Hope this doesnt sound bad

dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
It is a very sad day to loose to great people. I actually cried and didnt really know why when I heard that FF had passed away. I was asleep on the couch with the news on and the news of MJ passing actually woke me up. Anyway my point is I was kind of upset that they died on both the same day, I know that sounds bad but let me explain. I was thinking as I was crying and attempting to make breakfast, and I thought to myself maybe this will bring more attention to this dang beast and get people more aware of how the beast doesnt discriminate any age...but when MJ died, it was FF just was left out. I know it sounds mean, I just want more attention brought to the for front about the beast so lives can be saved, ya know...

well those are my thoughts for the night...

Good NIght all


  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    I totally understand..
    You are correct, at work they were on going about Michael Jackson and I didn't even know Farrah was gone....
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    I Hear you
    At least last night on the news, they gave FF more attention it seemed. Maybe I was just more interested in her than the other one.
    All I can say about MJ is I hope he died alone and not in bed with....anyone.

    In other news, how about that SC Gov? I didn't know the Appalachian Trail went to Argentina. I always thought it stopped in Georgia.
  • VickiCO
    VickiCO Member Posts: 917
    I agree
    I was watching the 4pm news, right when MJ was passing. They did 60 minutes ONLY on him, and at one point said "BTW, Farrah died today." That was IT. I was mad as well. I wasn't an MJ fan, he created his own problems, even though it's sad that he died, but I did greatly admire Farrah.

  • snommintj
    snommintj Member Posts: 601
    PhillieG said:

    I Hear you
    At least last night on the news, they gave FF more attention it seemed. Maybe I was just more interested in her than the other one.
    All I can say about MJ is I hope he died alone and not in bed with....anyone.

    In other news, how about that SC Gov? I didn't know the Appalachian Trail went to Argentina. I always thought it stopped in Georgia.

    hey leave SC alone
    Appalachia trail, Argentine tail, could easily have been misunderstood in our southern dialect.

    Secretary: "hey gov, where you going?"
    Gov: "Argentine tail"
    Secretary: "have a nice hike"
    Gov: "huh, what, ..."
    Screatry: "the appalachian trail is beautiful, should be hot though"
    Gov: "yeah, the appalachian trail, oh it's gonna be hot, hold my calls I plan on hitting this trail hard for the next couple of days"

    See, easy mix up
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    snommintj said:

    hey leave SC alone
    Appalachia trail, Argentine tail, could easily have been misunderstood in our southern dialect.

    Secretary: "hey gov, where you going?"
    Gov: "Argentine tail"
    Secretary: "have a nice hike"
    Gov: "huh, what, ..."
    Screatry: "the appalachian trail is beautiful, should be hot though"
    Gov: "yeah, the appalachian trail, oh it's gonna be hot, hold my calls I plan on hitting this trail hard for the next couple of days"

    See, easy mix up

    Good one John
    Funny, I can see how easily there could be a mix up.
    Did you ever read "A Walk in the Woods" by Bill Bryson? He had some funny experiences on the App trail.
  • shoppergal
    shoppergal Member Posts: 118
    Passing of Farrah
    There's nothing wrong with the way you felt. I also thought that now maybe people would start understanding and talking more about this disease. Then when I heard about Micheal Jackson,yes it's sad, but all of a sudden that's all you heard.Enough already about him!! Farrah lost her life to a disease that people are getting younger and younger, we need to make everyone understand this, get tested, and if there are any symptoms, don't ignore them.
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    My 2 Cents
    Good morning, Beth and everybody -
    I too cried last night and watched a Farrah special they had on 20/20. I also cried a couple of months ago when they ran her Farrah Cancer Documentary.

    Let me tell you why you cried, like so many of us: When we see Farrah - we see ourselves! She was the "beacon" for all of us on this board and around the world that have this type or similiar colon cancer that spread to other organs. She was our champion - the celebrity who brought attention and shined the spotlight upon our disease that nobody wants to talk about.

    Farrah showed Us that this Cancer does not discriminate between celebrity or Us, does not care if you are rich or poor, does not care what plans that you have, it just takes us with it one by one.

    She was brave, she was strong, she was a fighter, she was not a quitter, she got involved with her doctors, and she battled all the way to the end, with her head held high, her chin up and her DIGNITY intact. She was simply a marvelous example to all of us on how to live and die with Cancer. And that's why we cried last night....because "we lost her." We see ourselves through her. She showed us how to fight and reminded us again that we may not always win, but it's the fight that defines each one of us, and if we go down as 564,000 of us will this year, then we go out swinging and trying to help each other as much as we can on the way out the door. I certainly would want to be remembered this way.

