RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello Ladies and Gents,

Well let me tell you that I have been a bit distressed over a recent weight gain that just keeps inching its way up the scale and I cannot figure out what I have done to gain this extra 4 lbs. (now I am betting a few of you are snickering because you know where the extra pounds have come from) I realize that 4 lbs. does not sound like much but I struggle to keep each pound off. Well today the light went on.....I have an expander in me and more than 400 cc's of extra fluid plus I still have quite a bit of fluid retention and swelling. I must admit I was surprised it took me this long to figure it out.......duh! Just wanted to share my goofiness with you all. Hope you all have a great day!!!!



  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    LOL RE, being goofy at times is a beautiful thing! I mean, who can go through life being serious every minute of every day! One of my biggest allies has been a sense of humor through all of this...

    I kept gaining pound by pound during chemo...go figure! But my weight gain was purely from constant nibbling. And gosh darn it, I had to work to lose it!

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Weight Gain
    So, the expanders are making you expand? Is that what you're saying?? LOL Thanks for the morning giggle!

  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    Hi Re
    I think the chocolate mug cake recipe for one made me expand!!!lol
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    That's the first thing I
    That's the first thing I asked my surgeon after the surgery, How much weight did I lose? I thought there had to be a good side to getting a hunk off. He said a couple ounces. Darn, I thought it'd be a pound or two anyway. All my heavy fat must be in my hips.

    RE, what are you doing up at 2:06am?
  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    Chemo and hormone therapy
    Chemo and hormone therapy can cause weight gain. I'm afraid in my case it was a mixed bag. I was very fortunate that I was not sick on chemo, but it also meant that I ate what I wanted and got less excersize. I've been off chemo 6 months and have lost the same 10 lbs. about 4 just keeps finding its way back! No doubt the reconstruction surgery I am planning in June will be the magic trick! (Yeah, right...and there's a bridge in NY for sale cheap too).

    Well, blame the goofiness on chemo and carry on. seof.
  • GreeneyedGirl
    GreeneyedGirl Member Posts: 1,077
    seof said:

    Chemo and hormone therapy
    Chemo and hormone therapy can cause weight gain. I'm afraid in my case it was a mixed bag. I was very fortunate that I was not sick on chemo, but it also meant that I ate what I wanted and got less excersize. I've been off chemo 6 months and have lost the same 10 lbs. about 4 just keeps finding its way back! No doubt the reconstruction surgery I am planning in June will be the magic trick! (Yeah, right...and there's a bridge in NY for sale cheap too).

    Well, blame the goofiness on chemo and carry on. seof.

    fudge in a mug
    Like Jackie said....that fudgy chocolatey mug thing has got us all bursting at the seams! who tried on swimsuits this week???? Silly me.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member

    fudge in a mug
    Like Jackie said....that fudgy chocolatey mug thing has got us all bursting at the seams! who tried on swimsuits this week???? Silly me.

    Fudge Mug YuM
    You all are so funny! I made it for my husband, went to my dad's and made one for him after all why should I be the only one gaining a few pounds!

    Oh and no I have not yet put on the swimsuit....ugh!

  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510

    fudge in a mug
    Like Jackie said....that fudgy chocolatey mug thing has got us all bursting at the seams! who tried on swimsuits this week???? Silly me.

    Do we have to put on that
    Do we have to put on that swimsuit? Aarghhh!!!! Love ya all, Lili
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member

    Do we have to put on that
    Do we have to put on that swimsuit? Aarghhh!!!! Love ya all, Lili

    I the spa, and sat by the pool!!!!
    Yea!!! The earth didn't stop, the sky didn't was GRRRRREAT!!!

    (I even got hit on by a Frenchman who was there playing in a tennis!)

    Hugs, Kathi
  • GreeneyedGirl
    GreeneyedGirl Member Posts: 1,077
    KathiM said:

    I the spa, and sat by the pool!!!!
    Yea!!! The earth didn't stop, the sky didn't was GRRRRREAT!!!

    (I even got hit on by a Frenchman who was there playing in a tennis!)

