My Anal Cancer Experience



  • dawn_g
    dawn_g Member Posts: 16 Member

    Cantu, you are going to do fine! I have been doing this for 3 weeks now, and although it is not fun, it is doable. I went shopping with my granddaughter today, and we went out to eat

    I sm getting treatments, but also having a life, too. I thank God for all the good things in my life , like my husband and grandkids. I know I will get through this snd be ok, and you will too.

  • Cantu
    Cantu Member Posts: 22 Member

    Thank you for you encouragement, I am still debating the treatments, let me know how you are doing the end of the month, I don’t start my treatments til October. Good luck and praying for youπŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»β€οΈ

  • dawn_g
    dawn_g Member Posts: 16 Member

    I will let you know how I am doing. Are you in any pain? It seems like a long time to wait for treatment. My prayers are with you. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈ

  • Cantu
    Cantu Member Posts: 22 Member

    Hi Dawn I will be starting my treatments in a couple of weeks and not looking forward to it, I asked what would happen if I did not take the treatments said I would only live about 18 months, with the chemo and radiation, I will have 5yrs or more. They can not do surgery because of the location of the cancer. I hope you are doing well.πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

  • Cantu
    Cantu Member Posts: 22 Member

  • Cantu
    Cantu Member Posts: 22 Member

    Hi Dawn how are you doing? I start my treatments in a week, not looking forward to it. Hope you are doing well, let me know how you are.

  • dawn_g
    dawn_g Member Posts: 16 Member

    Hi, Cantu, glad you will be starting treatment.

    I have one week and one day to go. I am feeling ok except for the "sunburn" in the area from the radiation, but they gave me medication, which helps. The treatment is a not a walk in the park but you can do it if I can do it! I will be praying for you.

  • Cantu
    Cantu Member Posts: 22 Member

    Thank you Dawn I will take all the prayers I can get. Did the radiation or chemo affect your bones. Praying for you alsoπŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

  • dawn_g
    dawn_g Member Posts: 16 Member

    No, I chose to have proton radiation because it does not hit your hip bones or bladder. I just have a lot of problems with my skin having radiation burn, especially the main area. They gave me gabapentin, which helps a lot. I have to stay in a hotel near the hospital because I live 2 hours away from them. The place I go for treatment, they are so nice and sweet. I had chemo infusions, but I am done with them. I take chemo pliis 5 days a week.

  • dawn_g
    dawn_g Member Posts: 16 Member

    Hi, Cantu, How are you doing? I havr 2 more treatments to go. I have pain fron the "sunburn" the radiation gives me but it is bearable. I just try to sew, to take my mind off of it.

  • Cantu
    Cantu Member Posts: 22 Member

    Hi Dawn how are you doing now are you still doing treatments? I do not start mine now till the 17 th oh this month. My daughter and I think about you often and hope you are doing well, did they make a mold for your bums?

  • dawn_g
    dawn_g Member Posts: 16 Member

    Hi, Cantu, today is my last treatment! Finally!!

    I will let you know how I feel afterwards, when the healing begins. God bless you with your treatments, I know you will do fine.

  • Cantu
    Cantu Member Posts: 22 Member

    Congratulations on being done! I hope you’re back to 100% soon! Thanks for the words of encouragement. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

  • JBBcancer22
    JBBcancer22 Member Posts: 1 Member

    I certainly hope you are doing much better in all ways - my husband was diagnosed with SCC stage 2 in the anus - 6th week of radiation is starting tomorrow - finished the chemo carry bag last Friday at 5pm AMEN! the radiation is now whacking him HARD! all of a sudden, his entire groin and bum areas are purple - he was hospitalized over the weekend due to severe dehydration (can't seem to get him to drink fluids with any desire) creates lots of peeing trips. the "bm" now are very sudden, explosive, loose and PAINFUL - he overexerts himself to the point he faints from pain exhaustion - I simply can't keep up with tending to him - though I do of course - could NEVER do alone -

    He is thinking of foregoing the last 4 radiation treatments out of fear of more pain - any thoughts on this ??

    so with the creams - anyone know about: - side effects, dangers, effect on pain etc


    IC Silver sulfladiazine 1%


    hydrocortisone cream usp 2.5%

    sitz bath

    Any info will be appreciated

    Thanks JBBwife

  • McG
    McG Member Posts: 14 Member

    Sorry to hear your husband is having such a hard time. We all think about chemo being difficult but radiation to the groin and anal areas is worse in some ways. The BMs are certainly the hardest part. My radiation oncologist prescribed 2.5% hydrocortisone cream for the anal area pain. Although it didn't stop all the pain it made things much easier to handle. I experienced no side effects.

    As far as stopping radiation early. NO! Even though he's struggling it's way better to complete treatments than stop early and take the chance that the job isn't finished.

    Tell your husband to hang in there (you too). The radiation side effects will fade and before you know it this will all be behind both of you. It's been 5 1/2 years since end of treatment for me and it seems much longer ago.

  • HV22
    HV22 Member Posts: 3 Member
    edited November 2022 #77

    @JBB wife: I hope your husband is doing better. I agree, finish the radiation treatment. It is a hard road. I was hospitalized for 6 days following treatment, but now I am 9 months post treatment and climbing the hill towards good health.

    Emu oil is amazing and helped healing. Lidocaine gel for the pain, which in my case was excruciating every bowel movement for 3 months post treatment. It does get better.

    Metamucil is a life saver. Used in applesauce 2x daily. Protein drinks a nd juven helped with healing the radiation damaged skin.

    Hang in there and care for yourself too. Caregivers are so important and need to be cared for too. I would not have made it without my husband.

  • twebster
    twebster Member Posts: 4 Member

  • twebster
    twebster Member Posts: 4 Member

    hello, am a survivor of anal cancer (2015) and the only thing that I find stressful is that when a bowel movement is coming, i had better be near a bathroom! the radiation oncologist told me this would be the case long term, so i really have to monitor my actions every day and only feel safe to move about in the afternoon/evening hours! it is so limiting, no early morning hikes or being out and about - does anyone have any advice for this situation? my oncologist told me to just do immodium but, sorry, that is not a viable solution!

  • Mharrington
    Mharrington Member Posts: 23 Member

    My doctor said to try Metamucil. I am one year out of treatment and have the same problem. My biggest fear is one of these days I'm not going to make it to the bathroom. I love to hike/walk but so hard to do, especially in the morning. I can go 3 or 4 times in the first 3 hours of waking . And when the urge comes, I better be close to a bathroom!

  • drpearl
    drpearl Member Posts: 28 Member

    I am also post treatment for stage 2A anal cancer. The treatment w was very harsh on my pelvic area. Skin peeled and going to the bathroom was AWFUL for about a month! I had tons of pain! I usually am very tough and rarely even take tylenol! This took me down I was heavily medicated for weeks. I remember Sept 15 th my last treatment then I remember deciding on Nov 1st I was done with my meds and quit keeping track of everything.

    Now, I'm waiting till next week for my petscan and scope apt with the surgeon. Counting on NED! Just started working part-time this week.

    I SO want my active life back, but if there isn't a toilet nearby, forget it!

    Good luck to everyone on. Treatment and those hoping to they never need it again!


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