Sevondary Cancers

ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member

Just wondering if anyone has any experience or knowledge of secondary cancers which may have been caused by their treatment for Lumphoma.



  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member

    Corrections - Seconday, lymphoma

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member

    Please excuse the typos in my original post. I was in a car (passenger) typing on an iphone.

    The topic of secondary cancers caused by lymphoma treatment and imaging is a topic most doctors will not discuss at length. I read that 10 CT scans over a lifetime signicantly increases the chance of solid tumors. I am at year 11 since diagnosis so the delayed effects of imaging could be at hand . also ne of the listed side effects of several of the drugs used to treat lymphoma is in fact lymphoma. It is a taboo subject and probably for a good reason - IE can’t do anything about it so why worry? Most doctors avoid the subject like the plague.

  • lessam
    lessam Member Posts: 4 Member

    Diagnosed originally in 1980 (Stage 3B). Recurrence in 1985 (stage 1A). Had chemo (MOPP) and RT in '80 and Cobalt RT in '85.

    In 2001 I was diagnosed with acinic cell parotid carcinoma at the site of the recurrence as a result of the RT.

    Fortunately it was in situ and once removed no further treatment was necessary. Nothing worrisome since then and its 42 years since the original Dx.

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member

    What a wonderful and encouraging story! What type of lymphoma did you have?

  • lessam
    lessam Member Posts: 4 Member

    So sorry, it was Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

  • Rexmax
    Rexmax Member Posts: 55 Member

    Hi there I haven't been on here for about 3 years you might remember me you and all helped me a lot. I was just reading some of the comments trying to find a familiar name and there you were. I was diagnosed April 2017 NHL and was NED at 5 year mark. Your question caught my eye cuz in April this year I had some issues with blood in urine it turned out to be kidney cancer and just had left kidney removed a week ago. I was told 1 of the ingredients in the R-CHOP Chemo I received causes Kidney cancer. I would have to look up the name I just remember it started with a C. I hope your doing well just wanted to inform you of what I found out hopefully I will see your posts again I check back but right now I'm on the Kidney chats be safe Rexmax

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member

    I think the drug in question is probably Cytoxan. Most of us have had that. I had it in conjunction with Fludarabine. Good luck to you.

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member

  • Rexmax
    Rexmax Member Posts: 55 Member

    Hi thanks for the response I looked it up my records says it was Cyclophosphamide not sure if possibly the same as Cytoxan or in same family of drugs. Maybe this could be helpful to others have a great day.

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member

    Same thing

  • lbwils
    lbwils Member Posts: 1 Member

    Hi, as to your question regarding secondary cancers after treatment for Hodgkins Lymphoma, I had papillary thyroid carcinoma which apparently is not unusual. I had HL in 1980 at age 17 and papillary in 1988. Since then,cancer free for now at age 59. I wish the same for you.

  • VictoriousNana
    VictoriousNana Member Posts: 1 *

    I had NHL stage 3 in 2018. I had DA-R-EPOCH in the hospital. I just had an operation 5 months ago (partial glossectomy) for a second cancer, squamous cell tongue cancer. I had read that secondary cancers could occur, but never thought I would be one to get another cancer! God is my strength!

  • Evarista
    Evarista Member Posts: 336 Member
    edited January 2023 #15

    At my recent annual post-treatment Dermatology appointment, I was transferred to a new provider because my medical center (NCI-designated cancer center) put in place a dedicated Derm provider for blood cancer patients. Their stated reasoning is that dermatological cancers are the most common second cancer(s) arising in blood cancer patients. No mention of treatment being a direct cause although I expect that our generally weakened immune systems and reduction in "immune surveillance" mechanisms are in part responsible. Just one person's experience at one institution.

    Stay well.

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    edited January 2023 #16

    Very helpful info. I have had 3 squamous and 1 basal cell skin cancers removed in the last 3 years. I never associated them with my lymphoma. I thought they were caused by exposure to the sun. Doc said they are very common. I get 6 month checkups for them. One was in a location not normally exposed to sunshine. Thanks Evarista.

  • lessam
    lessam Member Posts: 4 Member

    WOW! Like ShadyGuy I too have had many PRE-squamous cell carcinomas - 30+ on my face and dozens more on my scalp (5FU ointment). Additionally I've had a squamous cell on my scalp (excision) and another behind my ear, (mohs), the site of my recurrence which required Cobalt Tx. Also a basal (mohs) on my forehead and another on my upper arm (excision).

  • 3timesacharm
    3timesacharm Member Posts: 1 Member
    edited March 2023 #18

    I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma in 85, relapsed in 1998. Different treatments used each time but the long-term side effects certainly caused many issues like hypothyroidism, parathyroid issues, early menopause, heart failure. Most recently was diagnosed with breast cancer that had metastasized to my lymph nodes same side which I was told was likely caused by the radiation I was exposed to in 86.

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member

    Every rose has its thorns

  • BellaD
    BellaD Member Posts: 4 Member

    Hi there!

    Absolutely! I had Radiation Therapy (RT) for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, 2A, almost thirty five years ago. As a result of the RT, I have had rounds of skin cancer, breast cancer, and muscle atrophy in RT field followed by head drop. The term Radiation Fibrosis (RF) covers the conditions mentioned, although RF is a syndrome that covers a myriad of conditions that could appear within a RT field.

    Hope this helps.


  • BellaD
    BellaD Member Posts: 4 Member

    Hi there!

    Absolutely! I had Radiation Therapy (RT) for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, 2A, almost thirty five years ago. As a result of the RT, I have had rounds of skin cancer, breast cancer, and muscle atrophy in RT field followed by head drop. The term Radiation Fibrosis (RF) covers the conditions mentioned, although RF is a syndrome that covers a myriad of conditions that could appear within a RT field.

    Hope this helps.
