

  • sig
    sig Member Posts: 13

    I like my bathroom, butt...
    This thread on poop has been enlightening and comforting. I too use Depends when I am going to some event where I would just as soon not have disaster strike. These adult diapers are not the most comfortable garments, but they do soothe the mind a bit. I don't wear white much any more. Way too chancy. I have had to give up dairy products almost entirely and that puts a real crimp in the Sunday afternoon Dairy Queen runs my husband and I favored for so long. Alas and alack, it just ain't fair. Not only should we buy stock in Charmin, but also in immodium and all the other meds named here! I would but I can't stay out of the bathroom long enough to find a good broker!

    Best of luck everyone!


    "Colorectal" covers a LONG
    "Colorectal" covers a LONG variety of changes, - so colon, rectal, and anal cancer can be very different in the LONG run (pun intended :-).

    Seriously, sorry to read about the bleeding after anal cancer or during recovery - after rectal cancer treatments and reconnection (j-pouch here) - i think there was bleeding only twice in early weeks, and very minor luckily for me.

    Yet the wiping is so sh...y! I love the idea of a bidet - just no place to put one and too expensive for now. I do travel and when there is one in a hotel - so nice!

    It's really great to have a place to talk about this here - it's just impossible to even joke with some friends about it. I was trying to come up with a funny word for my **** problems - my bum bum, my own ****, my ??? ideas welcome. Something refined, LOL, and also something I can say in public, to let others know why I have this strange look on my face every once in a while (the butt burn).
  • sig
    sig Member Posts: 13
    sig said:

    "Colorectal" covers a LONG
    "Colorectal" covers a LONG variety of changes, - so colon, rectal, and anal cancer can be very different in the LONG run (pun intended :-).

    Seriously, sorry to read about the bleeding after anal cancer or during recovery - after rectal cancer treatments and reconnection (j-pouch here) - i think there was bleeding only twice in early weeks, and very minor luckily for me.

    Yet the wiping is so sh...y! I love the idea of a bidet - just no place to put one and too expensive for now. I do travel and when there is one in a hotel - so nice!

    It's really great to have a place to talk about this here - it's just impossible to even joke with some friends about it. I was trying to come up with a funny word for my **** problems - my bum bum, my own ****, my ??? ideas welcome. Something refined, LOL, and also something I can say in public, to let others know why I have this strange look on my face every once in a while (the butt burn).

    (just an aside: even here,
    (just an aside: even here, the system has put asteriks (********) for two words that are real, oh well...can understand we do not want to offend others online, yet hmm...if not with a colorectal group, whom with?)
  • serrana
    serrana Member Posts: 163 Member
    sig said:

    (just an aside: even here,
    (just an aside: even here, the system has put asteriks (********) for two words that are real, oh well...can understand we do not want to offend others online, yet hmm...if not with a colorectal group, whom with?)

    all about poop
    See my post above about the clustering or Multiple Poo Syndrome and rejoice that I have had a great non symptomatic week!!!! Normal schedule, normal poo. Wow
    My answer.......continue on the diet programs and up the metamusil to 30 grams a day ( I weight 110#), discontinue all lomotil and immodium, laxatives etc. Listen to the Michael Mahoney hypnotherapy CD program for IBS everynite. Wow, instant results. Amazing.
    P.S. Check out the different versions of the labels because some of the variations have bad stuff in them like sugar and sucrose etc. Get the simplest variety and have several tabs w/ each meal. Amazing. It has been 6 days of joy. Not getting my throne reading done tho. LOL
  • mbarron
    mbarron Member Posts: 1
    serrana said:

    all about poop
    See my post above about the clustering or Multiple Poo Syndrome and rejoice that I have had a great non symptomatic week!!!! Normal schedule, normal poo. Wow
    My answer.......continue on the diet programs and up the metamusil to 30 grams a day ( I weight 110#), discontinue all lomotil and immodium, laxatives etc. Listen to the Michael Mahoney hypnotherapy CD program for IBS everynite. Wow, instant results. Amazing.
    P.S. Check out the different versions of the labels because some of the variations have bad stuff in them like sugar and sucrose etc. Get the simplest variety and have several tabs w/ each meal. Amazing. It has been 6 days of joy. Not getting my throne reading done tho. LOL

    An option not yet mentioned
    My husband was diagnosed with colon cancer in Nov 1999 and I'm happy to say that he is still cancer free. He has been dealing with these same issues for many years now and I obviously don't have to tell you of his frustrations. He has tried all the diet, fiber, and Immodium options that you have mentioned with little real effect. Heres a new one that you have not mentioned and has been more reliable for him than all the previous.

    After seeing his gastroenterologist for a followup colonoscopy last year, my husband discussed his chronic diarrhea again with the doctor. This time the doctor had a different suggestion in the form of a medicine called Welchol. My understanding is that while this medication is for treatment of High Cholestorol, one of the few side effects is constipation. The doctor suggested that this might be just the effect that my husband needed. Seems that "Bile Acid Diarrea" is common in people who have had surgery or other damage to the small or large intestine or gall bladder surgery. Welchol is a "Bile Acid Sequestrant" or binder and causes the high level of bile to pass through while greatly diminishing the cause of his chronic diarrhea. While it is not a complete resolution, it has been the best solution we have found.

