Juicing Info

2bhealed Member Posts: 2,064 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi Semi-colons!

Today the Hinterlands of Northern Minnesota is being socked with a huge winter storm. What a day to be in front of the woodstove snug in my cozy log cabin. Yesterday my little one (the one in the photo) and I took to the woods for some x-country skiing. This is such a magical time of year. It's also the time of year when we overindulge in sweets and meats and cheeses of every kind. To offset this, dust off your juicers and get to your coop for some fresh organic produce to balance the Christmas goodies.

Here are some recipes to get you through the holidays:

Emily's Cancer Concoction

2-4 juicing carrots
1 granny smith apple
1 celery stalk
1 handful spinach*
1 handful parsley
1 small piece ginger

*You can add kale to this as you build up your green tolerance or skip the spinach and add the kale


2-3 juicing carrots
1/4 beet with tops
1 stalk celery
2 kale leaves
1 handful parsley
1 apple (I don't add the apple anymore, but when you're starting out the sweet helps to offset the greens)


4 Romaine lettuce leaves
1 celery stalk
1/4 cucumber
1 kale leaf


1/4 lemon
4 apples


5 carrots
1/2 sm. beet w/greens
1/2 apple
1/2 sm lemon
1 sm. piece ginger


1 beet with 2" diameter
2 carrots
1" wedge cabbage
2 celery stalks

The reason juicing is so imperative when healing cancer is two-fold:

2) pH Balance--alkalizing

Enzymes are found in living foods. Any cooked food, while nutritious, lacks the enzymes to digest it therefore your body has to provide the enzymes for digestion. This takes away energy. When we are dealing with a disease or illness, the body is working overtime to heal the disease. Any support we can give it in the form of raw foods helps to allieviate the work and allows the body to focus on restoring health.

Juicing takes it a step further because by the juicing process of separating the juice (=nutrients) from the fiber we have removed the work the body would otherwise have to do. Pumping the body full of fresh organic VEGGIE juice you are promoting healing and our digestive systems get a break and the enzymes work at repairing the diseased tissues rather than breaking down the food. This translates into increased energy and vitality.

You cannnot get the same outcome with a blender. This isn't just about making it into a liquid, it's about separating the juice from the fiber. Fiber obviously is quite important too, but you can add that with the flax seeds and by eating fiberous foods. The point to juicing is about the quantity of ENZYMES that are easily assimilated into the body to repair, restore and rejuvenate.

The pH element comes with increasing veggies in our diets. Cancer does not like an alkaline environment so eating lots of greens (raw is best) is key. A great way to ensure that you get plenty of veggies every day is by juicing them. You can buy pH test strips and check your urine to see what I am talking about.

I don't personally juice fruits anymore. They're easy to eat and great to make into smoothies so I feel like I am having a real treat (add a frozen banana and it's icecream--I don't do dairy). But who of us really eats 9 veggies a day?

When I make my smoothies I add flax oil and wheat grass juice powder. Just a couple of little cancer-fighting insurance policies to my daily diet.

So while your relatives are getting schloggered on the eggnog, whip out your carrot juice and chug-a-lug! You will be healing your cancer while they'll be working up a wicked hangover!


peace, emily the juice chick


  • hoagiemom
    hoagiemom Member Posts: 87 Member
    I bought a jucier but I have no idea on what veggies and fruits to mix together. I usually just stick to carrot and apple. I love the recipe ideas. Happy Juicing..Michelle
  • Joy1216
    Joy1216 Member Posts: 290 Member
    What Are Juicing Carrots?
    Let me show my ignorance. I can't be the only one who doesn't know. What's the difference between juicing carrots and regular carrots? How do you identify them at the store? I've never noticed "juicing carrots" with the organic produce. Thanks.
  • polarprincess
    polarprincess Member Posts: 202 Member
    The lemonade one looks good. Are you up at all on the whole nitrite/nitrate thing? I know we are supposed to avoid them having colon cancer but celery has natural nitrates in it, although i have heard they are different from the ones added to the processed meats. Non the less i have been kind of afraid of eating celery. Any thoughts?
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,064 Member
    Joy1216 said:

    What Are Juicing Carrots?
    Let me show my ignorance. I can't be the only one who doesn't know. What's the difference between juicing carrots and regular carrots? How do you identify them at the store? I've never noticed "juicing carrots" with the organic produce. Thanks.

