Caught in the Insurance Cogs!

KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Ok, so I'm probably preaching to the choir, but THIS made me SO DARN MAD!!! Hope you all don't mind me venting.
I am scheduled for my last chemo on Wednesday of this week, appt with onc yesterday to review. BILLER called and said "Please don't come in today, your insurance company owes us money". After initial panic, I got pissed. I HAVE an HMO, for goodness sakes, NOT SUPPOSED to be affected by billing junk. So, after a few phone calls and threats to both insurance and onc's biller (medical board, insurance board formal complaint, talk to lawyer about refusal of treatment, etc) I said I WOULD be coming for appt AND treatment. All of a sudden, everyone played nice-nice. Turned out blame should be spread half with biller (billing wrong or late) half with insurance (paying slow or 'losing' claims).
But, as I said to both, Listen, guys, I AM BATTLING SOMETHING FAR GREATER HERE, and this is MY LIFE you guys a playing with....I WILL do WHATEVER is necessary to complete my treatment!
(Mumbling to myself).
Thanks for listening....going for treatment on Wednesday, by the way....last one (I hope)!!!


  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member
    Give 'em Hell girl!! I went through similar problems when the doctors office billed late and the insurance company refused to pay. It is so frustrating because it is NOT your fault and beyond your control.

    Take care.

  • terril
    terril Member Posts: 296
    Hi Kathi!
    This is such a crock. I cannot believe these companies do not realize there are lives depending on chemo. Fight!!!Fight!!!! You have come so far!!! Sometimes we have to get mean. I have found that when our lives are being played with like a game of chess, all hell breaks loose. I really believe these companies have no idea. Don't mess with a person with cancer. How dare you!!!
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    I can relate to your situation too. I had some trouble getting approved for Erbitux. It seems once you get tough, they change their tune.
    Glad you got it straighened out and are having your last round!
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    PhillieG said:

    I can relate to your situation too. I had some trouble getting approved for Erbitux. It seems once you get tough, they change their tune.
    Glad you got it straighened out and are having your last round!

    I hate getting political but sometimes there is a cause worth venting about and the crap you guys go thru warrants some pretty strong words. I am curious here Kathi. What happens if you have no insurance your way?Do the poor who are unable to pay just get told, "tough luck" don't get lifesaving treatment?I guess your ins. companies require written referals for your treatment?
    I will tell you our situation here in oz.Insurance is encouraged and indeed we had "full family" cover until our kids were able to work themselves and have their own insurance.But then the government brought in "public health" care system called MEDICARE payed for by taxpayers as a "levy...another word for tax"which all workers contributed to. So in essence we all payed "twice" if we chose to have a "private" insurer as well. The cost to my family on "private insurance" was getting out of hand....the cost about $3,200.00 p/annum.We thought it unfair to have to pay both ways so opted out of "private" insurance which left us on the goverment MEDICARE system(paid by MY taxes)
    The interesting part of all this is that my surgery, chemo and other meds. costed me NOTHING.My resection cost me nothing thru medicare.
    However a friend with "private" insurance for surgery still had to pay 100's of dollars because he used his insurance company policy. The only cost to me was once I was released from chemo and the outpatients hospital service I pay any further expenses(pro-rata)....a so called "gap" between the doctors/specialists bill and the fee paid by medicare for future tests/bloods etc.It costs ME around $100--200 for each follow up service.
    If I have an ultrasound the cost is $200.00 approx. Medicare only pays a certain amount....I pay about $100.00approx.
    Basically what it means is this. Every ozzie gets so-called "free" health care(which it is not because our taxes pay for it)We can choose to have a private insurer if we wish...and pay thru the nose for it!
    There are advantages and disadvantages.If we choose both we pay twice!
    Private insurance; choice of doctor, private hosp. room,(access to PRIVATE hospitals as well as public), any medical conditions treated straight away....but....there is still a "gap" payment in most cases and doctors/specialist charge top dollar.Some insurers only will pay to an amount on procedures.
    Public health scheme...MEDICARE;
    no real choice of doctors,some elective surgery you have to wait months for(ie...hip replacements)....but emergency surgery is immediate usually. "Gap" costs are kept low.Surgery is done at "public hospitals" wherever possible.
    This is only a very small indication of how things work here, it does get very involved.I shudder every time I see you guys post about the huge costs where you are and feel very fortunate over here. It still costs a lot to get follow up tests/treatment but is doable.It makes me so sad, so should need to have the burden of financial cost as well as cancer. It sucks big time!Sorry for the lengthy post guys but no matter where we look there is much injustice that should never be.
    huggs to you all dear friends.Kathi....yah get an extra one sweetie!
    Ross and Jen
  • suezav
    suezav Member Posts: 42
    ross, insurance here stinks, stinks, stinks!! however, hospitals do offer charity care. my daughter had no insurance when dx last april. no doctor turned her away because of that. we filled out the endless paperwork to get her charity care but then, through a miracle, we were able to get her insurance. this made things much easier. actually, just went on line today to look at what the insurance company has been charged since may 05 and the total was over $499,000.00!! what do you expect when 6 pills for nausea (emend) cost $566.00? Anyway, your system sounds better down there. susan
  • JADot
    JADot Member Posts: 709 Member
    Hi Kathi:

