10 years
Hello everyone. I know everyone counts differently, but my anniversary (for me) is from my last treatment. Yes, it is 10 years ago today I was getting my last chemo and I write here for two reasons.
One, to give newbies hope. I know when I was diagnosed I had no idea what was in the future, and to be fair I think many of us, even with all the years, are right back there remembering everything as though it is today. While treatments have changed over the years I hope they are for the better and many of you can look forward and post yourselves on anniversaries.
Two, I do want to remember all our sisters we have lost. I carry them with me everyday. When an old post pops up and one of our dears faces and comments show it brings a smile and a tear. God bless our dear friends.
I had a floating holiday I had to 'use or lose' so I am glad I picked today. Quiet time for me with my stuffed koala bear I nearly squeezed the stuffing out of all those years ago.
I know it has been quiet on the board lately, and I know there are many out there who pop in and see if there are any posts, but feel free to use this one as a time to check in and let us all know how you are doing - like role call.
My heart is with you all and I pray for peace, healing, and cures.