    Good question
    Juicing carrots are usually bigger and "uglier" than "table" carrots. If you buy table carrots (which are fine) they are skinnier and you'll be washing a lot of carrots. Because "juicing" carrots are bigger you don't need as many. If you use table carrots you will need to increase the number you use. Coops sell juicing carrots in 20# bags.

    If you are buying them at your local store and not the coop, just look for bags that have larger fatter carrots.

    If you're not familiar with coops or Whole Earth type stores, they're a wonderful resource for those of us trying to heal diseases. Often their staff is knowlegeable in supplements or herbs for healing. At the beginning of my cancer healing journey I often turned in circles in the vitamin aisle. The supervisor of that area directed me often in what to buy and what brands were better etc.

    peace, emily
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,064 Member

    The lemonade one looks good. Are you up at all on the whole nitrite/nitrate thing? I know we are supposed to avoid them having colon cancer but celery has natural nitrates in it, although i have heard they are different from the ones added to the processed meats. Non the less i have been kind of afraid of eating celery. Any thoughts?

    I haven't ever heard of avoiding celery for that reason. Now, hot dogs yes, but celery no.

    In the juicing books that I have read it never has mentioned that about celery.

    The lemonade one is really good to use to introduce younger kids to juicing.

    It always gets rave reviews at my juicing workshops.


    peace, emily
  • mom_2_3
    mom_2_3 Member Posts: 953 Member
    Question about juicer

    I have been juicing for the past 3 weeks now (not up to 3 quarts yet but working on it). I bought a centrifugal juicer (Breville) that works great for apples, carrots, celery, broccoli, etc. but doesn't work well on spinach or other leafy greens. Would I get a masticating juicer to supplement my Breville? What about wheatgrass, did you do that?

    I did buy the Barleans green powder you mentioned on an older thread but thought it might be considered a supplement and not be good for my current regimen. Hopefully I will be going into surgery in 1-2 months and will start that then.

    I do add a scoop of sugar-free whey protein. What do you think of that? I do add 2 TB of flax seed to my juicing.

    Finally, when you were consuming 3 quarts did you do 1 quart 3x/day? I am at 1/2 quart at one time.

    Thanks so much. Your story is very inspriration to someone who has just started the journey.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,064 Member
    mom_2_3 said:

    Question about juicer

    I have been juicing for the past 3 weeks now (not up to 3 quarts yet but working on it). I bought a centrifugal juicer (Breville) that works great for apples, carrots, celery, broccoli, etc. but doesn't work well on spinach or other leafy greens. Would I get a masticating juicer to supplement my Breville? What about wheatgrass, did you do that?

    I did buy the Barleans green powder you mentioned on an older thread but thought it might be considered a supplement and not be good for my current regimen. Hopefully I will be going into surgery in 1-2 months and will start that then.

    I do add a scoop of sugar-free whey protein. What do you think of that? I do add 2 TB of flax seed to my juicing.

    Finally, when you were consuming 3 quarts did you do 1 quart 3x/day? I am at 1/2 quart at one time.

    Thanks so much. Your story is very inspriration to someone who has just started the journey.

    Good for you!!!

    According to the grand pooba of juicing, Max Gerson, one should drink 12 / 8 oz juices a day for cancer healing. Well, with 5 kids (at the time of my dx I was homeschooling 3 of my 5 and had a 20 month old) I just didn't have the time or energy to commit to juicing 12 x's a day. So I combined it into 3 1qt jars. Not the optimal way but it worked for me. I don't recommend this but it was better than not juicing. It's best to drink it throughout the day. I had juice for breakfast lunch and dinner and at dinner I had steamed veggies and brown rice. Same with lunch.

    I bounced around to different protein powders....soy, rice, whey etc. I prefer the taste of soy but it's so controversial.

    The green powders, in my opinion, would not constitute a supplement but a veggie. It's just dried veggies in powder form. Right now I am using a wheat grass juice powder that I can get in bulk from my coop.

    That's great that you're adding flax seeds. I believe in them and add them to my oatmeal, smoothies or muesli, you name it.

