anyone else stage IV



  • SPF
    SPF Member Posts: 10
    JmG86 said:

    Xeloda is also for
    Xeloda is also for metastatic breast cancer. My cancer has spread to my spine, ribs, pelvic bones, etc. Luckily it has not spread to any of my organs! As I said, I am doing really well. And thanks to all of you for your support...I have to tell you, that strawberry story is such a great analogy for how people can react. I've had that type of thing happen when my brother was dying of colon cancer. So...on we go, we keep our sense of humor, and we keep up the good fight!

    Hello Everyone,
    I am very

    Hello Everyone,

    I am very new to BC. I was diagnosed about a week ago with Stage 4 BC. I want to tell all of you that this is one of the first boards I've read on the internet that did not totally freak me out. When I first started looking for information on the internet, I got so overwhelmed and scared. I want to say thank you to all of you for sharing your positive experiences and words of hope and encouragement.

  • JmG86
    JmG86 Member Posts: 53
    SPF said:

    Hello Everyone,
    I am very

    Hello Everyone,

    I am very new to BC. I was diagnosed about a week ago with Stage 4 BC. I want to tell all of you that this is one of the first boards I've read on the internet that did not totally freak me out. When I first started looking for information on the internet, I got so overwhelmed and scared. I want to say thank you to all of you for sharing your positive experiences and words of hope and encouragement.


    Hello SPF...
    I am so sorry

    Hello SPF...

    I am so sorry you have just been diagnosed. It is not only a terrifying time, but so overwhelming. Try to take it one step at a time. There is so much they can do for you, don't despair! I hope you have someone at home to help you through this? You have the support and encouragement from all these amazing & wonderful people here...this really is a great site, isn't it? What treatment are you getting right now?
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    JmG86 said:

    Funny that you say "you are
    Funny that you say "you are not so alone in the fight". I know I am not alone (look at all the amazing people on this site!)...but sometimes I do feel very alone in my situation. I don't feel I can talk to my friends and family, because I think it makes them uncomfortable to talk about it. So I rarely talk about it. And I rarely say anything negative, even if I'm having a bad day - I don't want people to think I'm complaining. I'm normally a positive person, and things can always be worse, so I figure what right do I have to complain, and who wants to hear it anyway, right? So I am truly happy to have found this site, and see and hear other peoples stories!

    Welcome, JmG86
    This is an amazing group of survivors, so willing to give support and encouragement. Here on the board, you are never alone.

    A caring network of family and friends is priceless. Yet, only those who actually walk this journey can truly understand all that it entails. We will travel with you, each step of the way.
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    SPF said:

    Hello Everyone,
    I am very

    Hello Everyone,

    I am very new to BC. I was diagnosed about a week ago with Stage 4 BC. I want to tell all of you that this is one of the first boards I've read on the internet that did not totally freak me out. When I first started looking for information on the internet, I got so overwhelmed and scared. I want to say thank you to all of you for sharing your positive experiences and words of hope and encouragement.


    Welcome, SPF
    Yes, many of us here chose this site as our very first online group - ever, of any kind. If I may say so myself - we are an amazing group, so willing to give support and encouragement. I am a 6+ year survivor.

    Be cautious when seeking information via the internet. There's an awful lot of "junk" out there. Best to stick with credible sites, like this one - The American Cancer Society.
  • dog_lover
    dog_lover Member Posts: 8

    Welcome, SPF
    Yes, many of us here chose this site as our very first online group - ever, of any kind. If I may say so myself - we are an amazing group, so willing to give support and encouragement. I am a 6+ year survivor.

    Be cautious when seeking information via the internet. There's an awful lot of "junk" out there. Best to stick with credible sites, like this one - The American Cancer Society.

    stage 4 now
    Hi, Up until 2 days ago my BC was a stage II. Tuesday I had an Abdomen CT Scan because of persistant belly bloat. Yesterday I found out that I have metasticized BC to the bones and abdomen. My Oncologist didn't have the path report yet but that is what they saw. I guess the path report shows which bones are affected???

    I've been pretty freaked out yesterday and's good to read about other stage 4 ladies. Thank you
  • SPF
    SPF Member Posts: 10
    JmG86 said:

    Hello SPF...
    I am so sorry

    Hello SPF...

