Newly Diagnosed

helen e
helen e Member Posts: 223
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I went in for a routine mammogram and they found a lump, did an ultrasound that day and a biopsy two days later. I teach and on the first day of school they called to tell me (at 9:00 am) that my biopsy was positive and that I have invasive ductal carcinoma. They knew that I was I at work because I told them where I was - I know this was the radiologist and not my gp who ordered the mammo. but was anyony else told so matter of factly? I'm lucky that my sister also teaches at the same school so she was right there for me. I was rocked after the mammogram but I feel fine and just have to keep repeating to myself that I have cancer because it is so surreal. My stomach is a mess and I have to use ambien sometimes to help me sleep. I also have a 12 year old son who is bipolar so I was given a very mild anxiety medicine and only use it if I really have to. Mu surgery is scheduled for friday 10/2 and I have already been told that I will have 6 weeks of radiation and will be able to use tamoxifen. I'm worried about my family but my biggest fear is recurrence. My grandmother had a masectomy and lived for 17 more years but she died of 3 different forms of cancer. Can anyone tell I am rambling? I feel like I've lost my mind and can barely remember anything. Thanks for letting me ramble sometimes I just don't know what to do.


  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192
    Hi Helen
    Welcome to the board, although so sorry for your reason. I must first say how "unprofessional"
    that was for them to give you news like that over the phone! I too was diagnosed with IDC. Did they say the size of your tumor? I'm not understanding why they are rushing you into surgery so quickly. Have you seen a surgeon or an Oncologist yet? News like this can be very devistating to say the least. I think we have all "lost our minds" at some point in this journey. What you are feeling is quite normal. However, you cannot worry about the "what-ifs". You have to stay focused on your recovery. Take things one step at a time, one day at a time. You may find reading others stories on here can be extremely helpful. There are so many survivors, women who have been there, done that, or are going through it now. You have come to the right place for strength,support,courage,and hope! Feel free to ramble,vent,ask questions(any&all!) Someone is here 24/7.
    Prayers & Hugz,
  • m_azingrace
    m_azingrace Member Posts: 399
    Cat64 said:

    Hi Helen
    Welcome to the board, although so sorry for your reason. I must first say how "unprofessional"
    that was for them to give you news like that over the phone! I too was diagnosed with IDC. Did they say the size of your tumor? I'm not understanding why they are rushing you into surgery so quickly. Have you seen a surgeon or an Oncologist yet? News like this can be very devistating to say the least. I think we have all "lost our minds" at some point in this journey. What you are feeling is quite normal. However, you cannot worry about the "what-ifs". You have to stay focused on your recovery. Take things one step at a time, one day at a time. You may find reading others stories on here can be extremely helpful. There are so many survivors, women who have been there, done that, or are going through it now. You have come to the right place for strength,support,courage,and hope! Feel free to ramble,vent,ask questions(any&all!) Someone is here 24/7.
    Prayers & Hugz,

    Hello Helen
    My heart goes out to you, first that you have this terrible disease, but also for the way the bad news was presented to you. When my biopsies came back positive, I received a call from the radiologist's office, requesting that we come in to discuss the results. We live more than 60 miles from there, so this was no small matter. I told my husband "It must be bad news...don't you think they could just tell us on the phone if there was nothing to be concerned about?" There is no "good" way to receive information like this. However, there are bad ways to give it. I think impersonally, by phone, is one of the worst. I appreciated looking into the radioligist's eyes and seeing the compassion on her face. It was a great comfort to me. I felt that I was being treated as a person; that I wasgoing to be cared for.
    You are among friends here, Helen. Know that you can come often, ask questions, and get answers, support, comfort and prayers. Hugs to you. Gracie
  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
    Wow, They could have told
    Wow, They could have told you to make an appointment to see them, but you probably would have asked them what for. I found out my mammo was abnormal on July 6th. I had just come home with my grandson, brought home by a police officer since I was in a car accident. A guy on a motorcycle driving too fast on a through way in a parking lot hit me and landed on my windshield. Thank God he wasn't really hurt bad. I was on the phone with the Ins company when I got the "call waiting beep" it was from the Breast care center, I told them I'd call back. I did and they told me to make an appointment, I had one for Friday. I had another mammogram there, an ultrasound, the Radiologist told me then he thought it was cancer even before the biopsy. Had the biopsy the following friday, by Monday I knew the dreaded truth, it was IDC, my nurse practitioner called and told me.

    She asked me if I had a surgeon in mind. I was doing my homework and found a Dr. in my hospital network I use. I knew he was the one I wanted. I told her I wanted Dr. Lee Riley, she said you picked the best. I felt a bit better then, but still scared. I had my initial exam with him on the 24th of July, and he scheduled my lumpectomy for the 30th.