    As for getting another juicer....if you can afford it I would get a masticating one (like my Champion or Omega) --one that you can juice greens with. I have never juiced wheat grass but I believe you need a wheat grass juicer to do it. That's why I just buy the powder--not optimal but it's my compromise. A great resource for this info is on Kris Carr's website. She wrote Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips (which I highly recommend reading) and has a wonderful website.

    Hope this helps!

    peace, emily
  • dixchi
    dixchi Member Posts: 431
    2bhealed said:

    Good for you!!!

    According to the grand pooba of juicing, Max Gerson, one should drink 12 / 8 oz juices a day for cancer healing. Well, with 5 kids (at the time of my dx I was homeschooling 3 of my 5 and had a 20 month old) I just didn't have the time or energy to commit to juicing 12 x's a day. So I combined it into 3 1qt jars. Not the optimal way but it worked for me. I don't recommend this but it was better than not juicing. It's best to drink it throughout the day. I had juice for breakfast lunch and dinner and at dinner I had steamed veggies and brown rice. Same with lunch.

    I bounced around to different protein powders....soy, rice, whey etc. I prefer the taste of soy but it's so controversial.

    The green powders, in my opinion, would not constitute a supplement but a veggie. It's just dried veggies in powder form. Right now I am using a wheat grass juice powder that I can get in bulk from my coop.

    That's great that you're adding flax seeds. I believe in them and add them to my oatmeal, smoothies or muesli, you name it.

    As for getting another juicer....if you can afford it I would get a masticating one (like my Champion or Omega) --one that you can juice greens with. I have never juiced wheat grass but I believe you need a wheat grass juicer to do it. That's why I just buy the powder--not optimal but it's my compromise. A great resource for this info is on Kris Carr's website. She wrote Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips (which I highly recommend reading) and has a wonderful website.

    Hope this helps!

    peace, emily

    Juicing sounds very healthy but I have one big question: Did you ever have problems with
    diarrhea as a result? I can go through a day eating fruits and wind up with diarrhea;
    maybe not everyone has this problem. Maybe it is something I should try when I have
    finished chemo and am getting back to normal again.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,064 Member
    dixchi said:

    Juicing sounds very healthy but I have one big question: Did you ever have problems with
    diarrhea as a result? I can go through a day eating fruits and wind up with diarrhea;
    maybe not everyone has this problem. Maybe it is something I should try when I have
    finished chemo and am getting back to normal again.

    Hi dix,

    No, I never had a problem with the diarrhea. Juicing does keep me regular though. Perhaps try focusing on the veggies rather than the fuits and see how your digestive system responds to that.

    Good luck!

    peace, emily
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    Hi Emily,

    I'm printing your juice recipes, but I have a question for you. While I know it would be best to use a juicer instead of a blender, do you think there's still benefit to putting it in the blender? I haven't ever done any juicing before and wanted to try it first in a blender before taking the plunge and paying for a juicer. Don't you still get the live enzymes whether or not the juice is all separated from the fiber? I just want to try it this way first to see how well I can do it. Unfortunately, I've been known to get into something for my health, then not stick with it. I used Sunrider products for a while with live enzymes, but they got too pricey for me to stick with them. I do use a green powder and add it to several of my foods and some drinks- it has wheat grass plus several other things in it, as well, and it's all organic. Getting rid of sugar in my diet is a biggie. I haven't eliminated it yet, but I've greatly reduced it which is a major accomplishment for me. When using sugar, however, do you think it makes a big difference what kind of sugar is used? I've currently got "natural cane sugar in the raw"- don't know if the "natural" on the box is a gimic, real, or if it's just as bad as regular white table sugar. I tried using other natural sweeteners other times- can't remember what they're called right at the moment- one was in a small dropper size bottle & had a weird taste. The other was from a plant that looked similar to aloe & I can't remember what it's called at the moment either (the lousy chemo has done in my memory lately). Any recommendations for sweeteners would be helpful. My husband will not change ANYTHING in his diet and gets upset when I do, so I have to do these kinds of things on the sly- I think he would be upset if I spent money on a juicer. It's not that he doesn't want me well, but he's a skeptic and doesn't believe all the organic, live enzymes articles that I've pointed out- thinks it's just a way for people to rip us off.

