Just diagnosed and scared

Marie_40 Member Posts: 3
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have just been diagnosed with infiltrating ductal carcinoma. When I found the lump it was already 3cm. I have been scheduled for a bilaterial mastectomy Aug. 14th. I am also having a PET scan done next week. They told me that they can't give me a stage until after surgery when they see if it has gone to my lymph nodes. The unknown is scaring me. I don't know how to go another 4 weeks not worrying and wondering.


  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    Welcome Marie
    There is no way any of us can tell you not to be scared. We have all been there and can help you through this. There are a lot of lovely women on this site who will help you get through this journey that you are about to embark on. It would be stupid for me to say don't be scared, you are. I was. Everyone is. Just take it one day at a time and listen to what the doctors tell you and do what they recommend. Get the best care you can. Take care of you! Please keep us informed when the surgery will be.
  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    One More Thing.......
    Listen to these ladies on this site, they will have you laughing and feeling good about yourself. They have been a blessing to me!
  • Marie_40
    Marie_40 Member Posts: 3
    padee6339 said:

    One More Thing.......
    Listen to these ladies on this site, they will have you laughing and feeling good about yourself. They have been a blessing to me!

    I sure can't wait to be laughing again. I go to work every day and take care of the kids every night as usual but I feel like a zombie. I can't seem to concentrate on anything and would rather just sleep or read a book.

  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    Marie_40 said:

    I sure can't wait to be laughing again. I go to work every day and take care of the kids every night as usual but I feel like a zombie. I can't seem to concentrate on anything and would rather just sleep or read a book.


    You're Welcome
    My cancer was not as extensive as yours, Stage 1, non invasive. I had a lumpectomy in October last year and in November started 6 rounds of chemo, I finished radiation (36 treatments) in June. Its not easy to take care of yourself, go to work, and take care of the family. Wait till chemo brain hits you - LOL. Right now, I am so scatterbrained. I cannot concentrate on anything much less a book! Listen, you are just starting - there are a lot of things to come, some good and some bad depending on how your body reacts to the treatment. Stay with us and we will do everything we can to make you feel good about YOU! You too may become a "Daft Sod". I think I'm still waiting to be one. Ha haha
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Glad you found us!
    Welcome Marie, although I am sorry you need to be here! This site has a lot of very caring and supportive folks who will be more than happy to be there for you! I agree the waiting is one of the worst aspects of hearing that you have cancer. It is most certainly a frightening time so what you are feeling is very normal. If you have a friend or family member who can go to your appt. with you to help listen that would be very helpful. It seems we tend to miss or forget a lot of what we hear because this whole thing is so over whelming. It is also helpful to have a note book handy to write the things that come to mind that you may want to ask your surgeon or oncologist. As things come to mind just write them down and when it is time for your appointment take your list of questions with you. I started doing this way back in 1997 when I was first dx and I still do it today. My best to you I will be keeping you in my prayers~!


  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    Hello, Marie! My name is Claudia, I am a BC survivor in California. My tumor size was also 3cm, and the staging came in after surgery as 2B...I had 15 underarm lymphnodes removed and 3 of them were cancerous. I know the waiting is one of the most difficult parts of this journey.
    I hope it encourages you to know that not only was our tumor size the same, I had surgery, chemotherapy and radiation...and I am over 6 YEARS post diagnosis! There is truly Life before, during and yes, after Cancer~ the Kindred Spirits on these boards will attest to that!

    Feel free to join us here at any time~you will not find a more caring, insightful group of warrior-survivors amywhere, and we welcome you into our fold.

  • Marie_40
    Marie_40 Member Posts: 3
    chenheart said:

    Hello, Marie! My name is Claudia, I am a BC survivor in California. My tumor size was also 3cm, and the staging came in after surgery as 2B...I had 15 underarm lymphnodes removed and 3 of them were cancerous. I know the waiting is one of the most difficult parts of this journey.
    I hope it encourages you to know that not only was our tumor size the same, I had surgery, chemotherapy and radiation...and I am over 6 YEARS post diagnosis! There is truly Life before, during and yes, after Cancer~ the Kindred Spirits on these boards will attest to that!

    Feel free to join us here at any time~you will not find a more caring, insightful group of warrior-survivors amywhere, and we welcome you into our fold.


    Thanks to all
    Thank you all for your thoughts and kind words. It is hard to talk about this when the person you are talking to has no ideal how you feel. There is no way someone could know unless they have experienced it. That is why I came here, to find others like me who know how I feel and give me encouragement. I went through a bad divorce a few years back and thought that was the worst experience possible. There is no comparison. This has to be the worst. The word "cancer" is scary. Thank you all again and I am sure I will have a lot of questions along the way.

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Marie_40 said:

    Thanks to all
    Thank you all for your thoughts and kind words. It is hard to talk about this when the person you are talking to has no ideal how you feel. There is no way someone could know unless they have experienced it. That is why I came here, to find others like me who know how I feel and give me encouragement. I went through a bad divorce a few years back and thought that was the worst experience possible. There is no comparison. This has to be the worst. The word "cancer" is scary. Thank you all again and I am sure I will have a lot of questions along the way.


    Welcome, Marie_40
    Glad to have you, even if the reason is unfortunate. We're all here to support and encourage each other. The breast cancer experience unites us in a way those outside of it simply cannot truly understand. The journey can only be travelled one forward step at a time; and, we will be beside you.

    I'm just behind our dear Claudia/chenheart, with my own 6 year anniversary since diagnosis fast approaching. There are others amongst us who count their survivorships by decades. I hope this knowledge provides you with hope, because hope is the key to all else.

    Visit often, whenever you'd like or need to.

