smelly urine after prostate surgery

paddy1 Member Posts: 5 Member
edited May 2023 in Prostate Cancer #1



  • paddy1
    paddy1 Member Posts: 5 Member

    my urine is very smelly after prostate surgery, anyone else notice this?

  • centralPA
    centralPA Member Posts: 379 Member

    Nope. I had a HoLEP.

    Id worry about infection with smelly urine, and just having had surgery. They can test it easily.

  • fallonboy
    fallonboy Member Posts: 46 Member

    After my prostate was removed from 10 years ago, there is no smelly urine. I would go to the doctor. He may want to prescribe anabiotic. good luck on you.

  • BES58
    BES58 Member Posts: 20 Member

    I had mine removed 1 month ago, I have been also noticing a smell to my urine. Today I cut out coffee, it cut back on discoloration and some of the smell but not all of it. I do have a call into my DR. as well.

  • fallonboy
    fallonboy Member Posts: 46 Member

    Hello, when my prostate was removed, I do not recall any extra ordinary urine smell.

    I wonder if it could be some kind of an infection. Do you have any fever. Yeah I would run it by the doctor.

    Good luck on you.

  • BES58
    BES58 Member Posts: 20 Member

    It's possible, as of now I'm not running a fever but warm to the touch. I'm thinking g the same with the possibility of a bladder infection. Thank you!

  • fallonboy
    fallonboy Member Posts: 46 Member

    Yep, easy to detect UTI. Antibiotics Should fix you up. Take care.

  • yegbert
    yegbert Member Posts: 1 *

    I don’t notice mine being smelly after my prostate was removed, either. a google search on that subject was what brought me here. When it was smelly, I also felt different peeing and noticed my urine cloudy in the toilet. Drinking Cranberry juice cleared mine. Something in cranberries supposedly keeps the offending bacteria from sticking to the urethra walls.

  • BES58
    BES58 Member Posts: 20 Member

    I had ended up with a bladder infection. A few meds, and a lot of water helped out. I'm drinking a fair share of cranberry juice now days.

  • belltech1275
    belltech1275 Member Posts: 1 *

    Had full prostectomy, had an infection afterwards and was given antibios. But the funny urine smell is still there.

  • BES58
    BES58 Member Posts: 20 Member

    I just went for my 4th PSA test. It is still undetectable, which makes 1 year and no cancer. I found that drinking at least half my body weight in ounces of water each day helps. But it's still not the same. It seems to be a tit for tat situation. Drink a lot of water increases the dribbles( small leaks). If not enough the color gets darker and smell increases. I'll see the Dr. on Monday. I have a list of questions for him.

  • MaK174
    MaK174 Member Posts: 1 *

    I had mine removed in July ‘23 and after the catheter was removed 7 days later I too had smelly urine, my wife also noticed the smell. It cleared up within two weeks.

  • brush_buster
    brush_buster Member Posts: 4 Member

    I had surgery 3 months ago and my urine has been very smelly. Even my wife has commented about it.

  • BES58
    BES58 Member Posts: 20 Member

    I would contact your doctor. There is a possibility of a bladder infection, some antibiotics and AZO will help. Drink plenty of water every day. God Bless and Merry Christmas

  • BES58
    BES58 Member Posts: 20 Member

    Merry Christmas Everyone. I just underwent a bladder sling surgery 2 weeks ago. So far all leakage has stopped. PSA is still undetectable at 22 months since my prostate surgery. I get to give them double the money in January. First will be a follow-up visit from surgery, then my normal 3-month visit from cancer removal.

  • LuckyKYGuy
    LuckyKYGuy Member Posts: 32 Member

    I’ve noticed as well… infections here. But I sure do pee a lot and maybe that’s why

  • BES58
    BES58 Member Posts: 20 Member

    I had a lot of trouble with leakage and peeing a lot more. on Dec 7th I had a urethral sling put in. The first night after I went a lot through the night. But I think that was due to the fact that before leaving the hospital I drank a couple gallons of water. But since then, no leakage or urinating less than every 3 hrs or so.

  • LuckyKYGuy
    LuckyKYGuy Member Posts: 32 Member
    edited January 4 #19

    I think part of my issue is that after surgery with the shortening of the urethra my penis appears as though it is “uncircumcised” and now has all this extra skin that sometimes hides the head. Using pads and pull ups I think maybe causes urine to get trapped in these folds of skin which makes the odor worse. I use a lot of wipes to clean myself after every time I go urinate which seems to help, but I’m really noticing the odor more when I first get everything out to go pee.

    The extra skin also causes an issue if you forget to pull it back as when you’re standing you have terrible aim and if you’re sitting it always will force urine out the front of the toilet seat which either soaks your pants or the floor. I’ve had to teach myself to always pull the skin back. Didn’t read about this in Dr Walsh’s book and my Dr never mentioned it either

  • BES58
    BES58 Member Posts: 20 Member

    My Urologist recommended getting a penis pump. 1. this would or should help with any feeling or shrinkage. With the extra skin, it's like being uncircumcised. I suggest keeping Cottonelle wipes in the bathroom. After you go wipe off. I also sit when I go, it helps with that to a degree. Since my sling surgery a month ago I haven't used a pad nor any Depends. At the same time, the ED pills don't seem to help in that area. So that will be a discussion

  • LuckyKYGuy
    LuckyKYGuy Member Posts: 32 Member

    Yep, I’ve been using the DuraCleanse Body wipes since I got home from surgery after every time. I was also told to stand up to urinate rather than sit down by my PT.

    i go back to my Urologist in March. Was prescribed Cialis but it hasn’t worked We will have the penis pump discussion then I am guessing.