    I am so sorry you have just been diagnosed. It is not only a terrifying time, but so overwhelming. Try to take it one step at a time. There is so much they can do for you, don't despair! I hope you have someone at home to help you through this? You have the support and encouragement from all these amazing & wonderful people here...this really is a great site, isn't it? What treatment are you getting right now?

    Thank you
    Thank you so much for the kind welcomes! One of the things my onco told me was that there are lots of options and that is the good news. JM: Thanks for the reminder to take it one step at a time. I am learning to be better with patience and faith. Yes, I live with my fiance, and he has been amazing. This is a wonderful site! I have been on it for only a few days and have already seen people reaching out, which I am so thankful for. Right now, I am only getting radiation on my left hip (cancer mets to some of my bones). My onco said he wants to wait till after radiation (3 more weeks) before doing anything else because he doesn't want to exaggerate side effects. How are you doing?

    Totally random question: do people mostly post in discussion boards and/or have mail conversations on here? I'm still learning. :)
  • SPF
    SPF Member Posts: 10

    Welcome, SPF
    Yes, many of us here chose this site as our very first online group - ever, of any kind. If I may say so myself - we are an amazing group, so willing to give support and encouragement. I am a 6+ year survivor.

    Be cautious when seeking information via the internet. There's an awful lot of "junk" out there. Best to stick with credible sites, like this one - The American Cancer Society.

    Thanks so much Christimas Girl!
    6 year survivor! That's wonderful! I wish you many more happy and healthy years! Your are in inspiration!
  • SPF
    SPF Member Posts: 10
    dog_lover said:

    stage 4 now
    Hi, Up until 2 days ago my BC was a stage II. Tuesday I had an Abdomen CT Scan because of persistant belly bloat. Yesterday I found out that I have metasticized BC to the bones and abdomen. My Oncologist didn't have the path report yet but that is what they saw. I guess the path report shows which bones are affected???

    I've been pretty freaked out yesterday and's good to read about other stage 4 ladies. Thank you

    Great name!
    First, I love your name dog lover! I'm also a huge fan of dogs. I am so sorry about the new diagnoses. I had a bone scan to show what bones are affected. I am very new to this who thing (I was just diagnosed a few weeks ago), but I think the path report shows more details about the actual cancer. The people on this site have been absolutely incredible, and there are some wonderfully inspiring stories just one this particular board! I have found that very encouraging. Please stay strong and believe that we will beat this!
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    SPF said:

    Thanks so much Christimas Girl!
    6 year survivor! That's wonderful! I wish you many more happy and healthy years! Your are in inspiration!

    There seems to be a few
    There seems to be a few stage 4 people on this web site. Stage 4 is no longer a death sentence. My surgeon told me that 10 years ago, I may have been given 2-6 months to live!! So thank God for all the advances that have been made in treating Cancer. There are even greater treatment to come, hopefully, there will be a cure and this beast will be gone. I like to think of myself as a warrior. In the olden days, woman had their breasts cut off before going to battle to help them fight better. This is what we also go through, so the fight continues. Think of yourself as a warrior as you battle the beast. I will pray for everyone tonight.
  • dhnybny
    dhnybny Member Posts: 7
    Another stage IV
    I was stage IV, too. I had tumors on the front and back of my sternim, two in my spine, one in each hip and all in my bones and lymph system. Today I am clean. They can't even tell I have had cancer at all. There IS hope! There is a light!
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    dhnybny said:

    Another stage IV
    I was stage IV, too. I had tumors on the front and back of my sternim, two in my spine, one in each hip and all in my bones and lymph system. Today I am clean. They can't even tell I have had cancer at all. There IS hope! There is a light!

    dhnybny, i am just wondering
    dhnybny, i am just wondering if you are receiving any treatment for your bones. I had a tumor on my spine, i am still getting Zometa, My oncologist said i would need it for another 2-3 years. My last pet scan showed no active disease, and he said I am in remission. I am happy that you are doing so well, do you ever have any pain. take care
  • SPF
    SPF Member Posts: 10
    meena1 said:

    There seems to be a few
    There seems to be a few stage 4 people on this web site. Stage 4 is no longer a death sentence. My surgeon told me that 10 years ago, I may have been given 2-6 months to live!! So thank God for all the advances that have been made in treating Cancer. There are even greater treatment to come, hopefully, there will be a cure and this beast will be gone. I like to think of myself as a warrior. In the olden days, woman had their breasts cut off before going to battle to help them fight better. This is what we also go through, so the fight continues. Think of yourself as a warrior as you battle the beast. I will pray for everyone tonight.

