not today

for all you who wished me well today with my 5th treatment thanks..but i will try for it on Fri. instead. (right along with mimi and moopy who go on friday. My white platelets were to low so they gave me a shot..they said it is the fast acting form of nuelasta shot, and it takes it from the bone marrow. I have never had either the nuelasta or this..and wonder if i will have side effects. Right now i'm just really tired. exhausted in fact.
I did get the down low on my colonoscopy/barium enema/xray though and they found nothing. Thank God. the first one they tried and didn't finish the Surgeon said there were pulips he would remove next time. Well there were none. I wonder if the chemo killed them?
Oh well i guess i will just hope for the best that my shot does the trick and i can get the chemo on Friday. I was really dissapointed but the chemo NR. said i would be very prone to infections if i did not have the shot.
It isn't AT ALL uncommon to have a depleted white count~ you may indeed get uber achy bones from the Super-Neulasta; but these aches will pass! Sorry you are so tired~ I swear they didn't have a word to even describe the past the point of delirium exhaustion I eventually went to! But really, really, really, it is all "just" an accumulation of the chemo~ it all dissapates and you will be your old self again, only better!!!
Rest Up!
Claudia0 -
That makes me feel betterchenheart said:(((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))
It isn't AT ALL uncommon to have a depleted white count~ you may indeed get uber achy bones from the Super-Neulasta; but these aches will pass! Sorry you are so tired~ I swear they didn't have a word to even describe the past the point of delirium exhaustion I eventually went to! But really, really, really, it is all "just" an accumulation of the chemo~ it all dissapates and you will be your old self again, only better!!!
Rest Up!
The chemo NR. did say that this happens quite often. I guess i just figured that i would never need it because i haven't before. I am just glad they have something like this to boost you when you need it. Thanks Claudia
jackie0 -
Together on Friday
I am sorry that your blood count was too low and you couldn't have the infusion today, Jackie. I know it is disappointing when you have prepared yourself mentally and then have to wait. You and I and Mimi together will have our treatments on Friday, what do you say? Those shots are pretty effective at getting your count up.
I don't know about the super-Nulasta shot, but the regular one does cause bone aches and pains. The severity varies from person to person. It is like a bad case of the flu. Mimi's doctor, I believe, recommended Claritin to her, and I think one of our newer sisters wrote that she also took if for the first five days after getting the shot. I have used Claritin, too (the generic version), and it helped. Also, the usual pain relievers. I guess one way of looking at it is that you did not have to get the shot every time.
Wonderful news about no polyps! At least that is something good that came out of that whole wretched experience.
Try not to worry: you will get that fifth treatment and the sixth and you will be done.
Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing as you feel up to it. You are always in my and Joe's prayers.0 -
Hang in thererjjj said:That makes me feel better
The chemo NR. did say that this happens quite often. I guess i just figured that i would never need it because i haven't before. I am just glad they have something like this to boost you when you need it. Thanks Claudia
Just a note to send you some hugs and positive energy.
I have yet to begin all this -- I finally have my first meeting with the surgeon tomorrow -- but I know that by the time I get to the point you're at, you'll be cheering me on!!!
So hang in there and just take one day, one moment at a time (so cliche, but true, nonetheless). And sleep when you can, my friend.
Debi0 -
couldn't be in better compay!Moopy23 said:Together on Friday
I am sorry that your blood count was too low and you couldn't have the infusion today, Jackie. I know it is disappointing when you have prepared yourself mentally and then have to wait. You and I and Mimi together will have our treatments on Friday, what do you say? Those shots are pretty effective at getting your count up.
I don't know about the super-Nulasta shot, but the regular one does cause bone aches and pains. The severity varies from person to person. It is like a bad case of the flu. Mimi's doctor, I believe, recommended Claritin to her, and I think one of our newer sisters wrote that she also took if for the first five days after getting the shot. I have used Claritin, too (the generic version), and it helped. Also, the usual pain relievers. I guess one way of looking at it is that you did not have to get the shot every time.
Wonderful news about no polyps! At least that is something good that came out of that whole wretched experience.
Try not to worry: you will get that fifth treatment and the sixth and you will be done.
Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing as you feel up to it. You are always in my and Joe's prayers.
