
Stuckinmo Member Posts: 2
Hi - I'm new to the boards and after looking around I see alot of posts from people who have been diagnosed within the last few years. I'm a little different. I was diagnosed with lyposarcoma 19 years ago. Had the tumor removed from behind my left knee and had radiation. This was before Manual Lymph Drainage message so the following 10 years the leg got bigger and bigger. About five years ago my doctor noticed many lumps beneath the surface so a surgeon removed a huge area to biopsy (negative thank God) and couldn't close the incision because the skin in that area was so destroyed by the radiation. The area never healed so I have an open wound there and cronic infections. I also have varying degrees of pain all day every day. I do wear a compression stocking and see a MLD message therapist which helps to some degree. Is anyone else dealing with this?


  • elizabeth4567
    elizabeth4567 Member Posts: 4
    I am sorry that you are having to deal with the pain and lymphodema. I, too, am a long time cancer survivor and have had times of lymphodema in my arm. Thankfully it resoved itself over time. I do not have specific ideas for you but there is a discussion group of over 300 long term cancer survivors where there are others with lymphodema. All of us are dealing with chronic pain as well. You might want to post your question there to get some good ideas. The url is You are not alone. Elizabeth at
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