What is your favorite flower?

Madre Member Posts: 123
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Now that Spring is finally here (Upstate NY) and some flowers re trying to bloom, what is your favorite flower?


  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    2 Favs come to mind
    I have 2, the Bleeding Heart
    Bleeding Heart

    And Morning Glories.
    Morning Glory

    Photos from my yard. The Morning Glories are actually for Central Park, NYC. By the giant meadow (Sheep Meadow?) they have morning glories along the fence. When I go in for treatments, I sometimes walk cross town and cut through the park. I did that one fall day when these had gone to seed so I grabbed some seeds and now I have them in my yard.
  • kimby
    kimby Member Posts: 797
    Fav flower
    Well, I guess it depends on the occasion or purpose.

    My favorite smelling flower is lilac. Last year my husband FILLED the house with them. I came home from surgery and every room was filled, even the bathrooms. He had the kids in the garage putting them in containers...he must have spent hours going around collecting them and then putting them in water and around the house.

    My favorite flower to receive in the winter is tulips. I got 3 dozen tulips for my birthday in January...really feels like spring is coming when you have tulips around.
    Roses are romantic - I like the salmon colored ones the best.

    Lily of the Valley along my deck gives me a heavenly fragrance while enjoying my morning coffee in the early summer.

    Hydrangea make magnificent arrangements and are easy to grow and cut in my own yard.

    I guess I just like flowers!

  • VickiCO
    VickiCO Member Posts: 917
    Ohhh...hard one!

    I love Iris, and Calla Lilies, oh and daffodils and Hollyhocks! I grow roses, but am allergic so I can't bring them inside until I dry them.

    Then there are columbines (CO state flower) and clematis...

    I guess I can't chose!

  • johnnybegood
    johnnybegood Member Posts: 1,117 Member
    VickiCO said:

    Ohhh...hard one!

    I love Iris, and Calla Lilies, oh and daffodils and Hollyhocks! I grow roses, but am allergic so I can't bring them inside until I dry them.

    Then there are columbines (CO state flower) and clematis...

    I guess I can't chose!


    that is a hard one
    all in all i guess i would have to pick the rose. i have yellow and red ones at the front of my drive......johnnbegood
  • daydreamer110761
    daydreamer110761 Member Posts: 487 Member
    VickiCO said:

    Ohhh...hard one!

    I love Iris, and Calla Lilies, oh and daffodils and Hollyhocks! I grow roses, but am allergic so I can't bring them inside until I dry them.

    Then there are columbines (CO state flower) and clematis...

    I guess I can't chose!


    I love them all,
    But Sunflowers. They are just gorgeous, big, bright yellow flowers of happiness.....but a close second is the Bird of paradise, I used to have them growing wild in my yard when i lived in Florida
  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    Cherry Blossoms!
    I love oodles of flowers.... but if we are talking "Spring" then the ones that stand out the most for me is the gorgeous Cherry Blossom trees! Once they are out in full bloom, then I know spring is here :)


    I took this picture right around the corner from where I live. Somewhere, I do have a picture of the Cherry Blossoms on my own street, but I can't seem to find that picture right now.


    This is my artsy shot where, standing under a tree that is in full bloom, looking up and seeing the blue sky between the blossoms :)


    This picture is not quite as sharp, but was taken downtown Vancouver at the Burrard St. SkyTrain station (the equivalent of an above ground underground tube station). But, it does give the message of how beautiful it can be to walk under an arch of the cherry blossoms :)

    I can never get tired of seeing these trees in bloom and when the season is over, walking down the street and it feels like you are walking through white and pink snow :)


  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member

    I love them all,
    But Sunflowers. They are just gorgeous, big, bright yellow flowers of happiness.....but a close second is the Bird of paradise, I used to have them growing wild in my yard when i lived in Florida

    I love those too. This is one of my favorite shots that I've taken. I took this at an organic farm that I go to.

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member

    Cherry Blossoms!
    I love oodles of flowers.... but if we are talking "Spring" then the ones that stand out the most for me is the gorgeous Cherry Blossom trees! Once they are out in full bloom, then I know spring is here :)


    I took this picture right around the corner from where I live. Somewhere, I do have a picture of the Cherry Blossoms on my own street, but I can't seem to find that picture right now.


    This is my artsy shot where, standing under a tree that is in full bloom, looking up and seeing the blue sky between the blossoms :)


    This picture is not quite as sharp, but was taken downtown Vancouver at the Burrard St. SkyTrain station (the equivalent of an above ground underground tube station). But, it does give the message of how beautiful it can be to walk under an arch of the cherry blossoms :)

    I can never get tired of seeing these trees in bloom and when the season is over, walking down the street and it feels like you are walking through white and pink snow :)



    Great photos Cheryl, I'd love to go to DC (or BC for that matter) to see them sometime. My brother went last weekend.
    This is an Apple/Crab Apple tree we have in our backyard. It hasn't bloomed this year yet but when it does we get pink and white blossoms on it.

