Really long term effects of cobalt radiation?



  • tyiz
    tyiz Member Posts: 1 Member

    In 1958, at the age of 6, I had a mesenteric lymphangioma. It was histologically benign but growing so fast that it was inoperable. Years later an enhanced CAT scan showed dried lesions in the liver, around the heart and kidneys, so it may have been cancer, after all. The doctors decided on cobalt x-ray therapy. 66 years later, I am very much alive! I have born and raised 8 only children (every child is an only child) and worked my way through many of the negative consequences of radiation sickness. Radiation colitis resolved when I was about 22, I was very late maturing, but I eventually did grow up. Now the process has flipped and I am aging much quicker than usual. I have a lot of fibrous tissue on my intestines and a fissure, which I control with a diet high in fiber (lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains, no sugar, very little meat or dairy), Pregnancies were complicated, but I learned workarounds, I have radiation scoliosis, permanent bone damage (diagnosed as scoliosis) to my lower back, pelvis and thighs, compromised vascular system from the waist down, hypothyroidism (which is treated with armor thyroid, a desiccated preparation that works much better than synthroid or levothyroxine). One of my main struggles has been anemia. My body does not tolerate prescription or over the counter iron, but I have found that I can take food based iron and have improved. i still tire easily. I love naps! I too have excessive sensitivity to the sun. I was recently diagnosed with a triple positive breast cancer. I can't reconcile myself to any more radiation so I will be having a mastectomy soon. I wish I could find a doctor here that specializes in long term consequences of cobalt radiation. I did meet recently with a radiologist and he told me that he does not radiate children. I hope that they have found better protocols.