My son was hit by a truck on his bike

2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi Semi-colons,

This has nothing to do with colon cancer (or juicing) but this afternoon my son (who turns 23 on Friday) was hit by a truck while on his bike. He has a major concussion, a sprained and stitched up jaw, and at least 2 fractures on his face (eye socket) along with cuts and abrasions. He's lucky to be alive. The old man didn't even know he hit him. I guess the bystanders were screaming at him to stop. Thank GOD he wasn't run over! My cyclist son wasn't wearing a helmet (NOW he might start listening to his mama). He was unconscious when taken by ambulance to the hospital. So tonight I will have to wake him every 2 hours (so that's why I'm up late--why bother going to bed now?).

I know there are a whole bunch of prayer warriors on here so I ask for prayer for Ian. We have to meet with an ENT to see if he needs reconstructive surgery.

Head injuries are nothing to sneeze at (think Natasha Richardson) so I appreciate any good thoughts, vibes, healing energy, prayers, or good juju. :-)

Thanks you guys cuz I know you will. You know why I know? Cuz Semi-colons ROCK!

peace, emily


  • idlehunters
    idlehunters Member Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hi Emily,
    So sorry to hear about your son. I will definately say a prayer for him. There...done. Keep us informed of his progress.

  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    praying for you and Ian
    I am praying for Ian and for his mama. Yikes, how scary to get that call. I pray all goes well.
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    you got it
    Hi Emily,

    Sorry to hear about Ian's tragic accident. I will definitely pray for him- and for you too- being a mom when things like this happen can be so stressful, I'm sure.

    You take care & please let us know how he does. I'm praying right now as I sign off-
  • nudgie
    nudgie Member Posts: 1,478 Member
    Sending Prayer
    As I type I will say a prayer.................................AMEN
  • dash4
    dash4 Member Posts: 303 Member
    You and your son are in my prayers. I have been away for a while and it is nice to hear from you and know you continue to be well. Ian is blessed to have you there to help heal him.
  • claud1951
    claud1951 Member Posts: 424 Member
    Nothing but good vibes going
    Nothing but good vibes going to your son~~~~~~~

  • dianetavegia
    dianetavegia Member Posts: 1,942 Member
    claud1951 said:

    Nothing but good vibes going
    Nothing but good vibes going to your son~~~~~~~


    Emily and son
    I will gladly add your son and the family to my prayers. I'm a mom of four and had only one sibiling. Michael died 2 years (murdered) ago from a back of the head injury (d9fferet from your son's)

    I fully believe in the power of prayer and will remember him all during the day!

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear this about your son Ian.
    Street biking is so dangerous, that is why I had switched to mountain biking.
    I'm sorry he had to learn the helmet thing the hard way.
    Definitely sending out many good vibes and healing thoughts to both of you and the rest of the clan.
  • lizzydavis
    lizzydavis Member Posts: 893
    Hi Emily,
    I am so glad

    Hi Emily,

    I am so glad that your son has you to be beside him through this ordeal. He is very lucky in more ways than one. Be strong and keep positive thoughts going. I am praying for Ian.

    We have missed you. Please keep us updated on Ian’s progress.

    As Lance says, Unity is Strength, Information is Power, and Attitude is Everything.
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    So sorry to hear of your son's accident. How terribly scary for all of you. He is in my prayers for a complete recovery and you too, mama Emily, that you do not get too stressed out over this (although I would freak out too). Please let us know how he continues to heal. I'm thinking of you as you are right, it could have been a lot worse. His Guardian Angel was protecting him.

  • Sorry
    So sorry to hear of your son's accident. How terribly scary for all of you. He is in my prayers for a complete recovery and you too, mama Emily, that you do not get too stressed out over this (although I would freak out too). Please let us know how he continues to heal. I'm thinking of you as you are right, it could have been a lot worse. His Guardian Angel was protecting him.


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  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    Oh,dear Emily,this news made
    Oh,dear Emily,this news made me shocked.I am so sorry to hear that.I am praying for your son and hoping he is going to have a very quick recovery.Take care.
  • angelsbaby
    angelsbaby Member Posts: 1,165 Member

    Oh,dear Emily,this news made
    Oh,dear Emily,this news made me shocked.I am so sorry to hear that.I am praying for your son and hoping he is going to have a very quick recovery.Take care.

    Sorry Emily
    I will keep you and your son in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Sigma34
    Sigma34 Member Posts: 203

    Sorry Emily
    I will keep you and your son in my thoughts and prayers.


    We are praying on the East
    We are praying on the East Coast. I have an Ian as well.

    Much love,

  • donnare
    donnare Member Posts: 266
    Prayers, thoughts, etc. on the way!
    Hi Emily,

    So sorry to hear your son was injured - how scary for you. Same thing happened to a friend's husband a few years back and thankfully he is okay.

    I am sending prayers, thoughts, etc. - good juju :-))) his way and yours too. Please take care of yourself too. Hope he will have a full and quick recovery.

  • Oceansaway
    Oceansaway Member Posts: 25
    donnare said:

    Prayers, thoughts, etc. on the way!
    Hi Emily,

    So sorry to hear your son was injured - how scary for you. Same thing happened to a friend's husband a few years back and thankfully he is okay.

    I am sending prayers, thoughts, etc. - good juju :-))) his way and yours too. Please take care of yourself too. Hope he will have a full and quick recovery.


    Emily, sorry to hear this news. I just said a prayer for you and your son.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    Update & thank you!
    Hey Semi-colons,

    Thank you all for your prayers and good juju. We made it through the night and he's doing well. We meet with an ENT next week. He's not as swollen as I figured he'd get--mostly scraped and shaken a bit. You can tell where the broken facial bones are if you look closely and his eye is blurry and "tired".

    He feels like he's been hit by a truck--now literally.

    It really could have been a whole lot worse so we are counting our blessings today and shuddering at the what-ifs from yesterday.

    I am just so glad I was home to be here. We got back on Monday evening from being gone a month -- thank goodness. I didn't freak out when I got the call surprisingly enough but remained calm as he told me (while walking out of the emergency room) what happened. I was actually running with my training partner and had happened to put my cell phone in my fanny pack so it was good to have those happy endorphins pumping and someone beside me....any potential freak-out I pounded into the pavement. (my next triathlon is this Sunday--the Brewhouse--my Blue Wave Tri was a couple weeks ago).

    So thanks for the prayers for Ian and me. I appreciate it very much.

    Tomorrow is his birthday and I will be sticking to him like glue!

    peace, emily
  • luv3jay
    luv3jay Member Posts: 533 Member
    Just sent up a prayer for
    Just sent up a prayer for Ian now...that's my nephew's name! Keep us posted on his progress because just like you said, head injuries are nothing to brush under the rug. I'm glad he will have another chance to take mom's advice on the helmet! UGH! I hate when our children have to learn the hard way!

  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    What a shock when I came across your post. I'm behind in posting this, but wanted to still pass along prayers, best wishes, and the good juju as you say and hope that your son Ian will continue to do nicely. Any kind of fall is very scary. Thank you for the wishes in your tri-athalon endeavors, sounds good.

    Take care
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I'm sending up prayers....
    Oh, Emily, hopefully with the lateness of my post, everything will be better for your son. I am sending up prayers for you both.

    Bike riding in Holland is a way of life. They have special lanes along each side of the road, and traffic lights especially for the bikers! It makes so much sense!!!

    Hugs and prayers, Kathi