I'm still hanging in there...

misstaylor84 Member Posts: 73 Member
edited July 2022 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1

So May 8 is roughly 3 months past my surgery date. My body still doesn't feel quite right lol. It's hard to describe though. My stomach still feels kind of mushy and I feel like a busted can of biscuits most days. I am doing more of what I used to do; work my horses, do more chores outside, take care of my rabbits including raking the barn out weekly and tossing old bedding and hay out. I am lifting 50 lbs of feed bags again. Sometimes I do still get pain and soreness, especially if I am bending a lot. My scars look horrible even with the Palmers Cocoa Butter I use, but I don't go around showing my belly lol.

I did have a genetic test done and they looked at 57 genes and all came back negative for various types of cancers so that was a relief. My mom's side has colon and breast cancer quite a bit. The option of pursuing egg harvesting and a surrogate is still there, but I honestly don't know how I feel about going that route.

I made an appointment with a dermatologist for my husband because about a year ago I noticed he had a new, large freckle spot show up on his chest and he would mention that it was sore in that area. For the longest time he didn't want to get it checked and he finally let me make him an appointment. That is for May 31. I'm hoping and praying it isn't cancer because we don't need any more bad news.

I have started doing some exercising again, other than what I do taking care of the rabbits, horses, etc. I'm starting slow with anything that involves my core. I've been dealing with an ear ache and burning in the right side of my throat, same side as my ear ache. I guess if I make a dr appointment, that'll be my third round of antibiotics since my surgery. It seems since surgery, there's always something that's infected or hurting on me.

Physically, I'm feeling more like myself. Emotionally, I still struggle with never being able to get pregnant and missing out on everything that comes with being a mom. I struggle with fears of being totally alone in my old age and having a life that just feels empty. I struggle with not turning bitter because I can't be a mom.


  • woodstock99
    woodstock99 Member Posts: 206 Member

    Hang in there. I think we all go through these rocky emotional periods. I wish I had a way to make it better but time and deep breaths help. I have much anxiety and fear myself about so many things health and otherwise (now add the current stock market fall) so I am probably the last person to give advice but somehow in the depths of my pessimism there is always a ray of hope and belief that this too will pass. Take care.

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    Maybe some counseling would help. I could not have children and at the age of 34 adopted a baby girl. Two years later we adopted another baby girl. They are my children. It is a good option for you. I hope you feel better with resumption of your activity.

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    I'm glad you realize it's important to examine your emotional response.

    It is not pleasant to become bitter--neither for yourself, your husband, or your family.

    It's not the music, but how we dance to it. You've grown so much, despite this hard time.

    Sending love,


  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member

    Hope your husband’s appointment went well

  • salonmax
    salonmax Member Posts: 3 *

    Hi beutiful it is normal to be emotional every change in our body cause by any sickness makes us sad, confused sometimes depressed. Talk to you partner and tried to be positive don't let fear get you . I am a cancer survivor for 1 year. My cancer stage was 3 . I am not laying to you sometimes I get sad but I think life is beautiful even with all this downs. I get up and start again think positive. Big hug and positive thoughts to you .

  • misstaylor84
    misstaylor84 Member Posts: 73 Member

    I meant to update sooner but we had some of his family here for a vacation.

    His biopsy results were all clear! Thank goodness. The day after his family left, my brother had to be put in the hospital after he went to sick-call. He had gotten sick just the day before with hard chills, then the day he went to the hospital, he had a fever of 102 and we had found a spot on his leg that looked like a spider bite. Docs say it's not a spider bite but have no clue what it is, just that he was very sick and had an infection somewhere. So he's been in the hospital since Tuesday.

    I still haven't found a job and have several applications out. We are still living at my parent's house, still haven't been able to afford to register our new car that we got in december. Tags were good until January and it's sat since then. I have found a few part time jobs but I'd have to drive 45 minutes one way and after gas, it wouldn't really be worth it to work part time so far away and if I was working now nobody would be able to sit with my dad if mom wanted to go anywhere. I had put an ad on craigslist for house cleaning and have gotten a ton of responses...from every guy who wants anything BUT house cleaning services.🤬 People, politics, economy, everything is just wearing on my nerves. I feel like if I had me a little cabin in the woods I'd be a perfect hermit.

    I don't go back to Georgia for my 6 month check up until September 27. I have some issues going on that I'm guessing are just normal after getting half my woman parts ripped out. Sex isn't fun. There's practically no sensation down there. I feel like a walking freaking beach ball. My stomach is bloated all the time I guess, I don't know because I've never been bloated, but I can eat and eat enough to feel full and then I literally feel like my stomach is stretching and I just feel so dang enormous and fat. It's an uncomfortable full feeling. If I sit too much, drink too much of anything, toss and turn too much, or do anything even slightly wrong or different it feels like I have something like a UTI; pressure, fullness down in my lower abdomen area, but no other symptoms of UTI.

    My blood sugar has been great lately, very uncommon to have readings over 150 these last couple months.

    I'm going to keep searching for a job because I am literally climbing the walls. With this economy I have only been able to sell 2 baby rabbits and I had hoped that would provide a little source of income. Now I have 4 rabbits for sale that I really don't want to butcher and eat but don't have space to keep them forever lol. I have reduced their price twice and they are way below what they are normally sold for. I also don't have Facebook and before, that was how I sold 99% of my rabbits. I will never go back to Facebook but feel kind of stuck without it since I don't reach as many customers.

    It's just an uphill battle. It's been upper 90s and low 100s. I've been busy just trying to keep the rabbits alive and trying to keep myself cool.

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    Hey Miss T!

    Sounds like you have your hands full. I'm glad things are ok with your brother.

