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  • joj56
    joj56 Member Posts: 13
    Kanort said:

    Hi Jeri,

    I am glad you have found our group and that you have gotten such great information from fellow survivors. You became a survivor the day you were diagnosed so wear that hat proudly!!! I was diagnosed stage 3 in October of 2003 and have remained cancer free since completing my chemo in July of 2004. I was one of the first patients in my area to receive Folfox and was able to complete all 12 cycles without too many problems. On my first treatment, the nurses forgot to give me any anti-nausea meds, and I ended up in the hospital with a bowel obstuction as a result. So, be sure and asked for the meds and you will be fine.

    You sound like you have a great attitude and that will serve you well in your battle. I wore bright colors to chemo and always had on seasonal or funny socks. They served as an icebreaker to those around me getting infused. Since I always went to my treatments alone, I spent a lot of time making new friends with those in infusions chairs next to me.

    Come here often, Jeri, for support and information. We will be with you on your journey to complete healing.



    Hi Kay
    Thanks for the comments. When you did the Folfox does tha mean it included the 48 hours wearing the portable pump? I am so glad to hear you did not have too rough of time with it.
    Great idea wearing bright colors and seasonal socks.
    Did the treatments get any rougher the more you had?
    I think it is a great idea to wear bright colors and seasonal socks. Thanks for that idea.
    How often do you have to have check ups and are you considered cancer free now? Did you work during your treatment?
    Love your pic with the cutie doggie.
    Thanks again for the encouraging words. I will be back here frequently.