personal question, please help



  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    chenheart said:

    Well, perhaps I owe you an apology!
    Well, perhaps I owe you an apology! The thread was pretty much in keeping with the subject at hand~ and reading from the beginning, everyone ( myself included)was quite concerned and realized this is a serious question which was treated with the dignity it deserved. After almost 7 years of posting on these boards, I hope my caring and senstive nature is evident to most everyone here. If now and then, someone says something which strikes me as funny, and Heaven knows we need to be irreverant now and again~ I see nothing wrong with laughing! I wasn't at all insulted by the suggestion as to why maybe spit works for me! I was simply following a silly thread with an "assumption" about my man to an equally
    silly conclusion! It takes nothing away from my sisters in here who are having either physical/emotional difficulties.
    If anyone was at all offended, I again apologize. Hopefully, my Kindred Spirits in here know me better, and were laughing along with me, realizing I would never purposely say anything to demean any of us in our battle.


    I don't see anything
    I don't see anything offensive... and trust me ... I feel often frustrated by the issue and have since before my dx... this has been a problem for me for several years... (poor hubby).. I haven't participated in this thread but have read every word... and I want you to KNOW... that I APPRECIATE THE HUMOR... on a topic that can leave people feeling a little ackward and and uncomfortable.. it breaks up the seriousness and allows us to laugh.... By the way... there are studies that PROVE... LAUGHTER HELPS TO INITIATE HEALING... and really I think that is what we are all looking for!


  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    rjjj said:

    I was laughing out loud and i really needed this mundane? thread i found it way funnier than artichokes. and even though i do relate to this subject...and haven't tried spit..but really like KY yours and mine. I think we all need a break from all the seriousness of our lives. Plus Claudia you know I "GET" you.
    Hugs, jackie

    I took this serious, as, I
    I took this serious, as, I think the women that wrote their posts did. I feel sorry for the

    woman that posted. And, I think it would be great if they could find something that would

    help them. I didn't find it funny at all and I still don't. It wasn't offensive to anyone. I think it is a very serious matter and noone was really looking for a laugh out of it.

    And, I think we should just let this thread die too, like some other controversial ones.

    This reminds me of the 1percent thread, doesn't it? I think it would be nice to just let it go!
  • jdubious
    jdubious Member Posts: 113
    I had the same trouble - I'm using the estring and it's helped tons! It's a plastic ring with a string embedded in it that gives off very low dose estrogen. it's inserted and you leave it in for 3 months at a time. The dose is so low that it is absorbed locally only. I can't take hormones either, but my onc says this is ok for me. And it works!

  • faithandprayer
    faithandprayer Member Posts: 177
    Toxic Spit
    Only thing I'd add, about the spit option (and this doesn't specifically apply to confused's post because it looks like you are off chemo now):

    You may want to check with onco if still on chemo:
    With some chemo drugs (as was the case with mine) "BARRIER" w/bodily fluids is instructed/recommended - and that would include saliva.
    Has anyone else heard of this?

    I have no idea if hair would actually fall out or what the actual logic of the chemo effect is - just thought I'd toss it out there.

  • confused123
    confused123 Member Posts: 251

    Toxic Spit
    Only thing I'd add, about the spit option (and this doesn't specifically apply to confused's post because it looks like you are off chemo now):

    You may want to check with onco if still on chemo:
    With some chemo drugs (as was the case with mine) "BARRIER" w/bodily fluids is instructed/recommended - and that would include saliva.
    Has anyone else heard of this?

    I have no idea if hair would actually fall out or what the actual logic of the chemo effect is - just thought I'd toss it out there.


    Thanks all for the posts. I
    Thanks all for the posts. I never expected to get so many. I am trying to get an appt with a specialist. Lucky enough to live near big cities. Anyway what a pain to get into the place the obgyn referred me to. They sent me a 24 page questionaire to fill out. Also need last 5 years of records from ob office but first I need to get release of info and fill out and fax over but of course the faxes are not going through to the ob office and their faxes are not getting to the specialist office. Anyway when they finally get all the info it takes 10 days to review and then get an appt for 6 weeks from that. I will let you ladies know if I get any helpful info when and if I get an appointment.