    Thanks in advance,
  • Betsydoglover
    Betsydoglover Member Posts: 1,248 Member
    lisa42 said:

    Hi Emily,

    I'm printing your juice recipes, but I have a question for you. While I know it would be best to use a juicer instead of a blender, do you think there's still benefit to putting it in the blender? I haven't ever done any juicing before and wanted to try it first in a blender before taking the plunge and paying for a juicer. Don't you still get the live enzymes whether or not the juice is all separated from the fiber? I just want to try it this way first to see how well I can do it. Unfortunately, I've been known to get into something for my health, then not stick with it. I used Sunrider products for a while with live enzymes, but they got too pricey for me to stick with them. I do use a green powder and add it to several of my foods and some drinks- it has wheat grass plus several other things in it, as well, and it's all organic. Getting rid of sugar in my diet is a biggie. I haven't eliminated it yet, but I've greatly reduced it which is a major accomplishment for me. When using sugar, however, do you think it makes a big difference what kind of sugar is used? I've currently got "natural cane sugar in the raw"- don't know if the "natural" on the box is a gimic, real, or if it's just as bad as regular white table sugar. I tried using other natural sweeteners other times- can't remember what they're called right at the moment- one was in a small dropper size bottle & had a weird taste. The other was from a plant that looked similar to aloe & I can't remember what it's called at the moment either (the lousy chemo has done in my memory lately). Any recommendations for sweeteners would be helpful. My husband will not change ANYTHING in his diet and gets upset when I do, so I have to do these kinds of things on the sly- I think he would be upset if I spent money on a juicer. It's not that he doesn't want me well, but he's a skeptic and doesn't believe all the organic, live enzymes articles that I've pointed out- thinks it's just a way for people to rip us off.

    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Lisa - Emily is the
    Hi Lisa - Emily is the expert, but regarding the blender, I think two things:

    1) Some really hard vegetables - like carrots, beets and other root - will be pretty hard to blend.

    2) An advantage of juicing is that you get the nutrients / enzymes without so much bulk. If the pulp is still included, after blending, you probably can't "drink" as much as you would be able to otherwise.

    Emily and I will probably disagree about sugar. For me it is relatively moot since I eat very little sugar. But "natural" sugar is no different from "regular" sugar. And, if sugar caused / fed cancer, diabetics would usually have cancer. That said, we need to take care of ourselves and a high sugar (also high calorie) diet is not the way to do that.

    Take care and I know Emily will give you more details,
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    Hi Betsy,
    I appreciate your

    Hi Betsy,

    I appreciate your helpful information. Emily- any other thoughts?

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,064 Member
    lisa42 said:

    Hi Emily,

    I'm printing your juice recipes, but I have a question for you. While I know it would be best to use a juicer instead of a blender, do you think there's still benefit to putting it in the blender? I haven't ever done any juicing before and wanted to try it first in a blender before taking the plunge and paying for a juicer. Don't you still get the live enzymes whether or not the juice is all separated from the fiber? I just want to try it this way first to see how well I can do it. Unfortunately, I've been known to get into something for my health, then not stick with it. I used Sunrider products for a while with live enzymes, but they got too pricey for me to stick with them. I do use a green powder and add it to several of my foods and some drinks- it has wheat grass plus several other things in it, as well, and it's all organic. Getting rid of sugar in my diet is a biggie. I haven't eliminated it yet, but I've greatly reduced it which is a major accomplishment for me. When using sugar, however, do you think it makes a big difference what kind of sugar is used? I've currently got "natural cane sugar in the raw"- don't know if the "natural" on the box is a gimic, real, or if it's just as bad as regular white table sugar. I tried using other natural sweeteners other times- can't remember what they're called right at the moment- one was in a small dropper size bottle & had a weird taste. The other was from a plant that looked similar to aloe & I can't remember what it's called at the moment either (the lousy chemo has done in my memory lately). Any recommendations for sweeteners would be helpful. My husband will not change ANYTHING in his diet and gets upset when I do, so I have to do these kinds of things on the sly- I think he would be upset if I spent money on a juicer. It's not that he doesn't want me well, but he's a skeptic and doesn't believe all the organic, live enzymes articles that I've pointed out- thinks it's just a way for people to rip us off.