    Adding Friends?
    Meena: Thank you so much for your kind words. That is very encouraging and hopeful. I just added you as a friend. My spread is very similar to yours. I'm very new to this site and am wondering if there is an email/private chat tool on here.
  • SPF
    SPF Member Posts: 10
    dhnybny said:

    Another stage IV
    I was stage IV, too. I had tumors on the front and back of my sternim, two in my spine, one in each hip and all in my bones and lymph system. Today I am clean. They can't even tell I have had cancer at all. There IS hope! There is a light!

    That is such wonderful news! I wish you the very best! Thank you for sharing your story.
  • Waterbabytish
    Waterbabytish Member Posts: 4
    Inflammatory BC Liver Mets Stage IV
    Liver Mets dx 10/1. Tykerb & Xeloda dosage lowered after 3 months. Too much diahrea and dehydration. Kept running low on Potassium. Taking Potassium capsules now. Finger tops splitting. Using neosporin and Aquaphor/Eucerin. Happy New Year.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    dog_lover said:

    stage 4 now
    Hi, Up until 2 days ago my BC was a stage II. Tuesday I had an Abdomen CT Scan because of persistant belly bloat. Yesterday I found out that I have metasticized BC to the bones and abdomen. My Oncologist didn't have the path report yet but that is what they saw. I guess the path report shows which bones are affected???

    I've been pretty freaked out yesterday and's good to read about other stage 4 ladies. Thank you

    hang in there
    I was Stage III A initially and in remission for 22 years, but had bone mets to my ribs last year. Finished a short course of radiation last year. I have been on zometa and arimidex since April 2009 and am doing very well. I am glad that you posted as it is good to know we are not alone. Please hang in there and let me know how you are doing.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    meena1 said:

    dhnybny, i am just wondering
    dhnybny, i am just wondering if you are receiving any treatment for your bones. I had a tumor on my spine, i am still getting Zometa, My oncologist said i would need it for another 2-3 years. My last pet scan showed no active disease, and he said I am in remission. I am happy that you are doing so well, do you ever have any pain. take care

    I had rib mets last year and
    I had rib mets last year and am on zometa and arimidex. My markers were nearly normal at last check and I'll see my oncologist in March. I am hoping that they are normal then. I am so happy for you and glad that you wrote.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    meena1 said:

    dhnybny, i am just wondering
    dhnybny, i am just wondering if you are receiving any treatment for your bones. I had a tumor on my spine, i am still getting Zometa, My oncologist said i would need it for another 2-3 years. My last pet scan showed no active disease, and he said I am in remission. I am happy that you are doing so well, do you ever have any pain. take care

    I had rib mets last year and
    I had rib mets last year and am on zometa and arimidex. My markers were nearly normal at last check and I'll see my oncologist in March. I am hoping that they are normal then. I am so happy for you and glad that you wrote.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Thanks for writing. I am so
    Thanks for writing. I am so sorry that you are stage IV. I was Stage IIIA for many years but had mets to bones last year. I am doing very well now and feeling better than I have for the last few years. So much has changed in treatment--it seems many are living a very long time now with mets. So hang in there. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • LC815
    LC815 Member Posts: 155
    I'm glad to see you here.
    I was feeling pretty hopeless today, then I noticed you were diagnosed with mets in 2003. I want so badly to have my old life back, but since that's not possible, I'd like some years. Thanks for showing me that I might have more than a couple.

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    LC815 said:

    I'm glad to see you here.
    I was feeling pretty hopeless today, then I noticed you were diagnosed with mets in 2003. I want so badly to have my old life back, but since that's not possible, I'd like some years. Thanks for showing me that I might have more than a couple.


    How are you doing today ?
    we have not heard from you