Lumpectomy this Wednesday

Gloria09 Member Posts: 190
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I'm getting a little anxious as my surgery date gets closer. I had a lumpectomy a couple of years ago for a lump in the other breast that was very close to the surface and benign. This time it is farther inward and won't be as easy to get to and it's cancer. I'm told I will be given a general anesthesia and will not be able to maneuver my arm very well for a while. Any idea how long that lasts? I found a bra that fastens in the front and have a few button shirts to get me by for a few days. If you've had this type of surgery I'd like to hear about it. Thanks! Wish me luck.


  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    Hi Gloria
    It is normal to be anxious before surgery. I wish there was someway that I could calm you down. Are you having nodes removed too? At least a sentinal node? I am not for sure why you are saying that you won't be able to maneuver your arm. I didn't have any trouble with my arm. Good luck!

  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Deep vs. shallow tumors
    Hi, Gloria -

    I had lumpectomies in both breasts this past June. The tumor in my left breast was close to the surface, but the cluster of very small tumors in my right breast was much deeper, "dead center" of my breast, according to the surgeon.

    I had surgery on both breasts at the same time, under general anesthesia, but the difference in recovery between my left and right side was very noticeable, primarily in how much pain I had.

    I think the issue of arm mobility has more to do with what they're doing to your lymph nodes than the lumpectomy itself -- I had sentinel node biopsies on both sides, which came back clear during surgery, so didn't have to have a full lymph node dissection.

    For the sentinel node biopsy, the surgeon took only 3-4 lymph nodes on each side to test. I had a little bit of trouble raising my arms above my head for just a few days, and wasn't able to lift anything heavy (like the laundry detergent bottle I tried to pick up) for maybe a week or two. However, if any of the sentinel nodes had come back positive during surgery, then the surgeon would have proceeded with the full lymph node dissection, which would have had a much bigger effect on mobility.

    Hope that helps a little? I'm glad to share anything else if I haven't quite hit your questions?

  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    It's easy to say try NOT to be anxious, but the fear of the unknown seems to take over. I just had a Lumpectomy 2 weeks ago and 2 LN's removed. I know how you feel. My arm seems to be ok until I forget I had surgery and try to do what I normally would. The surgeon said it would take a few weeks. Haven't tried a bra yet as I know it would irritate the incision where it is. You sound pretty well prepared other than the norm of the nerves.
    Wishing you the best outcome on Wednesday, we will all be with you in spirit, thoughts, & prayers. Let us know how you're doing as soon as you are able.
    Prayers & Hugz,
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Good luck, Gloria
    I had a lumpectomy last year with sentinal node biopsy (2 nodes removed). My cancer was close to the chest wall. The pain wasn't that bad for me. I took tylenol extra strength a few times, but didn't need the prescription stuff. My range of motion is very good now, even after radiation. My thoughts are with you for Wednesday.

  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808
    mimivac said:

    Good luck, Gloria
    I had a lumpectomy last year with sentinal node biopsy (2 nodes removed). My cancer was close to the chest wall. The pain wasn't that bad for me. I took tylenol extra strength a few times, but didn't need the prescription stuff. My range of motion is very good now, even after radiation. My thoughts are with you for Wednesday.


    Gloria, sorry you're having
    Gloria, sorry you're having to go thru this and wish the best outcome for you. Haven't had surgery yet so can't help you that way. Just wishing you well and keeping you in my prayers Wed. Post when you feel up to it and let us know how you're doing.
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    Sunrae said:

    Gloria, sorry you're having
    Gloria, sorry you're having to go thru this and wish the best outcome for you. Haven't had surgery yet so can't help you that way. Just wishing you well and keeping you in my prayers Wed. Post when you feel up to it and let us know how you're doing.

    I had the same surgery and all lymph nodes removed. I had very little control over my right arm afterwards but within a week I was able to play the accordion again. Keep it up, keep it moving. Hope this helps Hugz Jxxx
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Anxious as surgery approaches...
    Totally understandable, and to be expected. As you can already see from the varying posts here, it can be quite different for each of us.