    Thanks in advance,

    Sorry for the delay
    Hi Lisa,

    Sorry it's taken time to get back to this......'tis the season.

    Let's talk "sugar". Personally, I think all refined sugar should be eliminated from the diet when we're talking healing cancer. Why take the chance. There is no nutritional aspect to "sugar" be it raw or otherwise.

    Yes, everything breaks down into "sugars" but there is a big difference to the body when you're getting simple sugars or complex carbs with fiber. It's all about insulin uptake.

    You could try Agave Nectar. It tastes wonderful to me and is lower on the glycemic index. I think the drops you may be referring to is Stevia which is an herb and does not mess with insulin what so ever. You can get it in powder form too in the vitamin aisle. It's quite strong and a little goes a LONG way. It tends to be bitter if you use too much. I bake with it or use it for puddings. I don't believe any artificial sweeteners are beneficial for health.

    Now to Juicing VS Blending. Yes, any raw foods are going to give you the benefit of the enzymes. The thing about juicing is that you will get QUANTITY of enzymes that are easily assimliated into your system since the juicer has "pre-digested", if you will, the juice by separating it from the fiber. How many of us will actually sit down and eat the amount of produce listed in my recipes? But in juicing you gain the nutritional bennies and your body doesn't have to work as hard to digest it.

    I haven't tried blending my recipes so I can't say about taste.

    When we are in compromised health, ie cancer, we want to pump the optimal amount of nutrients into our bodies to help restore and repair our diseased parts. Juicing is so key (and easy).

    No one really has any monetary benefits to your juicing in the big picture. Once you invest in the juicer you're set for years. You don't have to keep buying expensive products--just produce that you would hopefully be buying anyway--just in larger amounts.

    This is not snake oil. This is basic nutrition. I surely hope your hubby would be supportive of any investment you make for your health. Sometimes we have to try many things before we find the one that fits us.

    Not everyone is going to want to juice, but ifyou have any interest by all means, what do you have to lose? I surely don't benefit monetarily from anything I post on here.

    good luck and keep me posted.

    I'm at work and have to get back......

    hope this helps.

    peace, emily
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    2bhealed said:

    Sorry for the delay
    Hi Lisa,

    Sorry it's taken time to get back to this......'tis the season.

    Let's talk "sugar". Personally, I think all refined sugar should be eliminated from the diet when we're talking healing cancer. Why take the chance. There is no nutritional aspect to "sugar" be it raw or otherwise.

    Yes, everything breaks down into "sugars" but there is a big difference to the body when you're getting simple sugars or complex carbs with fiber. It's all about insulin uptake.

    You could try Agave Nectar. It tastes wonderful to me and is lower on the glycemic index. I think the drops you may be referring to is Stevia which is an herb and does not mess with insulin what so ever. You can get it in powder form too in the vitamin aisle. It's quite strong and a little goes a LONG way. It tends to be bitter if you use too much. I bake with it or use it for puddings. I don't believe any artificial sweeteners are beneficial for health.

    Now to Juicing VS Blending. Yes, any raw foods are going to give you the benefit of the enzymes. The thing about juicing is that you will get QUANTITY of enzymes that are easily assimliated into your system since the juicer has "pre-digested", if you will, the juice by separating it from the fiber. How many of us will actually sit down and eat the amount of produce listed in my recipes? But in juicing you gain the nutritional bennies and your body doesn't have to work as hard to digest it.

    I haven't tried blending my recipes so I can't say about taste.

    When we are in compromised health, ie cancer, we want to pump the optimal amount of nutrients into our bodies to help restore and repair our diseased parts. Juicing is so key (and easy).

    No one really has any monetary benefits to your juicing in the big picture. Once you invest in the juicer you're set for years. You don't have to keep buying expensive products--just produce that you would hopefully be buying anyway--just in larger amounts.

    This is not snake oil. This is basic nutrition. I surely hope your hubby would be supportive of any investment you make for your health. Sometimes we have to try many things before we find the one that fits us.

    Not everyone is going to want to juice, but ifyou have any interest by all means, what do you have to lose? I surely don't benefit monetarily from anything I post on here.

    good luck and keep me posted.

