Lung issues 10 years after Ivor Lewis surgery

beth71 Member Posts: 1 Member
edited December 2023 in Esophageal Cancer #1

My husband is a 10 year survivor, with minimal negative quality of life issues. He had the Ivor Lewis full removal of his esophagus. However, apparently after intermittent reflux through the years, last year he developed a lung absess (infection) which made him very sick. (They thought it could be lung cancer at first view of the CT scan, so it could be worse.) He was put on a prescription reflux medication because he probably got this from aspirating food. Also,heavy antibiotics to kill the infection and the absess decreased in size. We are not sure it ever went away completely because he has started having the symptoms again 10 months later and sure enough, the CT scan showed the old one, plus some opacities in his other lung. He was told to see the pulmonolgist asap. Of course he can't get an appt until January! They are trying to work him in. Seems like this could be serious.

I am just wondering if any other survivors have experienced this and what the corrective treatment might be. Thank you.


  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member

    Hi Beth,

    I have no personal experience with this issue, but as your post has been here for some time without an answer; I wanted to at least acknowledge your post. As an esophagectomy survivor I have certainly had my issues with night time reflux. I do sleep at an incline in an adjustable bed. But I have had very few aspiration episodes. I also take a Gaviscon tablet prior to going to bed and that seems to help reduce the reflux occurrences. Luckily, I have not had any lung infection issues.

    I might suggest you post your question on the "Smart Patients" web site under the Esophageal Cancer section at That site gets much more interactive participation from many EC survivors.

    Best Regards,


  • AuburnAmy
    AuburnAmy Member Posts: 1 *

    Hi Beth and Paul,

    My Daddy had chemo, radiation and an Ivor Lewis esophagectomy right as covid began in June of 2020. He has had multiple episodes of aspiration pneumonia. He does not choke or cough when he eats amd drinks. He has had two modified barium swallow tests and not really seeing anything terribly concerning. He wakes up in the night coughing up phlegm. We work very hard to eat early, have him sleep with his head elevated and he takes Pantoprazole 40 mg in the AM and Famotadine 20 mg in the PM. We have been suggested to try Gaviscon Advanced so I have ordered some from Amazon as it is not available in the US. I am hopeful it will help reduce the episodes of aspiration pneumonia as it sets him back with each episode. They always tell us he has opacities and ground glass appearance in his lungs when we end up in the ER. Have you had issues with aspiration pneumonia? Have you tried Gaviscon Advance? If you have tried it at bedtime, what dose do you find works best?

  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member

    Hi Amy,

    I take Omeprazole (a PPI similar to Pantoprazole) 20 MG morning and evening. I do chew 2 Gaviscon before bedtime, but I use the US brand of Gaviscon. I understand that Gaviscon Advance has a higher level of alginate in it.

  • BobHaze
    BobHaze Member Posts: 165 Member

    I'm a 12 year survivor after a Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy. Endoscopies shortly after my surgery showed inflammation that my GI doc calls Gastritis. He prescribed Omeprazole 20 mg morning and evening and I sleep on a wedge pillow with a regular pillow on top. I've had occasional reflux during the night, it's always unpleasant and it's rather scary because that's what caused my cancer in the first place. But other than that, and of course dietary issues, I really haven't had any long term negative side effects. I have chest and abdomen CT scans every other year, and endoscopies every 3 years, and so far no problems. I guess I've been lucky that I haven't had any lung issues like your husband's. I hope they're able to clear these problems up.