    Depending on your particular surgery, physical therapy may be recommended for afterwards. I had a series of simple exercises to do at home, taught to me by my surgical nurse.

    Best wishes to you for successful surgery with the best possible results, and speedy recovery. I'll be thinking of you on Wednesday, with sincere hopes.
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member

    Anxious as surgery approaches...
    Totally understandable, and to be expected. As you can already see from the varying posts here, it can be quite different for each of us.

    Depending on your particular surgery, physical therapy may be recommended for afterwards. I had a series of simple exercises to do at home, taught to me by my surgical nurse.

    Best wishes to you for successful surgery with the best possible results, and speedy recovery. I'll be thinking of you on Wednesday, with sincere hopes.

    Good luck with your surgery.
    Good luck with your surgery. I had a lumpectomy and sentinal node removal and didn't have any problem with my arm. The plastic surgeon did send me home with instructions for exercises just incase I might need them. Praying for you on Wednesday!

  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    I had a lumpectomy with sentinel node excision in October. My arm on that side was a bit sore at first, but not terrible. I just couldn't reach up with it or lift very heavy objects for a bit, but it healed pretty quickly and I was able to go back to work 2 weeks after my surgery. If they had taken more lymph nodes, the arm would have been more sore, but I was lucky that the sample they took was clear and they only had to take the 1.

    I was nervous just before my surgery as well, but it really wasn't that terrible. The pain afterwards was minimal and I only had to take pain pills for a couple of days.

    I'm sure you'll do fine, and we'll all be there in that very crowded operating room, holding your hand!

    Take care,
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member

    I had a lumpectomy with sentinel node excision in October. My arm on that side was a bit sore at first, but not terrible. I just couldn't reach up with it or lift very heavy objects for a bit, but it healed pretty quickly and I was able to go back to work 2 weeks after my surgery. If they had taken more lymph nodes, the arm would have been more sore, but I was lucky that the sample they took was clear and they only had to take the 1.

    I was nervous just before my surgery as well, but it really wasn't that terrible. The pain afterwards was minimal and I only had to take pain pills for a couple of days.

    I'm sure you'll do fine, and we'll all be there in that very crowded operating room, holding your hand!

    Take care,

    Hi Gloria
    I had a lumpectomy last June. It was not to bad at all. However when I woke up my arm was the only pain I felt. It was really sore. Now I did have 22 nodes removed, but they told me my arm pain at that point was do to the position they had my arm for the 3 hour surgery. Following all this the pain changed to a different kind of pain that was do to node removel. When you wake up and if you do have this arm pain they are talking about, they will give you pain meds for it. Best of luck to you.
  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member
    Hi Gloria. Don't blame you
    Hi Gloria. Don't blame you for being anxious. I also had a lumpectomy last June with 6 lumph nodes out. The surgery team put me in a surgical bra while I was still under general anesthesia. I wore that for about 2 weeks as it felt better than a regular bra. My arm was sore and I had exercises to do to get the range of motion back. The pain wasn't too bad--didn't finish the prescription pain meds. It takes a couple of days to get out of the fog from general anesthesia.
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    Sher43009 said:

    Hi Gloria. Don't blame you
    Hi Gloria. Don't blame you for being anxious. I also had a lumpectomy last June with 6 lumph nodes out. The surgery team put me in a surgical bra while I was still under general anesthesia. I wore that for about 2 weeks as it felt better than a regular bra. My arm was sore and I had exercises to do to get the range of motion back. The pain wasn't too bad--didn't finish the prescription pain meds. It takes a couple of days to get out of the fog from general anesthesia.

    Just wishing you good luck
    Just wishing you good luck for your surgery Gloria. Post when you can to let us know that you are home and recovering.

