NavDX positive test



  • hipchef99
    hipchef99 Member Posts: 25 Member

    UPDATE: on mets from my Head and Neck HPV SCC P16. After 7 months of the NavDX blood test going up and not showing up on a PET scan. It showed up with a 1.1cm tumor on my left lung. They removed the Tumor on Oct 14th in Virginia Mason hospital in Seattle. I got another NavDX blood test back this week still showing a positive level of 18. This is from a high before surgery of 210. My Tumor pathology report came back with PERTINENT POSITIVE FINDINGS: PD-L1 expression for Keytruda (CPS=60)….. I start my Keytruda next week and every 6 weeks for two years.I will be doing the NavDX every 3 months along with a PET scan. I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving and a wonderful holiday season……..Bill…….P.S. my Ct guided biopsy of the tumor originally showed negative for PD-L1. It just shows you how much more info you get from the tumor…..

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,499 Member

    Congrats, hipchef, on a successful surgery to remove the tumor from your lung.

    Also, congrats to have a good care team to put together a good 2-year plan to monitor and get rid of any cancer totally and bring you a victory of NED.

    Blessings and a happy and fulfilling Thanksgiving to you and your family also.

    Wishing You The Very Best

    Take Care, God Bless,



  • bulldoug
    bulldoug Member Posts: 2 Member

    Newby here…….Thanks to everyone for sharing their experiences as there is a wealth of info in this thread. Having gone thru most of the thread here I noticed the number/scoring of the NavDx test is considerably lower compared to the results I have received. My oncologist has been ordering the NavDx tests for me since 10/2023 and my numbers have ranged from a low of 257 to a high of 46000. I am currently in METS stage (liver and bone). Originally diagnosed BOT HPV P16+ in 2016, and Prostate cancer 2020. BOT treatment was chemoradiation, and prostate was surgically removed. PSA tests consistently less than 0.01.

  • OhNoItsMe
    OhNoItsMe Member Posts: 23 Member

    I think yours can be attributed to a metastasis with a vengeance just as mine was a recurrence with a vengeance. My recurrence was diagnosed around 10 months after finishing treatment and my score was 36,000. After treatment of that recurrence (now almost 3 years ago) it has been 0 ever since.

  • bulldoug
    bulldoug Member Posts: 2 Member

    That gives me hope OhNoltsMe. I’m going through my second type of chemo treatment (first one carboplatin, 5 flourosil, keytruda was unsuccessful) since METS and my recent NavDx score is 753. Scans show lesions in liver shrank from 3cm down to .6 cm. I’m in year 8 of this marathon.

  • BluegrassSurvivor
    BluegrassSurvivor Member Posts: 1 Member

    Two questions regarding NavDX:

    1. For those doing periodic NavDX tests, are quarterly tests the most common sequence or every six months?
    2. How long after successful treatment (e.g., surgery, rad, chem, immuno) does it take for the NaxDX results to go to zero, i.e., negative?

  • Loghomeliver
    Loghomeliver Member Posts: 22 Member

    My husband had quarterly NavDx testing done, and that continued for 2 years. At the 2 year mark his NavDx spiked from 12 to 73 and they found a very small liver met, which was removed via a scope using robotic assisted tech. They continued to test quarterly, until he had 3 negative (zero) tests, then moved his testing to a every six months schedule. I think it just really depends on the results they are seeing during the post treatment phase.

    His NavDx came down from 31, 000 midway through treatment to 174 on his last treatment day and then to zero at the 30 day post treatment mark.

  • OhNoItsMe
    OhNoItsMe Member Posts: 23 Member

    My Drs like to do it three weeks prior to each of my 3 month appointments. My Drs are the ones that developed the test at UNC.

    They also recommended waiting 3-4 months post treatment before the first post treatment test before that it can show positive as the radiation may still be working in your body to kill the cancer

  • Chillg8r
    Chillg8r Member Posts: 87 Member
    edited January 25 #210

    If not for NavDx I’d be going in for quarterly scans. Instead I’m choosing to go in for a quarterly NavDX test and annual scans and believe that is a more accurate way to track my situation.

    My NavDx score went to zero about 13 months Into my Pembro immunotherapy trial.

    Just my situation.

  • Loghomeliver
    Loghomeliver Member Posts: 22 Member

    So glad to hear your surgery was successful and that you are a candidate for immunotherapy. Wishing you all the best!

  • Loghomeliver
    Loghomeliver Member Posts: 22 Member

    That sounds like a very sound follow up plan. As long as the NavDx remains at zero, I think annual scans will prove to be enough. It sure beats having to deal with the scanxiety!

  • robinsmith046
    robinsmith046 Member Posts: 8 Member

    I am getting NavDx tests every 4 months for the first 3 years with an annual PET scan. (I am approaching my one-year anniversary and just had my scan this morning.) My NavDx went to zero immediately after surgery and has stayed at zero so far 🤞

  • hipchef99
    hipchef99 Member Posts: 25 Member

    Update: I had Surgery in Oct for a 1.1cm tumor on my left lung. This was mets from my Head and neck cancer I had in 2021. My NavDX before surgery was 210 and after surgery it was 18. I had a PET in the first part of January that showed a Nodule that didn't show anything in the last 3 PET scans going from 3mm and no uptake to 5mm and SUV 2.3. I now have two doses of Keytruda on board. My Rad team says to wait and see what the Keytruda does and get another PET scan in 3 months. My Oncologist says the something. My Surgeon said he could do a wedge and take it out. I'm going to wait a few months to see what my next NavDX on Feb 10th says and then repeat the PET in April. By the time I do my next PET scan I will have 4 doses of Keytruda under my belt……I hope everyone is doing well…Bill

  • Chillg8r
    Chillg8r Member Posts: 87 Member

    i realize everyone is different but I had 2 ”nodules” that metastasized to my lungs, one measuring 1.1cm and one measuring 7mm, after my course of radiation and chemo. My Treatment plan was for a clinical trial of Pembro with added parts of the HPV vaccine injections every 3 weeks. I didn't have any surgery or additional chemo and my side effects from Pembro were minimal, although it did blow out my thyroid. My NavDx scores went from 240 before rads and chemo to 58 after. It went from 58 to zero after one year on the trial and its remained at zero for 2.5 years so far. I’m waiting on my latest NavDx score which I should get next week. Pembro is AMAZING, at least in my case! I hope it is for you all As well. IMO the key is doing your best to enjoy every day during the process. Not to let your circumstances run you. Again, JMO.

  • jjohnnsice
    jjohnnsice Member Posts: 1 *

    have they done a genetic sequence test on your tumor, if it some back positive then i cant see why they wouldnt start it immediately, dont be afraid to explore with a new provider. my first provider never even did a genetic sequence test, even after mine cancer had metastasized, my nest provider ran the test after my first visit. i think a lot of the decision is the finacaials of the provider, what can we do and hope it still works and make the most money my first PET after the new facility, the cancer had spread all over my chest, it took 5 treatment one every 3 weeks and my cancer was gone.