Question for all you knowledgeable colon cancer survivors

mk1117 Member Posts: 46
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hello all -

I am a stage 3 colon cancer survivor - coming up on 5 years, in fact. Within the last few months, I've been experiencing the same symptoms I had when I was first diagnosed: low-grade fever that gets worse as the day goes on, night sweats, and increased cravings for sweets. Obviously, I'm more than a little concerned about it. All of my bloodwork checks out okay (I'm on the low end of the normal range for red blood cell count and hemoglobin). The only other abnormal result is on "follicle stimulating hormone." I've also had a chest x-ray, which was fine. I had a colonoscopy in February - which was fine with the exception of having diverticulosis.

I haven't had a CT scan in over a year. My doctor doesn't seem too concerned. Should I insist on a CT scan? When I diagnosed originally, the cancer didn't show up on my scan. Am I just being paranoid?

Your opinions would be greatly appreciated.




  • PGLGreg
    PGLGreg Member Posts: 731
    In my opinion, you should
    In my opinion, you should ask for a CT scan. If your doctor gives you static, it might help to mention that many recovering cancer patients do have CT scans every year, at least up to the 5 year "cure" time. I'm not saying you're not paranoid, or that your craving for sweets is really ominous, just that CT scans are not terribly dangerous, and your peace of mind is important. I think your doctor will understand that.

  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    Hi Kathy,if I were you,I
    Hi Kathy,if I were you,I would insist on a scan.I think there is no harm to do a scan.A scan will at least buy you a reassurance whether it is a good result or not.At least after the scan,you can stop taking a guess everyday,right? Good luck with it.
  • karguy
    karguy Member Posts: 1,020 Member
    I think
    I think you should have a scan,and I don't think your being paranoid,just cautious.And it is your life,there's nothing wrong with being sure.Good luck
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    Sounds like perimenopause symptoms too. Hello hot flash!
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    2bhealed said:

    Sounds like perimenopause symptoms too. Hello hot flash!

    Yeah, sounds like where I am right now. Living in hot flash city and HATING it!

  • dianetavegia
    dianetavegia Member Posts: 1,942 Member
    I was just about to say

    FSH is used to determine infertility and also will show if a woman is in menopause.

    Night sweats are SO common with peri and menopause. They can actually continue for 10 years or forever. Some women never stop having night sweats after menopause. (Bet your mama didn't tell you that.) With menopause, your thermostat is off whack. The 'fevers' are from this also. My 78 year old mother has night sweats every night and she's in perfect health other than being a horrific pain in my butt.

    Anxiety was my major problem during my quick peri menopause stage. I worried about every freckle. I'd see a freckle I'd had for years and begin to check it 100 times a day! I actually took an anti anxiety med as needed for about a year and I don't TAKE meds. Very anti meds (for me).

    I began peri at age 54 and was done in 1 year. STILL have night sweats and some flushing of my face once in a while at age 58. Sweets? If they are in the house, ..... I beg hubby not to buy them.

    Sounds okay to me, Kathy. I read loads and loads on menopause, since no one ever told me what to expect, and all your symptoms fit.
  • ldot123
    ldot123 Member Posts: 272

    I was just about to say

    FSH is used to determine infertility and also will show if a woman is in menopause.

    Night sweats are SO common with peri and menopause. They can actually continue for 10 years or forever. Some women never stop having night sweats after menopause. (Bet your mama didn't tell you that.) With menopause, your thermostat is off whack. The 'fevers' are from this also. My 78 year old mother has night sweats every night and she's in perfect health other than being a horrific pain in my butt.

    Anxiety was my major problem during my quick peri menopause stage. I worried about every freckle. I'd see a freckle I'd had for years and begin to check it 100 times a day! I actually took an anti anxiety med as needed for about a year and I don't TAKE meds. Very anti meds (for me).

    I began peri at age 54 and was done in 1 year. STILL have night sweats and some flushing of my face once in a while at age 58. Sweets? If they are in the house, ..... I beg hubby not to buy them.

    Sounds okay to me, Kathy. I read loads and loads on menopause, since no one ever told me what to expect, and all your symptoms fit.

