10 years and grateful
I used to be on this board every day. It was a lifeline. I wsa very frightened and hurting. Anal Cancer put me through a lot too. But I am happy to say even though my cancer was late stage, we beat it back with the protocol treatment, chemo and radiation, simultaneously. For me it was brutal. I am alergic to Sulfa and so they could not give me the Sulfadine ointment and I had to make do throughout with just Aquaphor for the radiation burns.
Now, it is such a distant memory. It has been ten years. My last treatment was August 18, 2011. Having anal cancer taught me a lot about myself and all the people who work in cancer treatment and rehabilitation. i am very grateful. Push through it. It is worth it.
i discovered i have Lymphodema and have faced and managed it successfully.Also, If you have lymphadema as a result of the cancer invading your lymph nodes, disabling them, learning to take care of it is not hard. I now feel everyone would benefit from the self care I give myself to assist my lymphatic system. That I had it and it was discovered, was at first depressing and daunting,. But I am pleased to say, so far, it's not bad at all to do what it takes to manage it..The benefits far outweigh theh challenges.
Hang in there and keep supporting each other. The interactions on This board with survivors taught me a lot and gave me a lot of support and hope when I needed it most.
God bless you.Hang in there.