    KYLEZ ♥
  • Gloria09
    Gloria09 Member Posts: 190
    No nodes removed
    No nodes will be removed so I have it pretty easy and shouldn't be so anxious. They "think" they removed all the cancer during the biopsy last month so this surgury it just to remove more tissue around that area. It's just that nothing is certain the anxious part is more about what the results will be from the surgery.

    Thank you everyone for all your support!
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    Gloria09 said:

    No nodes removed
    No nodes will be removed so I have it pretty easy and shouldn't be so anxious. They "think" they removed all the cancer during the biopsy last month so this surgury it just to remove more tissue around that area. It's just that nothing is certain the anxious part is more about what the results will be from the surgery.

    Thank you everyone for all your support!

    You have every right to be
    You have every right to be anxious Gloria. You are having surgery. I pray that by removing more tissue that you will get clean margins and everything will be fine. Be sure and ask them about exercises or how careful you should be with your arm. Praying for good results.

    Sue :)
  • Taina
    Taina Member Posts: 166
    good luck
    I had my lumpectomy July 2009. My doctor didn't wanted me to drive for 3 wks.
    I survived the pain, is recommendations with the bras...i hope you bought them a size or 2 bigger because of the swelling...will look like you had a breast aumentation...not that i had breast still swell but not as bad as the 1st few months...i still feel like i have a lump but is just part of the healing process..they also took 8 lymph nodes from me...i have since surgery had 4 chemo tx's, 30 rads and just started Tamoxifen 2 wks ago...i was out of work for 3 months after my surgery but been back to work f/t since the beginning of rads...
    ask your doctor for instructions on excersing your arm, it may hurt a little at 1st but you can do it...i did...i didn't wanted to go to another doctor when she said physical therapy for my arm...
    just follow your doctors instructions....
    i will be praying for you...keep us posted.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    Taina said:

    good luck
    I had my lumpectomy July 2009. My doctor didn't wanted me to drive for 3 wks.
    I survived the pain, is recommendations with the bras...i hope you bought them a size or 2 bigger because of the swelling...will look like you had a breast aumentation...not that i had breast still swell but not as bad as the 1st few months...i still feel like i have a lump but is just part of the healing process..they also took 8 lymph nodes from me...i have since surgery had 4 chemo tx's, 30 rads and just started Tamoxifen 2 wks ago...i was out of work for 3 months after my surgery but been back to work f/t since the beginning of rads...
    ask your doctor for instructions on excersing your arm, it may hurt a little at 1st but you can do it...i did...i didn't wanted to go to another doctor when she said physical therapy for my arm...
    just follow your doctors instructions....
    i will be praying for you...keep us posted.

    Good luck tomorrow!
    Good luck tomorrow Gloria! I will be praying and thinking of you!

  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    Gloria09 said:

    No nodes removed
    No nodes will be removed so I have it pretty easy and shouldn't be so anxious. They "think" they removed all the cancer during the biopsy last month so this surgury it just to remove more tissue around that area. It's just that nothing is certain the anxious part is more about what the results will be from the surgery.

    Thank you everyone for all your support!

    Hey, that is good that you
    Hey, that is good that you don't have to have nodes removed. I know you are anxious. Do you have a nerve pill or something to take? Good luck!

  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member

    Good luck tomorrow!
    Good luck tomorrow Gloria! I will be praying and thinking of you!


    Gloria... hang in there and
    Gloria... hang in there and know that you will be in our thoughts and prayers...Will be sending you quick healing thoughts!

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    taleena said:

    Gloria... hang in there and
    Gloria... hang in there and know that you will be in our thoughts and prayers...Will be sending you quick healing thoughts!


    Hope you get some sleep
    Hope you get some sleep tonight Gloria. Good luck tomorrow.
  • kickie
    kickie Member Posts: 85
    In my thought and prayers,
    In my thought and prayers, you will get thru it ok. Wear that sexy bra they put on you!!!!