I will also be thinking of you and Mimi. We will be one step from the end. Mimi will be sure to have us celebrating with her last treatment!! I was kind of bummed since i already waited for 4 hours. but hopefully super-shot will work. I am so exhausted i might sleep until Friday. Bob said to the NR. "its because she hasn't been eating her vegetables" Boy did he get a LOOK from chemo Nr. and me. The Nr. said " we never know where the chemo is going and what it is attacking" I gave her a sweet thank you smile. Like it was My fault i didn't eat all my veggies last night!!. Poor Bob she kinda put him in his place (teehee)
Thanks for the claritin tip. I was pretty happy to hear i had no pulips or tumors in the colin. I just told them we WOULD have to do something different next time. The nurse said there is a virtual colonoscopy but if they see anything, they have to go in anyway. I hope they find a new way to do it besides the barium enema..that was right up there with the needle-core biopsy (awful) for me..and so humiliating! at least that is over,
You and Joe are always also in my prayers
jackie0 -
Nulasta ---or however it's spelled
The day after my chemos I had to go back for a shot every time.And it always brought my white blood count way up.
My bloodwork was always in the toilet. I had around 30 transfusions of either platelets or packed red blood cells. Eventually lost count. I knew more about the nurses at the hospital than I did about myself.Shame they can't administer blood products at the cancer center - they have prettier nurses.
Chemo ended about 4 months ago and my red cells/Hgb/Hct are still low. Hgb seems to like the # 10 and won't go higher. Just causes SOB and fatigue..... so what else is new.
When will it all end?????????????????????
If I hadn't had cancer----------- what would I have done for fun this past 10 or 11 months?
Love you all
Bill S.0 -
Jackie, you make sure you
Jackie, you make sure you get lots of rest. You're almost at the end. I can't help you out with advice about the neulasta shots as I didn't take them even when my counts were down. I just waited a week till they were up. And I'm glad your colonoscopy results were good. One note though, my husband's colorectal cancer started with polyps and within 3 mos it was cancer.
Maybe the chemo helped you out there too. I often wonder if there were any other cancers growing the chemo caught that I was unaware of.
You take care of yourself
jan0 -
Fridaysphoenixrising said:Jackie, you make sure you
Jackie, you make sure you get lots of rest. You're almost at the end. I can't help you out with advice about the neulasta shots as I didn't take them even when my counts were down. I just waited a week till they were up. And I'm glad your colonoscopy results were good. One note though, my husband's colorectal cancer started with polyps and within 3 mos it was cancer.
Maybe the chemo helped you out there too. I often wonder if there were any other cancers growing the chemo caught that I was unaware of.
You take care of yourself
It sounds like Fridays must be the "popular" day for chemo. My "regular" appointments are at 3:00 on Fridays ... So I guess I'm in good company with Moopy and the rest of you. I don't know if the rest of you "requested" Fridays or not ... but I did. I wanted to be prepared for any side effects ... so I'd have the weekend to rest up. But ... so far ... the only side effect is losing my hair which is not a big deal to me. As long as there's NO nausea ... I think I can handle any other side effect. But ... then again ... my chemo is not as "strong" as what some of you are taking. I'm just on weekly taxol and herceptin ... not the ACT/CAT or whatever it is. I understand that "stuff" is really powerful so those of you on that stuff have my greatest admiration and praise. You have extra special strength!
hugs to you all ... and here's to a good Friday for all of us ... :-)
teena0 -
Take care!tgf said:Fridays
It sounds like Fridays must be the "popular" day for chemo. My "regular" appointments are at 3:00 on Fridays ... So I guess I'm in good company with Moopy and the rest of you. I don't know if the rest of you "requested" Fridays or not ... but I did. I wanted to be prepared for any side effects ... so I'd have the weekend to rest up. But ... so far ... the only side effect is losing my hair which is not a big deal to me. As long as there's NO nausea ... I think I can handle any other side effect. But ... then again ... my chemo is not as "strong" as what some of you are taking. I'm just on weekly taxol and herceptin ... not the ACT/CAT or whatever it is. I understand that "stuff" is really powerful so those of you on that stuff have my greatest admiration and praise. You have extra special strength!
hugs to you all ... and here's to a good Friday for all of us ... :-)
I'm sorry that your infusion was cancelled. Mine was too this week. I have had the Neulasta shot all the way along and my white blood counts have been good, but over the last couple of weeks, I have been in and out of the emergency room and in the hospital each day for intravenous antibiotics. Seems I have a couple of drug resistant with the doctors on Tuesday and I fear that they will take me off chemo for good..that will tick me off!!
Anyway, what I meant to say was that it is better to get the shot now and catch up with the infusions in awhile when your body is better prepared. Let us know how you feel.0 -
Jackie, I missed this thread
Jackie, I missed this thread earlier. Well, you will be in good company on Friday. As others have said, the Neulasta does cause bone aches and pains. Don't be afraid to take pain killers. I usually do a Claritin every night and Tylenol as needed. My onc. suggested I could take prescription percoset if the pain is bad. I've never had to. I've had the shot every time and also had to have a red blood cell shot once. And I do eat my vegetables! So, go figure!! Now, go have your husband fix you a big plate of broccoli and we'll "see" you on Friday.
