New here

Just diagnosed with Eye Cancer. Currently using Chemotherapy eye drops. Anyone else have experience like this?


  • FrankDi
    FrankDi Member Posts: 1 Member

    My wife was diagnoses with ocular melonoma 18 months ago. Within 2 weeks she had plaque radiation. Since then the tumor has shrunk and as her doctor put it is dead. However on her 18 month mri which was only this past tuesday it was revealed that it may ha e mets to her liver. We will see next week what the plan is.

  • uncleturk
    uncleturk Member Posts: 2 Member

    Thanks and good luck!!

  • ashleemondo
    ashleemondo Member Posts: 2 *

    I was just diagnosed with that same cancer. I'm waiting for my marker surgery to get radiation. I'm sorry to hear that it has spread. I'll be thinking of her.