    When she passed away yesterday, I could hear THE GATES OF HEAVEN swing wide open for her.
    May she truly rest in peace now with her suffering and pain at an end...she was a courageous lady and we will miss her...RIP Farrah Fawcett (from the Semi-Colons)

  • luv3jay
    luv3jay Member Posts: 533 Member
    You know, even my sister
    You know, even my sister said pretty much the same thing. She said that she wished MJ had waited another few days to die so that Farrah could get the attention she deserved. Although it was horrible that he passed, they really made Farrah an afterthought and I was a little offended by that. Luckily NBC did a special on her last night in my neck of the woods, but the news was all about Michael. Which, to me, just didn't seem fair at all. The "Farrah's Story" documentary is coming on again tonight on NBC at 9pm. I think I will watch it a cry again.
  • SandyL
    SandyL Member Posts: 218
    luv3jay said:

    You know, even my sister
    You know, even my sister said pretty much the same thing. She said that she wished MJ had waited another few days to die so that Farrah could get the attention she deserved. Although it was horrible that he passed, they really made Farrah an afterthought and I was a little offended by that. Luckily NBC did a special on her last night in my neck of the woods, but the news was all about Michael. Which, to me, just didn't seem fair at all. The "Farrah's Story" documentary is coming on again tonight on NBC at 9pm. I think I will watch it a cry again.

    Totally agree with
    everything that has been posted about this. Seems just wrong to idolize a person who has been known to be a pedophile. He may have been found not guilty of child molestation but
    if there is smoke-there's generally some fire. I feel bad for his family tho. Farrah deserved so much more!
  • This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • grandma2selena
    grandma2selena Member Posts: 199
    Me Too
    That was my thought too as MJ took over the news rather then FF. Sad, but that is the way it went. Kind of angers me, atleast give them equal time.

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    thought the same thing
    I guess we all are thinking alike, because after getting over the initial shock of hearing MJ died also, my thoughts were the same as yours. I also thought, "I wonder if Ryan O'Neal and the rest of Farrah's family resents it that Michael Jackson died on the same day and stole Farrah's thunder." Not that anyone can choose the day you die, but you all obviously know what I mean. I wonder how many non colon cancer patients were thinking this, or if it was just mostly us because of our tie to Farrah with the cancer.
    It's always a sad wake up call everytime I hear of someone with cancer dying, that it could be me. I immediately always think first of what might be running through the heads of my husband, kids, and other loved ones when they hear of someone dying.
    Well, the circle of life keeps turning- I just want to keep being part of it, and I will keep living and fighting as long as possible- live and fight on, everyone!!!

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,064 Member
    It always comes in threes
    It reminds me of when Mother Theresa died and then a week later Princess Di. Both wonderful humanitarians but I think the celebrity of Di overshadowed the lifework of Mother Theresa. Not that Farrah and MJ can be in the same category as the previous two.

    So let's not lose hope that when the bruhaha settles on the celebrities, the anal cancer issue will be raised in months to come--hopefully in the same vein as Gene Wilder did for Gilda's legacy. We shall see.

    And let's not forget that we are MANY voices and WE can make quite a stink if we need to. (HA!)

    peace, emily
  • 2bhealed said:

    It always comes in threes
    It reminds me of when Mother Theresa died and then a week later Princess Di. Both wonderful humanitarians but I think the celebrity of Di overshadowed the lifework of Mother Theresa. Not that Farrah and MJ can be in the same category as the previous two.

    So let's not lose hope that when the bruhaha settles on the celebrities, the anal cancer issue will be raised in months to come--hopefully in the same vein as Gene Wilder did for Gilda's legacy. We shall see.

    And let's not forget that we are MANY voices and WE can make quite a stink if we need to. (HA!)

    peace, emily

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • Paula G.
    Paula G. Member Posts: 596
    2bhealed said:

    It always comes in threes
    It reminds me of when Mother Theresa died and then a week later Princess Di. Both wonderful humanitarians but I think the celebrity of Di overshadowed the lifework of Mother Theresa. Not that Farrah and MJ can be in the same category as the previous two.

    So let's not lose hope that when the bruhaha settles on the celebrities, the anal cancer issue will be raised in months to come--hopefully in the same vein as Gene Wilder did for Gilda's legacy. We shall see.

    And let's not forget that we are MANY voices and WE can make quite a stink if we need to. (HA!)

    peace, emily

    They do seem to go in threes
    Yes they do seem to go in threes. Can't forget Ed Macman... We both cried over FF death. She was a fighter for sure. As are all of you. I wish they could have had their own day. I no that sounds dumb but they both were great in their own way.

