personal question, please help
Painful concern
I don't have a real answer for you, but have you considered consulting a specialist? They have folks that deal specifically in the area of painful sex though you may have to travel to a nearby (hopefully nearby) large city to find such a specialist. ask your ob/gyn for a referral. I recall reading the story of a woman that was having a similar problem. After literally years of pain, she finally saw a specialist that was able to diagnose what was going on and how to cure it. Just because you have breast cancer doesn't mean you can't get a different problem and seeing a specialist might make a big difference. There are all kinds of infections, side effects of various medicines, injuries, age-related tissue changes, among other things that can cause painful sex. No sense prolonging the agony or saying goodbye to such a pleasurable activity. Get help and go get it sooner rather than later.
C. Abbott0 -
Isn't it just because we
Isn't it just because we have none or so little estrogen in our bodies? I never had this problem ever before while I was still on the pill and before bc. And, I would be afraid to use premarin, like Eli said. I don't want to do anything to risk bc coming back. This just isn't fair.0 -
Just a thought....Eil4186 said:Hi Kim, I had this problem
Hi Kim, I had this problem for quite a while. Replens helped a bit but it was still very painful. Finally, I asked my onc. about trying Premarin brand estrogen cream. Dr. Susan Love mentioned in her book that it was fine for women who have had BC. My oncologist agreed and I used it for several months. It did wonders for my "problem".
Eventually my estrogen returned to my normal premenopasal level and I stopped using the cream. I assumed that the pain would go away but unfortunately it is still very painful and I am unable to follow through with that "activity". I think you may have a point about the ph level. Perhaps that is the culprit in my case.
You may want to ask your doctor about Premarin cream. It has an extremely tiny amount of estrogen and is considered to be safe even for women who have had hormone receptor positive breast cancer. It really makes a huge difference with the dryness/pain in the personal area.
Good luck.
Back in the the early 60's when I was a raging hormonal teenager, and my mom was just beginning "The Change", she was also prescribed Premarin~ in tablet form, I believe. The thing I thought ( and still do think) odd about Premarin? It is a contraction for the words Pregnant Mare's Urine!!! I am not saying it doesn't work, but who thinks of these things in the first place??!!! I think they must be the same people who first saw an artichoke and thought, 'Wow! if I snip off the tops of the leaves which are cutting my fingers to shreds, boil it, scrape the flesh from the leaves with my teeth and try to discard the fibrous non-edible thing in the middle~ OMG~this thistle is delicious!!! I think I'll dip in in mayo!"
For the record, I do love artichokes, but my mind wanders way too much, evidently!
Claudia0 -
Who Knew????Kylez said:Thank you Kim for starting
Thank you Kim for starting this thread. And, if you or anyone else finds something that really works, please post it LOUD! lol
And, spit doesn't help at all either. Maybe if the guy isn't well endowed, it might.
Wow... I am fortunate~ a 60 yr old broad, estrogen positive, and even after 5 years of Arimidex, spit works just fine! Nothing OTC or anything else needed... Guess I should consider this a blessing, huh??? And I dare say my Reggie would be insulted if one only thought this is so cuz he isn't "well-endowed!" OMG!!!! And me being The Cougar in the relationship~ shame on me! HA HA HA
Claudia0 -
Well, if a man is wellchenheart said:Who Knew????
Wow... I am fortunate~ a 60 yr old broad, estrogen positive, and even after 5 years of Arimidex, spit works just fine! Nothing OTC or anything else needed... Guess I should consider this a blessing, huh??? And I dare say my Reggie would be insulted if one only thought this is so cuz he isn't "well-endowed!" OMG!!!! And me being The Cougar in the relationship~ shame on me! HA HA HA
Well, if a man is well endowed, spit isn't going to work. If he isn't, spit would, I am sure. Sorry...0 -
My last word on this subject..otherwise it will be TMI! LOLKylez said:Well, if a man is well
Well, if a man is well endowed, spit isn't going to work. If he isn't, spit would, I am sure. Sorry...
