The Cure
I agree that we have to think every time there is an election about who will best help us with cancer research and all of our other pet agendas. There is so much science that is religiously and politically charged. I know you didn't intend to begin a debate. We have a large audience and I for one want everyone to feel welcome. It doesn't matter if you can dance or even know who The Cure is. This site is for all of those with colon cancer and/or care givers. We are one and all of us need a hug today. (((((Those touched by this disease.)))))) Thank you nanuk for making us think.scouty said:Hi Bud,
I think the "mistake" you made was that you mentioned stem cell research. THAT is very politically charged...remember the accusations that Micheal J Fox was faking his Parkinson's disease effects. Now I am not trying to open a can of worms just stating what I think came across as political and you should not feel like everytime you post you get into trouble. You make us think!!!!! I thank you for it.
AND you can dance great and I look forward to dancing with you in Nastyville, oops Nashville in September.
Lisa P.0 -
Emily you are TOO funny!2bhealed said:Stacy!
Did you say Alternative? Hey, that may all fine and dandy for you but don't try to shove your alternative music down my throat. You may like alternative music and it may work for you but I prefer to not listen to that stuff. It's not been confirmed through Billboard Magazine to be conducive to feelings of eurphoria nor has it been proven that it actually creates a dance environment.
Thanks, but no thanks. I'm sticking to my Folk music.
WARNING: please advert your eyes.....
(((((((((((((nanuk)))))))))))))))) kiss kiss smooch smooch !!! Thanks for the good laughs. You and Sponger made my day with this post. (and you too stacy! haha)(I actually thought it might be about the movie that was filmed in my old town in MN about the little boy with AIDS done in the '90s)(and knowing nanuk and his movies.....).
anyway, for the record bud, I support your idea. (Sponger, not sure if you get my vote for Student Council since you have been known to fondle the Treasury).
peace, emily who is apolitical but maybe can get passionate about this issue
Stacy<----who is MAJORLY celebrating her Chicago Bears cruising to the SUPERBOWL BABY!!!!0 -
Since you posted this political message on all of the boards, I thought a little rebuttal was in order.
This message sounds good as long as you only look at the broad picture and ignore the details. If youve actually been paying attention to the issue, none of the politicians have supported a complete ban on stem cell research. In fact, I just donated a bunch for research a few months ago. Only a few politicians even support a total ban on stem cell research on cells from aborted fetuses. The actual aim of the politicians that are in favor of any ban at all is only on banning research on stem cells collected using methods that politicians on both sides of the debate consider immoral. The problem is that the judges appointed by the political party that supports the use of these methods of collecting stem cells for research the most, wont allow the lawmakers to ban just certain methods of collecting the cells. As a result, this forces an almost total ban on the use of aborted fetus stem cells, in order to prevent the methods that both sides consider immoral. In effect the people supposedly support the stem cell research, are also the ones most responsible for its being banned.
The primary method under fire is a method that was developed because the best stem cells for research come from the brains of fetuses 10 months after conception. Since the human gestation period is slightly under 9 months, and sucking brains out of one-month-old babies is illegal, they use the definition of life given by the previously mentioned judges to skirt the law. That definition is that a baby isnt alive until it is completely out of the mother. They use drugs to delay the labor until the end of the tenth month. At this time they turn the baby so it is delivered feet first, and face down. As you can probably guess, babies dont fit through the cervix very good at ten months. The babys shoulders may need to be crunched a bit, but all they need is access to the base of the scull. They arent too concerned about the babys pain since they dont intend to allow it to live. They then shove a tube through the base of the skull and suction out the brain to collect the stem cells. This kills the baby and deflates the head so the baby can be removed the rest of the way, and thrown away. Many of us consider this murder. This procedure is commonly referred to as a partial birth abortion. Youve probably heard the term used numerous times.
Although I would love it if a cure were found for my cancer, I would rather die from it then have children murdered to find the cure. Since the white house, the congress, and the senate passed the current ban, it appears a majority of the politicians agree.0 -
I don't believe that I indicated what kind of stem cell research I supported; therefore you can't assume that I have a position, or that I am not paying attention to the issue.donaldo said:Since you posted this political message on all of the boards, I thought a little rebuttal was in order.
