Grab your coffee (or favorite beverage), pull up a chair and I'll tell you a story!

First of all...thank you all so much for the wonderful well wishes while I was in the hospital. I gave my son a huge hug for keeping you in the loop for me. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family surrounding me at home and through cyber space!
OK, raise your many of you actually thought my surgery would REALLY be an outpatient ordeal? Remember that 5% chance? Guess I was right when I said I'm usually the 1 in a million. Maybe I was given BC so all these Docs I have been dealing with could have a "first ever" in their careers! Seems like that is all we have heard, from the get go, from all of them...."you are my first patient ever.."
Here is what happened....
I was suppose to go in Tuesday to have a laprocsopy done to remove my ovaries. I had left them in when I had my hysterectomy 4 years ago. They lit up on the PET Scan I had done before my BC surgery. Since I was 100% ER+ and I was glowing, there was no choice but to remove them.
When you have a laproscopy done, they put an incision in your belly button and then two more incisions on each side above your hips, but in a little. Sorta where your ovaries should be sitting. This would require three small incisions total. So my Doc proceeds to do this procedure. Except once she got in there, she let out a very disappointed "ah,oh" and now had to make a change of game plan. (Don't worry, I wasn't awake to hear the "ah,oh" or anything else she may have said! She just told me she said this).
It turns out that we knew there would be a risk that my ovaries had adhered to my abdominal wall (which they did), but was not prepared to find that my small intestines had wrapped themselves around my ovaries, attaching themselves by the scar tissue, that seemed to be everywhere! I had to have what my hubby calls a "zipper" incision. (He thinks thats what it looks like. I guess he is right with all the steri strips going across it, LOL) So now I have a very wide smiley face wearing a hat (the belly button) across my stomach.
And ouch!! Every friggin movement you make involves your abdominal muscles!! Not fair! I had a liquid diet for 4 days and get this.....gained 7 pounds!! How is this possible? Don't answer that! I'm sure it involves something about "1 in a million people will gain while maintaining a liquid diet". Argggg. Hubby did comfort me by saying it was probably all the IV's they had going that just bloated me. Yeah...I like that word, "bloated". That means eventually I should deflate here shortly. However, I have taken a liking to warm prune juice! (I can hear you....quit laughing!! I know, nobody is suppose to like prune juice).
So they finally set me free and sent me home. They also gave me 5 sheets of instructions with highlighted parts!! I am not allowed to do ANYTHING for 1 month (see Doc Nov 5) except get up and walk around....period. No lifting, bending, pushing, pulling or scooting. (Do people actually "scoot"? I thought just dogs did that?) This is going to be a long 4 weeks!! I get to wear a support...I call it a "belly bra"!! I am in a bunch of pain, but thought I would get this out while I was somewhat coherrent, before I pop my meds. They make me doze off & on constantly.
As of Friday, she had not gotten my path report back yet, but will call me ASAP when she does. She said they looked good, but we will have to wait and see. (tapping fingers....not like I'll be going anywhere, HA,HA).
So, yet another set back, but still trudging forward. By the way, ice-cream does NOT count as a clear liquid. I tried to get them to nuke it. They said the key word is "clear", not "liquid". Then I held up my lemon jello and said I couldn't see through it either! I lost. No ice-cream allowed. That first 1/2 gallon I polished off since I've been home tasted soooooo good!!!!
Hugs and smiles to everyone!!
Pammy, You have the best
Pammy, You have the best attitude! I'm sorry for this set back but I can tell from the way you write that you will get through this. So, if I'm understanding this correctly, once you get the path report back, then your onc will start talking to you about chemo and the rest? I'll tell you, I'm wishing I could have gotten my ovaries out pre-chemo. We're taking mine out after chemo/rads. I have a couple of cysts, uterine cancer runs in the family, tamoxifen feeds uterine cancer... You see what I mean? Honestly, the way i feel now, I say take out the whole factory. Just shut it down...but we haven't discussed that with the doctor yet. Anyway, a whole month of doing nothing could have its upside. Rent the entire first season of Weeds (hilarious), get some good books, and enjoy that ice cream!!! Hang in there...Pitt0 -
Dear Pammy, you are one in a
Dear Pammy, you are one in a million. All of that and you still have your sense of humor and wit, and not one bit of self-pity. I admire you so much. Nothing keeps our girl down for long, if at all.
