The Cure

nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Now that I have your attention: In this year of electing a president, all cancer survivors need to find the person who supports Cancer research-a-ie; stem cells, which could very well bring the cure to all cancer. Vote with your colon.

The politics of cancer can kill you..of over 10,000 grants from the National Cancer Institute, only 500 even mention metastisis..


  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    as Lance says: "Make Cancer a National Priority"
  • jams67
    jams67 Member Posts: 925 Member
    Let's leave politics off the site. We get enough of it everywhere else. Just shake hands and go back to your corners, please. jams
  • Betsydoglover
    Betsydoglover Member Posts: 1,248 Member
    jams67 said:

    Let's leave politics off the site. We get enough of it everywhere else. Just shake hands and go back to your corners, please. jams

    I actually did not think this was all that political. The topic interests me - I think cancer research is more important than putting a man on Mars (and I used to work for NASA), but that said, there is room for many opinions and I think advocating cancer research funding is not exactly overly political.

    Betsy (who sure hopes they keep on researching colon cancer!)
  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    jams67 said:

    Let's leave politics off the site. We get enough of it everywhere else. Just shake hands and go back to your corners, please. jams

    I guess politics are not an appropriate topic; how about economics?
    When one dose of monoclonal anti bodies costs $30,000.00, something is very wrong; I question whether or not some oncologists can remain altruistic when they obviously share in the booty
    one way or another. Follow the bucks-whoops, looks like I fell back into the abyss of politics..
  • CAMaura
    CAMaura Member Posts: 719 Member
    nanuk said:

    I guess politics are not an appropriate topic; how about economics?
    When one dose of monoclonal anti bodies costs $30,000.00, something is very wrong; I question whether or not some oncologists can remain altruistic when they obviously share in the booty
    one way or another. Follow the bucks-whoops, looks like I fell back into the abyss of politics..

    I had eight doses of monoclonal antibodies -- in the form of my anti-nausea drug EMEND. I paid nothing (my onc secured samples for his patients), but if I had been charged, Merck would have worked to reimbursed the charges (about $150.00 per pill or per dose...I really cannot remember). I had a good outcome; it kept me out of the ER (when NOTHING else would work)!!
    Things are not always so incredibly black and white - us against them. This is a group or very strongly-opinionated people. I do not always like or agree with some of the opinions (or even enjoy some posts), but we are here kicking...and we are human first, cancer patients or survivors second; so I'm thrilled that we can still disagree!
    All the best - Maura
  • CAMaura
    CAMaura Member Posts: 719 Member
    CAMaura said:

    I had eight doses of monoclonal antibodies -- in the form of my anti-nausea drug EMEND. I paid nothing (my onc secured samples for his patients), but if I had been charged, Merck would have worked to reimbursed the charges (about $150.00 per pill or per dose...I really cannot remember). I had a good outcome; it kept me out of the ER (when NOTHING else would work)!!
    Things are not always so incredibly black and white - us against them. This is a group or very strongly-opinionated people. I do not always like or agree with some of the opinions (or even enjoy some posts), but we are here kicking...and we are human first, cancer patients or survivors second; so I'm thrilled that we can still disagree!
    All the best - Maura

    Oh Lord. The grammar/edit/typo police will get me. Insert: reimburse.
  • vinny3
    vinny3 Member Posts: 928 Member
    I think we all agree that more funding for cancer research, all phases of prevention and cure, is needed. In the meantime we need to keep supporting each other with advice, when we have it, and with hugs.

  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    CAMaura said:

    I had eight doses of monoclonal antibodies -- in the form of my anti-nausea drug EMEND. I paid nothing (my onc secured samples for his patients), but if I had been charged, Merck would have worked to reimbursed the charges (about $150.00 per pill or per dose...I really cannot remember). I had a good outcome; it kept me out of the ER (when NOTHING else would work)!!
    Things are not always so incredibly black and white - us against them. This is a group or very strongly-opinionated people. I do not always like or agree with some of the opinions (or even enjoy some posts), but we are here kicking...and we are human first, cancer patients or survivors second; so I'm thrilled that we can still disagree!
    All the best - Maura

    thanks Maura, but the drugs I was referring to were Avastin and Panitumumab..Emend is an anti-nausea, anti-depressant drug. I don't believe it is a monoclonal anti-body.
    I agree; we are so fortunate first to live in a free society-(meaning that politics are a given..)
    and to have this forum to express our sometmes differing views..
  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    vinny3 said:

    I think we all agree that more funding for cancer research, all phases of prevention and cure, is needed. In the meantime we need to keep supporting each other with advice, when we have it, and with hugs.


  • CAMaura
    CAMaura Member Posts: 719 Member
    nanuk said:

    thanks Maura, but the drugs I was referring to were Avastin and Panitumumab..Emend is an anti-nausea, anti-depressant drug. I don't believe it is a monoclonal anti-body.
    I agree; we are so fortunate first to live in a free society-(meaning that politics are a given..)
    and to have this forum to express our sometmes differing views..

    You don't have to believe that EMEND is a monoclonal antibody, but it is; had it not been, I would not have mentioned it. The facts about it and how it helps nausea are written in the package insert...

    No biggie, though...chemo is an expensive expedition, monoclonal antibody or not...
  • rthornton
    rthornton Member Posts: 346 Member
    nanuk said:

    I guess politics are not an appropriate topic; how about economics?
    When one dose of monoclonal anti bodies costs $30,000.00, something is very wrong; I question whether or not some oncologists can remain altruistic when they obviously share in the booty
    one way or another. Follow the bucks-whoops, looks like I fell back into the abyss of politics..