    Google Welchol and "Bile Acid Diarrhea" and then talk to you doctor. Then please post your results to see if it works as well for others as it did for him. Good Luck and continued health.
  • Kelli22
    Kelli22 Member Posts: 9
    johnom said:

    HI, Ramona. I also had stage 2 rectal cancer last year with chemo/radiation, a low anterior resection in May, and more chemo thereafter. In truth I had just begun to despair when it all got better for awhile. When I traveled I took immodium before boarding a plane. Then I took it whenever I just wanted to plug up for awhile. I started quesitioning if I would be living off of it for the rest of my life. Now, 16 months after surgery and most of the problems you describe it is finally slowing down. I am not normal and I don't trust myself without finding a bathroom but I've learned a few tricks. When you get down to 3 a day you are way, way towards home. Everything everyone says is right. Eat a bunch of very small meals; eat a ton of fiber; push the fluids. I had to run out of my seat during a movie and didn't make it to the toilet before all hell broke loose. Utterly embarrassing, and almost every semi-colon will tell you similar stories. However, in most cases, it will resolve itself as your body learns to adjust to your need to wait. It is a training exercise and it does happen over time. I tried fasting for a day with some success to slow things down. I know I can never eat chocoloate again, but I probably shouldn't anyway.
    I assume you carry aloe vera wipes with you, as well as immodium, spare underwear, etc. It's a pain in the..............ooops, I swore I'd never say that again last year. Take care. Good luck and hang in there for awhile longer.


    Great read
    Hi John, although I don't have any advice for Ramona [because we just found out] her comments caught my attention because my husband seems to be experienceing this issue already. I just read this along with your profile and it was very imformative I must say. I took My husband last Friday to the ER for an ebscess. While surgecally removing the abscess the surgeon found a tumor very low in the rectum. It was confirmed to being cancer. He can't even begin anything until the abscess is completely healed but it sounds like were in for a long road ahead. I hear folks taking about stages, when do we find out what stage? Is that by the oncologist?
  • sig
    sig Member Posts: 13
    mbarron said:

    An option not yet mentioned
    My husband was diagnosed with colon cancer in Nov 1999 and I'm happy to say that he is still cancer free. He has been dealing with these same issues for many years now and I obviously don't have to tell you of his frustrations. He has tried all the diet, fiber, and Immodium options that you have mentioned with little real effect. Heres a new one that you have not mentioned and has been more reliable for him than all the previous.

    After seeing his gastroenterologist for a followup colonoscopy last year, my husband discussed his chronic diarrhea again with the doctor. This time the doctor had a different suggestion in the form of a medicine called Welchol. My understanding is that while this medication is for treatment of High Cholestorol, one of the few side effects is constipation. The doctor suggested that this might be just the effect that my husband needed. Seems that "Bile Acid Diarrea" is common in people who have had surgery or other damage to the small or large intestine or gall bladder surgery. Welchol is a "Bile Acid Sequestrant" or binder and causes the high level of bile to pass through while greatly diminishing the cause of his chronic diarrhea. While it is not a complete resolution, it has been the best solution we have found.

    Google Welchol and "Bile Acid Diarrhea" and then talk to you doctor. Then please post your results to see if it works as well for others as it did for him. Good Luck and continued health.

    great news serrana! keep it
    great news serrana! keep it up! in, down, low :-).
    a week of comfort and joy.

    and interesting to learn about welchol - i tend to stay away from any meds if i can - yet might be the answer for folks with high cholesterol too;
  • sig
    sig Member Posts: 13
    fleet anyone?
    anyone use fleet (enema) when the feeling is there? during year of treatments, i was told not to, but now, wondering if it's okay for occasional relief;
    how to say this - it's not constipation per se, it feels like just heaviness in there all day long;
  • lizzydavis
    lizzydavis Member Posts: 893
    Metamucil Works for me!
    Metamucil is a natural laxative and really works. I have had a glass of warm water with the orange flavored or the Apple wafers. The wafers taste like cookies and that heaviness feeling will disappear!
  • sig
    sig Member Posts: 13
    a friend gave me some
    a friend gave me some benefiber to try - seems to help some...a white powder easy to mix with anything; tasteless it seems. hope you all having a good summer!
    (had bought the metamucil wafers to try also - no effect at all on me;
    vive la difference :-)
  • jdblack
    jdblack Member Posts: 2

    Poo on poop!
    I didn't have the same cancer, but even with "only" a resection I have the most6 used comode in the neighborhood. Our water bills have skyrocketed. I feel your pain! And going out in public..I admit to wearing an adult'diaper'sometimes. Saves on laundry and worry about unsightly and to me, unknowwn stains.
    I will join your Poop Group, Ramona. But I can't get any answers from my med professionals either.
    Well, think of it this way---the group that poops together stays together.
    Seriously, I am sorry you are having so much trouble.

    Sending hugs and love your way,

    adult diapers and "overpooping"

    I change my Depends about twice daily because my anal sphincter was loosened as a result of radiation for stage 3 anal cancer. I'm going to try Metamucil  to help make my bowel movements more regular. I'm so sad about having to deal with this, but have to look for solutions.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    jdblack said:

    adult diapers and "overpooping"

    I change my Depends about twice daily because my anal sphincter was loosened as a result of radiation for stage 3 anal cancer. I'm going to try Metamucil  to help make my bowel movements more regular. I'm so sad about having to deal with this, but have to look for solutions.


    Hi JD

    You have replied to a 11 year old thread, and sadly, no one in this thread posts any more.

    Why don't you start a new thread and introduce yourself, and even start a new converstion about adult diapers. 

    I see that someone (maybe even yourself) has flagged this post for some reason.  Please don't be offended, just pop onto the forum's main board and start a new thread. Here is a link if you need it