Preparing for Surgery



  • ProfWagstaff
    ProfWagstaff Member Posts: 105 Member

    My DaVinci was 15 years ago but I don't recall any swelling of the scrotum. I do remember having a very dry mouth for a full day after surgery due to the breathing tube they inserted and later removed while I was under. They got me up and walking with support a few hours after. I also remember being awake all night following the surgery because I slept so much when coming out of it so make sure there's a tv in your room or it's a long boring night.

    Post discharge, I basically wore sweatpants until catheter removal. Sweats are very comfortable and will help conceal the leg bag so I could walk the 20 steps to my mailbox without drawing attention.

    While I did not have a lot of pain post surgery, I did find it more comfortable to sleep in a recliner chair for the first few nights.

    Any other questions, just give a shout.

  • Neil637_NJ
    Neil637_NJ Member Posts: 2 Member

    Hi - Firstly, I wish you as great an outcome that I had. I had robotic assisted RP March 20, 2024. I traveled from my hometown in NJ to Temple University Hospital and Dr. Daniel Eun. My wife and I stayed overnight in a hotel before my scheduled scheduled 6:30 AM appointment. I was given excellent instructions re: food restrictions (liquid diet only) and preparation. I also was provided with a package of sterile wipes that I was to clean myself with after the evening shower, and in the AM before reporting to the hospital. My surgery was uneventful, but longer than what we anticipated (6 ours). The reason for the duration was that my surgeon also removed two benign bladder diverticuli and adjacent lymph nodes. I woke with 6 small incisions left from the robot and camera. All incisions were closed with internal, dissolving sutures, and external sterile glue. No bandages or wrappings. My initial anesthesia recovery was uneventful and I had no nausea or side effects. I stayed overnight in the hospital and was discharged to home with a Foley catheter. The 2-hour car ride home was a bit uncomfortable and at times, I felt "woozy", but no other symptoms. The first night and following day were the worst of the recovery process. My belly was incredibly distended and it was most uncomfortable and made taking a deep breath nearly impossible. I did struggle to use the incentive spirometer than I was given to increase my lung capacity. Pain was never an issue, and I managed without any narcotics. My belly distention and associated discomfort subsided after day 2 and I was relatively comfortable. Don't be alarmed at the amount of frank blood that accumulates in the Foley catheter bag. It's going to look like cherry KoolAid for several days before returning to a normal urine color. Best to drink plenty of water and fruit juices to get back to a normal urine output. I also supplemented with Pedialyte (or generic) to re-balance my electrolytes. Also, follow instructions closely re: stool softeners and/or laxatives. You do not want to be straining your belly or internal organs during a bowel movement. I slept in a recliner for the first week, as it was more comfortable than lying flat on my back - I suppose that's a personal choice. I didn't have much of an appetite for nearly a week+ but slowly returned to eating normally. I had the Foley catheter removed on day 10 with no problems. By the third week post-surgery week, I was nearly fully continent, though I continued wearing light pads for insurance. As for ED, I was given a 90 day course of 5mg Cialis (generic) to increase blood flow to my pelvis / penis. On the 4th week post-surgery I woke with an erection. I was pre-warned "not to play with it" 😄 since it was too early to attempt any sexual activity. I'm now at the 11 week mark and everything is functioning normally as it was pre-surgery. The only difference is that my orgasms are dry (as expected, since there is no prostate or seminal vesicles to produce semen). My urine output is normal and my stream is strong and straight. I did have some urgency associated with urination, but I've adapted to not waiting until the last minute to void, and the issue has subsided. My final pathology was "clean margins", no spread of cancer to lymph nodes (all benign) and a 95% chance that I would not have a recurrence. I neglected to mention earlier that my cancer was limited to scattered sites (foci) within my prostate and graded a Gleason 7 (3+4). I wish you good luck and a great outcome. If you'd like to speak via phone, I'm happy to do that and will provide my number discreetly.

  • Marlon
    Marlon Member Posts: 85 Member

    Thank you for that detailed description. It was more informative than the doc's pamphlets.

  • lesjanes
    lesjanes Member Posts: 61 Member
  • lesjanes
    lesjanes Member Posts: 61 Member

    Thanks ! Evryone is different and I hope to avoid any negative effects of surgery, Going thr physical therapy to strengthen my pelvic floor.

  • RonB
    RonB Member Posts: 45 Member

    Thanks so much for sharing your experience. It's greatly appreciated and profoundly beneficial.

    Best regards,


  • Neil637_NJ
    Neil637_NJ Member Posts: 2 Member

    My pleasure Ron. I figure it's a version of "paying it forward" and I hope it's helpful. Pardon my typos…