    Hugs, Kathi

    I will be squeeezin into my swim suit next week as I visit my big sister....we will have to have a mug-cake-fudgy-microwavable swimsuit wearing time together.....:O
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159

    fudge in a mug
    Like Jackie said....that fudgy chocolatey mug thing has got us all bursting at the seams! who tried on swimsuits this week???? Silly me.

    Ok, I admit it~ I have ISSUES!! :-)
    Bathing Suit? Bathing Suit? What in Heck is a Bathing Suit????? I am trying to remember the last time this old gal even bought such an item...and nope, I can't recall . Even in Cabo~ I wrap myself up like I am the Sheik of Araby...though I must say I wear cute T's and colorful, but LONG sarongs. and goofy colorful earrings! LOL I am way too vain to sit in the sun~ I am a 50 SPF sunscreen wearer, sunglasses and in the shade with an umbrella~ I have an old suit I wear underneath, but I avoid putting anyone through having to see what an albino whale looks like! HAHAHAH I did go for evening swims....nothing like sunset and a couple of drinks with tiny umbreallas in them to change my outlook! Hahahah

    And then there is that whole gravity/cellulite thing! Oh PUH-LEEZE!!! I am not even going there!

    Bathing suits, indeed!

  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    I think we should all put on our suits in pride! We've through too much to cover it up. When my condo pool opens up, I will strut whatever is left of my stuff.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    mimivac said:

    I think we should all put on our suits in pride! We've through too much to cover it up. When my condo pool opens up, I will strut whatever is left of my stuff.

    Pride/Swimsuit ? In the same sentence? HAHAHAHA!!!
    Mimi~ after surgery, and during chemo I showered in the dark,( honestly!) and wore a bandana in bed~ and got up 20 minutes before my Reggie during treatment so that I could draw my brows in, rouge my cheeks, etc etc. HE didn't care what I looked like...I did! You may represent me at your pool, ok???? I live 30 mins from the beach, but as stated above, I dont go in the water!! LOL
    I sit in the shade and read a book and wave at Reggie while he is getting wet and fishing !

  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    chenheart said:

    Pride/Swimsuit ? In the same sentence? HAHAHAHA!!!
    Mimi~ after surgery, and during chemo I showered in the dark,( honestly!) and wore a bandana in bed~ and got up 20 minutes before my Reggie during treatment so that I could draw my brows in, rouge my cheeks, etc etc. HE didn't care what I looked like...I did! You may represent me at your pool, ok???? I live 30 mins from the beach, but as stated above, I dont go in the water!! LOL
    I sit in the shade and read a book and wave at Reggie while he is getting wet and fishing !


    You're hilarious, Claudia. I
    You're hilarious, Claudia. I will represent you at the condo pool. I do envy that you live so close to the beach. I always pictured myself living by the ocean, drinking tea as I looked out at the sunrise in the morning. Basically, like one of those commercials for an allergy medication, depression pill, or tampons.

  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    chenheart said:

    Ok, I admit it~ I have ISSUES!! :-)
    Bathing Suit? Bathing Suit? What in Heck is a Bathing Suit????? I am trying to remember the last time this old gal even bought such an item...and nope, I can't recall . Even in Cabo~ I wrap myself up like I am the Sheik of Araby...though I must say I wear cute T's and colorful, but LONG sarongs. and goofy colorful earrings! LOL I am way too vain to sit in the sun~ I am a 50 SPF sunscreen wearer, sunglasses and in the shade with an umbrella~ I have an old suit I wear underneath, but I avoid putting anyone through having to see what an albino whale looks like! HAHAHAH I did go for evening swims....nothing like sunset and a couple of drinks with tiny umbreallas in them to change my outlook! Hahahah

    And then there is that whole gravity/cellulite thing! Oh PUH-LEEZE!!! I am not even going there!

    Bathing suits, indeed!


    I haven't owned one of those
    I haven't owned one of those for a number of years. Last time I went close to the water I wore t-shirt and those bike pants. I think they are more comfortable. I don't swim anyway so I don't get in the water, just wade.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    mimivac said:

    You're hilarious, Claudia. I
    You're hilarious, Claudia. I will represent you at the condo pool. I do envy that you live so close to the beach. I always pictured myself living by the ocean, drinking tea as I looked out at the sunrise in the morning. Basically, like one of those commercials for an allergy medication, depression pill, or tampons.


