My son was hit by a truck on his bike



  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    KathiM said:

    I'm sending up prayers....
    Oh, Emily, hopefully with the lateness of my post, everything will be better for your son. I am sending up prayers for you both.

    Bike riding in Holland is a way of life. They have special lanes along each side of the road, and traffic lights especially for the bikers! It makes so much sense!!!

    Hugs and prayers, Kathi

    How horrible and scary for this to happen to your boy, I know you must be strong though in coping with this, he'll be ok! With all our prayers coming from all these special people on this board, he will have a hopefulley a wonderful complete recovery, I will be praying for you and your family, and, yes, time to use those helmets! I hope he feels better soon!

  • amcp
    amcp Member Posts: 251 Member
    More prayers
    So very sorry to hear about your son's accident but so thankful that he was not hurt any worst than he was. Will keep him and you also in my prayers.
  • Betsydoglover
    Betsydoglover Member Posts: 1,248 Member
    Your son's accident
    Emily - I am so sorry. Glad he seems to be doing ok. I know exactly what this feels like as my daughter was in a similar accident when she was 16. Very scary! Sending good vibes to your family and hope you can get some sleep tonight.

  • betina61
    betina61 Member Posts: 642 Member
    So sorry
    But thank God he is alive, and you can count with my prayers tonight and every night until you let us know he is home.
  • Hatshepsut
    Hatshepsut Member Posts: 336 Member
    betina61 said:

    So sorry
    But thank God he is alive, and you can count with my prayers tonight and every night until you let us know he is home.

    Best wishes for your son and your family

    I'm so sorry to read that your son was injured. I'm encouraged to read that you have things under control and that he is improving as I write this.

    I'm sure this has been a most troubling time for you and hope you and your family find some solace soon.

    Your enthusiastic upbeat posts always make me smile and I believe your resilience will get you though this tough time.

  • tkd3g
    tkd3g Member Posts: 767
    Wow, so sorry Em.
    I'm glad

    Wow, so sorry Em.

    I'm glad he is doing better today.

    My prayers are with you and your family for a speedy and full recovery.

    Love ya girlfriend.

  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    2bhealed said:

    Update & thank you!
    Hey Semi-colons,

    Thank you all for your prayers and good juju. We made it through the night and he's doing well. We meet with an ENT next week. He's not as swollen as I figured he'd get--mostly scraped and shaken a bit. You can tell where the broken facial bones are if you look closely and his eye is blurry and "tired".

    He feels like he's been hit by a truck--now literally.

    It really could have been a whole lot worse so we are counting our blessings today and shuddering at the what-ifs from yesterday.

    I am just so glad I was home to be here. We got back on Monday evening from being gone a month -- thank goodness. I didn't freak out when I got the call surprisingly enough but remained calm as he told me (while walking out of the emergency room) what happened. I was actually running with my training partner and had happened to put my cell phone in my fanny pack so it was good to have those happy endorphins pumping and someone beside me....any potential freak-out I pounded into the pavement. (my next triathlon is this Sunday--the Brewhouse--my Blue Wave Tri was a couple weeks ago).

    So thanks for the prayers for Ian and me. I appreciate it very much.

    Tomorrow is his birthday and I will be sticking to him like glue!

    peace, emily

    Oh, Emily

    I'm just getting a chance to read posts today, and I just seen your orgiinal message and was glad to see an update. I'll be praying for continued healing for Ian. I know it must have been very scary for you as a Mom!

    Hug that boy and be very grateful!

  • JR
    JR Member Posts: 139 Member
    2bhealed said:

    Update & thank you!
    Hey Semi-colons,

    Thank you all for your prayers and good juju. We made it through the night and he's doing well. We meet with an ENT next week. He's not as swollen as I figured he'd get--mostly scraped and shaken a bit. You can tell where the broken facial bones are if you look closely and his eye is blurry and "tired".

    He feels like he's been hit by a truck--now literally.

    It really could have been a whole lot worse so we are counting our blessings today and shuddering at the what-ifs from yesterday.

