Dx with uterine cx 5 years ago, newly dx with breast cancer

Denise66 Member Posts: 81 Member

Has any had breast cancer after having uterine cancer? I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer in 2018. Just diagnosed with breast cancer in May. Has anyone been through this?


  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    Sorry to hear you have to deal with this! There are other women here who have had a diagnosis of breast cancer after endometrial. Primavera comes to mind. You can search her story, or I think you can message her. I think she was on the board recently. I hope she comments. Treatment for breast cancer has greatly improved.

  • Denise66
    Denise66 Member Posts: 81 Member

    Thank you so much. I just reached out to her.

  • Prayer2023
    Prayer2023 Member Posts: 33 Member

    So sorry to hear this! Praying your new diagnosis will turn out to be small and curable!

  • oldbeauty
    oldbeauty Member Posts: 381 Member

    Denice66, I am so sorry to see this development. Sending you best wishes for a thorough diagnosis and successful treatment. Are you otherwise doing well on the UC front? Oldbeauty

  • thatblondegirl
    thatblondegirl Member Posts: 388 Member

    Hi, Denise

    I’m sorry to hear this, too.

    You might have seen my recent posts about a new lung cancer diagnosis after Stage II Fallopian tube, secondary peritoneal in 2020. My research tells me as many as 1 in 6 former cancer patients will develop a new primary cancer at some point. Also, regardless of original cancer site….colon, gastric, liver, bladder, kidney….54% will develop primary lung cancer.

    When you were treated for your uterine cancer did they do genetic testing? I think there’s a genetic link between breast and GYN cancers, involving the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. I hope Primavera responds.

    I totally emphasize with the overwhelming feeling of, “Really? What now?? We’re doing this again??” It’s horrible.

    Best of luck to you. Prayers and hugs.

    ❤️, A

  • Denise66
    Denise66 Member Posts: 81 Member

    Thank you

    Yes, I had genetic testing. I have an ATM variant of unknown significance.