Diagnosed April 29, 2009



  • Kayla1
    Kayla1 Member Posts: 101
    taleena said:

    Hi Kayla.. just wanted to
    Hi Kayla.. just wanted to welcome you to the group.. I'm sorry your here but glad you found these amazing people... I don't know if I'll have to have chemo yet.. still waiting for test results from lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy.. we will see... but hang in there and I know that you will get through this.. a few bumps here and there I'm sure but well make it to the other side..

    My best to you!


    Hi Taleena,
    Thank you for

    Hi Taleena,
    Thank you for the warm welcome! I am so glad that I have found all of you Amazing, Wonderful, Caring People!!!!
    I know what it is like to wait for the results, I was there twice and it was hell! Give them five business days and then start pestering them until they want to scream. I did and got the news hot off the press. My surgeon thought I was going to wait until my post-op visit... he thought wrong!
    Best of luck, in my thoughts and prayers!
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    tcteach said:

    Just curious
    My surgeon had told me because of my age (43) and size of my tumor (2.5 cm), I would definitely have chemo. But, my oncologist wanted to have the Oncotype test just in case I would not be helped by chemo (i.e. low risk for recurrence). I am on the fence about it - on one hand, I don't want to go through the side effects of chemo, but on the other hand I don't want to be back in the same position in a few years!

    I was floored by how quickly everything happened with me, too! I didn't even have time to think about everything. Now that I do (I'm a teacher and school is out for me), I am worrying all the time!

    If you don't mind, what is your age and what size was your tumor? Just curious...I want to compare it to what my onco said about needing chemo.

    Take care,

    I didn't have to take chemo, but, my onocologist said that any tumor over 2cm was a definite

    for chemo, no question, even if clean lymph nodes. Good luck!
  • dmc_emmy
    dmc_emmy Member Posts: 549
    Kayla, sorry I'm a little late...
    Sorry I'm a little late getting on to respond and to welcome you. It seems that I am on this site all the time and have not had an opportunity to respond to everyone's posts.

    I did not have this type of chemo, but I did have it every two weeks (4-6 treatments, crazy but I can't remember). Chemo's tough, but you get through it and in the end it's worth it. I had the same pre-meds, and a few more, but I cannot remember the names. Wow!My mind is like a sieve (probably old age, now 55).
  • Kayla1
    Kayla1 Member Posts: 101
    dmc_emmy said:

    Kayla, sorry I'm a little late...
    Sorry I'm a little late getting on to respond and to welcome you. It seems that I am on this site all the time and have not had an opportunity to respond to everyone's posts.

    I did not have this type of chemo, but I did have it every two weeks (4-6 treatments, crazy but I can't remember). Chemo's tough, but you get through it and in the end it's worth it. I had the same pre-meds, and a few more, but I cannot remember the names. Wow!My mind is like a sieve (probably old age, now 55).

    Thank you dmc for the
    Thank you dmc for the welcome to the group! I have not even started my chemo yet and I can not imagine every two weeks.. no time to feel better before you started again. I just want the next two weeks to fly by so I can stop imagining the worst when it may or may not happen.
    Not to worry about the memory thing, I'm 48 and right now I can't remember 10 minutes ago.
    Take care,
  • dmc_emmy
    dmc_emmy Member Posts: 549
    Kayla1 said:

    Thank you dmc for the
    Thank you dmc for the welcome to the group! I have not even started my chemo yet and I can not imagine every two weeks.. no time to feel better before you started again. I just want the next two weeks to fly by so I can stop imagining the worst when it may or may not happen.
    Not to worry about the memory thing, I'm 48 and right now I can't remember 10 minutes ago.
    Take care,

    Thanks K
    RE: the memory thing
    I feel so much better now! I knew there was more than just cancer support to gain here!
  • tcteach
    tcteach Member Posts: 27
    Noel said:

    I didn't have to take chemo, but, my onocologist said that any tumor over 2cm was a definite

    for chemo, no question, even if clean lymph nodes. Good luck!

