Whipple Attack

I've only had 3 episodes that i think are Whipple attacks... And only recently (within the last month). I was whipped June 2, 2020 and I have been NED since Oct 2. Last month, i was asleep during the day, in my recliner, and had a sharp pain in my abdomen that awakened me & only lasted about 30 seconds. The second two lasted about a minute and felt like a vice/childbirth contraction right below my braline &across my diaphragm. It seemed to help by stretching & doing deep relaxing breathing. 


Is this a whipple attack or something I should go to doctor about? I have telemed with GI on 17th & he's well informed on all things Whipple; i also have telemed with surgeon next week.


  • Dadhood
    Dadhood Member Posts: 5 Member
    10 years of first-hand Whipple operation side effects

    I was diagnosed in 2011 with pancreatic cancer on January 5th of 2012 I was given the Whipple may I say the Whipple operation laid me out my God I thought I knew what pain was until then when I woke up from the surgery under my breath I beg God to kill me I'm so ashamed of that but I would do it again it's terrible but you know what I'm alive my first grandbaby was born 5 days later on the 10th of January I'm so blessed if you feel and worry that you might die then you're dead already if you get a live then do it all the way no fear no regrets understand that each day you wake up in the morning is it day you shouldn't have look at it that way life is so much better that's just the plain facts of it the deal with it get on living shut your eyes and don't open them no more may God bless us all

  • WhippledMidTN
    WhippledMidTN Member Posts: 3 Member

    Almost 10 years post Whipple here. Still having attacks that range from a few hours to 8 weeks apart.

    Last night about 8pm I had the worst one ever that lasted three times longer than usual. All I could do was collapse on the basement floor where I was working at eat it. Had another, fortunately 1/4 as bad, at 3am that finished any rest for that night.

    Im still looking for folks like myself to search for a reduction or elimination of these attacks. My surgeon is disengaged, PCP can’t find anything. Something causes this and something makes it recede.

    I’m determined to figure this out.

    Am looking for any and all suggestions.


  • WhippledMidTN
    WhippledMidTN Member Posts: 3 Member
    edited September 3 #4

    About a year ago I read that the Whipple takes out your gall bladder and the output of the liver runs continuously since the regulation system, triggered by hormones in the (now gone) duodenum no longer regulates it.

    So the ‘Draino’ from the liver works on what’s left of your small intestine even if they are empty. So, not being able to do anything about that, I started 4 smaller means a day and a handful of nuts/raisins/etc just to keep the pipes more busy. Since February, I have only had one very, very light attack. I’m no doc and wouldn’t claim anything here, but the increase of eating frequency, with the same total amount of food, happened simultaneously with the attacks disappearing. (Throw in bleeding ulcers as the side show. Had two bleeds that required cautery a two bags of blood both times plus 4 days in the hospital.) Taking Sucralfate twice daily seems to have put that in abeyance hopefully. Had a grizzled night shift nurse say she used that too and it knocked her ulcers for good.)

    A side note: my reading revealed that iron is almost totally absorbed in the duodenum. 10 yr post-Whipple, my iron absorption was 4% and 20 is the male minimum. 🙄

    Surgeon and 2 PCPs over 10y never raised it. Finally an angel lady on the Facebook WhipAttack group said … “Go get an iron infusion! It gave me my life back.” Now I’m back at the gym like I was 50 and have tons of energy. Hate I lost 10 yrs dragging, but at least I know now. Been 6 mo since the infusion. Will be interesting to see if I will need another. My induction doc said you can get iron sublingually. So I’m going to see it that helps maintain iron so I can skip infusions.