Ya know...this is an argument which can have no winners! But why spit would only work for "shrimps" and not "mastadons" makes no physiological sense to me! And being that this thread ( from a few months ago) credits those well-endowed Porn Stars using this "natural lubricant"...well, I rest my case! This is without a doubt the silliest posting ever to a real problem! I am just saying that thankfully it isn't my physical problem~ I am laughing so hard right now and Reggie is wondering why! No way I am telling him it is assumed that he must be smaller than average if spit works fine! HAHAHAHA!
Thanks for the grins~ but Ladies, if spit works for you, don't imagine it's cuz your man is less than average! It just isn't so! LOL LOL LOL
Claudia0 -
Why so defensive? Guess itchenheart said:My last word on this subject..otherwise it will be TMI! LOL
Ya know...this is an argument which can have no winners! But why spit would only work for "shrimps" and not "mastadons" makes no physiological sense to me! And being that this thread ( from a few months ago) credits those well-endowed Porn Stars using this "natural lubricant"...well, I rest my case! This is without a doubt the silliest posting ever to a real problem! I am just saying that thankfully it isn't my physical problem~ I am laughing so hard right now and Reggie is wondering why! No way I am telling him it is assumed that he must be smaller than average if spit works fine! HAHAHAHA!
Thanks for the grins~ but Ladies, if spit works for you, don't imagine it's cuz your man is less than average! It just isn't so! LOL LOL LOL
Why so defensive? Guess it hit too close to home? Sorry....0 -
LOL LOL LOLKylez said:Why so defensive? Guess it
Why so defensive? Guess it hit too close to home? Sorry....
Defensive? OMG no~ I am so amused by this I am about to fall of the couch laughing! This is so hilarious, that I have tears running down my is so funny to me! Trust me, I am not easily ( almost never) insulted, nor am I thin skinned...I am just finding this the funniest thread ever! It is an endorphin rush almost as good as sex...with my well-endowed man! LOL
Claudia0 -
I don't see the humor inchenheart said:LOL LOL LOL
Defensive? OMG no~ I am so amused by this I am about to fall of the couch laughing! This is so hilarious, that I have tears running down my is so funny to me! Trust me, I am not easily ( almost never) insulted, nor am I thin skinned...I am just finding this the funniest thread ever! It is an endorphin rush almost as good as sex...with my well-endowed man! LOL
I don't see the humor in this for you Claudia. Why don't you just let it go? It is a real problem for some women and they are entitled to their opinions. I don't think your making fun of this thread is very mature. If spit works for you, good. If it doesn't for others, that is fine too. If you think your man is well endowed, then good. Just drop it for pete's sake. And, you are defending yourself. If your sex life is good, then good for you. Who cares?0 - harm no foul!susie09 said:I don't see the humor in
I don't see the humor in this for you Claudia. Why don't you just let it go? It is a real problem for some women and they are entitled to their opinions. I don't think your making fun of this thread is very mature. If spit works for you, good. If it doesn't for others, that is fine too. If you think your man is well endowed, then good. Just drop it for pete's sake. And, you are defending yourself. If your sex life is good, then good for you. Who cares? harm no foul! Consider the subject dropped! Just light hearted silliness getting us through the Cancer Challenge! I wasn't the one who brought up endowment in the first place, and it made me laugh! Lord knows we all need to laugh! LOL Its so my last word! On to the mundane...artichoke recipes, anyone? :-)
Claudia0 -
The last word would be nice.chenheart harm no foul! harm no foul! Consider the subject dropped! Just light hearted silliness getting us through the Cancer Challenge! I wasn't the one who brought up endowment in the first place, and it made me laugh! Lord knows we all need to laugh! LOL Its so my last word! On to the mundane...artichoke recipes, anyone? :-)
The last word would be nice. I doubt the other women that posted consider it light hearted silliness. I doubt they think this is a laughing matter. Sorry that whoever brought up the endowment hit too close to home. Good luck to you!0 -
Well, perhaps I owe you an apology!susie09 said:The last word would be nice.
The last word would be nice. I doubt the other women that posted consider it light hearted silliness. I doubt they think this is a laughing matter. Sorry that whoever brought up the endowment hit too close to home. Good luck to you!
