.
  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    Akiss4me said:

    awww T....
    I'm reaching out giving you a great big hug!!!! I hope you are feeling better! Pammy

    I Love Your Photo
    I love your photo. This kitten looks like my Mans when he was a baby kitten.
  • pitt
    pitt Member Posts: 387
    taleena said:

    Thank you all of my dear
    Thank you all of my dear sweet sisters... I am feeling better... still a little shakey but not spending any more time with my face in a bowl... I will be speaking with my onco about anti nausia meds... I don't think I can take many more nights like that one... ugh....

    I was supposed to go out shopping with my daughter yesterday but needless to say that didn't happen... although at 3:30 I did pull some clothes on and manage to go with my daughter to the bridal shop by my house... there I sat in a comfy chair as my daughter tried on various wedding gowns... all of which were quite lovely... (I have a favorite in mind... but she has to get the votes of the maid of honor and brides maids...)... So, we narrowed it down to one of four... so she will go back with her friends and pick the final one....

    Wedding plans on a budget... but it will be beautifull.... She wants classic black and white kind of the Katherine Hepburn style... and I am not the "event planner" in the least... any suggestions would be welcome....

    Hugs and thank you all for your positive thoughts... You are all in my heart!


    Dear T, I'm so sorry that
    Dear T, I'm so sorry that you are having a rough time of it. I'm glad you are feeling better. I truly hope that your doctor will give you some medications to help relieve you of your side effects. Wishing you the best, Pitt