Guess What!!!!!!!! *"added some pics to!""

Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I'm so excited!!!

I think some of you know my background in theater, I do love it, and do community theater in my area, but haven't done a play since my dx in January, just been real scared of being undependable, since you never know if I end up in a hospital or not, or just too tired, and afraid of having them try and rehearse around you....

I got a message on my Facebook from my friend, the director of The Ariel Theater where I usually perform, and have had the lead role for the last 3 years in their Christmas shows, but haven't performed or went on any auditions, but keep in touch with my theater friends.

Well, he said he really missed my bubbly personality and smile, and really wants me to even have a small role back on the stage, and to come out of hiding, since I haven't seen them all since my dx, and I actually accepted!

Screw this cancer and what it's doing to me, I'm back onstage to see if I can do it without it getting to me!

I'll be busy with rehearsals my little role, it's called "The Rednecks Undo Christmas" and it's a small yet "physical" role for now, since I did say I don't know how dependable I will be with this cancer, you never k now how it will make you feel, or if you end up in the hospital or something, but they didn't care, and just want to see me back up there. I love this theater, and can't believe they're taking a chance on me, I was in tears !

I just would love prayers that I can do this without a hitch from this cancer!! I just don't want it to stop me from doing everything I love!



  • amyboston
    amyboston Member Posts: 91
    Give it your all!!
    You Rock!

    I think it is great that you are going to perform!!!

    It is truly inspirational for the rest of us.

    Blessings to you!
  • CanadaSue
    CanadaSue Member Posts: 339 Member
    You go girl!

    Good for you! Don't let the cancer hold you back from what you love to do!

    Go out and have some fun, it sounds like a fun play - "The Rednecks Undo Christmas"
    wish I lived closer, I would be right there in the front row.


  • AceSFO
    AceSFO Member Posts: 229
    Right ON!!
    If I lived in Ohio, I'd be in the front row! Get some video and post it on YouTube so we can see!

    Break a leg -
  • Muzzy
    Muzzy Member Posts: 175 Member
    This put a smile on my face,how great for you.
    You seem like someone who would be great on stage.
    I really happy for you. I know you will be great!!
    Just Happy to be here!!
  • just4Brooks
    just4Brooks Member Posts: 980 Member
    Front row seats
    That’s some good news to hear. Donna's back!!! When you look out into the audience just imagine all of us sitting in the front row.
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    that's great!
    Donna, that's exciting news for you & thanks for sharing it with us!
    Anything we can do to make life seem normal and to forget this whole cancer thing is definitely of good value.

    Here's to a happy day with your happy news :)

  • angelsbaby
    angelsbaby Member Posts: 1,165 Member
    lisa42 said:

    that's great!
    Donna, that's exciting news for you & thanks for sharing it with us!
    Anything we can do to make life seem normal and to forget this whole cancer thing is definitely of good value.

    Here's to a happy day with your happy news :)


    That is great news, I hope you have lots of fun doing it you deserve it.

  • trainer
    trainer Member Posts: 241
    Your performance in theater
    Good for you! I like the suggestion of your putting some video up on your page, too. Bravo!
  • Kathryn_in_MN
    Kathryn_in_MN Member Posts: 1,252 Member
    This is so great!
    I'm glad you get this chance again to do what you love. It goes to show that we might have to rethink the way we've done things before, but we can be creative and still find ways to do them, just maybe on a smaller scale.

    And what a nice boost for you, to find out how much your stage friends miss you.

    Have someone video this and post it on YouTube for us please! A little Christmas cheer for us all.

    Break a leg!
  • dianetavegia
    dianetavegia Member Posts: 1,942 Member
    "The Rednecks Undo Christmas"

    I LUV it!

    Donna, I'm so happy to hear your news. I think it's GREAT! You'll have fun and get to laugh a LOT and laughter is good for the body, mind and soul. You ROCK, girl! Be sure to have someone take loads of pictures because this story sounds like it's all about my neighbors and a bunch of my relatives (outlaws not in-laws) and I'll need to make sure it's accurate.

    Will you get to wear some Daisy Dukes? ;o)

    Love you my friend, and you can be sure I'll be praying!
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Guess What?
    Chicken Butt as Griffin and I say to each other!
    That's GREAT news Donna. You will do fine I'm sure.
  • thready
    thready Member Posts: 474
    Wow way cool
    Will pray for your strength! I say let the cancer take a seat now it is your turn!
  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    Congratulations on being asked & agreeing to do this! I think it is great you will be doing something you love to do!
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    AnneCan said:

    Congratulations on being asked & agreeing to do this! I think it is great you will be doing something you love to do!

    Thank You All!!!
    You guys ALL so rock! I love you all, thank you for the support and having faith and believing in me. I have uploaded a few pics from my play last year, I was in a couple, I played the villian's sidekick, Sandy Claws, and also part of the jury in the children's play "Jingle Bell Jury". Most of the pics came out so blurry, and yucky, since my daughter took them, and the rest had to be trashed.

    I hope I can do this without landing in the hospital, but it will be so good to see my theater family again. After trick or treating tonight, we're going there since they turn the theater into a HAUNTED theater, and try to scare people, I am usually part of this, but of course I was scared to do it, thinking I'd be undependable with this cancer.

    Wow, it'll be good hanging out again, and Diane, good gosh, I will not wear Daisy Dukes, I'd scare the audience! me and my knock knees LOL...

    Chicken Phil, omg, what is this play going to be like.. I bet you they make me black out my teeth except for one!!! LOL

    Talk soon All! and hugsssssss to each and everyone of you!

  • ittapp
    ittapp Member Posts: 383 Member
    Donna, this made me cry, you
    Donna, this made me cry, you are such an incredible personality that I am sure they miss your spirit!! I am sooooo happy for you and it gives me hope to come out of hiding and do something that I use to love to do, and that is volunteering for everything from school, to Church. I am even the asst. Director of cheerleading and stepped down because of the beast. I say screw Cancer and get on living. I love you Donna your awesome!!!!!!!! Patti
  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    Hi dear Donna,this is super
    Hi dear Donna,this is super cool!I am sure you will play your role very very well.You are in my prayers for sure and I hope you will get your performance done successfully.Good luck with it!Take care.Hugsss.
  • dianetavegia
    dianetavegia Member Posts: 1,942 Member
    Like Patti said....


    Donna those pictures are GREAT. Hey, we should all look as good as YOU.
  • cyndi2324
    cyndi2324 Member Posts: 72
    I am soooo happy for you. It sounds like something I would go see. Have a BLAST!
    You deserve it.
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    cyndi2324 said:

    I am soooo happy for you. It sounds like something I would go see. Have a BLAST!
    You deserve it.

    Thanks Again!
    Patti, I urge you to get out of hiding, you just have to take a deep breath and then scream F@@K This!!!! (sorry to cuss, but you know, it gets to you), I know you can go back to at least doing the Asst cheerleading thing Patti! It felt good going back to the theater last night and picking up my script, my friend said everyone is so excited that I said yes, and I was so happy to be back, your worries just go away when you're back in your element!

    I didn't look good in those pics Diane, they were so bad LOL.. but it's a beautiful old theater, that still has the Victorian look to it, you can see where I perform here:

  • amyboston
    amyboston Member Posts: 91
    theatre pix
    The pix are great. What a lovely family!