    Phil and John... Keep us laughing.Paula G.
  • daydreamer110761
    daydreamer110761 Member Posts: 487 Member
    Paula G. said:

    They do seem to go in threes
    Yes they do seem to go in threes. Can't forget Ed Macman... We both cried over FF death. She was a fighter for sure. As are all of you. I wish they could have had their own day. I no that sounds dumb but they both were great in their own way.

    Phil and John... Keep us laughing.Paula G.

    MJ starts #4
    Remember, David Caradine passed also, then Ed, then Farrah - I was remeinded today that MJ starts another round.

    Beth - I felt the same way.

    A person at work said today that he understood the hype about Michael, but not farrah since she wasn't "that famous" only did a season of angels, and a few moves, and was married to lee majors and with whats his name (lol). I went off on a bit of a tangent - she may not be as important in the famous people world, but is a hero in the cancer world.

    I also agree with the other post about maybe she was sending a message about what not to do, but yet, she basically put herself out there as a guinea pig also. May she rest in peace.
  • qwe
    qwe Member Posts: 124
    Paula G. said:

    They do seem to go in threes
    Yes they do seem to go in threes. Can't forget Ed Macman... We both cried over FF death. She was a fighter for sure. As are all of you. I wish they could have had their own day. I no that sounds dumb but they both were great in their own way.

    Phil and John... Keep us laughing.Paula G.

    I under stand what you are
    I under stand what you are saying you know just do something bad and you are on the news fore ever.Yes M.J. was a good singer but I don't believe he should take all the air space.
    F.F. needs some time on the news she was all so great and yes tell her whole life story.
    I grow up with them.
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member

    MJ starts #4
    Remember, David Caradine passed also, then Ed, then Farrah - I was remeinded today that MJ starts another round.

    Beth - I felt the same way.

    A person at work said today that he understood the hype about Michael, but not farrah since she wasn't "that famous" only did a season of angels, and a few moves, and was married to lee majors and with whats his name (lol). I went off on a bit of a tangent - she may not be as important in the famous people world, but is a hero in the cancer world.

    I also agree with the other post about maybe she was sending a message about what not to do, but yet, she basically put herself out there as a guinea pig also. May she rest in peace.

    As Rosanne Rosannadanna would say...
    It's Always Someone....They keep dropping as fast as we make babies...

    I did a quick search on Google and found this.

    I guess it's one frame of reference. He was always in the news. As a young man it was for singing with his brothers, then his solo career, then his surgery, then his odd behavior, then his questionable behavior, then his financial issues, now this. And it's not over. While I certainly do not suspect foul play, there will be some freaky aspect of this that has yet to turn up. Not that I want to see anybody die (well, maybe a few people) but the timing was bad like we all seem to agree on. It took the focus off cancer when it always needs to be in the forefront because, as we all know, it affects all of us at one time or another in one way or another.

    We can make a stink of it like Emily said. And I bet if we all ate more veggies we could make a bigger stink!
    (or a stinkier stink)
  • Starleen
    Starleen Member Posts: 40 Member
    I thought the exact same thing
    I wept at my desk when I learned that Farrah died.

    When she was first diagnosed, I was horrified for her. "OMG ANAL CANCER. How awful and embarrassing. I would never tell anyone." I was your average ignorant gossip-mongering, rubber necking idiot, making light of her tragedy. It was so far removed from me.

    Well, that bit me in the ****, literally. A month later, I was diagnosed with rectal cancer! Humbling and eye-opening, to say the least.

    After that, I followed her progress, happy that she got an NED.

    Then, I was alarmed and scared that her cancer was back a year later.

    It killed her! I was so sad. She was someone famous going through something similar to me, and it killed her. One of us didn't make it. Yesterday was Farrah Fawcett day, and I just wanted to be sad for her and her family.

    Why did he have to die and suck up what should have been a day of mourning for Farrah?
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    I agree

    I've been thinking the same thing since last night. And I've made it my personal policy to switch the channel when specials about Michael come on. I used to love his music, and then I just got disgusted with all the weirdness.

    I watched the special about Farrah tonight. They ran "Farrah's Story" again. I had missed it the first time, because that was the night of our Relay. It was very touching, and I wept quite a bit.

    I feel conflicted, because my husband had a sudden cardiac arrest when he was 46 (and was miraculously revived), so I know what Michael's family went through. It's just a real shock that you NEVER forget. But I'm way past thinking Michael was someone to admire, and I feel it was so unfortunate that his passing came om the same day as Farrah's.
