Swine flu & flu vaccine

Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Throughout my journey I have been face with decision after decision as most of you are aware of and very familiar with. One thing that has given me relief is realizing the decisions I am making are about ME and not my children. It has given me strength and relief that I am not making these decisions for any one of my children. For that I am extremely grateful! But now it does involve them. I can't be given a straight answer on the swine flu shot and information I look up is, as usual, not clear. I'm also told that my kids should have the vaccine because they are around me. Me, nor my kids, have ever had any flu shots. If they or me should have them, when and how far apart, and which should come first? GEESH, what a time to be on chemo with this epidemic of the swine flu! I will be starting chemo this week but have recently come to find out that it is 'ok' to have the shot while on chemo, but other info is that I shouldn't have it at all. Anyone have any answers on this??


  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    I'm wondering if your onc or pharmacist can answer your questions... Sorry,I have no clue.
  • mlmjt1
    mlmjt1 Member Posts: 537
    Hi Marlene
    I had the regular flu vaccine along with the pneumonia shot about 1 month ago while I was still on chemo. The vaccines need to be scheduled so that they are not given when you get a dose of chemo, but on your off week.

    As for the H1N1 vaccine, the vaccine comes in 2 forms, one is the nasal mist and the other is the shot. The nasal mist is a live virus which I am sure no one on chemo will be given. My understanding is if your kids get the mist that they should not be around anyone who is immunosuppressed because they may give you the virus which is not a good thing. The mist I guess is more effective for kids however.

    The shot is a dead virus and I would expect that it is something we should be getting. I work in the health care field so I know my employer will want all of us to get it. My kids are 19 and 23 and I really want them both to get it. The 19 year old is in college, the 23 year old is working.

    Take care

    LInda T
  • terpsi
    terpsi Member Posts: 33
    h1n1 vaccine
    Definitely check with your oncologist to find out about your own situation. Everyone is different, and you may need to go at a certain time.

    For your children check with your pediatrician.

    Finally, go to the CDC site (I have a link on my blog which I don't have access to here: (look under my links for medical reference: H1N1 vaccine update). It has specific information about the vaccine that will answer many questions you might have. Be careful of what you hear as there are many misconceptions about the vaccine and who should or should not have it.

    I am getting both the seasonal and the H1N1 flu shot (not the nasal spray--read about the difference at the CDC site) during a special break from my chemo in about a week.

    Good luck with the decisions.

    Donna Peach