    That is what I was told by my surgeon and everyone else. But, my oncologist insisted on the Oncotype test (we actually had a little spat about it because I wanted the agressive treatment). Well....it turns out that the lab could not read the results of my test and now it appears that I am getting my way! Chemo scheduled for Wednesday. However, if my onco calls me on Monday and tells me that he wants a re-do on the Oncotype test, I will rip him a new one - there is no way I am waiting another 2 weeks!

    Wish me (and him) luck!

  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    dmc_emmy said:

    Thanks K
    RE: the memory thing
    I feel so much better now! I knew there was more than just cancer support to gain here!

    Welcome Kayla....
    Sorry I am late as well welcoming you. I am catching up on postings as I am recovering from my surgery this week. I am also waiting on oncotype results. Hoping to know on Monday. I am willing to do it all if it will give me the best edge. Good luck and be sure to keep us all posted.
    dmc....just to make you feel better....I have held the sticky note "Queen" title for several years now (Own every color & shape they make!) and I am only 47 years old. Although I blame it on the blond hair, the truth is that the blond hair is fake!! :) Pammy
  • jillybean2513
    jillybean2513 Member Posts: 4
    Hi Kayla
    Wow, I just read your first entry... I was diagnosed on the same day! My dx was invasive ductal carcinoma 1.5cm and DCIS 2cm around it. I had a double mastectomy on 5/20, lymph nodes negative, with tissue expanders placed and slightly filled. I opted for the extreme surgery because I'm only 25 years old and the benefits of the surgery far outweighed the risks of keeping breast tissue at my young age. I also am starting chemo (6/29) and will be having the same as you, Taxotere and Cytoxan, 4 cycles, 3 weeks apart, through an IV! I have NO idea what to expect. My oncologist seems to think it's not so bad, but I can't imagine chemo being as simple as he portrays it. My treatments will start off with a benadryl drip and I have a prescription for Zofran, which I've actually been using since my surgery since my pain medication makes me nauseaus (tissue expanders hurt by the way).

    It sounds like you're a few days ahead of me...do you or anyone else have any words of wisdom for a terrified 25 year old who starts chemo in a week?
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072

    Hi Kayla
    Wow, I just read your first entry... I was diagnosed on the same day! My dx was invasive ductal carcinoma 1.5cm and DCIS 2cm around it. I had a double mastectomy on 5/20, lymph nodes negative, with tissue expanders placed and slightly filled. I opted for the extreme surgery because I'm only 25 years old and the benefits of the surgery far outweighed the risks of keeping breast tissue at my young age. I also am starting chemo (6/29) and will be having the same as you, Taxotere and Cytoxan, 4 cycles, 3 weeks apart, through an IV! I have NO idea what to expect. My oncologist seems to think it's not so bad, but I can't imagine chemo being as simple as he portrays it. My treatments will start off with a benadryl drip and I have a prescription for Zofran, which I've actually been using since my surgery since my pain medication makes me nauseaus (tissue expanders hurt by the way).

    It sounds like you're a few days ahead of me...do you or anyone else have any words of wisdom for a terrified 25 year old who starts chemo in a week?

    Welcome Jilly
    25? That is not fair. Sorry you are going through this, glad that you have found this site (I wish I had before the end of treatment) .

    I had the same treatment. But you sound a lot more clued-up than I was, I really did not know what the heck was going on with me.

    I actually made my chemo visits a bit of an adventure, the nurses were just so wonderful . I really looked forward to seeing them. The hair loss was a pain in the butt.. But I had no other side effects, I even landscaped my front garden whilst I was going through this stuff.
    Words of wisdom? Chemo cures.

    Huge Hugs to you.......You WILL come out the other side and hardly remember it~!....I am less than 10 months after treatment and it's all a blur. My hair is at about 5 inches and curly as hell, chemo-brain has gone, I am working full time and loving it.
    I wish you well.. I am sorry you have to be going through this at such a young age, it isn't fair.

    Huge Hugs (((((J)))))
  • jillybean2513
    jillybean2513 Member Posts: 4
    tasha_111 said:

    Welcome Jilly
    25? That is not fair. Sorry you are going through this, glad that you have found this site (I wish I had before the end of treatment) .

