Need advice on shaving the scalp! Urgent..

Sam726 Member Posts: 233
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I buzzed my hair last friday but now the short ones are really coming out and I need to razor did you ladies do that? Shaving cream? Does it hurt? My aunt is going to do it...


  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    I did the same thing. At
    I did the same thing. At first we didn't shave it down to the skin. After it started falling out I had bald spots and it was all uneven. My husband did it for me with just soap and water. It didn't hurt at all.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Yes, I used shaving cream and many razors
    No nicks - in my case, but I was extremely careful. I also applied creams after shampooing.

    Good luck to you and your Aunt..

  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    use shaving cream-but have her be very careful and no nicks!It didn't hurt when my hubby did it-just felt strange..After he shaved it,he put a hot moist towel over my head for a little while,then rubbed in some lotion-it felt great!
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    I never did shave mine to
    I never did shave mine to the scalp. You can use one of the sticky lint brushes and they will take off the short hairs. I've done this plenty of times. Just, please be careful not to nick yourself if you shave your head. Open cuts are not a good thing during chemo!
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I don't think using a razor
    I don't think using a razor is a good idea. You might cut yourself and get an infection. When I told the onc nurse I 'shaved' my head, meaning I used an electric shaver, she looked alarmed and said I shouldn't do it. I meant electric but I think by using the words I did she thought razor. She said I could get an infection. I left the short ones to come out as they would but others here might have a better idea. I would not use a razor. Someone here suggested rolling a dog lint/hair roller over the head to collect loose ones.
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    Oh please be careful! I too agree with the lint roller. Try that first, if that doesn't do the trick, then buzz. Don't risk the bleeding or infection!
    Take Care
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    I did NOT razor my head
    I did NOT razor my head either~ again, fear of infection, cutting, etc. The short ones will come out, and the lint brush is a great idea! It was a "hair today, gone tomorrow" situation; it will be gone regardless...but it isn't worth the chance of nicks! ( in my less than humble opinion, anyway! LOL)

  • tgf
    tgf Member Posts: 950 Member
    chenheart said:

    I did NOT razor my head
    I did NOT razor my head either~ again, fear of infection, cutting, etc. The short ones will come out, and the lint brush is a great idea! It was a "hair today, gone tomorrow" situation; it will be gone regardless...but it isn't worth the chance of nicks! ( in my less than humble opinion, anyway! LOL)


    I bought a very inexpensive pair of electric hair clippers ...and it shaved my head just fine (without any of the attachments on it). I was afraid to use a real razor ...

  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    Maybe I
    shouldn't have added my two cents in-it's just that when my hair fell out,my hubby used the electric trimmers and then the razor.
    I know that our oncs don't want us to use the razor-especially when you are going through chemo and your blood counts are bad.
    So Sam,it's up to you...
  • e_hope
    e_hope Member Posts: 370
    i used an electric razor to
    i used an electric razor to shave it no gaurd and against the hair (shave up not down)
  • HillBillyNana
    HillBillyNana Member Posts: 107
    No need to shave
    Don't shave it. It will come out. I rubbed mine off with the washcloth and towel. Be gentle.
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072

    No need to shave
    Don't shave it. It will come out. I rubbed mine off with the washcloth and towel. Be gentle.

    No Razors
    Go electric, it works, i used talc. Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Hey Sam, I also used an
    Hey Sam, I also used an electric shaver after buzzing it off. Becareful with knicks, Hugs, Lili
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    like my bald head!
    I suggest using an electric razor. Quicker and less messy. Perfect murder weapon. Need to be careful w cuts and wounds bc of healing factors. I like my bald head, cause I'm much faster taking showers. Get in get out. I had very long hair.Good luck w the hair cut. Katz
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    I dread having to do this,
    I dread having to do this, too. Another 2-3 weeks for me, starting chemo on Monday. I'll find out which drugs tomorrow at my chemo class, either 2 or 3. My wigs and hats are waiting. I do like my wigs, I hope they fit my head right. They don't seem like they have much elastic in them to hug your head.
  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    laurissa said:

    I dread having to do this,
    I dread having to do this, too. Another 2-3 weeks for me, starting chemo on Monday. I'll find out which drugs tomorrow at my chemo class, either 2 or 3. My wigs and hats are waiting. I do like my wigs, I hope they fit my head right. They don't seem like they have much elastic in them to hug your head.

    You are a beautiful woman and you are going to look stunning!
    Are your wigs adjustable? I know you can get them sized to fit. Some places charge a fee and some do it free.
  • JGrim
    JGrim Member Posts: 36
    I Naired my head after I
    I Naired my head after I shaved it. With bikini area Nair. Smelled like stripper crotch, but boy was it comfortable and soft.
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    JGrim said:

    I Naired my head after I
    I Naired my head after I shaved it. With bikini area Nair. Smelled like stripper crotch, but boy was it comfortable and soft.

    That's pretty funny-stripper crotch,huh?!!
  • JGrim
    JGrim Member Posts: 36

    That's pretty funny-stripper crotch,huh?!!

    Well, alternately it could
    Well, alternately it could have smelled like coconut/vanilla bikini Nair, but I thought the other way was funnier. It wasn't BAD, just... different, heh. Now that I think about it, though, maybe that's why Momo (one of the cats) kept trying to lick my head in the middle of the night.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    JGrim said:

    I Naired my head after I
    I Naired my head after I shaved it. With bikini area Nair. Smelled like stripper crotch, but boy was it comfortable and soft.

    Waaaaay back in my mis-spent
    Waaaaay back in my mis-spent teenage years, my dad came into my bedroom and commented on the obviously cheap but ( in my opinion DELICIOUS smelling) cologne permeating my room. He said my room smelled like a cheap French Brothel. Of course, being 16 I snapped back with the enivitable "How do YOU know what a French Brothel smells like"?
    I dunno why that came to mind, JGrim~ oh yes I do! I wanna ask you how you know what Stripper-Crotch smells like! Nah, nevermind; I really don't want to know! LOL LOL
