What time is it? GOAL MONDAY!!

mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Ladies, I gather that there's some trouble on the site today. I had a hard time responding to a post this morning, so I hope this works. I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. But now, it's time to sober up, clean the house, throw out the empty beer bottles, and accomplish some goals! I am really excited about this week, because a lot of things are coming together for me. I'm finally starting to be consistent with my health and I'm ready to start being creative again. So, here's what I want to do this week:

1) I will pack my lunch every night and bring a healthy meal to work
2) I will eat healthy, 3 times a day, Monday-Thursday
3) I will meet my goal of 3 hours of exercise this week using my new heart-rate monitor/personal trainer watch. This thing is awesome for anyone who wants to set goals and know exactly how hard you are working. Pricy and but completely worth it.
4) I will start my artist's journey with "The Artist's Way" book. I will endeavor to do all the exercises and really overcome my resistance.
5) I will not resist negative emotions, but try to feel them calmly and move on.

So, now that I've shared my lofty and not-so lofty goals, what are you guys up to this week?!



  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Mine is nothing compaired to
    Mine is nothing compaired to yours but I'm feeling so much better since I cut whole wheat bread/cereal out of my diet and maybe it has nothing to do with it but I'll take what I can get. I'm wondering if I have an allergy to wheat if I eat too much. I plan on continuing to test that theory.

    I also want to organize my health records and shred all the files I don't need in my filing cabinet. I've been putting it off.
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    Mine is nothing compaired to
    Mine is nothing compaired to yours but I'm feeling so much better since I cut whole wheat bread/cereal out of my diet and maybe it has nothing to do with it but I'll take what I can get. I'm wondering if I have an allergy to wheat if I eat too much. I plan on continuing to test that theory.

    I also want to organize my health records and shred all the files I don't need in my filing cabinet. I've been putting it off.

    Celiac disease?
    Marcia, have you been tested for this? I don't know much about it, except that persons who are afflicted with it have a gluten-free diet. I'm glad you are feeling a lot better though. That must be a relief. I need to organize my health stuff, too. I have a feeling I am owed a lot of money because of confusion about my insurance coverage. I have 2 policies, but for a while one of them wasn't paying anything and charging it to me. I've been putting this off for a long time. Why would I do this, when there's $$ involved? Argh.
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    mimivac said:

    Celiac disease?
    Marcia, have you been tested for this? I don't know much about it, except that persons who are afflicted with it have a gluten-free diet. I'm glad you are feeling a lot better though. That must be a relief. I need to organize my health stuff, too. I have a feeling I am owed a lot of money because of confusion about my insurance coverage. I have 2 policies, but for a while one of them wasn't paying anything and charging it to me. I've been putting this off for a long time. Why would I do this, when there's $$ involved? Argh.

    No, I haven't been tested. I
    No, I haven't been tested. I know about it because of someone I know has it. Plus I read an article that said dairy or wheat allergy could be causing it. I tried cutting out dairy and nothing changed so I tried whole wheat and got better.

    Maybe it's the fact that it's paperwork and if they'd done their job right the first time you wouldn't have to do this.
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Early week
    Well, how is the week starting off for everyone? I've begun to work with the tools in the Artist's Way to regain some semblance of creativity. Yesterday, I visited our national Portrait Galley and American Art Museum and had a lot of inspirations of where I might want my art to go. It was also just fun since I am a bit of a museum fanatic. Today, I hope to go to the gym and figure out a fun little "ceremony" to perform tonight when I sign my creativity contract. So cheesy!

  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Now since the board seems to
    Now since the board seems to be fixed I'm bumping this up so others can set some goals. Come on girls! No excuse now.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Awesome goals--very
    Awesome goals--very inspirational!
  • Goldenguru
    Goldenguru Member Posts: 23
    My goal
    is to worry less this next week and to just try and savor the joys of the moment. Sometimes they are just very simple joys - like a warm bed and a hot shower. But, I need to try and focus more on the positive and spend less time in the 'what ifs'.