    Sun, Sea and Sand, Then and Now
    For the record, in my mis-spent youth I was a water/ sun worshipper! Raised in Germany, we would alternate summers in either Italy on the Adriatic Sea, or NY on the Atlantic Ocean. I was one of those who lathered myself with baby oil, and got as dark as this Anglo skin could grandmother used to say that by September, my legs looked as if I was wearing "chocolate stockings".

    This change in what I do now is guided by acute vanity...which isn't cute at all, come to think of it! When I put 2 and 2 together, and realized that leather is made from TANNING the skin of animals~ Oh No!

    So, now I look rather like Oatmeal stuffed into a baggie. :-( It is out of respect for my fellow humans, and not wanting to harm the psyche of Young Children that I don the Ts and sarongs. Give Give Give! That's all I ever do! HAHAHAHA

  • GreeneyedGirl
    GreeneyedGirl Member Posts: 1,077
    chenheart said:

    Sun, Sea and Sand, Then and Now
    For the record, in my mis-spent youth I was a water/ sun worshipper! Raised in Germany, we would alternate summers in either Italy on the Adriatic Sea, or NY on the Atlantic Ocean. I was one of those who lathered myself with baby oil, and got as dark as this Anglo skin could grandmother used to say that by September, my legs looked as if I was wearing "chocolate stockings".

    This change in what I do now is guided by acute vanity...which isn't cute at all, come to think of it! When I put 2 and 2 together, and realized that leather is made from TANNING the skin of animals~ Oh No!

    So, now I look rather like Oatmeal stuffed into a baggie. :-( It is out of respect for my fellow humans, and not wanting to harm the psyche of Young Children that I don the Ts and sarongs. Give Give Give! That's all I ever do! HAHAHAHA


    Like I always say...
    Bacon looks better "cooked". Meaning all that cellulite and fat that we "gravitate" to as we age. Looks better browned--I am convinced.
    Heee heeee heeeeeee
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Ladies, ladies, ladies I am dying with laughter in regards to the swimsuit thing, should we tan our cellulite, should we shroud ourselves from public view or perhaps should we BOLDLY show off what we have left! You all are funnier than you know! Thanks for putting a smile on my face, now get out there and enjoy your weekend!

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159

    Like I always say...
    Bacon looks better "cooked". Meaning all that cellulite and fat that we "gravitate" to as we age. Looks better browned--I am convinced.
    Heee heeee heeeeeee

    Baa Ram Ewe!
    LOL too funny!!! I think I will opt out of the whole meat-likeness, be it browned bacon or tanned cow skin~ and just be colorful and floral looking in my sarong! But, I will be on the water tomorrow~ it is whale migration season ( I'd better NOT wear black! LOL) and we are going on a boat with a picnic lunch and doing whale-watching! There is a baby whale swimming in the harbor who is enjoying the attention of the locals and tourists alike as she dives and eats!
    Reggie teaches kayaking in the summer, and the Sailing Center has a lovely boat with wine and a jazz'll be fun!

  • Joycelouise
    Joycelouise Member Posts: 482
    RE, you are up to 400 cc's. Wow. I've been doing this for months and am at about 220. I did go to the bra shop for women without and get pads for both sides to try to even out my profile. Better, not perfect.
    And as far as the weight gain goes, I am not surprised. I am sure that my plst. surg. is using cement, not saline on this breast rock I have.
    But as far as swimming, I think not. First of all, without the bust building foam I would look weird indeed and with it I would float till it soaked up water like a sponge, and then sink like a rock. Wow, the image of going under and having to shed my breasts to save my life is just a little to close to what has actually happened in my life!
    Mimi, loved your attitude. I did a little strutting today in my new bra. As a "smaller" woman, I have always considered padding to be cheating, but tempting. Now I can say its not vanity, it's a MEDICAL necessity! So there! Pass the clingy sweater, please.
    love, Joyce