Mimi0 -
Jackie,mimivac said:Jackie, I missed this thread
Jackie, I missed this thread earlier. Well, you will be in good company on Friday. As others have said, the Neulasta does cause bone aches and pains. Don't be afraid to take pain killers. I usually do a Claritin every night and Tylenol as needed. My onc. suggested I could take prescription percoset if the pain is bad. I've never had to. I've had the shot every time and also had to have a red blood cell shot once. And I do eat my vegetables! So, go figure!! Now, go have your husband fix you a big plate of broccoli and we'll "see" you on Friday.
I have the Neulasta
I have the Neulasta shot every time so I can go every two weeks and it does cause some bone pain and I take the generic of Claritin. I was told you can take it for 5 days after receiving the shot but I've only had to take it 2 or 3 days.
I am glad your colonoscopy results were good.
Thoughts will be with all you ladies having treatment tomorrow(friday).
Margo0 -
Sending out big happychriss26 said:I will have you all in my
I will have you all in my thoughts on Friday.
Wishing you well!!
Sending out big happy thoughts to Mimi, who completes her chemo today, and to Jackie and Moopy who will have one tx left after today. The end is near, guys....congratulations. For all of you in treatment, just know that there is that light at the end, and it is getting brighter....all of who have been there before are holding flashlights to show you the way. Today is a celebration for Mimi!! Yeah! Hugs.
Judy0 -
Hi Jackie....
I finally got my first chemo last Wed - April 1. I started off with 2 Anti Nausea medications - Aloxi (good for 3 days) and Decadron....followed by Avastin (clinical trial)...he then asked me to put the ice chips in my mouth to cool off my mouth and throat (in preparation of the Adriamycin), while I was doing this he gave me 2 more medications - Emend and Heprin.....then he gave me the Adriamycin and Cytoxan. After the Chemo, he gave me 2 prescriptions, Zofran if I end up vomitting at home and Claritin for the Neulesta shot that I was going to have the next day. Neulesta's effect is bone aches because the medication goes inside our bone marrow and will force the bone marrow to produce the white cell...that is the reason why we feel the pain in our bones and joints. Study shows Claritin is really effective for those bone aches. So far, I have not taken both Zofran and Claritin as I am tolerating the pain. in my situation, I only noticed that my bones aches when I am lying down but when I am up and walking, not so much...well, I guess we all have different experiences.
The Taxol will be given after the 4 cycles of A+A+C. My taxol will be 12 weeks - once a week and the reason why its given on a weekly basis its because its given to you in smaller dosage and he said its more effective.
I have to go in the lab every monday for tests in my blood, urine, kidney, etc. until I am done with Chemo.
I am really happy for you, Moopy and Mimivac cuz you are almost done with your treatment.
Can I ask you a question? I have been drinking lots of water right now (some people say at least 8 glasses of water a day)....Do I drink a lot for 3 -4 days after Chemo or drink a lot til Chemo ends. Please advise.
Joy0 -
Glad to Hear from YouJoyD said:Hi Jackie....
I finally got my first chemo last Wed - April 1. I started off with 2 Anti Nausea medications - Aloxi (good for 3 days) and Decadron....followed by Avastin (clinical trial)...he then asked me to put the ice chips in my mouth to cool off my mouth and throat (in preparation of the Adriamycin), while I was doing this he gave me 2 more medications - Emend and Heprin.....then he gave me the Adriamycin and Cytoxan. After the Chemo, he gave me 2 prescriptions, Zofran if I end up vomitting at home and Claritin for the Neulesta shot that I was going to have the next day. Neulesta's effect is bone aches because the medication goes inside our bone marrow and will force the bone marrow to produce the white cell...that is the reason why we feel the pain in our bones and joints. Study shows Claritin is really effective for those bone aches. So far, I have not taken both Zofran and Claritin as I am tolerating the pain. in my situation, I only noticed that my bones aches when I am lying down but when I am up and walking, not so much...well, I guess we all have different experiences.
The Taxol will be given after the 4 cycles of A+A+C. My taxol will be 12 weeks - once a week and the reason why its given on a weekly basis its because its given to you in smaller dosage and he said its more effective.
I have to go in the lab every monday for tests in my blood, urine, kidney, etc. until I am done with Chemo.
I am really happy for you, Moopy and Mimivac cuz you are almost done with your treatment.
Can I ask you a question? I have been drinking lots of water right now (some people say at least 8 glasses of water a day)....Do I drink a lot for 3 -4 days after Chemo or drink a lot til Chemo ends. Please advise.