    Best wishes.
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member

    Welcome, Marie_40
    Glad to have you, even if the reason is unfortunate. We're all here to support and encourage each other. The breast cancer experience unites us in a way those outside of it simply cannot truly understand. The journey can only be travelled one forward step at a time; and, we will be beside you.

    I'm just behind our dear Claudia/chenheart, with my own 6 year anniversary since diagnosis fast approaching. There are others amongst us who count their survivorships by decades. I hope this knowledge provides you with hope, because hope is the key to all else.

    Visit often, whenever you'd like or need to.

    Best wishes.

    Hi Marie, Sorry you have to
    Hi Marie, Sorry you have to go through this, but welcome to our wonderful site. This site is a life saver. I was scared to. I had surgery in June. You will not get to much information about your Cancer and it's stage or nodes until weeks after your surgery. It will be a lot of waiting, which comes with worry. Try to think as positive as you can and know that you will be in our prayers.
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    Kat11 said:

    Hi Marie, Sorry you have to
    Hi Marie, Sorry you have to go through this, but welcome to our wonderful site. This site is a life saver. I was scared to. I had surgery in June. You will not get to much information about your Cancer and it's stage or nodes until weeks after your surgery. It will be a lot of waiting, which comes with worry. Try to think as positive as you can and know that you will be in our prayers.

    Just welcoming you Marie and
    Just welcoming you Marie and wishing you good luck!
  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    Take a deep breath Marie and
    Take a deep breath Marie and know that you are right on track. All that you are feeling, the shock, the worry, the anxiety, the zombie like motions are all par for the course when given this news. I, like the others are sorry you've had to join our club, but we will try and make it as easy for you as we can. It's very difficult to not be emotional during these times, but it's essential to have a clear head when making decisions and information gathering. Come here often and ask us anything. You will find strength you never knew you had. All good blessings to you......
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930

    Take a deep breath Marie and
    Take a deep breath Marie and know that you are right on track. All that you are feeling, the shock, the worry, the anxiety, the zombie like motions are all par for the course when given this news. I, like the others are sorry you've had to join our club, but we will try and make it as easy for you as we can. It's very difficult to not be emotional during these times, but it's essential to have a clear head when making decisions and information gathering. Come here often and ask us anything. You will find strength you never knew you had. All good blessings to you......

    Sending you big hugs!

    Sending you big hugs!
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    Me too!!!
    Just wanted to welcome you, Marie. The waiting is going to drive you nuts!! But at least now you will have an excuse to mess up in all areas in your life!! Before this, I had to blame it on "blond" moments. But being at the mercy of my daughter to dye my hair shortly after surgery.....Gasp!! She changed the color! (was blond 30 years!). Now I just tell everyone I have "cancer" brain (as I haven't gone through chemo to use that one). So just to let you know, there is some possitives you will laugh at along the way, even though you probably couldn't imagine it now. We're here for you and be sure to come often. We will help get you through this. :) Pammy
  • stmgriffin
    stmgriffin Member Posts: 25
    I know how you feel
    I was diagnosed in June, and when I found my lump it was 3cm. I did not have to wait that long for my surgery, but I have done the waiting game on test results to come back..What helped me was to surround myself with very postive people..I think that is the key..At least it was for me..You need alot of postive engery. Also, I did alot of praying, and it worked..I found out two days ago that I do not have to take chemo and I will be taking meds by mouth..
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Hello, Marie
    Marie, I just wanted to welcome you to the boards. The unknowns are the most frightening, for sure. We all have experienced that waiting period and understand how hard it is to think of anything else but the coming surgery. If you have any questions or concerns, or just want to vent, this is the right place. You will find many survivors ready to help you through. Please keep in touch. My best to you.
  • Trisia
    Trisia Member Posts: 10
    Moopy23 said:

    Hello, Marie
    Marie, I just wanted to welcome you to the boards. The unknowns are the most frightening, for sure. We all have experienced that waiting period and understand how hard it is to think of anything else but the coming surgery. If you have any questions or concerns, or just want to vent, this is the right place. You will find many survivors ready to help you through. Please keep in touch. My best to you.

    Welcome Marie
    Marie, I am always sorry to hear of someone going through the diagnosis phase. I think it is the most difficult time because you are in limbo and you do not know what to think. I personally don't think I have ever experienced such fear in my life. I don't know what I would have done with out the tremendous support of my family, friends, coworkers and even strangers. I will always be so grateful to these people. Know that I am praying for you and please keep in touch. The people on this site are wonderful angels who will help you lovingly throughout your journey.
  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    just dignosed
  • lolad
    lolad Member Posts: 670
    i just had a double
    i just had a double mastectomy as well. It is all a hard road and i know how you feel. Waiting for anything feels like you are waiting for years. Just keep coming to the board and keep support system going. All of us are scared or have been scared because of what we are going thru. Hand in there

  • SoftBallMom2
    SoftBallMom2 Member Posts: 56 Member
    I wanted to welcome you too!
    I wanted to welcome you too! These guys have made me feel better about alot of my worries. I just wanted to tell you what my doctor told me at the beginning of my journey in May.He said that everyone you talk to will have a war story to tell you. How bad so and so had it and how awful they had it. He told me to not listen to them and be positive. I have found out that what he said is true. Everyone thinks they are helping you but most of the time they make you worry more than you have too. Just hang in there. I think the toughest part for me has been the waiting game. Good Luck!
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    The waiting is absolutely the hardest part (for me anyway) i went through most of it in a blur. I had a 2.6cm tumor and 6 pos. lymph nodes. my stage was 3a. I've done mastectomy,chemo and rads and am still doing Herceptin every 3 weks.

    Try to take it just one day or minute at a time talk to people you love and you know will support you. (this includes us) do things you enjoy read, watch movies whatever keeps your mind busy and happy. We will be here 24-7 to listen and support you.
    hugs, and God Bless,