This message sounds good as long as you only look at the broad picture and ignore the details. If youve actually been paying attention to the issue, none of the politicians have supported a complete ban on stem cell research. In fact, I just donated a bunch for research a few months ago. Only a few politicians even support a total ban on stem cell research on cells from aborted fetuses. The actual aim of the politicians that are in favor of any ban at all is only on banning research on stem cells collected using methods that politicians on both sides of the debate consider immoral. The problem is that the judges appointed by the political party that supports the use of these methods of collecting stem cells for research the most, wont allow the lawmakers to ban just certain methods of collecting the cells. As a result, this forces an almost total ban on the use of aborted fetus stem cells, in order to prevent the methods that both sides consider immoral. In effect the people supposedly support the stem cell research, are also the ones most responsible for its being banned.
The primary method under fire is a method that was developed because the best stem cells for research come from the brains of fetuses 10 months after conception. Since the human gestation period is slightly under 9 months, and sucking brains out of one-month-old babies is illegal, they use the definition of life given by the previously mentioned judges to skirt the law. That definition is that a baby isnt alive until it is completely out of the mother. They use drugs to delay the labor until the end of the tenth month. At this time they turn the baby so it is delivered feet first, and face down. As you can probably guess, babies dont fit through the cervix very good at ten months. The babys shoulders may need to be crunched a bit, but all they need is access to the base of the scull. They arent too concerned about the babys pain since they dont intend to allow it to live. They then shove a tube through the base of the skull and suction out the brain to collect the stem cells. This kills the baby and deflates the head so the baby can be removed the rest of the way, and thrown away. Many of us consider this murder. This procedure is commonly referred to as a partial birth abortion. Youve probably heard the term used numerous times.
Although I would love it if a cure were found for my cancer, I would rather die from it then have children murdered to find the cure. Since the white house, the congress, and the senate passed the current ban, it appears a majority of the politicians agree.
I guess people read what they want. My motivation for the post was the fact that out of 10,000 Grants from NCI, only 500 even mentioned metasistis. (that's Grants, not dollars, so multiply by tens of millions) If you are stage IV, this gets personal.0 -
This is simply wrong. The controversy surrounding the stem cell research is based on the belief that life begins at conception and that all life is worth preserving. The truth is that these cells are obtained from blastocysts - the stage reached 4 or 5 days after conception consisting of about 100 cells. These blastocysts are generally the unwanted product of invitro fertilization and are slated for destruction. No one is killing ten month fetuses to harvest stem cells. These would not even qualify as embryonic cells.donaldo said:Since you posted this political message on all of the boards, I thought a little rebuttal was in order.
This message sounds good as long as you only look at the broad picture and ignore the details. If youve actually been paying attention to the issue, none of the politicians have supported a complete ban on stem cell research. In fact, I just donated a bunch for research a few months ago. Only a few politicians even support a total ban on stem cell research on cells from aborted fetuses. The actual aim of the politicians that are in favor of any ban at all is only on banning research on stem cells collected using methods that politicians on both sides of the debate consider immoral. The problem is that the judges appointed by the political party that supports the use of these methods of collecting stem cells for research the most, wont allow the lawmakers to ban just certain methods of collecting the cells. As a result, this forces an almost total ban on the use of aborted fetus stem cells, in order to prevent the methods that both sides consider immoral. In effect the people supposedly support the stem cell research, are also the ones most responsible for its being banned.
The primary method under fire is a method that was developed because the best stem cells for research come from the brains of fetuses 10 months after conception. Since the human gestation period is slightly under 9 months, and sucking brains out of one-month-old babies is illegal, they use the definition of life given by the previously mentioned judges to skirt the law. That definition is that a baby isnt alive until it is completely out of the mother. They use drugs to delay the labor until the end of the tenth month. At this time they turn the baby so it is delivered feet first, and face down. As you can probably guess, babies dont fit through the cervix very good at ten months. The babys shoulders may need to be crunched a bit, but all they need is access to the base of the scull. They arent too concerned about the babys pain since they dont intend to allow it to live. They then shove a tube through the base of the skull and suction out the brain to collect the stem cells. This kills the baby and deflates the head so the baby can be removed the rest of the way, and thrown away. Many of us consider this murder. This procedure is commonly referred to as a partial birth abortion. Youve probably heard the term used numerous times.
Although I would love it if a cure were found for my cancer, I would rather die from it then have children murdered to find the cure. Since the white house, the congress, and the senate passed the current ban, it appears a majority of the politicians agree.
Your opposition to late term abortion is another topic entirely.0 -
This posting gives false and misleading information. The original posting mentioned stem cell research without defining how he (Bud) felt the stem cells were to be obtained. This posting does not contribute to the support function of this site.donaldo said:Since you posted this political message on all of the boards, I thought a little rebuttal was in order.
