Metastasis to Peritoneum

michaelmcc Member Posts: 2 Member

Has anyone had colon cancer that has metastasized to the peritoneum that can share some positive recovery experience with me? I started immunotherapy yesterday and know it can be effective but feeling a little down and could use to hear some stories of recovery.


  • sgold88
    sgold88 Member Posts: 86 Member

    I'm very sorry that you are dealing with this. I'm sure you have probably discussed this with your care team, but HIPEC might be an avenue worth pursuing. Decent outcome likely hood/ extension of life timelines are quite favorable when successful.

  • michaelmcc
    michaelmcc Member Posts: 2 Member

    Thank you! Yes, we've discussed HIPEC as a possibility after the Immuno. Right now praying the Immuno is working but won't know for sure until January after the PET. I appreciate your response.

  • RonHutch
    RonHutch Member Posts: 2 Member

    I’ve had colon cancer but it didn’t metastasize. I’m so sorry that you are having to go through this and I will be praying that the Immuno is working for you. Best wishes and Prayers. 🙏

  • AbhishekSingh
    AbhishekSingh Member Posts: 1 Member

    Hi , My Mom has colon cancer with Peritoneal Mets.

    Unfortunately, She is MSI - Stable. Hence , Immunotherapy was not prescribed for her.

    She is on FOLFLOX chemo regime

  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member

    I had mets to the peritoneum and a majority of lymph nodes that were removed. That was 10 years ago. I have been in treatment since, various chemos and drug trials. My fourth drug trial - immunotherapy - worked to keep most of the cancer stable or killed. A couple of the tumors in my lungs misbehaved, so had them treated with proton therapy last month. Being tired from treatments is the big issue. Also some damage from radiation to my back caused weakness in my left leg. Do have some pain from back surgery to remove tumors, but it is pretty much controlled at this point.

    A few things used on me since I started were not available 10 years ago. Each day brings something new.

    I started triathlon training 3 years after I got DX, which has helped keep my going. The leg has held me back, but I started trying to run and bike again the last week or so.

  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member

    Microsatellite stable (MSS) was something that precluded immunotherapy treatments when I was first diagnosed. In fact when I went for a second opinion when my cancer spread, they confirmed that immunotherapy was not used/researched for MSS, but that research looked to be starting. 5 years later or so, I wound up in a immunotherapy drug trial (I am MSS). And it worked for me. Always worth looking into drug trials that may work. Also getting a detailed work up of the generic make-up of your cancer may show which treatments may work. Some places do this automatically. There is also Foundation which will do the testing.

    And one last thing that I learned relatively recently - MSS can turn MSI over time from various treatments or otherwise.

  • beomie33
    beomie33 Member Posts: 4 Member

    this is giving me a lot of hope. wishing you all the best ❤️

  • beomie33
    beomie33 Member Posts: 4 Member

    i dont have any advice but my mom is in the same boat, i hope your treatment goes well! im wishing you all the best.