    I am so sorry to hear about the grief they gave you! I think it's a crying shame that we the citizens of the US who seem to always have a few hundred billion dollars to spare for a war here and there, but no national health care system! It makes me want to scream.

    When I had my surgery my insurance company didn't pay for one day of my hospital stay, citing that it was medically unnecessary - hmmm...let's see, I couldn't eat because my colon was not awake enough to poop, so I was fed through an IV line but that was not necessary. I didn't know to scream or cry. Ended up having to pay almost $4,000 out of pocket. aaahhhhh!

    Have you thought about calling your local congress man/woman? I am sure one of them needs a high horse to ride for their next give-me-your-money-and-your-vote rally.

    ...and as if your doctor hasn't made enough money to give you one treatment on credit...aaaaahhhhh....I don't blame you for being upset.

    Hope you'll never have to go to another chemo again. Many many healing waves to you!

    Best of luck!
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    kangatoo said:

    I hate getting political but sometimes there is a cause worth venting about and the crap you guys go thru warrants some pretty strong words. I am curious here Kathi. What happens if you have no insurance your way?Do the poor who are unable to pay just get told, "tough luck" don't get lifesaving treatment?I guess your ins. companies require written referals for your treatment?
    I will tell you our situation here in oz.Insurance is encouraged and indeed we had "full family" cover until our kids were able to work themselves and have their own insurance.But then the government brought in "public health" care system called MEDICARE payed for by taxpayers as a "levy...another word for tax"which all workers contributed to. So in essence we all payed "twice" if we chose to have a "private" insurer as well. The cost to my family on "private insurance" was getting out of hand....the cost about $3,200.00 p/annum.We thought it unfair to have to pay both ways so opted out of "private" insurance which left us on the goverment MEDICARE system(paid by MY taxes)
    The interesting part of all this is that my surgery, chemo and other meds. costed me NOTHING.My resection cost me nothing thru medicare.
    However a friend with "private" insurance for surgery still had to pay 100's of dollars because he used his insurance company policy. The only cost to me was once I was released from chemo and the outpatients hospital service I pay any further expenses(pro-rata)....a so called "gap" between the doctors/specialists bill and the fee paid by medicare for future tests/bloods etc.It costs ME around $100--200 for each follow up service.
    If I have an ultrasound the cost is $200.00 approx. Medicare only pays a certain amount....I pay about $100.00approx.
    Basically what it means is this. Every ozzie gets so-called "free" health care(which it is not because our taxes pay for it)We can choose to have a private insurer if we wish...and pay thru the nose for it!
    There are advantages and disadvantages.If we choose both we pay twice!
    Private insurance; choice of doctor, private hosp. room,(access to PRIVATE hospitals as well as public), any medical conditions treated straight away....but....there is still a "gap" payment in most cases and doctors/specialist charge top dollar.Some insurers only will pay to an amount on procedures.
    Public health scheme...MEDICARE;
    no real choice of doctors,some elective surgery you have to wait months for(ie...hip replacements)....but emergency surgery is immediate usually. "Gap" costs are kept low.Surgery is done at "public hospitals" wherever possible.
    This is only a very small indication of how things work here, it does get very involved.I shudder every time I see you guys post about the huge costs where you are and feel very fortunate over here. It still costs a lot to get follow up tests/treatment but is doable.It makes me so sad, so should need to have the burden of financial cost as well as cancer. It sucks big time!Sorry for the lengthy post guys but no matter where we look there is much injustice that should never be.
    huggs to you all dear friends.Kathi....yah get an extra one sweetie!
    Ross and Jen

