Positive Margins

Two days after wide local excision to remove vin iii lesions, someone from my doctor's office called to tell me the patholgy report says margins are not clear. But, the girl said, the doctor says don't pay attention to it, because he ablated (?) tissue beyond the area excised. Honestly, I'm a bit ticked off that the doc is so cavalier about this. He's so unconcerned, he can't even be bothered to call. Grrr. Patholgy report clearly states margins are positive!


  • Cometsmom
    Cometsmom Member Posts: 17 Member

    I just wanted to reach out to you as sometimes this board is quiet. I understand how upset you must feel. I'm sure you have questions you need answered, by the doctor. Do you have a follow up soon? I'd ask all the questions HE should've given you answers/info about. On Monday I'll be three weeks out from a partial vulvectomy for VIN III. My pathology showed positive margins as well. We are doing close 3 month follow ups for at least a year. I had this before about 20-25 years ago with the same surgery. I'm 59 now, with no issues or problems since then. I'm hoping I'll never have to worry about this again.

    Get your questions answered. That's the doctor's responsibility. I wish you all the best.

  • skippingLiz
    skippingLiz Member Posts: 13 Member

    Thank you for your note! Btw, do you have a kid named Comet? I have a Jack Russell named Comet !😃

  • Cometsmom
    Cometsmom Member Posts: 17 Member

    our black lab was my Comet ❤️

  • skippingLiz
    skippingLiz Member Posts: 13 Member

    Comet's are the best!!! ❤️

  • angelenaawbrey77
    angelenaawbrey77 Member Posts: 10 Member

    My margins were left unclear on my 2nd vulvectomy and the surgeon retired before my follow up. This is what I did. I called my insurance company and they assigned me a cancer care coordinator. She was unable to find a gyn onc surgeon in my area but she found one in new Orleans. I had to get a referral from my general practitioner. Then she gave me information about a service called Angel flights. They have free medical transportation by air. They flew me to my appointments in a cesna. I hope this helps. Find a surgeon. Get a referral then call angel flights. You can find them with a quick Google search

  • angelenaawbrey77
    angelenaawbrey77 Member Posts: 10 Member

    Dont waste time. I waited a year and the margins that were VIN 3 progressed to stage 1b in that time.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,477 Member

    Visitor from the Uterine board (I like to check on my gyn sisters).

    First so glad to see there members here to support eachother. The hardest part if finding others who really understand and can walk with you, as they have walked themselves.

    I agree with others to seek a second opinion.

    Hugs all. I can't tell you how my heart things of you all.