You rest now. That path report will come back clean, and you can focus your energy on getting strong and back to full Pammy-mode. Just in time for Fall holidays!
Moops0 -
What a story!
I'm really glad you home but what a mess. I have been on Arimidex for 2 months now so my doc is encouraging me to go ahead and have my ovaries removed. My tumor was estrogen receptive too and I think it's standard procedure to remove the ovaries. My egg baskets have been empty for some time but I'm not anxious to go under the knife again. She said it was a "simple" surgery. Hmmmm. Is there such a thing? When I had my partial mastectomy, what was left of my right boob filled up with a hemotoma(sp) 4 times and had to be asperated each time with a huge syringe. Not painful at all but really scarey looking ordeal.
So, I'm supposed to call my gyno this week to make an appt to discuss surgery. Goodie, goodie. I want to get it over before the holidays. I want to start 2010 without any more drama.
Sounds like you have a wonderful family. God Bless!
Roseann0 -
Pammy..roseann4 said:What a story!
I'm really glad you home but what a mess. I have been on Arimidex for 2 months now so my doc is encouraging me to go ahead and have my ovaries removed. My tumor was estrogen receptive too and I think it's standard procedure to remove the ovaries. My egg baskets have been empty for some time but I'm not anxious to go under the knife again. She said it was a "simple" surgery. Hmmmm. Is there such a thing? When I had my partial mastectomy, what was left of my right boob filled up with a hemotoma(sp) 4 times and had to be asperated each time with a huge syringe. Not painful at all but really scarey looking ordeal.
So, I'm supposed to call my gyno this week to make an appt to discuss surgery. Goodie, goodie. I want to get it over before the holidays. I want to start 2010 without any more drama.
Sounds like you have a wonderful family. God Bless!
I went a got my a cup of coffee before I read!!! Sipping slowly so as not to miss anything... My Goodness Girl.. We already knew you were a 1 in a million you didn't need the Doctors to confirm that!!! LOL... I am praying for you!! Since I had the Flap surgey I understand that tummy feeling all to well of the effort it takes to figure out how to pick something up without bending over... I also wore and still do wear a compression garmet.. It actully got to wear it made my tummy feel safe.. It will help compress that area so it can heal all that inside stuff... Did you say ICE CREAM??? I am highly addicted to Ice Cream!!! my favorite is by Haggan Daz.. The Chocolate Chocolate Chip...mmmmm... I get really really mad when walmart runs out and I have to track some down at some other store!!! And I too swelled up from all the IV fluids!!! So glad your home and healing!!!0 -
Having a cup of coffee and reading
Dear Pammy, Welcome back home, you ARE 1 in million, you give us all HOPE, made of special stuff for sure, so happy your surgery is over, 7 pounds of liquid eh ? Glad you have pain meds, take it easy and post when you can and feel up to it.
I see you posted at 3:34am. I am usually up for my first visit to the bathroom at that time, because I am trying to drink more water during the day, but always head right back to bed for some more zzzzzzzzzzzz's. Hope you get plenty of good rest too.
Again Welcome back
sgamtd0 -
What a wonderful attitude,
What a wonderful attitude, and a great sense of humor! That will see you through the next month or so of healing. I can relate to the gaining weight on a liquid diet. Went on a "health" weekend once, and after eating grass, weeds, and some form of clear liquid which was making most of the girls run for the bathroom, I gained weight! My doctor thought that was pretty funny. Glad I could keep her amused. Anyway...So happy you're okay, and praying for great results on that path report.0 -
Sorry to hear about the mess you had to go through. Keep looking on the bright side of things. Just think - once you lose your 7 lbs of "bloatedness" (is that a word?) you will be able to eat that much more ice cream. :-)
The good thing about having to stay home that long and not be able to do anything is that you'll still be able to post here. Take care and I hope you feel better soon.0 -
It's gloomy out and I had grabbed a pre church cup of coffee before I sat down. Your invitation to read was the first thing I saw. Everytime I see you reply to anyone I see your bright smile on your picture. It always makes me smile. It's like sunshine. Then I read and awesome is it to hear such positive, humorous words jump out of my computer. The only thing brighter than your smile is your attitude. I am sure your supportive family is benefiting from your strength as well. You will be in my prayers today, as everyone is as I get to know how special these boards are. Recover, rest and I'll be hoping your are as blessed as your attitude is a blessing for everyone that reads your words.