    Great post.
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member

    My goal
    is to worry less this next week and to just try and savor the joys of the moment. Sometimes they are just very simple joys - like a warm bed and a hot shower. But, I need to try and focus more on the positive and spend less time in the 'what ifs'.

    Great post.

    What if?
    Oh, I know! It's so hard to stop obsessing and thinking of all the worst possibilities. I think we are just wired that way. One thing I do is try to let go. Sometimes I am wound up so tightly and holding on to my version of what I want so closely, that I cannot get perspective. What will happen, will happen. We have to do our best to avoid the bad and then let it go. It can be frightening and freeing at the same time. I have trouble with it, but I continually try. And you know what? a warm bed and a hot shower are plenty to savor. I think I'll slip into a nice bath tonight...

  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    Now since the board seems to
    Now since the board seems to be fixed I'm bumping this up so others can set some goals. Come on girls! No excuse now.

    Thanks, Marcia
    You are very sweet to bump this.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member

    My goal
    is to worry less this next week and to just try and savor the joys of the moment. Sometimes they are just very simple joys - like a warm bed and a hot shower. But, I need to try and focus more on the positive and spend less time in the 'what ifs'.

    Great post.

    That is a great


    That is a great goal. It is hard to worry less especially with all of this surrounding you. But you don't want worrying about tomorrow to rob you of today. So keep savoring the simple joys and pleasures and be as positive as you can be. The "what ifs" might never happen and even if they do, there will time to deal with them then. Prayers for your journey.
  • lovelylola
    lovelylola Member Posts: 279
    Big week for me
    So for this week my goals are very selfish - I turned 60 today. OMG!! I know I should feel wiser or more mature. NOT!
    1. Go out and have a drink with my daughter tonight
    2. Go out with my girlfriends and have more than one drink tomorrow night (Oh Thursday
    morning will be tough!!
    Anybody see a theme here - I'm gonna celebrate.
    3. Go to the Look Good, Feel Good workshop on Thursday afternoon - Just in case I do have
    the chemo.
    4. Go to Onco appt on Fri and hopefully have GREAT NEWS and a low onco type score so I
    don't have to have chemo and can return everything I get from ACS on Thursday.
    5. Dance a great jig on Friday night and maybe go out for drinks to celebrate
    6. Recouperate on Saturday - Sleep late and take a nap
    7. Sunday - Family birthday BBQ celebration with kids and grandkids and family.
    I've decided that this week is about me and I deserve it which is a big switch coming from super momma take charge of and care for everyone else.
    I hope everyone else's week is as much fun as mine is going to be. Lola
  • jk1952
    jk1952 Member Posts: 613

    Big week for me
    So for this week my goals are very selfish - I turned 60 today. OMG!! I know I should feel wiser or more mature. NOT!
    1. Go out and have a drink with my daughter tonight
    2. Go out with my girlfriends and have more than one drink tomorrow night (Oh Thursday
    morning will be tough!!
    Anybody see a theme here - I'm gonna celebrate.
    3. Go to the Look Good, Feel Good workshop on Thursday afternoon - Just in case I do have
    the chemo.
    4. Go to Onco appt on Fri and hopefully have GREAT NEWS and a low onco type score so I
    don't have to have chemo and can return everything I get from ACS on Thursday.
    5. Dance a great jig on Friday night and maybe go out for drinks to celebrate
    6. Recouperate on Saturday - Sleep late and take a nap
    7. Sunday - Family birthday BBQ celebration with kids and grandkids and family.
    I've decided that this week is about me and I deserve it which is a big switch coming from super momma take charge of and care for everyone else.
    I hope everyone else's week is as much fun as mine is going to be. Lola

    It's mid-week already, and

    It's mid-week already, and I'm starting to panic about everything that I need to complete at work this week. My husband is out of town this week, so I won't want to work this weekend and I'm having a D&C (to remove a polyp) and hysteroscopy (the diagnosis tool, not the remove uterus) on Monday. So, everything that is due before next Tuesday needs to be done in the next three days. Lots of heads-down work but also lots of meetings interrupting.