    He explained the options to me lumpectomy, radiation, mastectomy no radiation, just hormone therapy for 5 years. My sentinal node was clear, so that was a plus.

    I wish you all the best. I really enjoy this board.
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I knew mine was cancer
    I knew mine was cancer before I saw the doctor. I could tell. So when I saw my PCP and my husband asked if he should put off his business trip, the PCP said "yes, I think it is cancer." The only question was how bad it was. So when I had my appointment with the surgeon and he told me what stage I was...I was in shock. I was hoping for stage 1 or 2 at the most. I was stage 3a.

    Just take it one step at a time.
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    Helen... First, welcome to
    Helen... First, welcome to the boards... sorry for the reason you had to join us here, but glad that you found this group... you have come to the right place for information, support and understanding...

    Second...take a deep breath, and try to take it one day at a time. Arm yourself with information that pertains to your situation, knowledge is power... Ramble here all you need to, that is what we are here for... As for myself, I was dx'd with IDC in May, I under went a lumpectomy, luckily for me there was no lympth node involvement... after a long journey and more tests, it was decided that I would have radiation therapy...I can not take Tamoxifen due to being a poor metabolizer so after rads I will be doing a different regiment to achieve the same result... I am currently on round 14 of 21 more to go...

    I wish you the best, post often and know that we are all here to encourage and support eachother.

    Gentle hugs to you...

  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544
    taleena said:

    Helen... First, welcome to
    Helen... First, welcome to the boards... sorry for the reason you had to join us here, but glad that you found this group... you have come to the right place for information, support and understanding...

    Second...take a deep breath, and try to take it one day at a time. Arm yourself with information that pertains to your situation, knowledge is power... Ramble here all you need to, that is what we are here for... As for myself, I was dx'd with IDC in May, I under went a lumpectomy, luckily for me there was no lympth node involvement... after a long journey and more tests, it was decided that I would have radiation therapy...I can not take Tamoxifen due to being a poor metabolizer so after rads I will be doing a different regiment to achieve the same result... I am currently on round 14 of 21 more to go...

    I wish you the best, post often and know that we are all here to encourage and support eachother.

    Gentle hugs to you...


    Helen, welcome to our
    Helen, welcome to our website. I too am sorry that the news was broken to you so abruptly & in a relatively "public" setting. I am sure you are very worried right now, but just take it a day at a time. Trust your doctors. I hope that your lumpectomy goes well. Once things start happening, the time goes quickly.

    Hugs & prayers headed your way....
  • mlmjt1
    mlmjt1 Member Posts: 537 Member
    Hi Helen
    I would say that the way you received the information was tacky and very unprofessional though there is no good way to tell someone this kind of news. I went on an antianxiety med and an antidepresant as well and it has helped me. I really feel like I was psychotic after getting the news. I do think that the waiting is the worst part. Once you have a treatment plan and you start treating the cancer it makes you feel more in control somehow.

    Please know that this is a really great site. You will make friends here and everyone knows what you are going thru because we are going thru the same thing.

    Hang in there Helen

    Linda T
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    Tux said:

    Helen, welcome to our
    Helen, welcome to our website. I too am sorry that the news was broken to you so abruptly & in a relatively "public" setting. I am sure you are very worried right now, but just take it a day at a time. Trust your doctors. I hope that your lumpectomy goes well. Once things start happening, the time goes quickly.

    Hugs & prayers headed your way....

    Hi Helen. I just want to
    Hi Helen. I just want to welcome you and tell that I am so sorry of the way that they told you of your bc. I will be praying for you!

  • chickad52
    chickad52 Member Posts: 497
    So sorry that you had to hear the news the way you did. My breast surgeon who gave me my biopsy results was very inpersonnel with the results. I am in the process of finding a new surgeon to do the mastectomy because of that. I want to be able to feel more comfortable with my doctor thats for sure! I will keep you in my prayers. Hugs, Diane
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    Hi Helen and welcome :)
    I am sorry for the way your diagnosis was presented to you. I had a very different experience. I was "asked" how I wanted to hear the news from my surgeon. He gave me several options, one including a phone call. I was not wanting to wait any longer than I had to and chose to hear the news via phone conversation. But I was given the choice in the beginning. I just happened to be at home when he called, although I did give him several cell numbers, home number, work number. After our initial conversation, then we made an appointment for me to come back in for further descussion. I think this is a great example of how all Docs should offer how you would prefer to recieve any results.
    I understand the feeling that your losing your mind and can not remember anything. I just found out yesterday that I too have two cancers, apparently we discussed them, and apparently I do not remember. OMG...It's been over 4 months!! I thought I was on top of everything, but this somehow slipped pass me. All this time I thought I was being treated for IDC (which I am) but they also found LCIS from the same specimen that was removed. I will be discussing this with my Oncologist in November.
    Hang in there. We will be here to walk with you through your journey. Pammy