    Holland works that way, too. In about a year or so I will be there (Holland) at least part time...thanks for the info!
    America is private insurance, but Medical if not high income. Sometimes these people get more cutting edge than us private people, but not always. I have a HMO, almost everything was paid for me, too. BUT they play games, 'lose' claims, etc. AND I pay $450 per month for just me. I pity the less able people as well as the ones that can't read very well....home chemo needs to be precise!
    Thanks for the support.
    I AM having the treatment tomorrow, and then I can start working on NED!!!!
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    JADot said:

    Hi Kathi:

    I am so sorry to hear about the grief they gave you! I think it's a crying shame that we the citizens of the US who seem to always have a few hundred billion dollars to spare for a war here and there, but no national health care system! It makes me want to scream.

    When I had my surgery my insurance company didn't pay for one day of my hospital stay, citing that it was medically unnecessary - hmmm...let's see, I couldn't eat because my colon was not awake enough to poop, so I was fed through an IV line but that was not necessary. I didn't know to scream or cry. Ended up having to pay almost $4,000 out of pocket. aaahhhhh!

    Have you thought about calling your local congress man/woman? I am sure one of them needs a high horse to ride for their next give-me-your-money-and-your-vote rally.

    ...and as if your doctor hasn't made enough money to give you one treatment on credit...aaaaahhhhh....I don't blame you for being upset.

    Hope you'll never have to go to another chemo again. Many many healing waves to you!

    Best of luck!

    Thanks, my dear. Actually, I'm lobbying with ACS. I'm definitly bringing this stuff up. Everyone is blaming everyone else. Stupid. And what of the people that listen and don't question? They miss out on VERY necessary treatment...just not fair.
    Thanks for the waves....hope I get to start counting NED days soooooon!
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    kerry said:

    Give 'em Hell girl!! I went through similar problems when the doctors office billed late and the insurance company refused to pay. It is so frustrating because it is NOT your fault and beyond your control.

    Take care.


    Thanks, Kerry, for the support!
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    terril said:

    Hi Kathi!
    This is such a crock. I cannot believe these companies do not realize there are lives depending on chemo. Fight!!!Fight!!!! You have come so far!!! Sometimes we have to get mean. I have found that when our lives are being played with like a game of chess, all hell breaks loose. I really believe these companies have no idea. Don't mess with a person with cancer. How dare you!!!

    I agree, and I fought, Terri.
    Treatment will go on as scheduled Wed.
    Then I'm DONE, I hope!!!!

    Thanks for the support.

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    PhillieG said:

    I can relate to your situation too. I had some trouble getting approved for Erbitux. It seems once you get tough, they change their tune.
    Glad you got it straighened out and are having your last round!

    Just makes no sense, will start impacting survival rates if oncs start to refuse treatment...oh, for a better system!!!
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    suezav said:

    ross, insurance here stinks, stinks, stinks!! however, hospitals do offer charity care. my daughter had no insurance when dx last april. no doctor turned her away because of that. we filled out the endless paperwork to get her charity care but then, through a miracle, we were able to get her insurance. this made things much easier. actually, just went on line today to look at what the insurance company has been charged since may 05 and the total was over $499,000.00!! what do you expect when 6 pills for nausea (emend) cost $566.00? Anyway, your system sounds better down there. susan

    Mine was over $600,000, susan....of course, insurance didn't pay THAT AMOUNT....awful!
  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member
    suezav said:

    ross, insurance here stinks, stinks, stinks!! however, hospitals do offer charity care. my daughter had no insurance when dx last april. no doctor turned her away because of that. we filled out the endless paperwork to get her charity care but then, through a miracle, we were able to get her insurance. this made things much easier. actually, just went on line today to look at what the insurance company has been charged since may 05 and the total was over $499,000.00!! what do you expect when 6 pills for nausea (emend) cost $566.00? Anyway, your system sounds better down there. susan

    I must agree with Susan about available charity. We have a county hospital here that turns NO one away. You can get your treatment. Illegal alliens can go there and get full treatment for any and all ills with NO questions asked.

    As for the wealthy doctors, I come from a family with a few folks in the medical field dispersed throughout and they are not wealthy, at least not like the insurance CEO's. Doctors pay a healthy $50,000 - $300,000 per year for malpractice insurance to protect themselves from the sue happy folks and lawyers. Yes, we need a better system, but national health insurance scares me. Like Ross said, if you need surgery you will be put on the list and maybe wait several months (if not life threatening). I am familiar with several Canadians who come here to the US for their medical treatment.