Hi Joy! Thanks for your kind wishes! I'm glad to hear you're holding up so well with the chemo. It seems like just yesterday I went in for my first round - and now I only have one round left to go. You will be there too, sooner than you know!
About the water - I try to drink at least two liters every day, plus other liquids. It's especially important the day before chemo, the day of, and the days after. The faster you can flush that Adriamycin out, the better. Also it's good to drink more of your water during the day, so you don't spend all night getting up to go to the bathroom!
Good luck!
Moopy0 -
Thanks so much, Judy!creampuff91344 said:Sending out big happy
Sending out big happy thoughts to Mimi, who completes her chemo today, and to Jackie and Moopy who will have one tx left after today. The end is near, guys....congratulations. For all of you in treatment, just know that there is that light at the end, and it is getting brighter....all of who have been there before are holding flashlights to show you the way. Today is a celebration for Mimi!! Yeah! Hugs.
I'm certain that no news from Jackie means that she got to have chemo today. She and I have one more round to go and Mimi is done, done, done... yay!
Thanks to you and all of our sisters here for the loving support.
Moopy0 -
Hi JoyJoyD said:Hi Jackie....
I finally got my first chemo last Wed - April 1. I started off with 2 Anti Nausea medications - Aloxi (good for 3 days) and Decadron....followed by Avastin (clinical trial)...he then asked me to put the ice chips in my mouth to cool off my mouth and throat (in preparation of the Adriamycin), while I was doing this he gave me 2 more medications - Emend and Heprin.....then he gave me the Adriamycin and Cytoxan. After the Chemo, he gave me 2 prescriptions, Zofran if I end up vomitting at home and Claritin for the Neulesta shot that I was going to have the next day. Neulesta's effect is bone aches because the medication goes inside our bone marrow and will force the bone marrow to produce the white cell...that is the reason why we feel the pain in our bones and joints. Study shows Claritin is really effective for those bone aches. So far, I have not taken both Zofran and Claritin as I am tolerating the pain. in my situation, I only noticed that my bones aches when I am lying down but when I am up and walking, not so much...well, I guess we all have different experiences.
The Taxol will be given after the 4 cycles of A+A+C. My taxol will be 12 weeks - once a week and the reason why its given on a weekly basis its because its given to you in smaller dosage and he said its more effective.
I have to go in the lab every monday for tests in my blood, urine, kidney, etc. until I am done with Chemo.
I am really happy for you, Moopy and Mimivac cuz you are almost done with your treatment.
Can I ask you a question? I have been drinking lots of water right now (some people say at least 8 glasses of water a day)....Do I drink a lot for 3 -4 days after Chemo or drink a lot til Chemo ends. Please advise.
Glad you got the first one over, that one is the toughest. I had my fifth one today and it has gotten better each time. mainly because i have learned how to deal with side-effects. Keep posting on this board of amazingly supportive sisters, we will all be here for you night or day so please keep us posted.
Like Moopy said drink LOTS of water I drink almost 4 liters a day everyday! but i love water. I had mouth burning also. Fluids and lots of them help. I like to suck on fruit popsicles and i eat way to much icecream!!! Try to avoid spicy foods and anything with alot of citric acid ..I love,love,love tomatoes but i'll have to wait until i'm done and my garden is growing.(not long now!!)
I also get my blood drawn once a week. This is a good thing since i have not had to have the nuelasta shot until this last time. And by the way super-shot worked wonderful and i didn't even have any bone aches. My counts were very good today.They do always give me claritin and anti nausea meds infusion before ea. treatments. I started out taking the compazine when i got home but found i didn't need it after the first treatment and the ativan worked better. I only need that for a few days though.
sweet and peaceful dreams to you tonight.
jackie0 -
Thanks for the good wishescreampuff91344 said:Sending out big happy
Sending out big happy thoughts to Mimi, who completes her chemo today, and to Jackie and Moopy who will have one tx left after today. The end is near, guys....congratulations. For all of you in treatment, just know that there is that light at the end, and it is getting brighter....all of who have been there before are holding flashlights to show you the way. Today is a celebration for Mimi!! Yeah! Hugs.
Thank you so much for holding the flashlight. you are all there with me in my heart every step of the way.
jackie0 -
Yes MoopyMoopy23 said:Thanks so much, Judy!
I'm certain that no news from Jackie means that she got to have chemo today. She and I have one more round to go and Mimi is done, done, done... yay!
Thanks to you and all of our sisters here for the loving support.
We did it together today!! my counts were back up and April 26th (a Thur.) will be the last one!! can you believe it Moopster? I love you my friend for being with me each step on the way. I am so happy also that Mimi is following the flashlight out of the tunnel,
God Bless
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