This message sounds good as long as you only look at the broad picture and ignore the details. If youve actually been paying attention to the issue, none of the politicians have supported a complete ban on stem cell research. In fact, I just donated a bunch for research a few months ago. Only a few politicians even support a total ban on stem cell research on cells from aborted fetuses. The actual aim of the politicians that are in favor of any ban at all is only on banning research on stem cells collected using methods that politicians on both sides of the debate consider immoral. The problem is that the judges appointed by the political party that supports the use of these methods of collecting stem cells for research the most, wont allow the lawmakers to ban just certain methods of collecting the cells. As a result, this forces an almost total ban on the use of aborted fetus stem cells, in order to prevent the methods that both sides consider immoral. In effect the people supposedly support the stem cell research, are also the ones most responsible for its being banned.
The primary method under fire is a method that was developed because the best stem cells for research come from the brains of fetuses 10 months after conception. Since the human gestation period is slightly under 9 months, and sucking brains out of one-month-old babies is illegal, they use the definition of life given by the previously mentioned judges to skirt the law. That definition is that a baby isnt alive until it is completely out of the mother. They use drugs to delay the labor until the end of the tenth month. At this time they turn the baby so it is delivered feet first, and face down. As you can probably guess, babies dont fit through the cervix very good at ten months. The babys shoulders may need to be crunched a bit, but all they need is access to the base of the scull. They arent too concerned about the babys pain since they dont intend to allow it to live. They then shove a tube through the base of the skull and suction out the brain to collect the stem cells. This kills the baby and deflates the head so the baby can be removed the rest of the way, and thrown away. Many of us consider this murder. This procedure is commonly referred to as a partial birth abortion. Youve probably heard the term used numerous times.
Although I would love it if a cure were found for my cancer, I would rather die from it then have children murdered to find the cure. Since the white house, the congress, and the senate passed the current ban, it appears a majority of the politicians agree.
****0 -
donaldo's issues do not belong here at this site. It is totally inappropriate and unfortunate, especially since he himself has received stem cells for his lymphoma. Even though they were his own stem cells, he has benefitted from the research. Shame, shame!!donaldo said:Since you posted this political message on all of the boards, I thought a little rebuttal was in order.
This message sounds good as long as you only look at the broad picture and ignore the details. If youve actually been paying attention to the issue, none of the politicians have supported a complete ban on stem cell research. In fact, I just donated a bunch for research a few months ago. Only a few politicians even support a total ban on stem cell research on cells from aborted fetuses. The actual aim of the politicians that are in favor of any ban at all is only on banning research on stem cells collected using methods that politicians on both sides of the debate consider immoral. The problem is that the judges appointed by the political party that supports the use of these methods of collecting stem cells for research the most, wont allow the lawmakers to ban just certain methods of collecting the cells. As a result, this forces an almost total ban on the use of aborted fetus stem cells, in order to prevent the methods that both sides consider immoral. In effect the people supposedly support the stem cell research, are also the ones most responsible for its being banned.
The primary method under fire is a method that was developed because the best stem cells for research come from the brains of fetuses 10 months after conception. Since the human gestation period is slightly under 9 months, and sucking brains out of one-month-old babies is illegal, they use the definition of life given by the previously mentioned judges to skirt the law. That definition is that a baby isnt alive until it is completely out of the mother. They use drugs to delay the labor until the end of the tenth month. At this time they turn the baby so it is delivered feet first, and face down. As you can probably guess, babies dont fit through the cervix very good at ten months. The babys shoulders may need to be crunched a bit, but all they need is access to the base of the scull. They arent too concerned about the babys pain since they dont intend to allow it to live. They then shove a tube through the base of the skull and suction out the brain to collect the stem cells. This kills the baby and deflates the head so the baby can be removed the rest of the way, and thrown away. Many of us consider this murder. This procedure is commonly referred to as a partial birth abortion. Youve probably heard the term used numerous times.
Although I would love it if a cure were found for my cancer, I would rather die from it then have children murdered to find the cure. Since the white house, the congress, and the senate passed the current ban, it appears a majority of the politicians agree.
Bud's email was NOT political per se and espouted no political party. Donaldo's email was a stinger and very political and hypocritical.
Kerry0 -
OK Stacy,StacyGleaso said:Emily you are TOO funny!