    I had the same treatment. But you sound a lot more clued-up than I was, I really did not know what the heck was going on with me.

    I actually made my chemo visits a bit of an adventure, the nurses were just so wonderful . I really looked forward to seeing them. The hair loss was a pain in the butt.. But I had no other side effects, I even landscaped my front garden whilst I was going through this stuff.
    Words of wisdom? Chemo cures.

    Huge Hugs to you.......You WILL come out the other side and hardly remember it~!....I am less than 10 months after treatment and it's all a blur. My hair is at about 5 inches and curly as hell, chemo-brain has gone, I am working full time and loving it.
    I wish you well.. I am sorry you have to be going through this at such a young age, it isn't fair.

    Huge Hugs (((((J)))))

    Thanks for your warm welcome :-)
    I really appreciate your support! It's relieving to hear that you had such a good experience with the chemo. I'm prepared to lose my hair and am going to go wig shopping as soon as I muster up enough courage to do so without having a meltdown in the wig shop. It's just so much to deal with, and all so quickly! It's encouraging to hear that you made it through everything, I'll bet your positive attitude helped a lot. Do you or does anyone else have any tricks up their sleeves that made the chemo experience better? I've heard of drinking a TON of purified water and staying active when possible...anything else that works?

    You all are great!
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769

    Thanks for your warm welcome :-)
    I really appreciate your support! It's relieving to hear that you had such a good experience with the chemo. I'm prepared to lose my hair and am going to go wig shopping as soon as I muster up enough courage to do so without having a meltdown in the wig shop. It's just so much to deal with, and all so quickly! It's encouraging to hear that you made it through everything, I'll bet your positive attitude helped a lot. Do you or does anyone else have any tricks up their sleeves that made the chemo experience better? I've heard of drinking a TON of purified water and staying active when possible...anything else that works?

    You all are great!

    First welcome to an awesome site that is filled with amazing women and men, survivors, going through treatment and caregivers.

    Use plastic ware not silverware when and if you get a metallic taste in your mouth. You might get sores in mouth so rinse with 1 tsp of baking soda with warm water several times a day.

    If your oncologist gives you anti-nausea meds take them as directed. Eat small meals.

    I had 4 treatments of A/C and now going through 12 treatments of Taxol w/Herceptin(6 more to go) and then will be on Herceptin every 3 weeks for one year.

    Remember everyone reacts differently. When I started to lose my hair I shaved it and have only worn a ball cap when I drop my almost 6 year old off at school other than that I go bald but not everyone chooses to do that. I am 45.

    You are young and will survive this beast.

    Best wishes,
  • Kayla1
    Kayla1 Member Posts: 101
    Akiss4me said:

    Welcome Kayla....
    Sorry I am late as well welcoming you. I am catching up on postings as I am recovering from my surgery this week. I am also waiting on oncotype results. Hoping to know on Monday. I am willing to do it all if it will give me the best edge. Good luck and be sure to keep us all posted.
    dmc....just to make you feel better....I have held the sticky note "Queen" title for several years now (Own every color & shape they make!) and I am only 47 years old. Although I blame it on the blond hair, the truth is that the blond hair is fake!! :) Pammy

    Thank you Pammy for the
    Thank you Pammy for the Welcome to the Club! I asked my Onc Wednesday about the oncotype test and for the life of me I can't remember what he said but something like it was not fool proof! I had it in my head from the beginning, they told me anything over 2cm with invasive bc the full shabang, so to me the oncotype did not matter.
    I like you want the best edge possible and no regrets down the road (what if).
    I'll let you know after the first treatment if I still feel this way :)
  • Kayla1
    Kayla1 Member Posts: 101
    Akiss4me said:

    Welcome Kayla....
    Sorry I am late as well welcoming you. I am catching up on postings as I am recovering from my surgery this week. I am also waiting on oncotype results. Hoping to know on Monday. I am willing to do it all if it will give me the best edge. Good luck and be sure to keep us all posted.
    dmc....just to make you feel better....I have held the sticky note "Queen" title for several years now (Own every color & shape they make!) and I am only 47 years old. Although I blame it on the blond hair, the truth is that the blond hair is fake!! :) Pammy