    I'm at work and have to get back......

    hope this helps.

    peace, emily

    Thanks, Emily!
    Hi Emily,

    Thanks for getting back to me- yes, it "tis the season" of being busy, busy! I had chemo yesterday, so I'm just kind of staying in today- don't feel like going out in the rain anyhow. Agave nectar- that's the one I couldn't remember! I really liked the taste of it & will buy it again (gotta find a different bottle though- the one I bought from Henry's leaked terribly everyone time I tipped the bottle). Stevia was the other one & I did think it tasted bitter, so maybe I was using too much- trying to satisfy my sweet tooth, I guess. I did recently notice that when I sweetened my coffee the other day with as much sugar as I used to put in it, it tasted horribly and unbearable sweet. That's a good sign, I guess, that my taste buds are adjusting to less sugar. I'm planning on continuing the lessening until I can get down to almost none. I do think I will buy a juicer, after all.
    Thanks again, and enjoy your Christmas and New Year's.

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,064 Member
    lisa42 said:

    Thanks, Emily!
    Hi Emily,

    Thanks for getting back to me- yes, it "tis the season" of being busy, busy! I had chemo yesterday, so I'm just kind of staying in today- don't feel like going out in the rain anyhow. Agave nectar- that's the one I couldn't remember! I really liked the taste of it & will buy it again (gotta find a different bottle though- the one I bought from Henry's leaked terribly everyone time I tipped the bottle). Stevia was the other one & I did think it tasted bitter, so maybe I was using too much- trying to satisfy my sweet tooth, I guess. I did recently notice that when I sweetened my coffee the other day with as much sugar as I used to put in it, it tasted horribly and unbearable sweet. That's a good sign, I guess, that my taste buds are adjusting to less sugar. I'm planning on continuing the lessening until I can get down to almost none. I do think I will buy a juicer, after all.
    Thanks again, and enjoy your Christmas and New Year's.


    Lunch Break....
    Ok Lisa...I can try this again.

    Blending is going to make a mush or veggie smoothie. Not knowing what a veggie smoothie tastes like I won't knock it until I try it. Taste aside, the blending is not going to separate the juice from the fiber like a juicer will do. So then your body will still have to work on the digestion part of it. Less digestive work = more energy for healing.

    I know a guy who came to my Juicing Workshop who is living a completely Raw Foods lifestyle. I think he used the blender in creative ways but I personally don't have the experience with it so I can't share anything first hand.

    Have you ever gone to Kris Carr's website? She wrote Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips. I'm pretty sure she does some green smoothies with avacodos and veggies. If you try it out and it rocks, please let me know. I always like learning something knew. I have just stayed with what works for me and I what I know. Not because I am not adventurous, but only because then I don't have to think about it.....5 kids yada yada yada....'nuff said! :-)

    keep me posted!

    peace, emily
  • choihe
    choihe Member Posts: 9
    Many Thanks
    Hi Emily,

    Thank you so much for the wealth of info. on juicing, ph balance, and so on. I actually bought the juicer and took the heavy enzyme diet for my husband.

    Somebody told me the other day that green vegi-juicing may interfere with chemo treatment and advised me to start juicing treatment for my husband after chemo treatment is completed.

    Have you heard anything about that by any chance? What your saying here makes a lot more sense, but want to be sure if you heard anything about this?

    Thank you so much for your input!

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,064 Member
    choihe said:

    Many Thanks
    Hi Emily,

    Thank you so much for the wealth of info. on juicing, ph balance, and so on. I actually bought the juicer and took the heavy enzyme diet for my husband.

    Somebody told me the other day that green vegi-juicing may interfere with chemo treatment and advised me to start juicing treatment for my husband after chemo treatment is completed.

    Have you heard anything about that by any chance? What your saying here makes a lot more sense, but want to be sure if you heard anything about this?

    Thank you so much for your input!


    chemo and juicing
    Hi Amy,

    Well, I have no personal experience with chemo and juicing and I am not a Naturopathic doctor so I can't draw from education either. So i will have to refer to the experienced and educated ones:

    I looked in Quillin's book Beating Cancer With Nutrition to see what he said about it. Surprise! He prefers blending the veggies rather than juicing! Oh well. I followed Max Gerson's ideas when it came to juicing because I had personal experience knowing a mother who cured her son's cancer with juicing. They were in our homeschooling group so I could draw from her knowledge and experience. It was so beneficial to actully know someone first hand who had done this. We all can read success stories but to really know the person makes a big difference. But I digress.