Well, perhaps I owe you an apology! The thread was pretty much in keeping with the subject at hand~ and reading from the beginning, everyone ( myself included)was quite concerned and realized this is a serious question which was treated with the dignity it deserved. After almost 7 years of posting on these boards, I hope my caring and senstive nature is evident to most everyone here. If now and then, someone says something which strikes me as funny, and Heaven knows we need to be irreverant now and again~ I see nothing wrong with laughing! I wasn't at all insulted by the suggestion as to why maybe spit works for me! I was simply following a silly thread with an "assumption" about my man to an equally
silly conclusion! It takes nothing away from my sisters in here who are having either physical/emotional difficulties.
If anyone was at all offended, I again apologize. Hopefully, my Kindred Spirits in here know me better, and were laughing along with me, realizing I would never purposely say anything to demean any of us in our battle.
Claudia0 -
Claudiachenheart said:My last word on this subject..otherwise it will be TMI! LOL
Ya know...this is an argument which can have no winners! But why spit would only work for "shrimps" and not "mastadons" makes no physiological sense to me! And being that this thread ( from a few months ago) credits those well-endowed Porn Stars using this "natural lubricant"...well, I rest my case! This is without a doubt the silliest posting ever to a real problem! I am just saying that thankfully it isn't my physical problem~ I am laughing so hard right now and Reggie is wondering why! No way I am telling him it is assumed that he must be smaller than average if spit works fine! HAHAHAHA!
Thanks for the grins~ but Ladies, if spit works for you, don't imagine it's cuz your man is less than average! It just isn't so! LOL LOL LOL
You have me laughing so hard from the Premerian to the artichoke to the spit................hahahahahahahah....
Thanks I needed that!!!
P.S. I just wanted to add that I don't want offend anoyone either. I know this is a serious problem, One that I might even experience as my treatment progresses, but I needed a laugh and Claudia gave me one.0 -
Claudiachenheart said:Well, perhaps I owe you an apology!
Well, perhaps I owe you an apology! The thread was pretty much in keeping with the subject at hand~ and reading from the beginning, everyone ( myself included)was quite concerned and realized this is a serious question which was treated with the dignity it deserved. After almost 7 years of posting on these boards, I hope my caring and senstive nature is evident to most everyone here. If now and then, someone says something which strikes me as funny, and Heaven knows we need to be irreverant now and again~ I see nothing wrong with laughing! I wasn't at all insulted by the suggestion as to why maybe spit works for me! I was simply following a silly thread with an "assumption" about my man to an equally
silly conclusion! It takes nothing away from my sisters in here who are having either physical/emotional difficulties.
If anyone was at all offended, I again apologize. Hopefully, my Kindred Spirits in here know me better, and were laughing along with me, realizing I would never purposely say anything to demean any of us in our battle.
I have never taken offense at anything you have ever posted. You are always the most uplifting, giving, caring, sensitive person on these boards. And yes, you have a great sense of humor. Yes we need levity, and yes the subject is maybe more sensitive (no pun intented) to some of the others on these boards. We can usually take all of our issues, big or small (again, no pun intended...), with some humor and levity, and if it hits too close to home for some of us, maybe we can just read the posts and move on. Please don't feel as if this was any of your doing. You are loved here.
=^..^=0 -
Claudia,aurora2009 said:Claudia
You have me laughing so hard from the Premerian to the artichoke to the spit................hahahahahahahah....
Thanks I needed that!!!
P.S. I just wanted to add that I don't want offend anoyone either. I know this is a serious problem, One that I might even experience as my treatment progresses, but I needed a laugh and Claudia gave me one.
I have had this
I have had this problem for years dating back to my uterine cancer and pelvic radiation. I have tried many things and some worked better than others. I was not offended by your remarks at all. It was funny and even with this "problem" I can see the humor. I was thinking that the problem with spit wouldn't be endowed or not, but the ability to produce enough spit for the size no matter what it is. So it is a ability to spit. There are many reasons for the dryness and the best thing that someone who is truly concerned about the discomfort or pain with intercourse is to talk with your doctor. If you ask for suggestions then that is what you will get and to critize someone or make what I would consider deeming remarks about someone's partner is not funny either. All of this was said with a touch of humor and spit was just a suggestion. I think my only concern with spit would be the possibilty of infection. But then I grew up spitting in my eyeliner to get it to the perfect consistancy for application. Yes, Claudia, we grew up in the same time period. I am picturing our 50 foot woman with the poorly endowed partner. Can't picture it, sorry. So let's all put this to rest. After all, spit happens.