    So, I need to stay calm and focused. I need to remind myself that only one thing can be done at a time, and I need to stick with the one thing until I'm done or seriously need a break from it. When my husband's out of town, I tend to stay up way too late, so I also need to force myself to keep with a more regular schedule.

  • always
    always Member Posts: 256
    this week!
    Finally its Wednesday and in less than two hours I begin my first Chemo.

    So the rest of this week is about taking things as they come. I have a ton of work going on at my office. I have organized what I can do remotely if I feel well enough. So the work alcoholic (can't spell) supermom is on cruise control for the next few days. This should be interesting.

    Next week better goals...that is the goal of this week.
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member

    Big week for me
    So for this week my goals are very selfish - I turned 60 today. OMG!! I know I should feel wiser or more mature. NOT!
    1. Go out and have a drink with my daughter tonight
    2. Go out with my girlfriends and have more than one drink tomorrow night (Oh Thursday
    morning will be tough!!
    Anybody see a theme here - I'm gonna celebrate.
    3. Go to the Look Good, Feel Good workshop on Thursday afternoon - Just in case I do have
    the chemo.
    4. Go to Onco appt on Fri and hopefully have GREAT NEWS and a low onco type score so I
    don't have to have chemo and can return everything I get from ACS on Thursday.
    5. Dance a great jig on Friday night and maybe go out for drinks to celebrate
    6. Recouperate on Saturday - Sleep late and take a nap
    7. Sunday - Family birthday BBQ celebration with kids and grandkids and family.
    I've decided that this week is about me and I deserve it which is a big switch coming from super momma take charge of and care for everyone else.
    I hope everyone else's week is as much fun as mine is going to be. Lola

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Sounds like you have a wonderful week and celebration planned. Just be careful not to overdo it with the drinks! Don't want to go to LGFG with an awful hangover! Good for you making this time about you! You do deserve it!
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member

    Big week for me
    So for this week my goals are very selfish - I turned 60 today. OMG!! I know I should feel wiser or more mature. NOT!
    1. Go out and have a drink with my daughter tonight
    2. Go out with my girlfriends and have more than one drink tomorrow night (Oh Thursday
    morning will be tough!!
    Anybody see a theme here - I'm gonna celebrate.
    3. Go to the Look Good, Feel Good workshop on Thursday afternoon - Just in case I do have
    the chemo.
    4. Go to Onco appt on Fri and hopefully have GREAT NEWS and a low onco type score so I
    don't have to have chemo and can return everything I get from ACS on Thursday.
    5. Dance a great jig on Friday night and maybe go out for drinks to celebrate
    6. Recouperate on Saturday - Sleep late and take a nap
    7. Sunday - Family birthday BBQ celebration with kids and grandkids and family.
    I've decided that this week is about me and I deserve it which is a big switch coming from super momma take charge of and care for everyone else.
    I hope everyone else's week is as much fun as mine is going to be. Lola

    Lola, Happy birthday!
    And your week-long celebration sounds absolutely wonderful! I am sure you'll have a marvelous and celebratory time. I hope you get great news about your oncotype score, too, but remind yourself that you can get through chemo if you have to. Otherwise, focus on having fun and spending time with family and friends this week. We are dancing with you!

  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    jk1952 said:

    It's mid-week already, and

    It's mid-week already, and I'm starting to panic about everything that I need to complete at work this week. My husband is out of town this week, so I won't want to work this weekend and I'm having a D&C (to remove a polyp) and hysteroscopy (the diagnosis tool, not the remove uterus) on Monday. So, everything that is due before next Tuesday needs to be done in the next three days. Lots of heads-down work but also lots of meetings interrupting.

    So, I need to stay calm and focused. I need to remind myself that only one thing can be done at a time, and I need to stick with the one thing until I'm done or seriously need a break from it. When my husband's out of town, I tend to stay up way too late, so I also need to force myself to keep with a more regular schedule.