    Oops, I hit the

    Oops, I hit the button before I got to say... Good luck with your recovery!! I pray they do not make you wait any longer for results. This waiting crap is killing me!
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598

    Hi Kayla
    Wow, I just read your first entry... I was diagnosed on the same day! My dx was invasive ductal carcinoma 1.5cm and DCIS 2cm around it. I had a double mastectomy on 5/20, lymph nodes negative, with tissue expanders placed and slightly filled. I opted for the extreme surgery because I'm only 25 years old and the benefits of the surgery far outweighed the risks of keeping breast tissue at my young age. I also am starting chemo (6/29) and will be having the same as you, Taxotere and Cytoxan, 4 cycles, 3 weeks apart, through an IV! I have NO idea what to expect. My oncologist seems to think it's not so bad, but I can't imagine chemo being as simple as he portrays it. My treatments will start off with a benadryl drip and I have a prescription for Zofran, which I've actually been using since my surgery since my pain medication makes me nauseaus (tissue expanders hurt by the way).

    It sounds like you're a few days ahead of me...do you or anyone else have any words of wisdom for a terrified 25 year old who starts chemo in a week?

    I didn't have chemo
    I didn't have chemo Jillybean, so, I can't give or help you on that. But, I wanted to say welcome to this wonderful group! But, sorry that you are here.

    I am sure that the others that had chemo will post and help you thru chemo. You are very brave!
  • Kayla1
    Kayla1 Member Posts: 101

    Hi Kayla
    Wow, I just read your first entry... I was diagnosed on the same day! My dx was invasive ductal carcinoma 1.5cm and DCIS 2cm around it. I had a double mastectomy on 5/20, lymph nodes negative, with tissue expanders placed and slightly filled. I opted for the extreme surgery because I'm only 25 years old and the benefits of the surgery far outweighed the risks of keeping breast tissue at my young age. I also am starting chemo (6/29) and will be having the same as you, Taxotere and Cytoxan, 4 cycles, 3 weeks apart, through an IV! I have NO idea what to expect. My oncologist seems to think it's not so bad, but I can't imagine chemo being as simple as he portrays it. My treatments will start off with a benadryl drip and I have a prescription for Zofran, which I've actually been using since my surgery since my pain medication makes me nauseaus (tissue expanders hurt by the way).

    It sounds like you're a few days ahead of me...do you or anyone else have any words of wisdom for a terrified 25 year old who starts chemo in a week?

    Hi Jilly,
    Well it looks like

    Hi Jilly,
    Well it looks like I get to go first (6/25) and I will let you how it goes! Let's see.. words of wisdom for us newbees... Laugh and have fun now, fall apart later because we may be worrying for nothing!
    Well I'm sure it's not for nothing but I'd rather not face it just yet!!
  • Kayla1
    Kayla1 Member Posts: 101
    tcteach said:

    That is what I was told by my surgeon and everyone else. But, my oncologist insisted on the Oncotype test (we actually had a little spat about it because I wanted the agressive treatment). Well....it turns out that the lab could not read the results of my test and now it appears that I am getting my way! Chemo scheduled for Wednesday. However, if my onco calls me on Monday and tells me that he wants a re-do on the Oncotype test, I will rip him a new one - there is no way I am waiting another 2 weeks!

    Wish me (and him) luck!


    Hey Tricia,
    Can you take a

    Hey Tricia,
    Can you take a vidio of the - ripping him a new one? Really now... when is it up to them how we get treated? Any chance of getting another onco without delaying the start of chemo?
    Good luck Wednesday!!!
    I was originally going to start the next day but when scheduling called it seemed the well meaning doc didn't know they were filled up that day - I start 6/25.

    Hugs, prayers, & good thoughts coming your way!
  • jillybean2513
    jillybean2513 Member Posts: 4
    Kayla1 said:

    Hi Jilly,
    Well it looks like

    Hi Jilly,
    Well it looks like I get to go first (6/25) and I will let you how it goes! Let's see.. words of wisdom for us newbees... Laugh and have fun now, fall apart later because we may be worrying for nothing!
    Well I'm sure it's not for nothing but I'd rather not face it just yet!!