always0 -
It's gloomy out and I had grabbed a pre church cup of coffee before I sat down. Your invitation to read was the first thing I saw. Everytime I see you reply to anyone I see your bright smile on your picture. It always makes me smile. It's like sunshine. Then I read and awesome is it to hear such positive, humorous words jump out of my computer. The only thing brighter than your smile is your attitude. I am sure your supportive family is benefiting from your strength as well. You will be in my prayers today, as everyone is as I get to know how special these boards are. Recover, rest and I'll be hoping your are as blessed as your attitude is a blessing for everyone that reads your words.
always0 -
So sorry that it was more
So sorry that it was more complicated then expected. The important thing is to get well so you can have ice cream. If it makes you feel better I can stay in a cyber bed for 4 weeks to show support. You know like how people shave their heads also to show support?
Actually I knew someone else that had a hysterectomy and they left the ovaries. She had problems later and had to go back and have another surgery. I wasn't sure why they do this.
Take advantgage of the 4 weeks. Crack the whip.0 -
What a tale to tellMoopy23 said:Dear Pammy, you are one in a
Dear Pammy, you are one in a million. All of that and you still have your sense of humor and wit, and not one bit of self-pity. I admire you so much. Nothing keeps our girl down for long, if at all.
You rest now. That path report will come back clean, and you can focus your energy on getting strong and back to full Pammy-mode. Just in time for Fall holidays!
Sorry you had to go through all this.You are one in a million! I'm praying for a speedy recovery and all good results.
Hugs, jackie0 -
Pammy-you have such a great attitude...Marcia527 said:So sorry that it was more
So sorry that it was more complicated then expected. The important thing is to get well so you can have ice cream. If it makes you feel better I can stay in a cyber bed for 4 weeks to show support. You know like how people shave their heads also to show support?
Actually I knew someone else that had a hysterectomy and they left the ovaries. She had problems later and had to go back and have another surgery. I wasn't sure why they do this.
Take advantgage of the 4 weeks. Crack the whip.
you make me smile, even when I don't want to. Maybe we were twins in a past life, I fall into the less than 5%, too. One day, we will both need to sit down with a cup of coffee and share some of our stories
Glad you're back home and feeling well enough to post (or is that the meds talking?).
dmc0 -
Happy you are home! What a great inspiration you are to everyone. Maybe you can get all your Christmas cards done while you're doing nothing all month. Take good care of yourself - keeping you in my prayers -
-Jenny0 -
So glad to hear from you again. Even though it wasn't exactly a happy story, the way you told it made me smile. It's obvious to all of us that you are one in a million, medical issues notwithstanding!
Take good care of youself and look forward to cream to come!0 -
You're guite the gal!
Pammy, you are nothing if not resilient! You're writing reflects your positive attitude which by now I am sure you know will take you far. I am so glad you have made it home TO YOUR ICE CREAM!!! :-) Those ornery nurses and doctors keeping you from such bliss! Be good and please no scooting! Hope the pain backs off soon.
Sending a bunch of extra gentle cyber hugs to you,
RE0 -
I knew it was going to be a
I knew it was going to be a good story with you being a one in a million and all. I am so glad that you're home and able to update us on your condition. We were all worried, you know? The result of surgery doesn't sound like that much fun but you sure make me smile while reading your story. You do have a wonderful positive attitude and it is infectious. I hope you enjoy your fair share of ice cream as you "do nothing" for a month. Take care and write when you're able.0 -
PammyMyTurnNow said:I knew it was going to be a
I knew it was going to be a good story with you being a one in a million and all. I am so glad that you're home and able to update us on your condition. We were all worried, you know? The result of surgery doesn't sound like that much fun but you sure make me smile while reading your story. You do have a wonderful positive attitude and it is infectious. I hope you enjoy your fair share of ice cream as you "do nothing" for a month. Take care and write when you're able.
You are just AMAZING! I am so glad that you are back home, and with us again. Sorry you had such a rotton time. Huge Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxx0
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