Stacy<----who is MAJORLY celebrating her Chicago Bears cruising to the SUPERBOWL BABY!!!!</p>
Now who are you for: Chicago or Indy??? I've got to hang with Peyton!! lol
Kerry (who expected a call back when the Bears won)0 -
HOLY TOLEDO!kerry said:donaldo's issues do not belong here at this site. It is totally inappropriate and unfortunate, especially since he himself has received stem cells for his lymphoma. Even though they were his own stem cells, he has benefitted from the research. Shame, shame!!
Bud's email was NOT political per se and espouted no political party. Donaldo's email was a stinger and very political and hypocritical.
Who lobbed this bomb into our midst? My little carrot juicing and coffee enema controversies pale in comparison!
ho boy.
peace, emily who is ducking for cover0 -
Yeah really! Why would anyone want to post something so disgusting and inflammatory on this board? I am shocked as this does not even take place and never would in a civilized society. I guess Donaldo just pulled this one out of his butt.2bhealed said:HOLY TOLEDO!
Who lobbed this bomb into our midst? My little carrot juicing and coffee enema controversies pale in comparison!
ho boy.
peace, emily who is ducking for cover0 -
Jose-any comment?shmurciakova said:Yeah really! Why would anyone want to post something so disgusting and inflammatory on this board? I am shocked as this does not even take place and never would in a civilized society. I guess Donaldo just pulled this one out of his butt.
0 -
What the H#$% !!!!2bhealed said:HOLY TOLEDO!
Who lobbed this bomb into our midst? My little carrot juicing and coffee enema controversies pale in comparison!
ho boy.
peace, emily who is ducking for cover
This has gotten a little off track, to say the least. Like Bud, I'll vote with my colon and there should be more research on metastatic disease. But let's not start talking about 10 month fetuses whose brains are being sucked out!
This seems totally inappropriate for this message board. We are here to support each other and share personal experiences. I'll be the first to admit that I have messed that up once or twice, BUT not by talking about brains being sucked out of 10 month fetuses! Gosh - this needs to stop!
Betsy0 -
This comment has been removed by the Moderatordonaldo said:Since you posted this political message on all of the boards, I thought a little rebuttal was in order.
This message sounds good as long as you only look at the broad picture and ignore the details. If youve actually been paying attention to the issue, none of the politicians have supported a complete ban on stem cell research. In fact, I just donated a bunch for research a few months ago. Only a few politicians even support a total ban on stem cell research on cells from aborted fetuses. The actual aim of the politicians that are in favor of any ban at all is only on banning research on stem cells collected using methods that politicians on both sides of the debate consider immoral. The problem is that the judges appointed by the political party that supports the use of these methods of collecting stem cells for research the most, wont allow the lawmakers to ban just certain methods of collecting the cells. As a result, this forces an almost total ban on the use of aborted fetus stem cells, in order to prevent the methods that both sides consider immoral. In effect the people supposedly support the stem cell research, are also the ones most responsible for its being banned.
The primary method under fire is a method that was developed because the best stem cells for research come from the brains of fetuses 10 months after conception. Since the human gestation period is slightly under 9 months, and sucking brains out of one-month-old babies is illegal, they use the definition of life given by the previously mentioned judges to skirt the law. That definition is that a baby isnt alive until it is completely out of the mother. They use drugs to delay the labor until the end of the tenth month. At this time they turn the baby so it is delivered feet first, and face down. As you can probably guess, babies dont fit through the cervix very good at ten months. The babys shoulders may need to be crunched a bit, but all they need is access to the base of the scull. They arent too concerned about the babys pain since they dont intend to allow it to live. They then shove a tube through the base of the skull and suction out the brain to collect the stem cells. This kills the baby and deflates the head so the baby can be removed the rest of the way, and thrown away. Many of us consider this murder. This procedure is commonly referred to as a partial birth abortion. Youve probably heard the term used numerous times.
Although I would love it if a cure were found for my cancer, I would rather die from it then have children murdered to find the cure. Since the white house, the congress, and the senate passed the current ban, it appears a majority of the politicians agree.0 -
Still choosing the Bears over the Colts. Closer to Chicago than Indy! lolkerry said:OK Stacy,
Now who are you for: Chicago or Indy??? I've got to hang with Peyton!! lol
Kerry (who expected a call back when the Bears won)
I enjoyed hearing from you and Merriman very much. You two are too cool! Now....about those tuxedos and thongs...LMAO
Stacy0 -
Would this be a good time to campaign for SpongeBob for Student Council President?usakat said:Ahhhhhh...the voice of reason, alas. Thank you for encouraging us to pursue CREDIBLE information, Jose. The ACS is a blessing.
Oh, and thanks for turning the virtual garden hose on us...
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