    Saddle up!
    Well, you seem to be handling this with such positivity! I've always been such a positive person, it's one of my best qualities...BUT this experience really dims my light at times. You'll have to let me know how the first chemo goes! I'm thinking it's not going to be SO bad, and I'm hoping it won't be bad at all...here's to hoping i guess.

    Totally unrelated, but my boyfriend and I just broke up...today...so now I'm not only dealing with cancer but I have to deal with a heartbreaking breakup at an already heartbreaking time! I can't wait until this whole chapter of my life is over... I looked at the calendar and counted how many more days I have until this whole thing is done including chemo and my final surgery where the tissue expanders are replaced for real implants. It turns out to be an even 100 days, if everything goes according to plan. I'm thinking of getting crafty and making some sort of advent calendar-like thing as a dailiy countdown for myself.

    Wow, writing to you all is like an instant therapy session, I feel a little better already :-)

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    tcteach said:

    That is what I was told by my surgeon and everyone else. But, my oncologist insisted on the Oncotype test (we actually had a little spat about it because I wanted the agressive treatment). Well....it turns out that the lab could not read the results of my test and now it appears that I am getting my way! Chemo scheduled for Wednesday. However, if my onco calls me on Monday and tells me that he wants a re-do on the Oncotype test, I will rip him a new one - there is no way I am waiting another 2 weeks!

    Wish me (and him) luck!


    Chemo for Tricia
    Yes, wishing you best of luck with your first chemo treatment on Wednesday, and throughout. Never easy, but certainly doable.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member

    Hi Kayla
    Wow, I just read your first entry... I was diagnosed on the same day! My dx was invasive ductal carcinoma 1.5cm and DCIS 2cm around it. I had a double mastectomy on 5/20, lymph nodes negative, with tissue expanders placed and slightly filled. I opted for the extreme surgery because I'm only 25 years old and the benefits of the surgery far outweighed the risks of keeping breast tissue at my young age. I also am starting chemo (6/29) and will be having the same as you, Taxotere and Cytoxan, 4 cycles, 3 weeks apart, through an IV! I have NO idea what to expect. My oncologist seems to think it's not so bad, but I can't imagine chemo being as simple as he portrays it. My treatments will start off with a benadryl drip and I have a prescription for Zofran, which I've actually been using since my surgery since my pain medication makes me nauseaus (tissue expanders hurt by the way).

    It sounds like you're a few days ahead of me...do you or anyone else have any words of wisdom for a terrified 25 year old who starts chemo in a week?

    Warm welcome, jillybean2513
    Though sorry for the reason you're here. Glad you found us.

    Chemo isn't easy, but doable. Best wishes to you. Hope you'll do well with it.

    Kind regards, Susan

    P.S.: Also, sorry about the breakup. Often, the people around us show their "true colors" when cancer enters our lives.
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member

    Saddle up!
    Well, you seem to be handling this with such positivity! I've always been such a positive person, it's one of my best qualities...BUT this experience really dims my light at times. You'll have to let me know how the first chemo goes! I'm thinking it's not going to be SO bad, and I'm hoping it won't be bad at all...here's to hoping i guess.

    Totally unrelated, but my boyfriend and I just broke up...today...so now I'm not only dealing with cancer but I have to deal with a heartbreaking breakup at an already heartbreaking time! I can't wait until this whole chapter of my life is over... I looked at the calendar and counted how many more days I have until this whole thing is done including chemo and my final surgery where the tissue expanders are replaced for real implants. It turns out to be an even 100 days, if everything goes according to plan. I'm thinking of getting crafty and making some sort of advent calendar-like thing as a dailiy countdown for myself.

    Wow, writing to you all is like an instant therapy session, I feel a little better already :-)


    Hi Jillybean! Sorry that
    Hi Jillybean! Sorry that you are here because of bc, but, this is a great support group for you! And, sorry about your boyfriend. I think this is a real test for a relationship and if they aren't supportive and super wonderful to you, you are better off without them. They just are losers. You can do this! We will be here for you! Hugs, Leeza