    It's a bummer system and frustrating at times. I think I would like to see insurance companies regulated and not for profit....that way those folks (doctors) who are saving my life can get about their business and we can get on with our lives. Check out insurance exec. (CEO's) they are making (average) over $500,000 per year and that doesn't include their bonuses which would probably double that.

    Ok, I have vented.

  • This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member
    Hi Kathi,

    You are going through way too much to have to be bothered with having to deal with insurance issues. As the others have stated, our systems need to be fixed and FAST!!!


  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    As Emily would say, "follow the bucks"..if the providers-(including the biggest offenders, the drug companies..) were paid according to their conribution to wellness, we would all be cured.
    Cancer is a form of terror, and should get at least as much attention..we are the pawns in a huge political chess game involving extreme greed and little compassion.
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    nanuk said:

    As Emily would say, "follow the bucks"..if the providers-(including the biggest offenders, the drug companies..) were paid according to their conribution to wellness, we would all be cured.
    Cancer is a form of terror, and should get at least as much attention..we are the pawns in a huge political chess game involving extreme greed and little compassion.

    Just to expand a little on my own statement. I for one have enormous confidence in our doctors/specialists here and the nursing guys n gals. They are all wonderfull and deserve every $ they get..and then some. What I said in my post may have been misunderstood as a swipe at our medical practitioners. Not the case....I am probably like most of you...I have an incredible aversion to insurance companies(we were ripped of in a car smash...not our fault!) so have had dealings with insurance that would blow your mind. Just to be curious I would absolutely love to see these companies audited and made to publicly announce their profits per that really would blow our minds, I am sure of it!
    National health insurance would work just fine if the powers that be would legislate correctly...and distibute funding on "priorities" using commonsense. Health care as I am sure most would agree is a high priority.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    There is no way I'd want the gov't to dictate my health care!! NO WAY!!

    My sister lives in France which has Socialized Medicine and she'd bring her kids over here for dental (their grandfather was a dentist...what does THAT tell you?). My in-laws are all Canadian....they came HERE to give birth etc.

    I think maybe the "blaim" is not in the CEO of insurance companies but in the DRUG companies that are laughing ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK with cancer care. Do you think for a minute that they don't hold the purse strings? And the pirates are getting away with it. Why? cuz we're letting them.

    They (doctors who are in cahoots with drug companies--they are wined and dined to the hilt) have us all so scared of cancer and the drug companies hold the "magic bullets" that they wave under our noses with false promises.

    I read an article about a doctor who sued a patient when she decided to not do chemo and instead healed naturally. The doctor claimed that he lost income due to her not doing his treatment so HE SUED HER!!! To the tune of $300,000 from what he could have made from off her breast cancer dx.

    Ok I gotta go do some yoga breathing now to dispell this negative energy from this issue. haha

    Drug companies can be evil. Don't be fooled.

    peace, emily who supports her local organic farmers over the mega drug companies any day!!!!
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    2bhealed said:

    There is no way I'd want the gov't to dictate my health care!! NO WAY!!

    My sister lives in France which has Socialized Medicine and she'd bring her kids over here for dental (their grandfather was a dentist...what does THAT tell you?). My in-laws are all Canadian....they came HERE to give birth etc.

    I think maybe the "blaim" is not in the CEO of insurance companies but in the DRUG companies that are laughing ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK with cancer care. Do you think for a minute that they don't hold the purse strings? And the pirates are getting away with it. Why? cuz we're letting them.

    They (doctors who are in cahoots with drug companies--they are wined and dined to the hilt) have us all so scared of cancer and the drug companies hold the "magic bullets" that they wave under our noses with false promises.

    I read an article about a doctor who sued a patient when she decided to not do chemo and instead healed naturally. The doctor claimed that he lost income due to her not doing his treatment so HE SUED HER!!! To the tune of $300,000 from what he could have made from off her breast cancer dx.

    Ok I gotta go do some yoga breathing now to dispell this negative energy from this issue. haha

    Drug companies can be evil. Don't be fooled.

    peace, emily who supports her local organic farmers over the mega drug companies any day!!!!'d think I could spell blame correctly for crying out loud!
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    2bhealed said:'d think I could spell blame correctly for crying out loud!

    Just blame it on chemo.....I do....great excuse!