    At this moment I haven't found anything to contraindicate juicing during chemo, but that doesn't mean it's not out there. I am only saying I don't have anything at this time to substantiate what the oncologists are saying. If I weren't this minute walking out the door to go Christmas shopping I would research it more for you. I loaned my Gerson book to someone and never got it back. But try googling Max Gerson and see if there is anything out there about chemo and juicing. This is the first time I have heard anything like this. I have heard about oncs who don't want you to have antioxidants but not veggies. That doesn't surprise me though. They would prefer to feed them donuts and ice cream than veggies I guess. Ok that was a cheap shot I know, but honestly, oncologists (in my experience) give no healthy nutritional advice.

    Sorry I can't be more helpful about this. After the New Year I will have to look into this more.

    peace, emily
  • choihe
    choihe Member Posts: 9
    2bhealed said:

    chemo and juicing
    Hi Amy,

    Well, I have no personal experience with chemo and juicing and I am not a Naturopathic doctor so I can't draw from education either. So i will have to refer to the experienced and educated ones:

    I looked in Quillin's book Beating Cancer With Nutrition to see what he said about it. Surprise! He prefers blending the veggies rather than juicing! Oh well. I followed Max Gerson's ideas when it came to juicing because I had personal experience knowing a mother who cured her son's cancer with juicing. They were in our homeschooling group so I could draw from her knowledge and experience. It was so beneficial to actully know someone first hand who had done this. We all can read success stories but to really know the person makes a big difference. But I digress.

    At this moment I haven't found anything to contraindicate juicing during chemo, but that doesn't mean it's not out there. I am only saying I don't have anything at this time to substantiate what the oncologists are saying. If I weren't this minute walking out the door to go Christmas shopping I would research it more for you. I loaned my Gerson book to someone and never got it back. But try googling Max Gerson and see if there is anything out there about chemo and juicing. This is the first time I have heard anything like this. I have heard about oncs who don't want you to have antioxidants but not veggies. That doesn't surprise me though. They would prefer to feed them donuts and ice cream than veggies I guess. Ok that was a cheap shot I know, but honestly, oncologists (in my experience) give no healthy nutritional advice.

    Sorry I can't be more helpful about this. After the New Year I will have to look into this more.

    peace, emily

    yes, thanks for the help & your research!!

    I can’t thank you enough for your immediate response on my question of the juicing vs. veggies. Really appreciate your open feedback.

    I’ll certainly look into Max Gerson’ s opinion as well. Please forward any information you may find on this subject to the site. I find your information so helpful! I wish I had found this group sooner (may be I could have prevented my husband’s advancing Colon cancer from stage 3 to 4.

    Thanks again,

  • shmurciakova
    shmurciakova Member Posts: 906 Member
    Hi Emily!
    I hope you are having an awesome holiday season! I just went skiing today then came in here and checked this site for the first time in a while! I am glad to see that so many people are STILL benefiting from your advice! I e-mailed myself your recipies again and I will dust off my juicer! Write me some day if you are bored and have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We gained 11 seconds today over yesterday, woo hoo!

    Susan H.
  • mykidsmommy
    mykidsmommy Member Posts: 76
    Yeah For Me
    Well, I have "thinking" about juicing, and i knew when I was ready I would get on this website, as I remembered a cool lady (emily the juice chick) who was always touting it's praises. Here's my deal, after cancer and chemo, I wasn't "ready" to do anything life changing, as to do that seemed to me to be allowing IT to control my life, and I wanted to go on wit life as I had always know it, and pretend it was the same. Wel,, I am now in the part of this journey where I know i need and I want to do something to help my body fight. I have been coming to this decision slowly, and I now I am here. Sugar and red meat - I totally get that point Emily, but I am not there yet - This year it will be about juicing. And I was SO EXCITEd to see this board with all my questions answered.
    Emily - Thank you for all you have done to be an amazing example of this healthy lifestyle. By sharing this information, taking the time to write it out and keeping in touch on this board, you have touched many people. Including me.
    Thank you
    Today I buy my juicer!