    Could be menopause
    Hi there,

    I would do whatever is comfortable for you. If you want to get a scan - ask for a scan - it won't hurt you but it will pay off big time in terms of peace of mind. Anyone who has been on the cancer journey knows how not knowing can drive you batty. It probably is nothing but hey you may as well be proactive about this.

    Cheers, Lance
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    ldot123 said:

    Could be menopause
    Hi there,

    I would do whatever is comfortable for you. If you want to get a scan - ask for a scan - it won't hurt you but it will pay off big time in terms of peace of mind. Anyone who has been on the cancer journey knows how not knowing can drive you batty. It probably is nothing but hey you may as well be proactive about this.

    Cheers, Lance

    I was thinking.............
    the exact same thing as the ladies...menopause...but I think for piece of mind I would do the CAT scan also.......
  • zhguo48
    zhguo48 Member Posts: 23
    5 Years, that's very encouraging
    I would suggest a CEA blood test first
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Two questions....
    1) Was the abnormal level on the hormone high or low? If it's low, and you are in your late 40's to mid-50's...well, could very well be menopause...
    2) Would it bring you calm to have a scan? If so, then, go for it! My onc explained that after all of the rads I had during treatment, she doesn't like to order any more scans unless necessary. But, if it would bring me peace, she will order it...

    Hugs, Kathi
  • serrana
    serrana Member Posts: 163 Member
    KathiM said:

    Two questions....
    1) Was the abnormal level on the hormone high or low? If it's low, and you are in your late 40's to mid-50's...well, could very well be menopause...
    2) Would it bring you calm to have a scan? If so, then, go for it! My onc explained that after all of the rads I had during treatment, she doesn't like to order any more scans unless necessary. But, if it would bring me peace, she will order it...

    Hugs, Kathi

    night sweats?
    I agree with all but would sure check out the peri-menopause angle first. If you figure 40 years from your first period that is when you should be DONE with menopause. Perimenopause starts ten years before that and sneaks up on us.
    There are loads of natural treatments for menopause symptoms.
    I would also want a scan every year after your stage three diagnosis.
    Best prayers
  • krystle singer
    krystle singer Member Posts: 108
    I agree with the opinions that you should insist on a scan. My third scan is scheduled for November and my first was in Feb. My onc is very, very careful and I'm being tested quite a bit although I have no symptoms. It just can't hurt to be sure.

    Wishing you clear scans and smooth sailing,
  • kimby
    kimby Member Posts: 797

    I would push for a PET/CT. You won't rest well until you know.

  • mk1117
    mk1117 Member Posts: 46
    kimby said:


    I would push for a PET/CT. You won't rest well until you know.


    Thanks to all of you for
    Thanks to all of you for your replies - you have no idea how much better it makes me feel to hear opinions/suggestions from those of you who've been through this. I, too, am hoping that it's perimenopause - I am 49 years old, so it makes sense. I went to my oncologist this morning, though, just to be on the safe side. He agrees that it's probably the beginning stages of menopause, but ordered a CT scan more for my mental well-being than anything. I hadn't had a CT scan since May 2008, so he tested my CEA and did a CT scan. No results yet, but I'm so glad I followed through and called my ONC. Once again, thanks to all of you for your input.

    Have a blessed week.

  • sfmarie
    sfmarie Member Posts: 602
    mk1117 said:

    Thanks to all of you for
    Thanks to all of you for your replies - you have no idea how much better it makes me feel to hear opinions/suggestions from those of you who've been through this. I, too, am hoping that it's perimenopause - I am 49 years old, so it makes sense. I went to my oncologist this morning, though, just to be on the safe side. He agrees that it's probably the beginning stages of menopause, but ordered a CT scan more for my mental well-being than anything. I hadn't had a CT scan since May 2008, so he tested my CEA and did a CT scan. No results yet, but I'm so glad I followed through and called my ONC. Once again, thanks to all of you for your input.

    Have a blessed week.