Claudia you are one of the kindest sweetest, most supportive ladies on this board.
Stef0 -
Ah...ohchenheart said:Well, perhaps I owe you an apology!
Well, perhaps I owe you an apology! The thread was pretty much in keeping with the subject at hand~ and reading from the beginning, everyone ( myself included)was quite concerned and realized this is a serious question which was treated with the dignity it deserved. After almost 7 years of posting on these boards, I hope my caring and senstive nature is evident to most everyone here. If now and then, someone says something which strikes me as funny, and Heaven knows we need to be irreverant now and again~ I see nothing wrong with laughing! I wasn't at all insulted by the suggestion as to why maybe spit works for me! I was simply following a silly thread with an "assumption" about my man to an equally
silly conclusion! It takes nothing away from my sisters in here who are having either physical/emotional difficulties.
If anyone was at all offended, I again apologize. Hopefully, my Kindred Spirits in here know me better, and were laughing along with me, realizing I would never purposely say anything to demean any of us in our battle.
Way to go Claudia!! If you recall, I was the one to agree with you that spit worked well for me too!! Does this mean that I have inadvertantly offended someone as well? I hope I didn't and I'm here to say just's all her fault!! She is 45 feet 1 inch taller than me!! She mentioned it first!! (wink, wink). ROFLOL!!! Please, we are just presenting another option and trying to do it light heartedly on such a sensitive subject!! Apologies to anyone offended.Pammy
0 -
Just jealous!fauxma said:Claudia,
I have had this
I have had this problem for years dating back to my uterine cancer and pelvic radiation. I have tried many things and some worked better than others. I was not offended by your remarks at all. It was funny and even with this "problem" I can see the humor. I was thinking that the problem with spit wouldn't be endowed or not, but the ability to produce enough spit for the size no matter what it is. So it is a ability to spit. There are many reasons for the dryness and the best thing that someone who is truly concerned about the discomfort or pain with intercourse is to talk with your doctor. If you ask for suggestions then that is what you will get and to critize someone or make what I would consider deeming remarks about someone's partner is not funny either. All of this was said with a touch of humor and spit was just a suggestion. I think my only concern with spit would be the possibilty of infection. But then I grew up spitting in my eyeliner to get it to the perfect consistancy for application. Yes, Claudia, we grew up in the same time period. I am picturing our 50 foot woman with the poorly endowed partner. Can't picture it, sorry. So let's all put this to rest. After all, spit happens.
Claudia you are one of the kindest sweetest, most supportive ladies on this board.
Hi Claudia,
I just wish I had a normal sex life that I could laugh about! You're really lucky.
Thank goodness my hubby is understanding and we're creative...but honestly, if I never had to have sex again, that would be fine.
Debi0 -
ARE YOU KIDDING ME LOLLOL!chenheart said:Well, perhaps I owe you an apology!
Well, perhaps I owe you an apology! The thread was pretty much in keeping with the subject at hand~ and reading from the beginning, everyone ( myself included)was quite concerned and realized this is a serious question which was treated with the dignity it deserved. After almost 7 years of posting on these boards, I hope my caring and senstive nature is evident to most everyone here. If now and then, someone says something which strikes me as funny, and Heaven knows we need to be irreverant now and again~ I see nothing wrong with laughing! I wasn't at all insulted by the suggestion as to why maybe spit works for me! I was simply following a silly thread with an "assumption" about my man to an equally
silly conclusion! It takes nothing away from my sisters in here who are having either physical/emotional difficulties.
If anyone was at all offended, I again apologize. Hopefully, my Kindred Spirits in here know me better, and were laughing along with me, realizing I would never purposely say anything to demean any of us in our battle.
I was laughing out loud and i really needed this mundane? thread i found it way funnier than artichokes. and even though i do relate to this subject...and haven't tried spit..but really like KY yours and mine. I think we all need a break from all the seriousness of our lives. Plus Claudia you know I "GET" you.
Hugs, jackie0
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