
jbeck7406 Member Posts: 3 Member
edited March 2023 in Rare and Other Cancers #1

38yrs old diagnosed with Angiosarcoma in my breast , NEVER had any cancer, radiation exposure before , (which In Most cases is the cause) . I had a full mastectomy then week later had a re excision in chest wall … with this cancer being so rare and aggressive and doctors not having enough knowledge with treatments and all that yet, I’m a bit worried . I live in Nebraska and am hoping to see a specialist at Mayo Clinic in hopes of a doctor reviewing my case to get the right treatment. Only problem is they don’t take my insurance .. it’s just a scary thing not knowing the how’s and why’s and what to do next …


  • 2519
    2519 Member Posts: 1 *

    I am currently undergoing treatment and they are using the Mayo Clinic protocal. I do not see an update from you, but hoping you were able to get the treatment you needed. Any feedback would be appreciated. M

  • jbeck7406
    jbeck7406 Member Posts: 3 Member

    update :

    Well everything’s been good so far . After having both surgeries to remove tumor and NOT undergoing any chemo or radiation treatments , no signs of recurrence!! I’m just living my life as usual and staying 100% positive !!!
    one thing I do know is BEING YOUR OWN ADVOCATE IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, only you know yourself the best , doctors are wonderful ppl but if you think for one second something is wrong then most likely something is wrong . Getting a second opinion or second scan is most definitely what saved my life . !! You got this keep fighting love STAY ACTIVE AS MUSH AS POSSIBLE EVEN WHEN YOU ARENT FEELING WELL , PUSH YOURSELF ❤️!!!!!#POSITIVE VIBES #F***CANCER