    Two Apple Trees in One
  • dixchi
    dixchi Member Posts: 431
    thanks all for the beautiful flower shots.....gorgeous...
    guess one of my favorites would be the peony which has
    huge dinner plate blossoms in late spring....great for
    cutting for indoor vases. The Cincinnati Flower Show
    is this month and it is always interesting to see the
    exhibits which include designing dinner tables around
    a flower theme and flower arrangements designs and
    outdoor arrangements.....a huge event.

  • PGLGreg
    PGLGreg Member Posts: 731
    Hong Kong Orchid
    It's not really an orchid -- it's a flowering tree in my front yard:

    Hong Kong Orchid

  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Irises are among my favorites. My grandmother grew those, so I'm always reminded of her when I see them.
  • impactzone
    impactzone Member Posts: 555 Member
    From Hawaii...plumeria!

    From Hawaii...plumeria!
  • impactzone
    impactzone Member Posts: 555 Member
    kimby said:

    Fav flower
    Well, I guess it depends on the occasion or purpose.

    My favorite smelling flower is lilac. Last year my husband FILLED the house with them. I came home from surgery and every room was filled, even the bathrooms. He had the kids in the garage putting them in containers...he must have spent hours going around collecting them and then putting them in water and around the house.

    My favorite flower to receive in the winter is tulips. I got 3 dozen tulips for my birthday in January...really feels like spring is coming when you have tulips around.
    Roses are romantic - I like the salmon colored ones the best.

    Lily of the Valley along my deck gives me a heavenly fragrance while enjoying my morning coffee in the early summer.

    Hydrangea make magnificent arrangements and are easy to grow and cut in my own yard.

    I guess I just like flowers!


    My wife planted 3 lilac last
    My wife planted 3 lilac last year and they all have blooms this year and are wonderful! a great choice.
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    favorite flowers
    My favorite flowers are definitely my roses- I have 16 rose bushes.
    I also love snap dragons! Actually, I love all flowers!!

    Ok- I'm too computer dumb- HOW did you guys import the flower pictures??

  • Hatshepsut
    Hatshepsut Member Posts: 336 Member
    I've thoroughly enjoyed the many posts of beautiful flowers on this thread. I have to confess that I've never met a flower I don't thoroughly enjoy.

    I have two small greenhouses and I thoroughly enjoy growing (and sometimes blooming) orchids. The photo with this post is a close-up of one of my absolute favorites, a Cymbidium tracyanum. It is an Asian species orchid, originating in Myanmar, Thailand and China and is astonishingly exotic. Nature is amazing!


  • Madre
    Madre Member Posts: 123
    PhillieG said:

    2 Favs come to mind
    I have 2, the Bleeding Heart
    Bleeding Heart

    And Morning Glories.
    Morning Glory

    Photos from my yard. The Morning Glories are actually for Central Park, NYC. By the giant meadow (Sheep Meadow?) they have morning glories along the fence. When I go in for treatments, I sometimes walk cross town and cut through the park. I did that one fall day when these had gone to seed so I grabbed some seeds and now I have them in my yard.

    These are so pretty! I can't wait for the nice weather and the flowers to be in bloom. Thanks for sharing.
  • FAPMom47
    FAPMom47 Member Posts: 68

  • PGLGreg
    PGLGreg Member Posts: 731
    lisa42 said:

    favorite flowers
    My favorite flowers are definitely my roses- I have 16 rose bushes.
    I also love snap dragons! Actually, I love all flowers!!

    Ok- I'm too computer dumb- HOW did you guys import the flower pictures??


    importing pictures
    I put this into my message (except it was enclosed by angle brackets):

    img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2312/2490730792_527721937c.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="Hong Kong Orchid" /

    This is a web reference to where the picture is stored on Flickr, which is a site which lets you make a free account where you can upload digital photos. Once you have some photos uploaded there, it gives you an easy way to copy-paste references like the one I used, so you can display your photos in messages.

  • nudgie
    nudgie Member Posts: 1,478 Member
    Carnations (sp?)
  • tiny one
    tiny one Member Posts: 465 Member
    My favorite flower in the house is the African Violet. I used to have some beautiful ones, however I no longer have any due to my Kitty. Outside though I love impatients, petunia's, hydrangea's, hosta's, astilbe's. Gardening is my most favorite thing to do. It is what keeps me active and what I love to do.