    I am done with chemo and on Herceptin now. I read on Replense directions that dryness can be caused by chemo,not sure if Herceptin applies or I have another whole issue but it seems like lots of ladies have it so may be from the treatments we are on. I was told to use a condom when having chemo and asked the nurse why since I am married, one partner, and have tubes tied. She said just for a couple days after the treatment to make sure all the chemo is out of the system because it can pass to other people and you don't want all that toxic stuff passed to other people. So I think your partner's saliva is ok, yours for your partner not ok for a couple days after treatment. Hope this helps.

  • 093008
    093008 Member Posts: 6

    Thanks all for the posts. I
    Thanks all for the posts. I never expected to get so many. I am trying to get an appt with a specialist. Lucky enough to live near big cities. Anyway what a pain to get into the place the obgyn referred me to. They sent me a 24 page questionaire to fill out. Also need last 5 years of records from ob office but first I need to get release of info and fill out and fax over but of course the faxes are not going through to the ob office and their faxes are not getting to the specialist office. Anyway when they finally get all the info it takes 10 days to review and then get an appt for 6 weeks from that. I will let you ladies know if I get any helpful info when and if I get an appointment.

    I am done with chemo and on Herceptin now. I read on Replense directions that dryness can be caused by chemo,not sure if Herceptin applies or I have another whole issue but it seems like lots of ladies have it so may be from the treatments we are on. I was told to use a condom when having chemo and asked the nurse why since I am married, one partner, and have tubes tied. She said just for a couple days after the treatment to make sure all the chemo is out of the system because it can pass to other people and you don't want all that toxic stuff passed to other people. So I think your partner's saliva is ok, yours for your partner not ok for a couple days after treatment. Hope this helps.


    I am new to this discussion
    I am new to this discussion board thing, but I also have an issue with painful intercourse. I finished my radiation and chemo last June, but am still having this issue. Was the specialist able to suggest anything? Has anyone tried the product Sylk?? It is not cheap, but if it does work, it would be well worth it. Thanks ladies.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    093008 said:

    I am new to this discussion
    I am new to this discussion board thing, but I also have an issue with painful intercourse. I finished my radiation and chemo last June, but am still having this issue. Was the specialist able to suggest anything? Has anyone tried the product Sylk?? It is not cheap, but if it does work, it would be well worth it. Thanks ladies.

    Thank you
    for bringing this up. Very important issue
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Thank you
    for bringing this up. Very important issue

    IMO Reggie must be well endowed as you have the confidnece to mention it. You go girl.
    For the ladies with problems, do you also have the guys checked out too? I have to say I am dealing with the chemo and butt problems no interest here, but I got to help the guy along soon.!
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    carkris said:

    IMO Reggie must be well endowed as you have the confidnece to mention it. You go girl.
    For the ladies with problems, do you also have the guys checked out too? I have to say I am dealing with the chemo and butt problems no interest here, but I got to help the guy along soon.!

    Ah, I remember this thread from the summer! Well, since then things have improved for me. One reason is that I am coming out of chemo-induced menopause, I believe. But also, I've been using this product called Zestra. Totally natural, no estrogen or anything. It really helps :)
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    mimivac said:

    Ah, I remember this thread from the summer! Well, since then things have improved for me. One reason is that I am coming out of chemo-induced menopause, I believe. But also, I've been using this product called Zestra. Totally natural, no estrogen or anything. It really helps :)

    This thread caused me more
    This thread caused me more grief than anything I have ever responded to! I shudder to recall how my "innocent" words and what I thought were simply adding silliness to an otherwise serious topic were mis-construed by some of the kindred ones here on the boards. It gave me pause and I have re-considered putting things in words just because they are on my mind! I am not happy at all to see it has made its way back to the top of the list...

    Oh, and I'm glad you are "better"! YAY

    Hugs, and please post on everyone elses thread so that this moves waaaaay back to the umpteeth page again! LOL

  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    Thank Trigger
    This was posted by Trigger on another post regarding this issue. The gyne I see specializes in midlife health, and when I saw her this week I asked your same question. Surprisingly, she said the best lubricant is very inexpensive: plain old olive oil! Then she made a joke about virgin & extra virgin olive oil. But it will stain your sheets so she recommends putting a towel down on your bed first. If you don't want to deal with that, her recommended list includes: Wet Platinum, Eros Women, Astroglide (I've used this and like it), Liquid Silk, Hydra-smooth, Moist, Kamasutra, and KY jelly (not the liquid). Hope this helps someone out there.