    I am just so glad I was home to be here. We got back on Monday evening from being gone a month -- thank goodness. I didn't freak out when I got the call surprisingly enough but remained calm as he told me (while walking out of the emergency room) what happened. I was actually running with my training partner and had happened to put my cell phone in my fanny pack so it was good to have those happy endorphins pumping and someone beside me....any potential freak-out I pounded into the pavement. (my next triathlon is this Sunday--the Brewhouse--my Blue Wave Tri was a couple weeks ago).

    So thanks for the prayers for Ian and me. I appreciate it very much.

    Tomorrow is his birthday and I will be sticking to him like glue!

    peace, emily

    Sorry to hear about your son. He will be in my prayers tonight. Congrats on the Tri and good luck on the next one.

  • qwe
    qwe Member Posts: 124
    tkd3g said:

    Wow, so sorry Em.
    I'm glad

    Wow, so sorry Em.

    I'm glad he is doing better today.

    My prayers are with you and your family for a speedy and full recovery.

    Love ya girlfriend.


    So sorry to hear your son
    So sorry to hear your son got hit by a truck glad he is OK.
    I wish hem a very very HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow and my prayers are
    with you.Take care and God Bless.Doris
  • dmdwins
    dmdwins Member Posts: 454 Member
    qwe said:

    So sorry to hear your son
    So sorry to hear your son got hit by a truck glad he is OK.
    I wish hem a very very HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow and my prayers are
    with you.Take care and God Bless.Doris

    Speedy recovery
    Glad to hear your son is do ok considering. i will keep you both in my prayers for healing and a speedy recovery.

  • Paula G.
    Paula G. Member Posts: 596
    So sorry Em
    He will be in my prayers as well as your family. Keep us posted. Love Paula G.
  • punch_vj
    punch_vj Member Posts: 88
    Prayers for Healing
    Extra prayers for your son on the way,
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks y'all for all the prayers.

    I got Ian some better pain meds (per my mother's request--I listen to my mama) since he was throwing up the loratabs and still having achy body headache pain. His face is a bit more swollen now, there's a big bruise under his eye (which is bloody in the corner) and you can really see where the cheek bone is smashed in and his jaw is out of whack. He slammed into the side of the truck and his face took the brunt of it.

    I'm trying to come up with soft things to cook him for his birthday since he's having trouble chewing.

    Ok, gotta go juice him now though. (of course!) HA!

    Semi-colons are the best!

    peace, emily
  • elizabethgd
    elizabethgd Member Posts: 145
    punch_vj said:

    Prayers for Healing
    Extra prayers for your son on the way,

    Your son
    Sorry to hear about your son's accident...Glad he is recovering so well Sending good thoughts your way. Hoping he will continue to heal.
  • qwe
    qwe Member Posts: 124
    2bhealed said:

    Thanks y'all for all the prayers.

    I got Ian some better pain meds (per my mother's request--I listen to my mama) since he was throwing up the loratabs and still having achy body headache pain. His face is a bit more swollen now, there's a big bruise under his eye (which is bloody in the corner) and you can really see where the cheek bone is smashed in and his jaw is out of whack. He slammed into the side of the truck and his face took the brunt of it.

    I'm trying to come up with soft things to cook him for his birthday since he's having trouble chewing.

    Ok, gotta go juice him now though. (of course!) HA!

    Semi-colons are the best!

    peace, emily

    Ice Cream lots of ice
    Ice Cream lots of ice Cream!!!!
  • karguy
    karguy Member Posts: 1,020 Member
    I'm sorry to here about your son,I will say prayers him ,and good luck on your race.I hope he has a good birthday.
  • crazylady
    crazylady Member Posts: 543 Member
    sending positive energy
    Hi Emily,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your son and glad that he's doing better. I'm sending positive energy your way and hope that he makes a speedy recovery!

  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
    Hugs Em,don't worry
    Hugs Em,don't worry mate he will be alright he is blessed with the best survival genes a person could get.Ron.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    ron50 said:

    Hugs Em,don't worry
    Hugs Em,don't worry mate he will be alright he is blessed with the best survival genes a person could get.Ron.

    Thanks friend.
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    Just letting you know i'm sending good thoughts and prayers for Ian's quick recovery. That poor kid! What a horrible thing to happen.

    Many hugs,