    I'm kind of sick today, and not feeling energetic or particularly cheerful, but wanted to just say hi. Good luck finding some work! Sounds like you're having fun with some lovely men chasing you down, or trying to!


  • misstaylor84
    misstaylor84 Member Posts: 73 Member

    So my brother is still in the hospital. Whatever started with his leg turned out to be necrotizing fasciitis and he had to have surgery to cut out the affected tissue. It went all the way to the bone and he was in a medically induced coma for 4 days. He was in the ICU for a week. His platelet count is steadily dropping again and another spot on his lower back is also necrotic. The nurses just thought it was a bed sore. They had been making arrangements for him to either come home and get home health twice a week or go to the crappy nursing and rehab place here in town. His leg has a wound vac on it now. His hematocrit and hemoglobin are very low. They haven't come back to normal since it all started. They are talking about doing the first skin graft in 2 weeks, which he will have to go back to Little Rock for that and stay in the hospital again.

    My mom's sciatic nerve pain (I think it's something else, but she refuses to go get it checked) is back and she can barely walk and she says she can't drive so I drove her down the two times she's been able to go see my brother.

    I'm still waiting to hear back from any job I've applied to. One job I really want that's working at the school, helping one student all school year but one reference I used won't send in the reference check the school emailed out so that's going to keep me from getting hired I think. I've lost all my other contacts from my other jobs since I don't have facebook anymore. But if I had a job I couldn't just take mom to Little Rock, or sit with dad when she is able to drive again. It's very hard finding relatives who can sit with dad while we are gone and hubby is usually gone during the week. Dad doesn't qualify for any type of home health and their monthly income barely covers the bills so they can't afford to pay out of their pocket and most of my husband's checks pay for groceries for us.

    I want to work so bad because I am tired of living with them and want to fix our house up enough to sell it so we can buy a small farm or fix it and move back home. I also want to work to take some of the burden off my husband and so we can afford to get things we need, like start heartworm treatment on our Great Dane before it's too late. I just feel so stuck. He hasn't worked in 2 weeks because of everything going on with my brother, he stayed here while me and mom went to the hospital, then his truck had to go in the shop, then he got sick Thursday and I took him to the ER for chest pain and numbness. It wasn't his heart, but they didn't know what it was. He had flu symptoms Thursday night and slept all day yesterday with high fever and went back to driving today, still sick.

    I just feel stuck. My brother is going to be in and out of hospitals several times for the next few months and I'm going to have to either drive mom or sit with dad so I don't even know if I should bother even trying to work. I feel like beating my head against a brick wall.

  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member

    This is all so overwhelming that I think it must take an immense amount of courage and strength just to get out of bed in the morning. I know it’s not much help but I keep rooting for you and hoping the turn around step is the next one.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member

    oh missy, what a spirit you have! With everything you have gone through your heart is big as Texas for everyone. You are in my prayers dear child.

  • misstaylor84
    misstaylor84 Member Posts: 73 Member

    Husband is still feeling cruddy with this flu or covid, whatever we have. We are both vaccinated so I'm thinking flu, but I also doubt the effectiveness of the covid vaccine against all these new strains. I started getting sick Friday night and he went to work Saturday morning. He got sick Thursday night, after taking him to the ER. I woke up several times Thursday night to check his fever, get him water, etc. Babied him all day Friday and Friday night. Of course, when I got sick I still had to go to the store for mom, take care of the animals, do everything I always have to do. Dad started getting sick Saturday night after supper. He was vomiting. Early Sunday morning, like 2am, he was laying on his back in bed and had to throw up but didn't have the strength to roll himself over on his side and my mom couldn't roll him so I helped roll him onto his side so he wouldn't choke on his vomit or aspirate it. Then he had diarrhea and mom had to change him and clean him up. My dad had a stroke 2 years ago after an abdominal aortic aneurysm repair surgery and was left completely blind with left sided weakness. This illness made me feel like I had been beaten with bats all over my body and I was very sore and weak, but dad is so weak he can't even pull himself up in bed. Sunday morning he also wasn't very responsive and seemed really out of it.

    Yesterday he finally ate 2 bites of food but his fever was 103. This morning I was woken up by mom because dad had thought he felt ok enough to get in his wheelchair and come out to the living room for coffee but mom said he stood up and then just collapsed so I had to help pick him up out of the floor. He was very pale, sweaty, very weak.

    He started dry heaving, which started diarrhea again so got him in bed and mom cleaned him up. She hadn't checked his temp, blood pressure, sugar, nothing and she was an RN for years. If I question if he needs medicine or to go to the hospital it's just ignored. My mom has been dealing with sciatic nerve pain and won't go get it checked. Instead she barely gets around and is able to do anything.

    I feel like she isn't worried about his health and I honestly think it's time she puts him in a nursing home because she's stressed and always irritated about having to take care of him and in a facility he will get more care than he does at home. I feel so pissed that nobody else sees this. Everyone thinks mom is just stressed and depressed. When I was depressed I had to get on meds to function. She could do the same. Instead it's like she would rather feel that way than get help. Her doctor tried prescribing her anti depressants and she won't take them. I understand right now my mom is more worried about her son than her husband but it's been this way since my dad's stroke. My mom chooses not to leave the house, go get her own groceries, etc.

    I'm just so freaking tired of dealing with this. I am so close to just a complete mental breakdown it isn't even funny. My husband sides with my mom so I have nobody in my corner. I can't even escape by working because I can't get a job. My brother may get to come home today and guess who gets to drive 2 hours to pick him up? Me! I'm still sick and light-headed but sure, I'll go get the brother from the hospital who would terrorize me as a kid and throw butcher knives at me and spit in our parent's faces. Sure, let me be the first in line to go get the brat.

    Sorry, I'm just beyond done with everything and everyone right now.