Caught in the Insurance Cogs!



  • Dowling2548
    Dowling2548 Member Posts: 4
    2bhealed said:

    There is no way I'd want the gov't to dictate my health care!! NO WAY!!

    My sister lives in France which has Socialized Medicine and she'd bring her kids over here for dental (their grandfather was a dentist...what does THAT tell you?). My in-laws are all Canadian....they came HERE to give birth etc.

    I think maybe the "blaim" is not in the CEO of insurance companies but in the DRUG companies that are laughing ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK with cancer care. Do you think for a minute that they don't hold the purse strings? And the pirates are getting away with it. Why? cuz we're letting them.

    They (doctors who are in cahoots with drug companies--they are wined and dined to the hilt) have us all so scared of cancer and the drug companies hold the "magic bullets" that they wave under our noses with false promises.

    I read an article about a doctor who sued a patient when she decided to not do chemo and instead healed naturally. The doctor claimed that he lost income due to her not doing his treatment so HE SUED HER!!! To the tune of $300,000 from what he could have made from off her breast cancer dx.

    Ok I gotta go do some yoga breathing now to dispell this negative energy from this issue. haha

    Drug companies can be evil. Don't be fooled.

    peace, emily who supports her local organic farmers over the mega drug companies any day!!!!

    I would just like to chime in. I had cancer in 2003 and then again in 2004. I’ve been with the same horrible company that told me that I won’t ever get promoted by anyone who finds out I had cancer. The only reason I stay is because I fear losing my health insurance.

    Anyway, I always tell my HR person who questions me (I had knee surgery two weeks ago for extensive arthritis, possibly from chemo) that the reason I paid my insurance premiums all those years was so I would be insured against things like cancer. That seems to either go over their heads or they don’t care???

    Anyway again, the reason we all pay for health insurance is to be insured against situations like this.