    I agree with you Bud. It doesn't sound to me like you are bringing up many different political issues to be debated, but merely suggesting that we think about which elected representatives have an interest in promoting research that might lead to a cure. If we don't take steps to elect research-friendly politicians, then we shouldn't be too surprised when would-be research dollars are wasted on pointless construction projects or whatever. I don't see it as a Republican vs. Democrat or Conservative vs. Liberal issue. It's just a matter of supporting candidates who represent your interests. I think this is a good place to spread the word about which candidates support research and which propose cutting NCI funds.

  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Bud -

    I agree with Rodney (and ****, of course, too!)

    I think that here in America cancer has been made into a political issue - I believe it was then-President Nixon who declared a "war against cancer". As long as taxpayers fund NCI grants and the Congress passes legislation that would seem to either facilitate or impede the ability of researchers to conduct cancer-cure research it IS a political issue; certainly for those of us living here in the US and most probably for those living in other countries as well.

    Your message - which I didn't perceive as "political" but more "socially responsible" - was in the very same vein as our mantra about being an educated patient when dealing with one's medical team. You didn't pick a side, you didn't call out names, you didn't really even tell us how or what you personally think - politically speaking. You merely urged each of us to think the impact our vote may have on the future of cancer research in this country. I believe that's as important as considering what impact your vote may have on your ability to marry, your accessibility to various social programs, how much you pay in taxes, etc. It's all part of the bigger picture we need to consider.

    I hope your posting made people think. That's what this DISCUSSION board is about - people discussing sometimes differing viewpoints in a respectful, educated manner. Thank God (uh-oh, am I mixing politics and religion?) we live in a country where we have the freedom to urge people to be better informed consumers of not only their medical care, but also their Government.

    Thanks for your stimulating post, Bud!

    - SpongeBob

    This message paid for by the SpongeBob for Student Council President Campaign Fund; USAKAT Treasurer.
  • StacyGleaso
    StacyGleaso Member Posts: 1,233 Member
    When I saw the title of this post, I thought it was going to be about the 80s alternative band. Bummer....

    Tee hee,

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,067 Member

    When I saw the title of this post, I thought it was going to be about the 80s alternative band. Bummer....

    Tee hee,



    Did you say Alternative? Hey, that may all fine and dandy for you but don't try to shove your alternative music down my throat. You may like alternative music and it may work for you but I prefer to not listen to that stuff. It's not been confirmed through Billboard Magazine to be conducive to feelings of eurphoria nor has it been proven that it actually creates a dance environment.

    Thanks, but no thanks. I'm sticking to my Folk music.


    WARNING: please advert your eyes.....

    (((((((((((((nanuk)))))))))))))))) kiss kiss smooch smooch !!! Thanks for the good laughs. You and Sponger made my day with this post. (and you too stacy! haha)(I actually thought it might be about the movie that was filmed in my old town in MN about the little boy with AIDS done in the '90s)(and knowing nanuk and his movies.....).

    anyway, for the record bud, I support your idea. (Sponger, not sure if you get my vote for Student Council since you have been known to fondle the Treasury).

    peace, emily who is apolitical but maybe can get passionate about this issue
  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member

    When I saw the title of this post, I thought it was going to be about the 80s alternative band. Bummer....

    Tee hee,


    OMG! The same thing ran through my mind when I saw the subject line! You and Em are too funny.

    The Cure and Depeche Mode RULE!
    Emily!!??? Doing WHAT with the treasury? Are you accusing me of comingling funds!
  • rthornton
    rthornton Member Posts: 346 Member
    spongebob said:

    OMG! The same thing ran through my mind when I saw the subject line! You and Em are too funny.

    The Cure and Depeche Mode RULE!
    Emily!!??? Doing WHAT with the treasury? Are you accusing me of comingling funds!

    Yeah, when I saw the subject line I wondered if Robert Smith himself had been diagnosed with colon cancer.
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Hi Bud,

    I think the "mistake" you made was that you mentioned stem cell research. THAT is very politically charged...remember the accusations that Micheal J Fox was faking his Parkinson's disease effects. Now I am not trying to open a can of worms just stating what I think came across as political and you should not feel like everytime you post you get into trouble. You make us think!!!!! I thank you for it.

    AND you can dance great and I look forward to dancing with you in Nastyville, oops Nashville in September.


    Lisa P.
  • shmurciakova
    shmurciakova Member Posts: 906 Member
    Thank you Bud for being one of the people with "balls"! How refreshing! Lately it seems that we are walking on eggshells here and that is not how it should be. Barring anything deliberately hurtfull to other members we should be able to post what we think and not worry about "getting in trouble".
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,067 Member
    spongebob said:

    OMG! The same thing ran through my mind when I saw the subject line! You and Em are too funny.

    The Cure and Depeche Mode RULE!
    Emily!!??? Doing WHAT with the treasury? Are you accusing me of comingling funds!

    I meant fondling the Treasurer!

    Dude, okay, I have to admit I went through my punk/New Wave phase complete with spiked hair (a la mullet) very tight zipper jeans and ripped t-shirts before I went back to my hippie folkie Birkie wear. Oh well.

    peace, emily whose wear today consists of mukluks and anoraks.....
  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    2bhealed said:

    I meant fondling the Treasurer!

    Dude, okay, I have to admit I went through my punk/New Wave phase complete with spiked hair (a la mullet) very tight zipper jeans and ripped t-shirts before I went back to my hippie folkie Birkie wear. Oh well.

    peace, emily whose wear today consists of mukluks and anoraks.....

    whew...sure glad you went back to the hippie mode;not sure what I would have done if I saw a punker w/spiked hair dancing in the road..