    It is just menopause! And that your scan and CEA are normal.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    mk1117 said:

    Thanks to all of you for
    Thanks to all of you for your replies - you have no idea how much better it makes me feel to hear opinions/suggestions from those of you who've been through this. I, too, am hoping that it's perimenopause - I am 49 years old, so it makes sense. I went to my oncologist this morning, though, just to be on the safe side. He agrees that it's probably the beginning stages of menopause, but ordered a CT scan more for my mental well-being than anything. I hadn't had a CT scan since May 2008, so he tested my CEA and did a CT scan. No results yet, but I'm so glad I followed through and called my ONC. Once again, thanks to all of you for your input.

    Have a blessed week.


    Any news??
    Hi Kathy,

    Any results on your scans yet?

    Hoping for the best!

    peace, emily
  • mk1117
    mk1117 Member Posts: 46
    Thanks for asking
    My CT scan and CEA were normal (although I just received a message on my answering machine from the nurse, so I don't have the actual CEA number). I'm very happy about the results - but still have a nagging doubt in the back of my mind. The CT was of my chest/lungs and abdomen/pelvis, so the clear CT results should cover areas that I was concerned about - my liver and my ovaries. Hopefully it is just the beginnings of menopause - it's just that the low-grade fever I have now is the same and only symptom I had before I was diagnosed. I will just try to stop obsessing and read up on perimenopause.

    Again, thanks for asking about my results.

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    mk1117 said:

    Thanks for asking
    My CT scan and CEA were normal (although I just received a message on my answering machine from the nurse, so I don't have the actual CEA number). I'm very happy about the results - but still have a nagging doubt in the back of my mind. The CT was of my chest/lungs and abdomen/pelvis, so the clear CT results should cover areas that I was concerned about - my liver and my ovaries. Hopefully it is just the beginnings of menopause - it's just that the low-grade fever I have now is the same and only symptom I had before I was diagnosed. I will just try to stop obsessing and read up on perimenopause.

    Again, thanks for asking about my results.


    Hot Flash!
    I mean News Flash! Great news about your scans being normal. YEA!

    If your memory is going and you feel like a dope groping for words that just poof! disappear, and if one minute you're yanking off your sweater and the next you're putting it back on....welcome, honey, to the club.

    peace, emily who feels way too young to become her mother already....
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    2bhealed said:

    Hot Flash!
    I mean News Flash! Great news about your scans being normal. YEA!

    If your memory is going and you feel like a dope groping for words that just poof! disappear, and if one minute you're yanking off your sweater and the next you're putting it back on....welcome, honey, to the club.

    peace, emily who feels way too young to become her mother already....

    I am giggling!
    Thanks, Emily, for the!!!!

    I got mine over and done with all at once, during the resection surgery when they did a total hysterectomy to 'clear the field' for my gastric surgeon. I had already been looking for someone to take out one would touch a 'working'! So, it took life-threatening cancer, but now it's done...

    I LOVE your description of sweater off/ sweater on...I still have this once a month or so...especially if I drink too much european coffee (soooooo much caffeine!)

    Hugs, Kathi
  • aloved1
    aloved1 Member Posts: 3
    Request the scan for peace of mind if nothing else. My husband was a stage 3 colon cancer survivor 3 yrs ago. Said he was feeling uneasy, even though his blood tests were coming back good. It was time for a CT scan requested by his surgeon. Then the surgeon sent him back for a pet scan. He said John has a spot on his lung that looked suspicious and wanted to do a biopsy. John talked to his Onc. which just took over John's case and said he thought John would be ok to wait 6 months and do another scan. John's surgeon called us for 2 weeks straight and kept insisting he have the biopsy done. John has a lot of faith in his surgeon, he has been there since the beginning. John didn't want to have the biopsy but it just kept weighing on his mind, so he had it done. It was cancer and there was a second spot that did not show up on the scans. I can only imagine how much further it may have spread had he waited 6 months like the onc. suggested. He later had a thoracotomy w/wedge resection and is going through chemo again now he is stage 4. I have always been told no one knows you better than yourself. Request a scan. Better safe than sorry. Good luck! I will be thinking of you.
