father with possible recurrence

sandra5678 Member Posts: 9 Member
edited November 2022 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Hello, I’ve been looking through the forum at peoples experiences which have given me a little more hope than I has before. My dad was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer in 2021. Had resection and then chemo for 6 months and was NED on Dec of that same year. He just had his recent follow-up with his oncologist and his CEA level was up to 8.1. I’m a nurse so I know a little bit more than my family about what this could mean and the worry is eating me alive. My dad is in good spirits and hasn’t complained of any issues but I can’t help but worry if he has the slightest cough, back pain (he’s an oil field worker so his job is very labor intensive) or the smallest of abdominal discomfort. I’m so scared that his cancer has widely spread and there won’t be any hope for him. I’m the oldest of 5 and at 28 I have to make sure I stay strong for my mother and my youngest sibling who’s only 10. This all just feels so unfair since my dad has always been super healthy and active. He’s only 53 and I just feel like he should have so much more time than I fear he has. I guess this was more of a rant so I’m sorry about that. Any positive words would be helpful while we await his results.


  • SandiaBuddy
    SandiaBuddy Member Posts: 1,381 Member

    All sorts of things can lead to CEA increases. It is natural response to assume the worst about every ache or symptom, but in many cases these matters turn out to be nothing to worry about. I hope the test results for your father are good.

  • sandra5678
    sandra5678 Member Posts: 9 Member

    Update. CT scans were clear but we met with my dads oncologist and he’s worried about the jump in CEA level. Without any solid proof that the cancer has returned he can only monitor him. He has another appointment for blood next month and if it’s elevated again his oncologist is ordering a PET scan. I’m praying that his CEA goes back down. I’m really concerned but we can’t do much more than wait and pray.

  • SandiaBuddy
    SandiaBuddy Member Posts: 1,381 Member

    Thank you for the update. Hopefully his numbers will improve by the next blood test.

  • Capox Dude
    Capox Dude Member Posts: 127 Member

    As I noted in another post, my CEA went from normal after chemo to 15. It was not apparently due to mets, and went down to normal on its own. Best of luck to your father, but don’t think a return is inevitable solely due to a CEA number increase that low. It MAY be something - but it may be nothing. Try not to worry too much. (easy to say, I know…)

  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,290 Member

    I was a 3b who did Folfox for 6 months after colectomy, and my CEA ticked upward through 'clear' CT's and Pet's for nearly 3 years to 40 something. Finally they went and scooped 3 mets from separate areas of my liver. Nearly 2 1/2 years later they were doing it again for one more met [CEA of 17.2] near where one of the three had been. I know that, so far my story doesn't bring much comfort, but I got CRC as a 49yo, worked through all of it, even chemo, and never felt anything directly related to the cancer, ever. So don't let his regular aches and pains throw you, Also, I went through the rising numbers and twice it was the bad news of new mets. Yet I'm here, and I'm clear now 14 years beyond diagnosis, and 8 years NED since the last surgery. This is a marathon your pop is in, and it may take some time, but he's got a good shot to beat it, even if, as in my time, it's hard to see it now, and have the unwavering hope. Stay in the moment, and focus only on today and the next necessary thing, as much as you can. I hope the numbers drop back down, but know that even if they don't, and more has to be done, there can still be a way to being clear of this. I and many more are proof of that..........................................Dave

  • sandra5678
    sandra5678 Member Posts: 9 Member

    Thank you so much for the reply. He did go back to get blood work done and CEA went down to 6.8 after being 8.1 for these last two blood draws. Like I mentioned, his CT scans were clear and colonoscopy was clear back in July. I’m continuing to pray for his levels to continue to go down on their own. Your story does bring me hope that even if this does return he can beat it. Praying for your continued good health!

  • sandra5678
    sandra5678 Member Posts: 9 Member

    I truly appreciate the reply. His CEA was down to a 6.8 from an 8.1 at his last check so I’m praying they go back down on their own. I’m trying not to worry and let every little ache or pain he has get to me (he’s dealing with hemorrhoids right now but he’s been dealing with them since he was in his 20s) and am just thankful that he’s still okay. He goes back next month for more blood work so we’ll see how that goes. Thank you again and I pray you continue in good health.

  • sandra5678
    sandra5678 Member Posts: 9 Member

    6.8 CEA at his last check from 8.1! I’m praying it goes down at his next check-up next month.

  • noodgie
    noodgie Member Posts: 9 Member

    What an uplifting story of strength hope and determination thanks for sharing