    One step at a time
    Don't panic, Joyce! You will get done as much as possible, but try to keep the stress low and make sure to pamper yourself a bit this weekend. Good luck on Monday. Hope all goes well. We'll be watching for your update.
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941

    Big week for me
    So for this week my goals are very selfish - I turned 60 today. OMG!! I know I should feel wiser or more mature. NOT!
    1. Go out and have a drink with my daughter tonight
    2. Go out with my girlfriends and have more than one drink tomorrow night (Oh Thursday
    morning will be tough!!
    Anybody see a theme here - I'm gonna celebrate.
    3. Go to the Look Good, Feel Good workshop on Thursday afternoon - Just in case I do have
    the chemo.
    4. Go to Onco appt on Fri and hopefully have GREAT NEWS and a low onco type score so I
    don't have to have chemo and can return everything I get from ACS on Thursday.
    5. Dance a great jig on Friday night and maybe go out for drinks to celebrate
    6. Recouperate on Saturday - Sleep late and take a nap
    7. Sunday - Family birthday BBQ celebration with kids and grandkids and family.
    I've decided that this week is about me and I deserve it which is a big switch coming from super momma take charge of and care for everyone else.
    I hope everyone else's week is as much fun as mine is going to be. Lola

    Happy 60th Lola. That's a
    Happy 60th Lola. That's a milestone, and sounds like you've even learned to take care of yourself with me time. Enjoy! Sounds like an exciting week.
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    always said:

    this week!
    Finally its Wednesday and in less than two hours I begin my first Chemo.

    So the rest of this week is about taking things as they come. I have a ton of work going on at my office. I have organized what I can do remotely if I feel well enough. So the work alcoholic (can't spell) supermom is on cruise control for the next few days. This should be interesting.

    Next week better goals...that is the goal of this week.

    first chemo
    Hey, best of luck on your first chemo. You'll be fine. Once you get started, it's that much closer to being over. Let us know how you're feeling and if you need help with any side effects. I hope you'll be one of those lucky ones who doesn't have as many issues with it. In many cases, it's better than what you imagined.

    BTW, when I first read your post I thought it said that you were a "work alcoholic." I pictured you hiding flasks at work and getting drunk before meetings. I was like, "ohh, that's not good." I think you mean workaholic, right? LOL. Hope so! Good luck this week.

  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    jk1952 said:

    It's mid-week already, and

    It's mid-week already, and I'm starting to panic about everything that I need to complete at work this week. My husband is out of town this week, so I won't want to work this weekend and I'm having a D&C (to remove a polyp) and hysteroscopy (the diagnosis tool, not the remove uterus) on Monday. So, everything that is due before next Tuesday needs to be done in the next three days. Lots of heads-down work but also lots of meetings interrupting.

    So, I need to stay calm and focused. I need to remind myself that only one thing can be done at a time, and I need to stick with the one thing until I'm done or seriously need a break from it. When my husband's out of town, I tend to stay up way too late, so I also need to force myself to keep with a more regular schedule.


    I had a D&C and a
    I had a D&C and a hysteroscopy also. They did it as outpatient.
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Rainy Wednesday
    So, here we are on a rainy (in DC) Wednesday. How are we all doing? I had a sort-of crisis yesterday when I got super hungrey and cranky before lunch. I was supposed to eat a banana and then go to the gym. But instead I inhaled a huge bag of pretzels and didn't budge from my desk. Of course that got me on a downward spiral of depression and negative self-talk. I was ready to chuck it all and go out for a huge, unhealthy dinner. Instead, I allowed myself to feel bad and disappointed and stupid and a little hopeless. I just tried to sit with the emotions and let them wash over me and then dissipate on their own.

    Then Simon had to work late so I took the metro to his office and got my eyebrows waxed at the salon downstairs while I waited for him. We got home late and I faced another temptation: eat uninspiring leftovers or order out. We were on the verge of picking up the phone, when I decided to treat my body well and eat the good, healthy food at home. So, I did! After dinner, we even cooked up some sardines and beets for lunch today. So, today I am really determined to go to the gym. That way, I can treat myself on Friday and not feel bad. So, I have talked about myself enough. This is a kind of therapy for me, I think. Hope everyone is dong well. Only 2 more days till the weekend!
